180+ Developmental Psychology 2 Solved MCQs


Erik Erikson was founder of …

A. psychosocial development
B. sociological development
C. psychological development
D. both a & b
Answer» A. psychosocial development

Which of the following does not describe stagnation in stage 7?

A. people who cannot form real friendships with others
B. people who are self-centered
C. young parents who cannot take care of their children
D. people who are afraid of death
Answer» D. people who are afraid of death

Piaget's developmental sequences follow in which order?

A. pre-operational, sensory-motor, concrete operational, formal operational
B. sensory-motor, operational, concrete operational, formal operational
C. sensory-motor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational
D. sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational
Answer» D. sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational

An example of Schaie's legacy-leaving stage includes a man who is 83 years of age and is telling stories to his great-grandchildren about their family's history. The stage before the legacy-leaving stage is one in which people are trying to conserve their energy. This stage is known as:

A. responsible stage
B. reintegrative stage
C. reorganizational state
D. none of these
Answer» B. reintegrative stage

According to the text, regardless of activity level, muscular strength begins to decline somewhat by about age:

A. 25
B. 30
C. 35
D. 40
Answer» B. 30

Which of the following is NOT considered a "marker event" for adulthood?

A. completing formal education
B. getting married
C. turning 21
D. having children
Answer» C. turning 21

At what time of life does Erikson stage Industry vs. Inferiority occur?

A. old age
B. adolescence
C. infancy
D. school age
Answer» D. school age

Which of these are associated with insecurely attached infants in later life?

A. less competent
B. has less mature friends
C. less socially skilled
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

If a young adult sees stealing as wrong because of the harm it brings to someone, which of Kolbergs’ stages are they displaying?

A. punishment and obedience orientation
B. good boy good girl orientation
C. legalistic orientation
D. social order orientation
Answer» C. legalistic orientation

Which of these is a misconception about heredity?

A. heredity means that a person will not change
B. it is a waste of effort to try to influence a trait that has a strong heredity component
C. if the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society has had little influence on the trait
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Bob hasn’t missed a day of work since he started his job three years ago. Every morning he comes in with a smile on his face that remains there until he leaves. He works for a charity and it gives him great satisfaction to know that he’s helping others. He loves his job. Bob is most likely

A. a workaholic
B. driven by protestant work ethic
C. burned out
D. work enthusiast
Answer» D. work enthusiast

A relationship based on a previous friendship that developed into lovers is characteristic of what love style?

A. agape
B. storge
C. ludus
D. pragma
Answer» B. storge

A mother and her infant son are being tested by Aisworth’s Strange Situation procedure. After the mother has left and comes back onto the room the child acts like he is mad at the mother. This child is said to be?

A. secure
B. anxious
C. highly neurotic
D. avoidant
Answer» D. avoidant

Some people crave high levels of arousal through high levels of stimulation. They are said to be

A. sensation seekers
B. excitation transfers
C. securely attached
D. inhibited
Answer» A. sensation seekers

Which of the following is a way to measure activity level in an infant?

A. how often they smile
B. how much they sleep
C. how much they want to be held
D. all of the above
Answer» B. how much they sleep

Which style of love matches this statement "I try to keep my lover a little uncertain about my commitment to him/her"?

A. eros
B. ludus
C. storge
D. pragma
Answer» B. ludus

What aspect(s) of personality are believed to have evolved in humans?

A. overeating
B. quick response to danger
C. aggression in men
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The research strategy for assessing personality stability that studies two or more groups assumed to be at different stages of development is

A. stratification
B. cross-sectional
C. binominal
D. longitudinal
Answer» B. cross-sectional

Which of the following is NOT one of the Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development?

A. industry vs. inferiority
B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. trust vs. mistrust
D. life vs. death
Answer» D. life vs. death

Generativity is best described as

A. part of erikson’s later adulthood stage
B. a desire to help others
C. the ability to make general observations
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

Middle Adulthood / Middle Age - which extends from approximately _ to _ years

A. 30-40
B. 40-60
C. 25-35
D. 45-55
Answer» B. 40-60

The major problems in vocational adjustment as selection of a vocation is in _ stage of development

A. early adulthood
B. middle adulthood
C. late adulthood
D. old age
Answer» A. early adulthood

Most common & most serious vocational hazards of early adulthood are -----

A. job dissatisfaction & unemployment.
B. job stress
C. increasing job demands
D. performance evaluation
Answer» A. job dissatisfaction & unemployment.

Which biological theory of aging emphasizes harmful genetic mutations as a causal factor?

A. wear and tear theory
B. somatic mutation theory.
C. cross-linkage theory
D. free radical theory.
Answer» C. cross-linkage theory

By age 70, few people experience stage ____ deep sleep at all.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» C. 4

Severe bone depletion is referred to as

A. osteoporosis.
B. arthritis.
C. calcium deposits.
D. rheumatism.
Answer» A. osteoporosis.

In the United States, women usually experience menopause around age

A. 65
B. 60
C. 50
D. 45
Answer» C. 50

.A common problem in older men is _____, better known as impotence.

A. prostrate cancer
B. male menopause
C. penile impotency
D. erectile dysfunction
Answer» D. erectile dysfunction

____ is chest pain that may precede a heart attack

A. angina
B. hypertension
C. hypertensive cardiovascular disease
D. angioplasty
Answer» A. angina

________ is a serious condition that can lead to blindness.

A. somatic mutation
B. heart disease
C. glaucoma
D. osteoporosis
Answer» C. glaucoma

Which of the following is an environmental theory of aging?

A. somatic mutation theory
B. genetic control theory
C. free radical theory
D. immune function theory
Answer» A. somatic mutation theory

The measure of the number of years that a person can expect to live without a disability is called

A. disability free expectancy.
B. life expectancy.
C. lifetime disability expectancy.
D. active life expectancy.
Answer» D. active life expectancy.

A condition known as _____ occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body.

A. angina
B. congestive heart failure
C. hypertension
D. lentigo
Answer» B. congestive heart failure

Gender is:

A. synonymous with biological sex
B. a multi-dimensional construct
C. genetically determined
D. under parental control
Answer» B. a multi-dimensional construct

Which of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages characterizes adolescence?

A. industry vs. inferiority
B. intimacy vs. isolation
C. identity vs identity diffusion
D. initiative vs guilt
Answer» C. identity vs identity diffusion

The basic understanding of desires, beliefs, perceptions and emotions is referred to as the Theory of:

A. behaviour
B. mind
C. thought
D. opinion
Answer» B. mind

Which of the following is NOT one of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?

A. conventional
B. unconventional
C. postconventional
D. preconventional
Answer» B. unconventional

Which of the following comparisons between Piaget and Kohlberg’s theories of moral judgement is TRUE:

A. both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to rules and authority figures
B. both agreed on the number of stages individuals passed through before achieving mature moral reasoning
C. both agreed that all normal individuals advance to the highest level of moral reasoning
D. piaget believed that development of moral reasoning was continuous, whereas kohlberg believed it was discontinuous
Answer» A. both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to rules and authority figures

At what age do children begin to differentiate between others’ emotional distress and their own?

A. 3-12 months
B. 6-14 months
C. 9-18 months
D. 2 years
Answer» B. 6-14 months

Which of the following approaches do many current theorists of motor development take?

A. piagetian approach
B. evolutionary approach
C. changing modules approach
D. dynamic systems approach
Answer» D. dynamic systems approach

Which of the following statements would talk about the seed and the soil analogy in talking about the nature of human development?

A. is development stable or open to change?
B. is development continuous or discontinuous?
C. nature-nurture controversy.
D. one course of development of many courses of development.
Answer» C. nature-nurture controversy.

Emotional intelligence involves …

A. mood management.
B. managing relationships.
C. emotional self-awareness.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Dechen has an investigative and a curious mindset. She likes evaluating and contrasting the different things she has learnt in the class. This is indicative of her …

A. creative intelligence.
B. analytical intelligence.
C. practical intelligence.
D. all of the above.
Answer» A. creative intelligence.

Subash is a highly athletic boy and can play games that involve bodily movement very well. However, he faces so much of difficulty in drawing and writing that he takes a long time even to write one alphabet clearly. This is indicative of his…

A. good fine motor skills.
B. poor fine motor skills.
C. poor gross motors skills.
D. good gross motor skills.
Answer» A. good fine motor skills.

What is Erikson most famous for?

A. id vs. ego
B. identity crisis
C. social learning theory
D. behaviorism
Answer» B. identity crisis

The psychosocial task during one’s high school years is to achieve a sense of?

A. industry
B. delinquency
C. autonomy
D. identity
Answer» D. identity

Each stage in Erikson’s model of psychosocial development can be characterized by:

A. a period of creative tension
B. an achievement scale for growth
C. a different psychological crisis
D. a and c
Answer» C. a different psychological crisis

People who achieve a sense of integrity…

A. consolidate a sense of self
B. want to make personal changes
C. treat themselves as the most important person in the world
D. sink into despair
Answer» A. consolidate a sense of self

If someone has suffered a head injury and has trouble speaking in a meaningful way, and babbles in a senseless manner, it is likely that there was a damage to the

A. broca’s area
B. wernicke’s area
C. occipital lobe
D. cerebrum.
Answer» A. broca’s area

Being able to play guitar well is an example of possessing good

A. fine motor skills
B. gross motor skills
C. reflexes
D. locomotor skills
Answer» A. fine motor skills

It is important that social workers

A. understand social darwinism
B. understand biological, psychological and social dimensions of development
C. are cosmopolitanists
D. understand sociobiology
Answer» B. understand biological, psychological and social dimensions of development

According to Piaget, children can reason about hypothetical entities in the ________ stage.

A. preoperational
B. sensory-motor
C. formal operational
D. concrete operational
Answer» C. formal operational

The traditional approach to development emphasizes:

A. little change from birth through old age.
B. extensive change from birth to adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
C. extensive change from birth to adulthood, then little change for the rest of the life span.
D. extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, then decline in late old age.
Answer» D. extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, then decline in late old age.

The traditional and life-span perspectives are contrasting views of developmental change. According to the life-span perspective, when do developmental changes occur?

A. during infancy and early childhood
B. during adolescence and early adulthood
C. during middle and late adulthood
D. throughout the entire life cycle
Answer» D. throughout the entire life cycle

Allan spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. He also has been thinking about how his personal relationship is going and considering whether it could be long-term and lead to establishing a family. Allan is MOST LIKELY in:

A. late adolescence.
B. early adulthood.
C. middle adultho
Answer» B. early adulthood.

The period of development during which school readiness skills are developed and most free time is spent playing with friends is called:

A. infancy.
B. early childhood.
C. middle childho
Answer» B. early childhood.

Which period of development is characterized by establishing independence, developing an identity, and thinking more abstractly?

A. middle childhood
B. late childhood
C. adolescence
D. early adulthood
Answer» C. adolescence

In one study, the reasoning abilities of older adults were improved through retraining. This is an example of how development is:

A. contextual.
B. multidirectional.
C. multidimensional.
D. plastic.
Answer» D. plastic.

Differences in families, neighborhoods, cultures, and even time periods affect development. This statement supports Baltes' assertion that development is:

A. contextual.
B. multidirectional.
C. multidimensional.
D. plastic.
Answer» A. contextual.

In many cultures, people retire from their careers in their fifties or sixties. This is an example of a:

A. normative age-graded influence.
B. normative history-graded influence.
C. nonnormative life event.
D. nonnormative socioemotional event.
Answer» A. normative age-graded influence.

Like many others her age, Velma does not know how to use a computer, but her six-year-old grandson has no problem navigating the Internet and using a word processing program. This is an example of a:

A. normative age-graded influence.
B. normative history-graded influence.
C. nonnormative life event.
D. nonnormative socioemotional event.
Answer» B. normative history-graded influence.

When Ben was thirteen when his father was killed in a car accident. This is an example of a:

A. normative age-graded influence.
B. normative history-graded influence.
C. nonnormative life event.
D. nonnormative socioemotional event.
Answer» C. nonnormative life event.

The onset of puberty is an example of:

A. normative age-graded influences.
B. normative history-graded influences.
C. nonnormative life events.
D. storm-and-stress events.
Answer» A. normative age-graded influences.

The AIDS epidemic in the United States would be an example of a:

A. normative age-graded influence.
B. normative history-graded influence.
C. nonnormative life event.
D. storm-and-stress event.
Answer» B. normative history-graded influence.

The number of years since a person was born is a key element in the definition of:

A. chronological age.
B. biological age.
C. psychological age.
D. developmental age.
Answer» A. chronological age.

The expectations society has that a person will act his or her age refers to:

A. biological age.
B. social age.
C. psychological age.
D. historical age.
Answer» B. social age.

Rozee is 86 years young. She continues to learn phrases in new languages, she writes poetry, and she enjoys going to museums to see the latest up-andcoming artists. These examples of her adaptive capacities demonstrate:

A. chronological age.
B. biological age.
C. psychological age.
D. social age.
Answer» C. psychological age.

As he was studying life-span development, Tyrell had to learn several interrelated, coherent sets of ideas that would help him explain and make predictions about development. Tyrell had to learn:

A. theories.
B. hypotheses.
C. models.
D. scientific methods.
Answer» A. theories.

Erik Erikson's theory emphasized:

A. repeated resolutions of unconscious conflicts about sexual energy.
B. developmental change throughout the human life span.
C. changes in children\s thinking as they mature.
D. the influence of sensitive periods in the various stages of biological maturation.
Answer» B. developmental change throughout the human life span.

Most life-span developmentalists recognize that:

A. nature, continuity, and stability are the primary determinants of behavior.
B. nurture, discontinuity, and change are the primary determinants of behavior.
C. while nurture (the environment) is important, nature (heredity) plays the stronger role.
D. extreme positions on these issues are unwise.
Answer» D. extreme positions on these issues are unwise.

When choosing a career path, men are more likely to consider ___________, while women are more likely to take ______________ into account.

A. economic gains, relationships with people
B. relationships with people, economic gains
C. length of training, proximity
D. none of the above
Answer» A. economic gains, relationships with people

In most countries, elderly women ______ than elderly men.

A. are mistreated less
B. live a few years longer
C. suffer fewer health problems
D. deal with issues of aging better
Answer» D. deal with issues of aging better

In Erik Erikson’s developmental stages of life, with which challenge must older people struggle?

A. overcoming despair to achieve integrity
B. overcoming role confusion to achieve identity
C. overcoming isolation to achieve intimacy
D. overcoming shame to achieve autonomy
Answer» A. overcoming despair to achieve integrity

No social relationship can exist without:

A. face to face presence of the individuals
B. physical awareness of the presence of another
C. likeness of interests
D. carrying common life activates
Answer» B. physical awareness of the presence of another

What are the parts of social structure?

A. communities
B. roles and sub-groups
C. institutions and associations
D. groups and associations
Answer» B. roles and sub-groups

Geronotology is the study of

A. human being
B. special groups
C. aged and aging
D. all of these
Answer» C. aged and aging

The most pervasive of the social processes are:

A. cooperation
B. over conflict
C. competition
D. none of these
Answer» C. competition

The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

A. tribe
B. kinship
C. race
D. none of these
Answer» B. kinship

A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as:

A. clan
B. tribe
C. kin group
D. class
Answer» B. tribe

Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following:

A. broadening of role specification
B. plurality of moralities
C. increase in number of achievable positions
D. none of these
Answer» C. increase in number of achievable positions

In modern society, cultural change is most likely to be the byproduct of:

A. planning
B. diffusion
C. social struggle
D. none of these
Answer» B. diffusion

Etnocentricism means:

A. evaluating other cultures with the yardstick of your own values.
B. taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned
C. no other society is like your\s and your society or group is superior to others.
D. none of these.
Answer» C. no other society is like your\s and your society or group is superior to others.

Age is a:

A. nominal variable
B. ordinal variable
C. interval
D. ratio
Answer» B. ordinal variable

Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:

A. school
B. religion
C. family
D. community
Answer» C. family

Which type of family consists of a couple, one or both of whom were previously married, their children, and the children from the previous marriage of one or both parents?

A. nontraditional family
B. traditional family
C. blended family
D. step family
Answer» C. blended family

Ashley and her husband just had their first child. Ashley was married previously, and her two children from that marriage also live with Ashley and her current husband. Which type of family is this?

A. nontraditional family
B. traditional family
C. blended family
D. secondary family
Answer» C. blended family

Which type of family consists of a married couple and their own or adopted children living at home?

A. nontraditional family
B. traditional family
C. blended family
D. step family
Answer» B. traditional family

Barry and Laurie have been married for almost twenty years, and this is the first marriage for both of them. They have two children living at home. Which type of family is this?

A. nontraditional family
B. traditional family
C. blended family
D. step family
Answer» B. traditional family

Stages of the household life cycle are based on ____.

A. age of the adult members
B. marital status of the adult members
C. presence of children
D. age of children
Answer» D. age of children

When a couple has children, expenditures on which of the following does NOT usually decrease?

A. alcoholic beverages
B. meals out
C. health care
D. personal care products
Answer» C. health care

Which of the following is the primary source of consumer socialization?

A. school
B. advertising
C. friends
D. family
Answer» D. family

In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, the experiential subtheory refers to:

A. metacomponents, performance components and knowledge-acquisition components.
B. internal mechanisms that underlie intelligent behaviour.
C. how experience interacts with intelligence in terms of the individual\s internal world, and the external wor
Answer» C. how experience interacts with intelligence in terms of the individual\s internal world, and the external wor

According to Sternberg, the ability to analyze and evaluate ideas, solve problems, and make decisions is best described as:

A. logical intelligence.
B. analytical intelligence.
C. practical intelligence.
D. essential intelligence.
Answer» B. analytical intelligence.

Which theory comprises the Componential subtheory, Contextual subtheory and Experiential subtheory?

A. goleman\s emotional intelligence theory
B. guilford\s structure of intellect model
C. sternberg\s triarchic model
D. gardner\s multiple intelligences theory
Answer» C. sternberg\s triarchic model

According to Sternberg, success is a measure of intelligence that involves an individual's ability to

A. develop at least one of the three intelligences.
B. score high on intelligence tests.
C. solve problems without advance preparation.
D. effectively balance abilities based upon environmental circumstances
Answer» D. effectively balance abilities based upon environmental circumstances

Sternberg's theory of successful intelligence goes beyond success in school and determines success in life by using

A. real-life situations.
B. social networking.
C. visual cues.
D. auditory cues.
Answer» A. real-life situations.

The general pattern of growth starting from head to foot of the body

A. A . Proximodistal law
B. Cephalocaudal Law
C. Phylogenetic function
D. Ontogenetic Function
Answer» B. Cephalocaudal Law

During stage 5, the adolescent will first realize the onset of … ……

A. an identity crisis
B. role confusions
C. the most significant conflict a person will face
D. both A & B
Answer» B. role confusions

Initiative vs. Guilt takes place during which ages?

A. 2-6
B. 6-12
C. 0-1
D. 12-18
Answer» A. 2-6

What is the term that Erikson coined?

A. Oedipus Complex
B. Self-fulfilling Prophecy
C. Identity Crisis
D. Positive Reinforcement
Answer» C. Identity Crisis
Question and answers in Developmental Psychology 2, Developmental Psychology 2 multiple choice questions and answers, Developmental Psychology 2 Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Developmental Psychology 2, Developmental Psychology 2 MCQs with answers PDF download