490+ Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana Solved MCQs


Sneha drugs used in preparation of Chyavanprasha according to Charak Samhita

A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Tila taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Vasa, Majjja
Answer» B. Ghrita, Tila taila

Sneha drugs used in preparation of Chyavanprasha according to Sharangdhara samhita

A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Tila taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Goghrita
Answer» D. Goghrita

The quantity of Amalaki Phala recommended in Chyavanprasha is

A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number
Answer» D. 500 in number

Main indication of Soubhagya Shunthi Paka is

A. Streeroga
B. Kasa
C. Balroga
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Streeroga

Anupan used for Soubhagya Shunthi Paka is

A. Ghrita
B. Mahisha kshira
C. Godugdha
D. Aja kshira
Answer» C. Godugdha

Chyavanprasha is elaborated in the following Adhikara

A. Rasayan
B. Vajikaran
C. Grahani
D. Hridroga
Answer» A. Rasayan

The number of Haritaki phala recommended in Vyaghriharitaki Avaleha

A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number
Answer» A. 100 in number

The specific metallic container used in the preparation of Kushmandavaleha is

A. Kansya
B. Suvarna
C. Tamra
D. Loha
Answer» C. Tamra

General Anupana recommended in the administration of Avaleha formulations is

A. Godugdha
B. Jala
C. Gomutra
D. None of these
Answer» A. Godugdha

Sneha drugs used in preparation of Kantakariavaleha according to Sharangdhara samhita

A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Goghrita
Answer» B. Ghrita, Taila

Main drugs used in Vyaghriharitaki avaleha

A. Kantakari, Amalaki
B. Kantakari, Haritaki
C. Amalaki, Haritaki
D. Amalaki, Bhibhitaki
Answer» B. Kantakari, Haritaki

The number of Haritaki phala recommended in Agastiharitaki Avaleha is

A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number
Answer» A. 100 in number

In Kutajavleha, madhur drug used is

A. Sita
B. Sita, Madhu
C. Guda
D. Sita, Guda
Answer» C. Guda

Pharmacological activity of Aushadhi Pramathya is

A. Virechana
B. Brhihana
C. Deepan- Pachan
D. Grahi
Answer» C. Deepan- Pachan

Drug : water ratio for preparation of Yusha is

A. 1:2
B. 1:4
C. 1:16
D. 1:8
Answer» C. 1:16

Arjun Kshirapaka is indicated in following disease

A. Pittaj Hrudrog
B. Kaphaj Hrudrog
C. Vataj Hrudrog
D. Krimij Hrudrog
Answer» A. Pittaj Hrudrog

Tandulodak is used as an anupan in the treatment of

A. Jwara
B. Shwetapradar
C. Amlapitta
D. Shwasa
Answer» B. Shwetapradar

One of the ingredients of Kharjuradi Mantha is

A. Vasa
B. Shatavari
C. Nagar
D. Aamalaki
Answer» D. Aamalaki

One of the ingredients of Shadangpaniya is

A. Kutaki
B. Shatavari
C. Nagar
D. Vasa
Answer» C. Nagar

Drug : water ratio in the preparation of Mantha is

A. 1:2
B. 1:4
C. 1:6
D. 1:8
Answer» B. 1:4

Shadangpaniya is indicated in following disease

A. Jwara
B. Pleehodar
C. Parinam Shool
D. Raktapitta
Answer» A. Jwara

The proportion of drug, milk and water in Kshirapaka Kalpana is

A. 1: 8: 64
B. 1: 8: 32
C. 1: 8: 16
D. 1: 8: 8
Answer» B. 1: 8: 32

Adhikar of Rasona Kshirapaka as per Charak Samhita is

A. Nava Jwara
B. Rasayana
C. Gulma
D. Raktapitta
Answer» C. Gulma

Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana kalpa possess following activity

A. Jwarahara
B. Medhya
C. Vajikaran
D. Raktapittahar
Answer» B. Medhya

Vaidurya, Mukta, Mani siddha jala is indicated in following disease in Charak Samhita

A. Jwara
B. Amlapitta
C. Raktapitta
D. Shitapitta
Answer» C. Raktapitta

As per Sharangdhar Samhita; Bibhitak Putapak is used to treat

A. Kasa
B. Rajayakshma
C. Vatarakta
D. Jwara
Answer» A. Kasa

As per the reference of Charak Samhita; Ushna jala is used for preparation of

A. Quatha
B. Sheeta
C. Phanta
D. Phanta and Sheetakashay
Answer» D. Phanta and Sheetakashay

Erimedadi Taila is used to cure

A. Karna roga
B. Vata roga
C. Netra roga
D. Danta roga
Answer» D. Danta roga

In the preparation of Shatapaki Bala Tail following milk is used

A. Cow milk
B. Buffalo milk
C. Goat milk
D. None of these
Answer» A. Cow milk

Amount of each ingredient in Ksheershatpala ghrita is

A. 2 pala
B. 4 pala
C. 1 pala
D. 8 pala
Answer» C. 1 pala

Generally to prepare siddha sneha kalpa the ratio of Kalka Dravya , Sneha and Drava Dravya is

A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:4:8
Answer» A. 1:4:16

To manufacture snehapaka formulation with pushpakalka the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is

A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32
Answer» D. 1:8:32

When milk is taken as an ingredient in preparation of siddhasneha kalpana, the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is

A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32
Answer» D. 1:8:32

To manufacture snehapaka using buttermilk as an ingredient the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is

A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32
Answer» D. 1:8:32

When Swarasa is taken as a liquid drug in the preparation of siddha sneha ratio of Kalka Dravya to Snehadravya to Drava Dravya is

A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32
Answer» D. 1:8:32

‘Phenashanti’ is the testing criterion mentioned for

A. Siddha Ghrita
B. Siddha Vasa
C. Siddha Taila
D. None of these
Answer» A. Siddha Ghrita

According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Mrudu Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for

A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. None of these
Answer» A. Nasya Karma

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if any Swaras is one of the ingredient of snehapaka then preparation duration should be for

A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights
Answer» B. 3 Nights

Adhikar of Panchagavya Ghrita as per Charak Samhita is

A. Jwara
B. Kushtha
C. Unmad
D. Apasmar
Answer» D. Apasmar

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if Aaranal is one of the ingredients of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for

A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 5 Nights
D. 4 Nights
Answer» C. 5 Nights

‘Phenodgama’ is the testing criterion mentioned for

A. Siddha Ghrita
B. Siddha Vasa
C. Siddha Taila
D. None of these
Answer» C. Siddha Taila

According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Madhyam Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for

A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. For all purpose
Answer» D. For all purpose

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if milk is one of the ingredient of snehapaka then preparation duration of Siddha sneha should be for

A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights
Answer» C. 2 Nights

As per the reference of Charak Samhita; Manahshiladi Ghrita is used to treat

A. Jwara
B. Rajayakshma
C. Shwasa-Hikka
D. Kushtha
Answer» C. Shwasa-Hikka

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if buttermilk is one of the ingredient of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for

A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights
Answer» C. 2 Nights

Shatapaki Madhuk taila is recommended for the treatment of

A. Vatavyadhi
B. Rajayakshma
C. Vatarakta
D. Kushtha
Answer» C. Vatarakta

According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Khara Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for

A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. None of these
Answer» B. Abhyang

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if ‘vrihidhanya’ is one of the ingredients of snehapaka then preparation duration should be for

A. 1 Day
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days
Answer» A. 1 Day

One of the ingredients of Jatyadi Ghrita which is of Pranij origin is

A. Shankha
B. Milk
C. Siktha
D. Tuttha
Answer» C. Siktha

In the preparation of Anu tail; following milk is used

A. Cow
B. Buffalo
C. Goat
D. None of these
Answer» C. Goat

During preparation of Bilvadya taila; the sneha dravya used is

A. Tila taila
B. Sarshap taila
C. Erand taila
D. Atasi taila
Answer» B. Sarshap taila

Pinda taila is useful for the treatment of

A. Kushtha
B. Vatarakra
C. Vatavyadhi
D. Vrana
Answer» B. Vatarakra

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if mansa is one of the ingredients of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for

A. 1 Day
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days
Answer» A. 1 Day

Rogadhikara of Abhayarishta in Bhaishajyaratnawali is

A. Atisara
B. Amlapitta
C. Streeroga
D. Arsha
Answer» D. Arsha

Metal Bhasma used in preparation of Kumari Asav are

A. Roupya and Tamra
B. Tamra and Loha
C. Suvarna and Loha
D. Naga and Tamra
Answer» B. Tamra and Loha

In Amaljanak Sandhan kalpana following preparations are mentioned

A. Shandaki, Souveeraka
B. Shandaki, Varuni
C. Varuni, Sidhurasa
D. Sidhurasa, Souveeraka
Answer» A. Shandaki, Souveeraka

Kasturi drug is used as a prakshep in the preparation of

A. Ashokarishta
B. Abhayarishta
C. Drakshasav
D. Dashmoolarishta
Answer» D. Dashmoolarishta

‘Jatarasatv’ term is used to indicate, the following product is ready for consumption

A. Sandhan
B. Kwath
C. Snehapaka
D. Ksheerapaka
Answer» A. Sandhan

In preparation of Abhayarishta following flower is used as Sandhan Dravya

A. Gulab
B. Dhataki
C. Madhuka
D. Japakusum
Answer» B. Dhataki

According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep, the duration of snehapakavidhi using quath of busing quath of mula and valli is

A. 12 Days
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days
Answer» A. 12 Days

Kutajarishta is used to treat following disease

A. Shwas
B. Grahani
C. Kasa
D. Rajayakshma
Answer» B. Grahani

Dhoopan dravya mentioned in preparation of Ushirasav as per sharangdhar samhita

A. Mamsi-Marich
B. Marich -Guggul
C. Marich-Vacha
D. Vacha -Guggul
Answer» A. Mamsi-Marich

Amritahrishta is used to treat

A. Jwara
B. Jeernajwara
C. Sutikajwara
D. all of three
Answer» D. all of three

Drug dose of Ashwagandhrishta, is as follows

A. Pala
B. 1/ 4 pala
C. ½ pala
D. 2 pala
Answer» C. ½ pala

Following ‘Patra Sanskar’’ should be carried out on Mud pots used in preparation of Asav –Arishta

A. Prakshalan
B. Lepan
C. Dhoopan
D. all of three
Answer» D. all of three

According to Charak samhita, Takrarishta possess following actions

A. Kaphavatanoloman
B. Brihan
C. Preenan
D. all of three
Answer» A. Kaphavatanoloman

According to Sharngdhar samhita, Khadirarishta is recommended to treat

A. Urakshata
B. Mootrakriccha
C. Kushta
D. Hridroga
Answer» C. Kushta

The properties of Sura are as follows

A. Guru
B. Vatanashani
C. Snehani
D. all three
Answer» D. all three

`Varuni’ is prepared by using juice of

A. Tala
B. Ikshu
C. Kumari
D. Guduchi
Answer» A. Tala

Number of ‘Asava Yoni’ stated in Charaka samhita is

A. 48
B. 18
C. 08
D. 84
Answer» D. 84

Metal used in preparation of Sarasvatarishta is

A. Roupya
B. Tamra
C. Suvarna
D. Naga
Answer» C. Suvarna

Alcoholic formulation made from cooked rice is called

A. Sidhu
B. Varuni
C. Sura
D. Tushodak
Answer» C. Sura

What is the shelf life of Asava-Arishta as per Sharangadhar samhita

A. 1 Year
B. Long Lasting
C. 2 Years
D. 5 Years
Answer» B. Long Lasting

`Sidhurasa’ is prepared by using juice of

A. Shatavari
B. Ikshu
C. Dadim
D. Guduchi
Answer» B. Ikshu

When the proportion of liquid drug is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity

A. 1Prastha
B. 1 Drona
C. 2 Drona
D. 3 Drona
Answer» B. 1 Drona

Kanjika is mainly prepared with the following drugs

A. None of these
B. Pushpa Varga
C. Phala Varga
D. Dhanya Varga
Answer» D. Dhanya Varga

When the proportion of Guda (Jaggery) is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity

A. 1 Tula
B. 1Prastha
C. 2 Tula
D. None of these
Answer» A. 1 Tula

When the proportion of Madhu (Honey) is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity

A. 1 Tula
B. 1Prastha
C. 1/2 Tula
D. 3 Drona
Answer» C. 1/2 Tula

Synonym of ‘Prasanna’ is

A. Suramanda
B. Jagala
C. Manda
D. Medaka
Answer» A. Suramanda

‘Tushambu’ is prepared with

A. Pakva Tandula
B. Apakva Yava
C. Pakva Yava
D. Apakva Tandula
Answer» B. Apakva Yava

‘Souvirak’ is prepared with

A. Pakva Yava
B. Pakva Tandula
C. Apakva Yava
D. Apakva Tandula
Answer» A. Pakva Yava

Madhur drug used in the preparation of Dashmularishta

A. Guda
B. Madhu Sharkara
C. Madhu
D. Sharkara
Answer» A. Guda

Specific container recommended in the preparation of Kumari Asava is

A. Suvarna Patra
B. Kach Patra
C. Pashana Patra
D. None of these
Answer» C. Pashana Patra

Following parts of Brahmi should be taken in preaparation of Saraswatarishata

A. Moola
B. Moola, Patra
C. Patra
D. Moola, Patra, Shakha
Answer» D. Moola, Patra, Shakha

Madhur drug used in the preparation of Draksharishta as per Sharngdhar samhita

A. Guda, Madhu
B. Guda
C. Madhu
D. Sharkara
Answer» B. Guda

Specific ‘Sthapana Kala’ mentioned in preparation of Lohasava is

A. 1 month
B. 2 months
C. 6 months
D. 15 days
Answer» A. 1 month

Sandhan kalpa prepared using Swarasa as a main ingredient named as

A. Aasva
B. Sura
C. Arishta
D. Sharkara
Answer» A. Aasva

Sandhan kalpa prepared using Kwath as a main ingredient named as

A. Aasava
B. Sura
C. Arishta
D. Sharkara
Answer» C. Arishta

Dhatryarishta includes which form of Dhatri

A. Swarasa
B. Hima
C. Kwatha
D. Kalka
Answer» A. Swarasa

According to Sharagdharsamhita, the ratio of ash to water to prepare of Vanaspatij Kshar is

A. 1 : 2
B. 1 : 5
C. 1 : 4
D. 1 : 8
Answer» C. 1 : 4

Preparation method of Triphala Mashi according to Sharangdhar Samhita is

A. Pachan
B. Sthapan
C. Shoshan
D. Bharjan
Answer» D. Bharjan

2 Narikel lavana is indicated in following disease

A. Jwara
B. Pleehodar
C. Parinam Shool
D. Atisaar
Answer» C. Parinam Shool

According to Sharangdhar Samhita Triphala Mashi is used externally in

A. Kushta
B. Upadansh
C. Visarpa
D. Vranashotha
Answer» B. Upadansh

Guduchi Satva is recommended in following disease

A. Kasa
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Jeerna Jwara
D. Nava Jwara
Answer» C. Jeerna Jwara

The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Manda is

A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:10
D. 1: 6
Answer» A. 1:14

The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Peya is

A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:10
D. 1: 6
Answer» A. 1:14

The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Vilepi is

A. 1:14
B. 1:4
C. 1:10
D. 1:12
Answer» B. 1:4

According to Sharangdharsamhita, Lajamanda is

A. Pipasahara
B. Jwarahara
C. Shleshma-pittahara
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Yavagu is

A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:6
D. 1:10
Answer» C. 1:6

Type of cereals used in preparation of Yusha is

A. Shuka Dhanya
B. Nava Dhanya
C. Shimbi Dhanya
D. None of these
Answer» C. Shimbi Dhanya
Question and answers in Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana, Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana multiple choice questions and answers, Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana, Rasashastra Bhaishajyakalpana MCQs with answers PDF download