90+ Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2 Solved MCQs


The IS-LM Model was developed by

A. j m keynes
B. patinkin
C. hicks and hansen
D. schumpeter
Answer» C. hicks and hansen

New Classical Economics based on Adaptive Expectation Which one of the following is correct among the following options?

A. 1 alone is correct
B. 2 alone is correct
C. 1 and 2 correct
D. neither 1 nor 2 correct
Answer» A. 1 alone is correct

According to Keynes, there is

A. no direct relationship between the quantity of money and price level
B. direct relationship between money and price level
C. no direct relationship between demand for money and supply of money
D. direct relationship between demand for money and supply of money
Answer» A. no direct relationship between the quantity of money and price level

Relationship between changes in the interest rates and bond prices Codes :

A. i and iii are correct
B. i and iv are correct.
C. ii and iii are correct.
D. iii and iv are correct.
Answer» B. i and iv are correct.

The concepts of inside money and outside money is given by

A. milton friedman
B. j m keynes
C. gurley and shaw
D. none of these
Answer» C. gurley and shaw

Assertion (A): Long-run Philips curve is a vertical line at the NAIRU Reason (R): Non-accelerating inflation raise of unemployment, more or less, stands accepted

A. both (a) and (r) are false.
B. both (a) and (r) are true, but (r) is not the correct reason.
C. both (a) and (r) are true, and (r) is the explanation.
D. (a) is true, (r) is false.
Answer» C. both (a) and (r) are true, and (r) is the explanation.

The quantity theory of money first propounded in 1588 by an Italian Economist

A. david hume
B. davanzatti
C. j s mill
D. ricardo
Answer» B. davanzatti

What is the shape of Long Run Phillips curve is

A. inverted u shape
B. horizontal
C. inverse l shape
D. vertical
Answer» D. vertical

Which among the followings is not the feature of monetarism?

A. fiscal policy causes no long-term increase in real output
B. only a trade-off in the short-term
C. tend to emphasis supply-side unemployment (natural rate)
D. demand- deficient unemployment big causes
Answer» D. demand- deficient unemployment big causes

According to Keynes Investment is a function of

A. dumping
B. income
C. saving
D. interest
Answer» D. interest

“Interest is poorly a monetary phenomenon “is a very famous statement made by

A. j m keynes
B. hamilton
C. friedman
D. j b say
Answer» A. j m keynes

Which one the following economists is the chief advocate of supply side economics

A. arther laffer
B. robert lucas
C. neil wallace
D. both a and c
Answer» A. arther laffer

Advocates of New classical Economics are

A. robert lucas
B. neil wallace
C. thomas surgent
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The Laffer curve is associated with

A. new classical economics
B. supply side economics
C. keynesian economics
D. new keynesian economics
Answer» B. supply side economics

The doctrine of Policy ineffectiveness postulate is associated with

A. new classical economics
B. supply side economics
C. new keynesian economics
D. monetarism
Answer» A. new classical economics

The concept of Rational expectation is associated with

A. natural rate of unemployment hypothesis
B. new classical hypothesis
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. new classical hypothesis

The idea of Adaptive expectation is associated with

A. natural unemployment rate hypothesis
B. new classical economics
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. natural unemployment rate hypothesis

The idea of rational expectation first given by

A. john muth
B. robert lucas
C. neil wallace
D. thomas surgent
Answer» A. john muth

Laffer curve links

A. inflation and unemployment
B. tax revenue and tax rate
C. output and unemployment
D. inflation and interest rate
Answer» B. tax revenue and tax rate

New classical Economics is consistent with

A. policy ineffectiveness postulate
B. policy effectiveness postulate
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. policy ineffectiveness postulate

New Classical Economics is based on

A. rational expectation
B. adaptive expectation
C. backward looking expectation
D. all the above
Answer» A. rational expectation

Supply side Economics was emerged against the background of

A. 1930’s great depression
B. 2008 global financial crisis
C. 1970’s stagflation
D. none of these
Answer» C. 1970’s stagflation

The dual decision hypothesis was given by

A. clower
B. crowther
C. robert lucas
D. wallras
Answer» A. clower

The book Elements of Pure Economics was authored by

A. walras
B. clower
C. robert lucas
D. kaldor
Answer» A. walras

The Neo Keynesian quantity constrained model is associated with the work of

A. robert j barro
B. robert m clower
C. leonwalrs
D. none of these
Answer» B. robert m clower

The efficiency wage model is associated with

A. new keynesian economics
B. new classical economics
C. supply side economics
D. keynesian economics
Answer» A. new keynesian economics

The insider outsider model is associated with

A. new keynesian economics
B. new classical economics
C. supply side economics
D. none of these
Answer» A. new keynesian economics

The Menu cost model is associated with

A. new classical economics
B. new keynesian economics
C. supply side economics
D. none of these
Answer» B. new keynesian economics

The New Classical economics was developed against the back ground of

A. 1930‘s depression
B. 1970’ stagflation
C. 2008 subprime crisis
D. none of these
Answer» B. 1970’ stagflation

Reagonomics is related to

A. supply side economics’
B. new classical economics
C. new keynesian economics
D. natural unemployment hypothesis
Answer» A. supply side economics’

Ratex hypothesis is related to

A. new classical economics
B. supply side economics
C. new keynesian economics
D. none of these
Answer» A. new classical economics

Inflation can be contained by

A. surplus budget
B. increase in taxation
C. reduction in public expenditure
D. all these three measures
Answer» D. all these three measures

Gregory Mankiw belongs to

A. new keynesian economics
B. new classical economics
C. supply side economics
D. none of these
Answer» A. new keynesian economics

According to Hawtrey, the business cycle is caused by

A. variation in the interest of banking system
B. variation in the price level of the economy
C. variation in the money supply by bank
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which of the following are main postulates of Supply side Economics

A. cut in tax rate
B. increasing public expenditure
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. cut in tax rate

Which of the following economist is not related to New Classical Economics

A. artherlaffer
B. thomas surgent
C. robert lucas
D. neil walace
Answer» A. artherlaffer

According to New Classical Economist, Business cycle is due to

A. anticipated policy change
B. unanticipated policy change
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. unanticipated policy change

The shape of Laffer curve is

A. inverted u shape
B. u shape
C. inverse l shape
D. none of these
Answer» A. inverted u shape

The curve which explains relationship between tax rate and tax revenue is called

A. laffer curve
B. kuznets curve
C. lorenz curve
D. none of these
Answer» A. laffer curve

According to New classical Economics

A. anticipated policy change will not affect output
B. unanticipated policy change will affect output
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

According to New Classical Economics Philips curve is

A. always vertical
B. always horizontal
C. always downward slopping
D. downward slopping in short run and vertical in the long run
Answer» A. always vertical

Liquidity trap is a situation when,

A. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to rise in future
B. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to fall in future
C. natural rate of interest is above the critical rate of interest
D. demand for money for speculative purpose is interest inelastic
Answer» A. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to rise in future

The classical economists focussed on the role of money as

A. medium of exchange
B. medium of distribution
C. wealth
D. link between present and future
Answer» A. medium of exchange

According to Milton Friedman Theory of permanent component of consumption-expenditure depends on i. Transitory income alone ii. Transitory and permanent income iii. Permanent income alone iv. Windfall gains Codes :

A. i and ii are correct
B. i and iii are correct
C. ii and iv are correct
D. only iii is correct
Answer» D. only iii is correct

The classical model of economic development emphasises

A. laissez-faire policy
B. capital accumulation
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

Assertion (A): According to Keynes, individuals hold either cash or all bonds. Reasoning (R): Because, according to him, the speculative demand for money is associated with uncertainty. Codes:

A. both (a) and (r) are correct and (r) is the correct explanation of (a).
B. both (a) and (r) are correct, but (r) is not the correct explanation of (a).
C. (a) is correct, but (r) is incorrect.
D. both (a) and (r) are incorrect.
Answer» C. (a) is correct, but (r) is incorrect.

Speculative demand for money is zero when market rate of interest is

A. more than the ‘critical rate’.
B. more than the market rate of interest but less than the critical rate (i.e. capital gains occur).
C. less than the market rate of interest.
D. lowest (i.e. in liquidity trap).
Answer» A. more than the ‘critical rate’.

Assertion (A) : There exits inverse relationship between interest rates and bond prices. Reason (R) : A bond price represents the present discounted value of the payments agreed upon at the time when the bond was issued. Codes :

A. both (a) and (r) are correct, and (r) is the correct explanation of (a).
B. (a) is correct, but (r) is not the correct explanation of (a).
C. (a) is correct, but (r) is incorrect.
D. (a) is incorrect, but (r) is correct.
Answer» A. both (a) and (r) are correct, and (r) is the correct explanation of (a).

According to Says law of market what is the main cause of overproduction?

A. unemployment
B. fall in demand
C. rise in price
D. fall in wage rate
Answer» A. unemployment

In Classical system how to correct an overproduction or glut in the market?

A. by increasing price o f input
B. by wage cut policy
C. by price cut policy
D. by decreasing production
Answer» B. by wage cut policy

According to Classical what bring full employment in an economy?

A. flexible wage and rigid price
B. a rigid wage and flexible price
C. wage price flexibility
D. wage price rigidity
Answer» C. wage price flexibility

What is the effect of monetary policy in a situation of “Liquidity trap”?

A. expansionary monetary policy
B. contractionary monetary policy
C. both expansionary and contractionary monetary policy effective
D. monetary policy ineffective
Answer» D. monetary policy ineffective

In which of the following market Keynes effect operates?

A. goods market
B. labour market
C. money market
D. all of the above markets
Answer» C. money market

In which of the following market Pigou effect operates?

A. goods market
B. labour market
C. money market
D. all of the above markets
Answer» A. goods market

Real balance effect is equal to –

A. pigou effect divided by keynes effect
B. pigou effect into keynes effect
C. pigou effect + keynes effect
D. pigou effect - keynes effect
Answer» C. pigou effect + keynes effect

Under perfect competition firm hire labour until-

A. money wage rate > general price level
B. money wage rate < general price level
C. money wage rate = general price level
D. both a and c
Answer» C. money wage rate = general price level

Classical dichotomy is based on –

A. neutrality of money
B. velocity of money
C. medium of exchange of money
D. both a and b
Answer» A. neutrality of money

Cambridge K is related to –

A. restatement theory of money
B. cash balance approach
C. liquidity preference theory
D. transaction version of quantity theory of money
Answer» B. cash balance approach

Assertion (A) : In liquidity trap, the demand for money is perfectly interest elastic. Reason (R) : Because in this situation, all the investors expect the market rate of interest to rise towards the natural rate of interest. Codes :

A. (a) & (r) both are correct and (r) is the correct explanation of (a)
B. (a) & (r) both are correct, but (r) is not the correct explanation of (a)
C. (a) is correct, but (r) is incorrect.
D. both (a) and (r) are incorrect.
Answer» A. (a) & (r) both are correct and (r) is the correct explanation of (a)

Which of the following is not specifically mentioned as a determinant of the demand formoney ?

A. wealth
B. nominal yield on alternative assets
C. inflation rate
D. real rate of interest
Answer» D. real rate of interest

In the Keynesian system speculative demand for money arises because of, 1 : uncertainty of future interest rate. 2 : unexpected expenditures. 3 : To bridge the gap between income and eventual expenditures. 4 : Relationship between changes in the interest rates and bond price. Codes :

A. 1 & 3 are correct
B. 1 & 4 are correct
C. 2 & 3 are correct
D. 3 & 4 are correct
Answer» B. 1 & 4 are correct

The classical economists focused on the role of money as,

A. medium of exchange
B. medium of distribution
C. wealth
D. link between present and future
Answer» A. medium of exchange

Identify the correct chronological order of the following classical economists.

A. adam smith, malthus, ricardo, mill
B. adam smith, ricardo, malthus, mill
C. adam smith, mill, ricardo, malthus
D. adam smith, malthus, mill, ricardo
Answer» B. adam smith, ricardo, malthus, mill

Liquidity trap is a situation when,

A. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to rise in future.
B. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to fall in future.
C. natural rate of interest is above the critical rate of interest.
D. none of these
Answer» A. all potential investors expect the rate of interest to rise in future.

Which of the following statements does not hold true in case of the Keynesian economics?

A. velocity of money is an unstable function of its determinant
B. labor is subject to money illusion
C. as function tends to become flat at levels of output well below full employment and to become steeper ad full capacity is reached
D. as schedule is vertical, and output, and employment are completely supply determined.
Answer» D. as schedule is vertical, and output, and employment are completely supply determined.

In whose economic theories, Malthus theories are in the base?

A. adam smith
B. ricardo
C. keynes
D. robin’s
Answer» C. keynes

The equation of exchange is

A. m*p=v*y
B. m+v=p+y
C. m+y=v+p
D. m*v=p*t
Answer» D. m*v=p*t

The formula to compute the spending multiplier is

A. 1/(mpc+mps)
B. 1/(1-mpc)
C. 1/(1-mps)
D. 1/(c+i)
Answer» B. 1/(1-mpc)

Liquidity trap sets a loop:

A. below which the discount rate cannot fall
B. above which discount rate cannot rise
C. below which the market rate of interest cannot fall
D. above which market rate of interest cannot rise
Answer» B. above which discount rate cannot rise

If the Keynesian consumption function is C=10+0.8Yd then, if disposable income is 1000, what is amount of total consumption ?

A. 0.8
B. 800
C. 810
D. 0.81
Answer» C. 810

Why does a temporary decrease in government purchases decrease labour supply in the classical model?

A. people prefer to work less when government is doing less for them.
B. decreased government purchases make people worse off, so they work less hours.
C. the decrease in current or future taxes needed to pay for the decrease in government purchases increases people wealth
D. the fall in government spending decreases labour demand, decreasing the real wage, and sopeople decreases their labour supply.
Answer» C. the decrease in current or future taxes needed to pay for the decrease in government purchases increases people wealth

As the economy nears full employment the aggregate supply curve tend to

A. become flatter
B. become sleeper
C. shift to the left
D. shift to the right
Answer» B. become sleeper

“In a closed economy with no government; s=100+0.2y investment increases by 100, what is the increase in consumption?

A. 100
B. 200
C. 300
D. 400
Answer» D. 400

Using Keynesian multiplier, MPC= 0.8 and government spending increased by 40 billion dollars. How much will GDP increased?

A. 100 billion dollars
B. 200 billion dollars
C. 300 billion dollars
D. 500 billion dollars
Answer» B. 200 billion dollars

According to Keynesian analysis, the great depression was caused by:

A. a lack of spending
B. a sharp rise in the mpc
C. too much investment
D. too much foreign influence on the economy
Answer» A. a lack of spending

The purpose of Keynesian analysis is to explain what to determines the

A. size of the labor force
B. price level
C. amount of money required in the economy
D. levels of national income, output and employment
Answer» D. levels of national income, output and employment

In the Keynesian range of the SRAS, if AD shift to the right, then

A. the price level falls
B. the price level rises
C. real gdp is unchanged
D. the price level is unchanged
Answer» D. the price level is unchanged

In the very short term, in the Keynesian model which of the following is fixed and does not change when GDP changes

A. planned investment
B. planned consumption
C. planned imports
D. all of the above
Answer» A. planned investment

The slope of the consumption function is (Keynesian)

A. less than the slope of the 45 degree line, but not equal to zero
B. greater than the slope of the 45 degree line
C. equal to the slope of the 45 degree line
D. equal to zero
Answer» A. less than the slope of the 45 degree line, but not equal to zero

A decrease in expected future income, ______ consumption expenditure and ______ saving.

A. increases: increases
B. increases: decreases
C. decreases: increases
D. decreases: decreases
Answer» C. decreases: increases

If the aggregate supply curve is perfectly elastic as in the Keynesian model at low level of national incomes, as increase in AD will cause an increase in

A. the rate of inflation
B. the level of real national output
C. the government budget deficit
D. the level of consumer debt
Answer» B. the level of real national output

Attempts to force inflation below no-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) will cause:

A. inflation accelerate without any change in employment or output
B. inflation to decelerate with rising employment and output
C. inflation to decelerate with employment and output remaining the same
D. inflation to remain unchanged with fall in employment and output
Answer» A. inflation accelerate without any change in employment or output

Which of the following is true with respect to the monetary approach to the balance of payments?

A. it views the balance of payments as an essentially monetary phenomenon
B. a balance of payments deficit results from an excess demand of money in the nation
C. a balance of payments surplus results from an excess supply of money
D. balance of payments disequilibrium are not automatically corrected in the long run
Answer» A. it views the balance of payments as an essentially monetary phenomenon

According to monetarists, money supply constitutes

A. currency+ demand deposits
B. currency +demand deposits+time deposits
C. currency + demand deposits + equity shares
D. currency + all kinds of banks + deposits with other institutions + borrowing
Answer» B. currency +demand deposits+time deposits

According to monetary approach a revaluation of a nation’s currency

A. increase the nation’s demand for money
B. increase the nation’s supply of money
C. reduces the nation’s demand for money
D. reduces the nation’s supply of money
Answer» C. reduces the nation’s demand for money

what is the foundation of monetarism?

A. quantity theory of money
B. demand theory
C. islm model
D. none of these
Answer» A. quantity theory of money

The economist who proposed that,” inflation is always and every where monetary phenomenon”was

A. j. m keynes
B. john r hicks
C. milton friedman
D. franco modigliani
Answer» C. milton friedman

Suppose that the money stock is $10 billion, each dollar generates $ 5worth of spending, and the NAIRU is 7%. According to the quantity theory of what is nominal GDP (income)

A. $ 350 million
B. $ 70 million
C. $ 35 million
D. $ 50 million
Answer» D. $ 50 million

When there are vacancies in the job-market, but also high levels of unemployment, then we could say that this unemployment is?

A. cyclical
B. regional
C. seasonal
D. structural
Answer» D. structural

Demand-side unemployment is partly caused by:

A. imperfections in the labour market
B. occupational and geographic immobility of factors
C. demographic changes
D. a lack of aggregate demand
Answer» D. a lack of aggregate demand

According to the basic classical model, an increase in the money supply will cause

A. employment to increase.
B. the price level to increase.
C. output to increase.
D. investment to increase.
Answer» B. the price level to increase.

Why does a temporary decrease in government purchases decrease labour supply in the classical model?

A. the fall in government spending decreases labour demand, decreasing the real wage, and so people decrease their labour supply.
B. the decrease in current or future taxes needed to pay for the decrease in government purchases increases people\s wealth.
C. people prefer to work less when the government is doing less for them.
D. decreased government purchases make people worse off, so they work less hours.
Answer» B. the decrease in current or future taxes needed to pay for the decrease in government purchases increases people\s wealth.
Question and answers in Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2, Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2 multiple choice questions and answers, Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2, Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 2 MCQs with answers PDF download