Chapter: Charged Particles

An electron is travelling at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of flux density 1.2 mT with a speed of $$$8*10^{6} \: ms ^{-1}$$$ , the radius of the circular path followed by an electron is

A. 3.8 cm
B. 3.7 cm
C. 3.6 cm
D. 3.5 cm
Answer» A. 3.8 cm

Hall voltage is directly proportional to

A. current
B. electric field
C. magnetic flux density
D. all of above
Answer» C. magnetic flux density

Force due to magnetic field and velocity is

A. at right angles to each other
B. at acute angles with each other
C. at obtuse angle with each other
D. antiparallel to each other
Answer» A. at right angles to each other

Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field depends upon

A. magnetic flux density
B. the charge on the particle
C. the speed of particle
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Electric field strength related to hall voltage is given by

A. VHd
B. VH⁄d
D. Ed
Answer» B. VH⁄d

Hall probe is made up of

A. metals
B. non metals
C. semiconductor
D. radioactive material
Answer» C. semiconductor

For an electron, magnitude of force on it is

A. BeV
B. eV
C. Be
Answer» A. BeV

When current is parallel to magnetic fields, force on conductor is

A. zero
B. infinite
C. 2 times
D. same
Answer» A. zero

Direction of conventional current is

A. direction of neutron flow
B. direction of electron flow
C. direction of flow of positive charge
D. same as that of electric current
Answer» C. direction of flow of positive charge

According to the equation ‘r =(mv)⁄(Be)’, the faster moving particles

A. move in smaller circle
B. move straight
C. move in bigger circle
D. move randomly
Answer» C. move in bigger circle

In Hall effect, voltage across probe is known as

A. hall voltage
B. e.m.f
C. potential difference
D. hall potential
Answer» A. hall voltage
Question and answers in Charged Particles, Charged Particles multiple choice questions and answers, Charged Particles Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Charged Particles, Charged Particles MCQs with answers PDF download