440+ Software Design Modeling (SDM) Solved MCQs

Software design modeling (SDM) is the process of creating a representation or blueprint of a software system. It involves identifying and specifying the components that make up the system and their relationships, as well as defining the interfaces between those components.

There are many different approaches to software design modeling, and the specific techniques and tools used can vary depending on the specific needs and constraints of a given project. Some common techniques and tools include:

UML (Unified Modeling Language): UML is a standardized language for creating graphical models of software systems. It includes a set of symbols and notation for representing different types of components, such as classes, objects, and relationships.

Class diagrams: Class diagrams are a type of UML diagram that shows the structure of a system in terms of the classes and their relationships. They can be used to visualize the static structure of a system, as well as the relationships between different classes.

Use case diagrams: Use case diagrams are another type of UML diagram that show the interactions between a system and its users. They can be used to identify and document the specific actions that a system is designed to perform, as well as the actors that interact with the system.

Prototyping: Prototyping is a technique for creating a preliminary version of a software system, typically for the purpose of testing and evaluating its functionality. Prototyping can be used to quickly explore and iterate on different design ideas and can help to identify and address any potential issues before building the final version of the system.

Software design modeling is an important part of the software development process, as it helps to define the structure and behavior of a system and ensure that it meets the needs of its users. It can also help to identify potential issues and mitigate risk before implementing the final version of the software.


GRASP stands for _______________.

A. global responsibility assignment software patterns
B. general responsibility assignment software patterns
C. general responsibility assignment system patterns
D. general research assignment software patterns
Answer» B. general responsibility assignment software patterns

There are _______ GRASP patterns.

A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
Answer» C. 9

____________ object which receives request from UI layer object and then controls/coordinates with other object.

A. main
B. controller
C. head
D. parent
Answer» B. controller

Controller class is called _____________, if the class is overloaded with too many responsibilities.

A. overload
B. bloated
C. full
D. overflow
Answer» B. bloated

Benefit of ______________ is handling new variations will become easy.

A. cohesion
B. coupling
C. polymorphism
D. inheritance
Answer» C. polymorphism

Benefit of Pure Fabrication is _______________

A. high cohesion
B. low coupling
C. class reuse
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

A ___________ is a class that does not represent a concept in the problem domain.

A. indirection
B. information expert
C. pure fabrication
D. protected variations
Answer» C. pure fabrication

Type of design patterns that provide solution for the better interaction between objects is ______________

A. creational
B. structural
C. behavioral
D. none of above
Answer» C. behavioral

Which design pattern provides a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delegates call to those methods?

A. adapter pattern
B. builder pattern
C. facade pattern
D. prototype pattern
Answer» C. facade pattern

Which design pattern ensures that only one object of particular class gets created?

A. singleton pattern
B. filter pattern
C. state pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» A. singleton pattern

Which design pattern suggests multiple classes through which request is passed and multiple but only relevant classes carry out operations on the request?

A. singleton pattern
B. chain of responsibility pattern
C. state pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» C. state pattern

Which design pattern works on data and action taken based on data provided?

A. command pattern
B. singleton pattern
C. mvc pattern
D. facade pattern
Answer» A. command pattern

Facade pattern promotes weak coupling between subsystem and its clients.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Which of the following are levels of design focus that can be used to categorize WebApp patterns?

A. behavioral patterns
B. functional patterns
C. navigation patterns
D. both a &c
Answer» D. both a &c

Which one pattern creating duplicate object?

A. filter pattern
B. prototype pattern
C. bridge pattern
D. builder pattern
Answer» B. prototype pattern

In which of the following pattern, a visitor class is used which changes the executing algorithm of an element class?

A. visitor pattern
B. mvc pattern
C. business delegate pattern
D. composite entity pattern
Answer» A. visitor pattern

A pattern language ______________

A. encompasses a collection of patterns
B. is implemented using hypertext
C. resembles the structure of natural languages
D. none of above
Answer» A. encompasses a collection of patterns

Most user interface design patterns fall with in one of ____ categories of patterns.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 25
D. 100
Answer» B. 10

The ___________used to ease the construction of a complex object from simple objects.

A. builder pattern
B. construct pattern
C. create pattern
D. none of above
Answer» A. builder pattern

The ___________ is used to translate the interface of one class into another interface.

A. facade pattern
B. builder pattern
C. prototype pattern
D. adapter pattern
Answer» D. adapter pattern

________________ makes a clear-cut between abstraction and implementation.

A. facade pattern
B. builder pattern
C. prototype pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» D. bridge pattern

The _____________ helps you to create tree structures of objects.

A. builder pattern
B. composite pattern
C. flyweight pattern
D. mediator pattern
Answer» B. composite pattern

Scope based classification decided if the pattern applies to mainly classes or objects.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Use ___________ when you need to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.

A. state pattern
B. abstract factory
C. strategy pattern
D. singleton pattern
Answer» C. strategy pattern

The __________ allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

A. abstract factory
B. state pattern
C. flyweight pattern
D. adapter pattern
Answer» B. state pattern

In which of the following pattern, a null object replaces check of NULL object instance?

A. state pattern
B. null object pattern
C. strategy pattern
D. template pattern
Answer» B. null object pattern

In which of the following pattern, a visitor class is used which changes the executing algorithm of an element class?

A. visitor pattern
B. mvc pattern
C. business delegate pattern
D. composite entity pattern
Answer» A. visitor pattern

Which of the following represents The (static) structure and (dynamic) behavior of the pattern?

A. name
B. application
C. consequences
D. form
Answer» D. form

Which of the following is not one of the elements of a design pattern?

A. context
B. environment
C. problem
D. solution
Answer» D. solution

Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. It lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

A. template method
B. decorator
C. strategy
D. visitor
Answer» C. strategy

Encapsulate a request as an object, there by letting you parametrize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operation.

A. adapter
B. command
C. decorator
D. composite
Answer» B. command

Which design pattern is used in the Java Database connectivity JDBC(TM)?

A. builder design pattern
B. factory method design pattern
C. abstract factory design pattern
D. singletone design pattern
Answer» B. factory method design pattern

Which design pattern you would you use to limit the class instantiation to one object?

A. factory method design pattern
B. builder design pattern
C. prototype design pattern
D. singleton design pattern
Answer» D. singleton design pattern

Which of the following patterns allows multiple objects an opportunity to process a request without guaranteeing that any of them must process it?

A. chain of responsibility
B. command
C. memento
D. mediator
Answer» A. chain of responsibility

Which of the following is an object pattern that encapsulates interchangeable algorithms in objects so the algorithm can vary independently of the classes that use it?

A. chain of responsibility
B. strategy
C. mediator
D. memento
Answer» B. strategy

A pattern that is intended to provide a means to define a family of algorithms and encapsulate each one as an object for interchangeable use

A. strategy pattern
B. factory pattern
C. observer pattern
D. adapter pattern
Answer» A. strategy pattern

Which GRASP pattern is suitbale to handle alternatives based on type?

A. indirection
B. pure fabrication
C. polymorphism
D. creator
Answer» C. polymorphism

A concrete class must have ...........

A. no program code for any of its methods
B. program code for all of its methods
C. program code for some of its methods
D. no program code for some of its methods
Answer» B. program code for all of its methods

It is also known as Wrapper, it is used when subclassing is not possible or practical to add functionality and it is used to add functionality at runtime. This pattern is

A. compostite
B. decorator
C. adapter
D. observer
Answer» B. decorator

The Proxy pattern deals with situations where you have a complex object or it takes a long time to create the object.

A. true
B. flase
Answer» A. true

The main advantage of design patterns:

A. provide proven solutions
B. simplify complex problems
C. improve communication
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which Design Pattern should you use when you want to parameterize objects by an action to perform.

A. command
B. prototype
C. strategy
D. builder
Answer» A. command

Which Design Pattern should you use whenyou want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.

A. composite
B. iterator
C. abstract factory
D. flyweight
Answer» A. composite

Which Design Pattern should you use when an application uses a large number of objects and the storage costs are high because of the sheer quantity of objects.

A. interpreter
B. singleton
C. facade
D. composite
Answer» D. composite

Which Design Pattern should you use when more than one object may handle a request, and the handler isn't known a priori. The handler should be ascertained automatically.

A. observer
B. chain of responsibility
C. decorator
D. prototype
Answer» B. chain of responsibility

Which GRASP pattern helps to find out answer for “Who should be responsible for creating a new instance of some class?"

A. adapter
B. protected variations
C. creator
D. controller
Answer» C. creator

___________ is a measure of how strongly one element is connected to, has knowledge of, or relies on other elements.

A. coupling
B. creator
C. controller
D. bonding
Answer» A. coupling

A _____________ system is one in which each of its components has little or no knowledge of the definitions of other separate components.

A. tightly coupled
B. strong coupled
C. loosely coupled
D. weak coupled
Answer» C. loosely coupled

In Low coupling two elements are coupled, if ______________________.

A. one element has aggregation/composition association with another element.
B. one element implements/extends other element.
C. both a&b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a&b

We can make an object as Controller, if ___________________

A. object represents the overall system
B. object represent a use case, handling a sequence of operations
C. both a&b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a&b

A good software will have _____________.

A. high cohesion
B. low coupling
C. both a&b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a&b

The indirection pattern supports _____________

A. low coupling
B. reuse
C. both a&b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a&b

Which design pattern defines one-to-many dependency among objects?

A. singleton pattern
B. facade pattern
C. observer pattern
D. factory method pattern
Answer» C. observer pattern

Which of the following is correct about Factory design pattern.

A. this type of design pattern comes under creational pattern.
B. factory pattern creates object without exposing the creation logic to the client.
C. factory pattern refers to newly created object using a common interface.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically.It provides a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.

A. chain of responsibility
B. adapter
C. decorator
D. composite
Answer» C. decorator

Which of the following describes the Facade pattern correctly?

A. this pattern allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure
B. this pattern is used where we need to treat a group of objects in similar way as a single object
C. this pattern hides the complexities of the system and provides an interface to the client using which the client can access the system
D. this pattern is primarily used to reduce the number of objects created and to decrease memory footprint and increase performance
Answer» C. this pattern hides the complexities of the system and provides an interface to the client using which the client can access the system

The use of design patterns for the development of object-oriented software has important implications for ____________

A. component-based software engineering
B. reusability in general
C. all of the above
D. none of above
Answer» C. all of the above

In which of the following pattern a class represents functionality of another class?

A. proxy pattern
B. chain of responsibility pattern
C. command pattern
D. interpreter pattern
Answer» A. proxy pattern

The client software uses the ___________ which provides an interface for creating families related or dependent objects.

A. constant factory
B. abstract factory
C. full factory
D. intermediate factory
Answer» B. abstract factory

Which pattern is used when configuring an application with classes dynamically.

A. facade pattern
B. builder pattern
C. prototype pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» C. prototype pattern

___________ pattern ensure a class only has one instance and provide a global point of access to it.

A. singleton pattern
B. filter pattern
C. state pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» A. singleton pattern

The ____________ is often employed when there is a need to use different sets of objects and where the objects could be added or changed some time during the lifetime of an application.

A. abstract factory
B. singleton pattern
C. builder pattern
D. prototype pattern
Answer» A. abstract factory

Which pattern is used When an object wants to publish information and many objects will need to receive that information.

A. publisher pattern
B. brodcast pattern
C. observer pattern
D. none of above
Answer» C. observer pattern

A ___________ is an object that stores a snapshot of the internal state of another object.

A. observer
B. memento
C. create
D. none of above
Answer» B. memento

Which of the following describes the Command pattern correctly?

A. in this pattern a class represents functionality of another class.
B. this pattern creates a chain of receiver objects for a request.
C. this pattern provides a way to evaluate language grammar or expression.
D. in this pattern a request is wrapped under an object as command and passed to invoker object.
Answer» D. in this pattern a request is wrapped under an object as command and passed to invoker object.

Which design pattern provides a single class which provides simplified methods required by client and delagates call to those methods?

A. adapter pattern
B. builder pattern
C. facade pattern
D. prototype pattern
Answer» C. facade pattern

Which of the following Chooses and standardizes patterns for a problem domain promotes software reuse and, hence, quality and productivity?

A. promoting communication
B. streamlining documentation
C. increasing development efficiency
D. supporting software reuse
Answer» D. supporting software reuse

Which design pattern suggest multiple classes through which request is passed and multiple but only relevant classes carry out operations on the request?

A. singleton pattern
B. chain of responsibility pattern
C. state pattern
D. bridge pattern
Answer» B. chain of responsibility pattern

Which of the following are levels of design focus that can be used to categorize WebApp patterns?

A. behavioral patterns
B. visitor pattern
C. navigation patterns
D. layout patterns
Answer» C. navigation patterns

Which pattern is most appropriate when a decision must be made at the time a class is instantiated?

A. bridge
B. composite
C. factory method
D. command
Answer» C. factory method

It is also known as Virtual Constructor and it is used to define an interface for creating an object but letting the subclass decide which class to instantiate, this pattern is :

A. builder
B. abstract factory
C. prototype
D. factory method
Answer» D. factory method

You want all the clients using class A to use the same instance of class A, what should you do to achieve this goal?

A. mark class a final
B. mark class a abstract
C. apply the singleton pattern to class a
D. apply the memento pattern to class a
Answer» C. apply the singleton pattern to class a

Which design pattern you would you use to have a prototypical instance determine the concrete class of object being created?

A. prototype factory design pattern
B. virtual prototype design pattern
C. abstract prototype design pattern
D. prototype design pattern
Answer» D. prototype design pattern

Which design pattern you would you use to decouple the creation procedure of a complex object from it's concrete instance to be able to apply that procedure on variety of implementations.

A. factory builder design pattern
B. method builder design pattern
C. builder design pattern
D. factory method design pattern
Answer» C. builder design pattern

What would lead you to apply the builder design pattern?

A. to abstract steps of construction of objects so that different implementations
B. to apply the same object construction procedure on variety of representations
C. both 1 & 2
D. none of above
Answer» C. both 1 & 2

To implement the Singleton design pattern specify all the needed steps ............

A. add final modifier to the class declaration
B. add private or protected modifier to the constructor declaration
C. introduce a static getter method for the singleton instance
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which design pattern you would you use to control the creation of an object based on a established interface, while allowing the concrete implementation to determine the subclass to construct.

A. singleton design pattern
B. builder factory design pattern
C. prototype factory design pattern
D. factory method design pattern
Answer» D. factory method design pattern

The factory method design pattern is also known as:

A. abstract factory
B. abstract constructor
C. virtual factory
D. virtual constructor
Answer» D. virtual constructor

Which of the following are participants in the GOF builder design pattern?

A. creator
B. refined abstraction
C. abstract factory
D. none of above
Answer» A. creator

Which design pattern is used in the Java InputStream and OutputStream hierarchies?

A. adapter design pattern
B. decorator design pattern
C. composite design pattern
D. singleton design pattern
Answer» B. decorator design pattern

What object should have the responsibility, when you do not want to violate High Cohesion and Low Coupling, or other goals, but solutions offered by Expert are not appropriate?

A. pure fabrication
B. indirection
C. creator
D. polymorphism
Answer» A. pure fabrication

In the Publish-Subscribe messaging model, the subscribers register themselves in a topic and are notified when new messages arrive to the topic. Which pattern does most describe this model?

A. adapter
B. notifier
C. observer
D. factory
Answer» C. observer

When would you use the GOF Decorator design pattern?

A. to translates an existing class interface into a compatible target interface
B. to assign more functionality to an object without sub-classing it
C. to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently
D. to nest layers of decorators to add more functionality
Answer» B. to assign more functionality to an object without sub-classing it

When would you use the GOF Composite design pattern?

A. to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently
B. to translates an existing class interface into a compatible target interface
C. to arrange object hierarchies such that the client code can access both the individual objects and compositions in a uniform manner
D. to improve the system overall performance
Answer» C. to arrange object hierarchies such that the client code can access both the individual objects and compositions in a uniform manner

What are the advantages of Factory objects?

A. separate the responsibility of complex creation into cohesive helper objects.
B. hide potentially complex creation logic.
C. allow introduction of performance-enhancing memory management strategies, such as object caching or recycling.
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Classes that contain strongly related functionalities are described as having ____________.

A. high cohesion
B. high coupling
C. strong cohesion
D. none of above
Answer» A. high cohesion

You want to minimize development cost by reusing methods? Which design pattern would you choose?

A. adapter pattern
B. singleton pattern
C. delegation pattern
D. immutable pattern
Answer» C. delegation pattern

Can We Create A Clone Of A Singleton Object?

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Which of the following describes the Builder pattern correctly?

A. this pattern builds a complex object using simple objects and using a step by step approach.
B. this pattern refers to creating duplicate object while keeping performance in mind.
C. this pattern is used when creation of object directly is costly.
D. this pattern is used when we need to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
Answer» A. this pattern builds a complex object using simple objects and using a step by step approach.

Which of the following describes the MVC pattern correctly?

A. in this pattern, a visitor class is used which changes the executing algorithm of an element class.
B. this pattern is used to separate application\s concerns.
C. this pattern is used to decouple presentation tier and business tier.
D. this pattern is used in ejb persistence mechanism.
Answer» B. this pattern is used to separate application\s concerns.

Which of the following is correct about Structural design patterns.

A. these design patterns are specifically concerned with communication between objects.
B. these design patterns concern class and object composition. concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities.
C. these design patterns provide a way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new opreator.
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. these design patterns concern class and object composition. concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities.

Which of the following describes the Filter pattern correctly?

A. this pattern builds a complex object using simple objects and using a step by step approach.
B. this pattern refers to creating duplicate object while keeping performance in mind.
C. this pattern enables developers to filter a set of objects using different criteria and chaining them in a decoupled way through logical operations.
D. this pattern is used when we need to decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.
Answer» B. this pattern refers to creating duplicate object while keeping performance in mind.

Which of the following describes the Flyweight pattern correctly?

A. this pattern allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure.
B. this pattern is used where we need to treat a group of objects in similar way as a single object.
C. this pattern is primarily used to reduce the number of objects created and to decrease memory footprint and increase performance.
D. this pattern hides the complexities of the system and provides an interface to the client using which the client can access the system.
Answer» C. this pattern is primarily used to reduce the number of objects created and to decrease memory footprint and increase performance.

Which of the following describes the Behavioral pattern correctly?

A. this type of patterns provide a way to create objects while hiding the creation logic, rather than instantiating objects directly using new opreator
B. this type of patterns concern class and object composition. concept of inheritance is used to compose interfaces and define ways to compose objects to obtain new functionalities.
C. this type of pattern are specifically concerned with communication between objects.
D. this type of pattern are specifically concerned with the presentation tier.
Answer» C. this type of pattern are specifically concerned with communication between objects.

Given the following scenario: You want to create families of related objects, to be used interchangeably to configure you application. What is most appropriate GoF pattern to use?

A. chain of responsibility
B. abstract factory
C. builder
D. observer
Answer» B. abstract factory

What are the consequences of applying the GOF Singleton pattern?

A. it introduces thread safety issue when the singleton instance is instantiated on demand
B. the client code can creates multiple instances at run time
C. it reduces of the class hierarchy as compared to the other factory design patterns
D. it makes it easier for a certain family of objects to work together
Answer» A. it introduces thread safety issue when the singleton instance is instantiated on demand

What are the consequences of applying the abstract factory patter?

A. it will be much easier to introduce new family of products
B. it makes it easier for a certain family of objects to work together
C. it makes the designed product families exchangeable
D. both 2 & 3
Answer» D. both 2 & 3

Which GOF design pattern is applied in the code snippet below?
public class PrintSpooler {
private static final PrintSpooler INSTANCE = new PrintSpooler();
private PrintSpooler() {}
public static PrintSpooler getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;

A. printspooler design pattern
B. singleton design pattern
C. factory design pattern
D. abstract singleton design pattern
Answer» B. singleton design pattern

What is a software architectural pattern?

A. the structure of the major subsystems of a system
B. the components and connectors in a software architecture
C. a small group of collaborating objects
D. a recurring architecture used in a variety of systems
Answer» D. a recurring architecture used in a variety of systems

 Which of the following term is best defined by the statement:”The client sends structured query language (SQL) requests to the server which are transmitted as messages across the net”?

A. file servers
B. database servers
C. client servers
D. high end servers
Answer» B. database servers
Question and answers in Software Design Modeling (SDM), Software Design Modeling (SDM) multiple choice questions and answers, Software Design Modeling (SDM) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Software Design Modeling (SDM), Software Design Modeling (SDM) MCQs with answers PDF download