80+ Theories and Concepts of International Politics Solved MCQs


Who propounded the “Neorealist Theory” in International Relations?

A. h.j. morgenthan
B. k.w. thompson
C. robert dahl
D. kenneth waltz
Answer» D. kenneth waltz

Who formulated the Neo-liberal traditions in International Relations?

A. e.h.carr
B. keohane and nye
C. niebhur
D. g.f. kennon
Answer» B. keohane and nye

Critical theory developed out of the work of the following:

A. chicago school
B. toronto school
C. frankfurt school
D. copenhagen school
Answer» C. frankfurt school

The early post-cold war international order was based on:

A. multipolar system
B. bi-polar system
C. uni-polar system
D. anarchy system
Answer» C. uni-polar system

Globalization is the process of:

A. extending the power of one nation-state around the world.
B. making the nation-state a global standard for political organisations.
C. creating a more unified economic community among the world’s people.
D. identifying opponents of democratization. 6. the us approach to the cold war was originally set out in …
Answer» C. creating a more unified economic community among the world’s people.

Who coined the word “Casino Capitalism”?

A. robert keohane
B. samir amin
C. a.g. frank
D. susan strange
Answer» D. susan strange

Which one of the following is related to the elimination of nuclear weapons?

A. brundtland commission
B. canberra commission
C. jarring mission
D. oslo peace process
Answer» B. canberra commission

Mikhael Gorbachev introduced ‘perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’ in the year

A. 1985
B. 1987
C. 1986
D. 1989
Answer» A. 1985

The New Great Game in Central Asia over access to energy resources is centred on one of the following:

A. relations of us, russia and china.
B. relations of europe and central asia.
C. relations of us, china and central asia.
D. relations between china and central asia.
Answer» A. relations of us, russia and china.

Which one of the following countries has followed the ‘National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement’ worldwide?

A. usa
B. russia
C. eu
D. china
Answer» A. usa

Hegemonic stability theory is the theory accepted by realists and many neoliberals. It implies

A. the would political economy needs a hegemon who is authoritarian.
B. it is a substitute for anarchy.
C. it enunciates world bank and imf to govern the political economy.
D. that a dominant military and economic power is necessary to ensure the stability
Answer» D. that a dominant military and economic power is necessary to ensure the stability

. “Complex Interdependence” is different for it accepts the role of the following:

A. transnational actors along with economic and institutional instruments.
B. it advocates complex inter linkages between states within a region.
C. it supports the role of hard power with soft power.
D. transnational economic actors along with military capacity.
Answer» A. transnational actors along with economic and institutional instruments.

Feminist theories of international relations:

A. are essentially all variants of liberalism.
B. are solely concerned with the role of women in international relations.
C. bring a range of perspectives to bear on the problem of “patriarchy”.
D. argue that war is a natural activity for males.
Answer» D. argue that war is a natural activity for males.

Which of the following is a key factor to distinguish liberalism from realism?

A. all realists are anarchist who does not believe in the state.
B. realism relishes conflict, not peace.
C. all liberals believe that human beings are rational enough to learn from their mistakes.
D. realists see liberals as idealists who ignore the basic facts about human nature.
Answer» D. realists see liberals as idealists who ignore the basic facts about human nature.

Which one of the following has not been included by Admiral A.T. Mahan as elements of sea power?

A. geographical position
B. physical conformation
C. extent of territory
D. national will
Answer» D. national will

The strategy of minimum deterrence is reversed by

A. no first use
B. first strike
C. first use
D. point defence
Answer» B. first strike

Who said that the only product of nuclear weapons was “the organization of peacelessness on a global scale?

A. e.p. thompson
B. k. subrahamanyam
C. dieter senghaas
D. m. focault
Answer» C. dieter senghaas

Who among the following Chinese leaders strategised that ‘keep a low profile and be patient’?

A. deng xiaoping
B. mao zedong
C. li peng
D. hu jintao
Answer» A. deng xiaoping

OPEC is the

A. cartel of major oil-producing countries.
B. primary example of economic liberalization. c. organization of leading oil mn
D. united nations human rights office. 26. where was the 1979 summit meeting which led to peace between egypt and israel held
Answer» A. cartel of major oil-producing countries.

The term Third World refers to

A. Economically less developed countries in Asia, Africa and Latin Americ
B. the muslim countries of asia and africa
C. countries of eastern europe depended on soviet union.
D. china & countries allied to it.
Answer» A. Economically less developed countries in Asia, Africa and Latin Americ

The Treaty of Pelindaba is related to

A. the nuclear weapons free zone in the south pacific.
B. the nuclear weapons free zone in africa.
C. the nuclear weapons free zone in antarctica.
D. the nuclear weapons free zone in latin america.
Answer» B. the nuclear weapons free zone in africa.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union ushered in the end of Cold War bringing.

A. power vacuum
B. unipolar world order
C. proactive role of the united nations
D. anarchy
Answer» A. power vacuum

Who propounded the Nuclear winter theory?

A. henry kissinger group
B. andre beaufre group
C. bernard brodie group
D. ttaps group
Answer» D. ttaps group

Which of the following ideologies is most inspiring to Islamic radical/terrorist groups in South Asian context?

A. wahabism
B. nationalism
C. sufism
D. democracy and socialism
Answer» A. wahabism

. Name the American President who advocated for the ‘Atom for Peace’ programme

A. eisenhower b. l.
B. johnson
C. h.s. truman
D. j.f. kennedy
Answer» A. eisenhower b. l.

A situation in which significant power is distributed among three or more States is known as

A. bi polarity
B. multiculturalism
C. balance of power
D. multi-polarity
Answer» D. multi-polarity

‘Acid Rains’ is considered as one of the following:

A. chemical accidents
B. chemical chain reaction
C. deforestation
D. heavy chemical industrialization and acidic formation in the atmosphere
Answer» D. heavy chemical industrialization and acidic formation in the atmosphere

Which of the following technologies led to process of Globalisation?

A. information and communication technology
B. remote sensing
C. radio detection
D. computerisation
Answer» A. information and communication technology

The World Bank limits the sovereignty of States whenever it

A. imposes conditions on loans to states
B. consults with member states.
C. fails to consult with member states
D. taxes member states.
Answer» A. imposes conditions on loans to states

‘One for all, all for one’ is a concept related to the following:

A. collective security
B. collective defence
C. regional economic groupings
D. formation of military alliance
Answer» A. collective security

The principle on which Humanitarian Intervention works

A. right to intervene
B. right to protect
C. right to withdraw
D. right to dominate
Answer» B. right to protect

Name the agreement through which Sudan Conflict was resolved in 2005.

A. agreement on peace and friendship
B. comprehensive peace agreement
C. permanent treaty of peace
D. ceasefire agreement of 2005
Answer» B. comprehensive peace agreement

Decision-making approach in international relations is characterized by

A. a study of rational decision making process
B. an approach in which impact of the decision is studied
C. a method of evaluating decision
D. an approach which lays down conditions for making decision.
Answer» A. a study of rational decision making process

A history of the present that asks what political practices has formed the present and which alternative understandings and discourses have been marginalized and forgotten. With which approach will you associate the above definition?

A. historical sociology
B. genealogy
C. emancipatory alternatives
D. functionalism
Answer» B. genealogy

The First Chair of International Politics was headed by

A. robert dahl
B. c.k. webster
C. alfred zimmern
D. e.h. carr
Answer» C. alfred zimmern

The “new political economy” associated with Robert W. Cox

A. celebrates the worldwide triumph of capitalism.
B. argues that the soviet union was an unmixed economic success.
C. questions existing realities and invites students of ir to rethink their ideas.
D. argues that capitalists should always invest in countries where the potential profits are greatest.
Answer» C. questions existing realities and invites students of ir to rethink their ideas.

The liberal views that war represents the greatest threat to the economic health of modern industrial civilization was first advocated by

A. norman agnell
B. adam smith
C. woodrow wilson
D. john mayward keynes
Answer» A. norman agnell

Liberal right to fight campaign is criticized because

A. it advocates the policies of access.
B. it advocates the legitimacy of state violence.
C. it addresses the central role of the military.
D. it promotes subordination of women to men.
Answer» A. it advocates the policies of access.

‘Détente’ means the following:

A. all-out war
B. deterrence through overwhelming power
C. pre-emption
D. relaxation of military tensions between two or more states. 51. who, among the following thinkers, is not related to traditional realist school?
Answer» D. relaxation of military tensions between two or more states. 51. who, among the following thinkers, is not related to traditional realist school?

Which one of the following theorists is associated with the “dependency school” of international relations?

A. robert keohone
B. kenneth waltz
C. andre gunder frank
D. samuel huntington
Answer» C. andre gunder frank

Who opined that “liberalism is the strongest contemporary challenge to realism”?

A. caporaso
B. john locke
C. emmanuel kant
D. adam smith
Answer» A. caporaso

Which one of the following is not a tangible determinant of national power?

A. geographical extent and territory
B. military capability
C. economic powers
D. national will
Answer» D. national will

Who stated that “Terrorism is not like hurricane before which we are helpless”?

A. george p. shultz
B. g.w. bush
C. tony blair
D. bill clinton
Answer» A. george p. shultz

Who among the following asserted that “climate change is a bigger threat than terrorism”?

A. david king
B. r.k. pachauri
C. hannes alfoven
D. tony blair
Answer» A. david king

In reaction to which one of the following theories, “the Realist Theory” came to be propounded for explaining trends and processes in International Politics?

A. systems theory
B. decision-making theory
C. game theory
D. idealist theory
Answer» D. idealist theory

The term ‘economic statecraft’ was coined by one of the following scholars:

A. david baldwin
B. e.h. carr
C. wendy frieman
D. robert gilpin
Answer» A. david baldwin

“The world politics is driven by self interest” relate to which one of the following theory?

A. realism
B. idealism
C. colonialism
D. world systems theory
Answer» A. realism

Which of the following is the best conflict management approach in practice?

A. avoidance
B. domination
C. accommodation
D. consensus
Answer» D. consensus

International society approach avoids the stark choice between:

A. realism and marxism
B. realism and liberalism
C. liberalism and marxism
D. realism and constructivism
Answer» B. realism and liberalism

Realism and ConstructivismWho is the author of the book ‘End of History and the Last Man’?

A. samuel p. huntington
B. sam nunn
C. francis fukuyama
D. raymond aron
Answer» C. francis fukuyama

Which of the following is not linked to environmental disasters?

A. acid rains
B. global warming
C. tsunami
D. air crashes
Answer» D. air crashes

The case for “Infant industry” protection was accepted by John Stuart Mill in his book:

A. on liberty
B. principles of political economy
C. a treatise on industrial protection
D. justice
Answer» B. principles of political economy

Who wrote the book “Stable Peace”?

A. kenneth boulding
B. johan galtung
C. peter wallerstein
D. gunnar myrdal
Answer» A. kenneth boulding

Michael Doyle’s democratic peace is based on three pillars:

A. conflict management, universal values and economic cooperation.
B. peaceful conflict resolution, common values, economic cooperation.
C. conflict resolution, consensus on values and free trade.
D. conflict management, hegemony on values, and economic cooperation.
Answer» B. peaceful conflict resolution, common values, economic cooperation.

Which one of the following is not categorized as threat to Non-Traditional Security?

A. disasters
B. terrorism
C. environmental and climate change
D. ethnicity
Answer» D. ethnicity

A terrorist group called ‘Gerakan Mujahideen Pattani Islam’ operates in

A. malaysia
B. thailand
C. indonesia
D. the philippines
Answer» B. thailand

From the names given below, identify the Radical Dependency Theorists: A.

A. g. frank and j.m. keynes
B. samir amin and f.h. cardoso
C. j.m. keynes and f.h. cardoso
D. a.g. frank and samir amin
Answer» D. a.g. frank and samir amin

Who described the environmental threats as ‘threats without enemies’?

A. gwyn prins
B. buzan
C. de wilde
D. simon dalby
Answer» A. gwyn prins

The new globalizers, according to the terminology of World Bank, refer to countries

A. who have best taken advantage of global economic integration.
B. who made progress towards poverty alleviation.
C. who are alternatively formulating their own economic rules.
D. who promoting inclusive growth.
Answer» A. who have best taken advantage of global economic integration.

Economic globalization is conceived as having three logics:

A. technical, economics and politics
B. structural, economic and social
C. technical, structural and procedural
D. politics, economics and sociology
Answer» A. technical, economics and politics

The theory of hegemonic stability was proposed by

A. stephen krasner
B. robert gilpin
C. immanuel walterstein
D. charles kindleberger
Answer» D. charles kindleberger

The focus of constructivism is on

A. power and anarchy in the international system
B. ideas and beliefs that inform actors.
C. identities and interests in a given milieu.
D. international institutions and processes
Answer» B. ideas and beliefs that inform actors.

Sustainable development goals have specific targets to be achieved by

A. 2022
B. 2030
C. 2040
D. 2050
Answer» B. 2030

The dictum, ‘Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism’ was propounded by

A. karl marx
B. v.i. lenin
C. andre gunder frank
D. emmanualwallerstein
Answer» B. v.i. lenin

The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 adopted the programme for

A. ending global poverty
B. the democratisation of u.n. system
C. broadening the participation within i.m.f. and world bank.
D. reducing greenhouse emissions.
Answer» D. reducing greenhouse emissions.

In the post-Soviet era Russia’s outlook at global level is marked by

A. rigid ideological positions
B. enhanced role for soviet era legacies.
C. pragmatic de-ideologised worldview.
D. rigidities of cold war era. 81. martin wight emphasized three philosophical traditions of international politics, they are
Answer» C. pragmatic de-ideologised worldview.

What is neo-realism?

A. an attempt to ignore the unpleasant realities of the world.
B. an attempt to restate the basic ideas of realism in a more‘scientific’ form.
C. a claims that international society is basically orderly and peaceful.
D. a claim that individual human nature is central to an understanding ofinternational politics.
Answer» B. an attempt to restate the basic ideas of realism in a more‘scientific’ form.

Which of the following is not the basic principle of Hans J. Morgenthou’s realism?

A. politics is rooted in the human nature
B. politics is autonomous
C. national interest is defined in terms of power
D. politics is governed by universal moral values. 86. which of the following resulted from bretton woods conference?
Answer» D. politics is governed by universal moral values. 86. which of the following resulted from bretton woods conference?

International society tradition is also known as the

A. anglo-american school of international relations.
B. english school of international relations.
C. european school of international relations
D. alternative school of international relations
Answer» B. english school of international relations.

According to many realists, how is international peace best secured?

A. concessions by peaceful states to powerful ones.
B. a balance of power between states.
C. trying to spread democratic values throughout the worl
Answer» B. a balance of power between states.

Who created the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) as an international mechanism specifically for funding environmental projects in developing countries?

A. imf
B. undp
C. unep
D. world bank
Answer» D. world bank

IAIA stands for

A. international association of impact assessment
B. indian association of impact assessment
C. international assembly of impact assessment
D. indian assembly of impact assessment
Answer» A. international association of impact assessment

United Nations Conference on Environment, also termed as Earth Summit, was held in 1992 in which city?

A. rio de janeiro
B. kyoto
C. stockholm
D. copenhagen
Answer» A. rio de janeiro

In India, Environmental Impact Assessment report of a proposed river valley project after environmental clearance is applicable for a maximal period of how many years?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 30
D. 2
Answer» B. 10

GLOBE stands for ww w.netugc. com

A. global leading occupations to benefit the environment
B. general learning and observations to benefit the environment
C. global learning and observations to benefit the environment
D. global leaders and their observations to benefit the environment
Answer» C. global learning and observations to benefit the environment

The notion of ‘Balance of Terror’ is related to –

A. global terrorism
B. counter terrorist strategies
C. terrorist activities of drug traffickers
D. over-kill capacity emanating from nuclear weapons
Answer» D. over-kill capacity emanating from nuclear weapons

Who among the following is associated with the concept of Realist Liberalism?

A. e.h carr
B. robert byrd
C. george kennen
D. john herz
Answer» D. john herz

Montreal protocol aims at

A. reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases
B. phasing out ozone depleting substances
C. prohibiting transboundary movement of hazardous waste
D. enhancing cooperation among un member states for peaceful uses of nuclear
Answer» B. phasing out ozone depleting substances

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are formally known as

A. transforming our world: 2030 agenda
B. sustainable living for all: 2022 agenda
C. life of dignity for all: 2022 agenda
D. one planet, one people: 2030 agenda
Answer» A. transforming our world: 2030 agenda

Who among the following is associated with Democratic Peace Theory?

A. kenneth walts
B. michael doyle
C. jackson and sorenson
D. john mearsheimer
Answer» B. michael doyle

The major argument of Neo-realism of Kenneth Waltz is that

A. Structures are more important than actors.
B. Actors play more crucial role than structures.
C. Human nature is crucial element in politics.
D. The states override the constraints imposed by international structures
Answer» A. Structures are more important than actors.

Which one of the following is not correct?

A. Economic globalization benefits everybody
B. Economic globalization challenges the State.
C. Economic globalization is an uneven, hierarchical process
D. States adapt to challenges of economic globalization
Answer» A. Economic globalization benefits everybody

Post-colonialism in International Relations deals with

A. The colonial state in Asia and Africa
B. The critiques of established Western views
C. Power and knowledge that are intimately connected
D. All of the three
Answer» D. All of the three
Question and answers in Theories and Concepts of International Politics, Theories and Concepts of International Politics multiple choice questions and answers, Theories and Concepts of International Politics Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Theories and Concepts of International Politics, Theories and Concepts of International Politics MCQs with answers PDF download