90+ English Grammar and Usage Solved MCQs


……. are a set of words which form a class in terms of their similarity of form, function and meaning.

A. phrase
B. clause
C. word class
D. adverb
Answer» C. word class

Identify an abstract noun from the words given below.

A. iron
B. cattle
C. thomas
D. pain
Answer» D. pain

The book was lying on the table.

A. book is a common noun
B. book is a proper noun
C. book is a collective noun
D. book is an abstract noun
Answer» A. book is a common noun

The jury has given its verdict.

A. jury is a collective noun
B. jury is a common noun
C. jury is an abstract noun
D. jury is a proper noun
Answer» A. jury is a collective noun

Identify noun in the sentence It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.

A. take
B. all
C. your
D. energy
Answer» D. energy

Does wood sink in water? (Which word is a material noun?)

A. sink
B. does
C. water
D. wood
Answer» D. wood

Don't forget _________ your homework!

A. do
B. to do
C. doing
D. did
Answer» B. to do

A………………… is a verb used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood.

A. modal auxiliary
B. main verb
C. strong verb
D. non –finite verb
Answer» A. modal auxiliary

My grandmother is eighty-five, but she ……………… still read and write without glasses. (Ability)

A. can
B. could
C. will
D. shall
Answer» A. can

. …………….. I come with you?

A. can
B. could
C. will
D. would
Answer» A. can

………………. you help me with the housework, please? (Polite request)

A. can
B. will
C. could
D. should
Answer» C. could

There was a time when I ………….. stay up very late. (Past ability)

A. can
B. could
C. would
D. should
Answer» B. could

I really like watching old shows. _________ are some of the best things on TV. (Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun)

A. those
B. that
C. this
D. these
Answer» A. those

They bought new furniture for ____ house. (Choose the correct possessive pronoun)

A. mine
B. their
C. ours
D. yours
Answer» B. their

I rode my bike, _________ has a headlight, home in the dark.

A. that
B. whom
C. which
D. whose
Answer» C. which

This table is made …………. wood.

A. of
B. by
C. for
D. in
Answer» A. of

I am worried_____ the exam.

A. in
B. about
C. on
D. of
Answer» B. about

………………….is the study of the patterns of word forms.

A. etymology
B. morphology
C. semantics
D. ontology
Answer» B. morphology

A…………………….is a minimal grammatical unit in a grammatical system of language.

A. morpheme
B. phoneme
C. word
D. letter
Answer» A. morpheme

He cut my hair ______ today than last time.

A. more quickly
B. more quick
C. quick
D. quicker
Answer» A. more quickly

Terry ____ sleeps in the afternoon. He considers it a waste of time

A. usually
B. often
C. sometimes
D. never
Answer» D. never

Find the correct form of the word to use in the sentence He explained the concepts ___ Giving him the prize was the ___ decision.

A. - correct, correctly
B. correctly, correct
C. correct, correct-
D. correctly, correctly
Answer» B. correctly, correct

Select the Correct Statements −

A. the inspector was never more sure of the fact that rajiv was lying.
B. the inspector was never more surer of the fact that rajiv was lying.
C. the inspector was never most surer of the fact that rajiv was lying.
D. the inspector was never most sure of the fact that rajiv was lying.
Answer» A. the inspector was never more sure of the fact that rajiv was lying.

Find the synonym of the word fostering

A. safeguarding
B. neglecting
C. ignoring
D. nurturing
Answer» D. nurturing

Choose the correct synonym of the word banned

A. prohibit
B. connect
C. denied
D. avoid
Answer» A. prohibit

Select the antonym of the word captivity

A. independence
B. freedom
C. confined
D. oppress
Answer» B. freedom

You can _______ words in a dictionary.

A. look up
B. look
C. look down
D. look after
Answer» A. look up

Sorry I'm late. My car _______ petrol.

A. ran out
B. ran out of
C. ran out on
D. ran off
Answer» B. ran out of

Let's _______ that old box. We don't need it.

A. throw up
B. throw in
C. throw away
D. throw out
Answer» C. throw away

To play second fiddle (choose the correct meaning of this idiom)

A. happy, cheerful and healthy
B. to reduce importance of one's senior
C. to support the role and view of another person
D. to do back seat driving
Answer» C. to support the role and view of another person

To leave someone in a lurch

A. to come to compromise with someone
B. constant source of annoyance to someone
C. to put someone at ease
D. to desert someone in his difficulties
Answer» D. to desert someone in his difficulties

Un-jumble the following words to form a sentence. (A) exploded /(B) a powerful /(C) the station /(D) device /(E) outside

A. bdaec
B. baedc
C. caebd
D. abdec
Answer» A. bdaec

Un-jumble the following words to form a sentence. (A) free time /(B) with /(C) little /(D) left her /(E) her job

A. adebc
B. edbca
C. adbce
D. dabce
Answer» B. edbca

Arrange the following jumbled words to form a meaningful sentence and select the correct option.

A. plays an
B. upbringing
C. important
D. development /(e) role in
Answer» C. important

Unjumble the following words/phrases to form a coherent sentence. (A) by keeping /(B) oblige me /(C) your /(D) to yourself /(E) suspicion

A. cbaed
B. baced
C. cedba
D. cbead
Answer» B. baced

dirty – always – floor – Ellie – leaves– the – on – her – socks ( choose the correct sentence)

A. ellie always leaves her dirty socks on the floor.
B. her dirty socks always leaves ellie on the floor
C. the floor always leaves ellie on her socks
D. her socks always leaves the dirty floor on
Answer» A. ellie always leaves her dirty socks on the floor.

how – their task – long – been – doing – have – they? (choose the correct sentence)

A. how they have been long doing?
B. how long have they doing the task?
C. how long have they been doing their task?
D. how long the task have been doing they the task?
Answer» C. how long have they been doing their task?

Choose the correct sentence:

A. people america much football very south love in
B. people america much football very south love in
C. people america much football very south love in
D. people in south america love football very much.
Answer» D. people in south america love football very much.

Change into passive! George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.

A. many cars had been repaired by george before he received his mechanic's license.
B. before he received his mechanic's license, many cars had been being repaired by george.
C. before he was received his mechanic's license, many cars had been repaired by george.
D. many cars had been being repaired by george before he was received his mechanic's license.
Answer» A. many cars had been repaired by george before he received his mechanic's license.

Change into indirect speech; Raisa: "Could you bring my book tonight?"

A. she asked me could bring her book that night.
B. she asked me to bring her book that night.
C. she had asked me to bring her book that night.
D. she asked me to bring her book tonight.
Answer» B. she asked me to bring her book that night.

If you hadn’t been late for work, the boss wouldn’t have gotten furious. From that sentence we know the fact that truly happened is ...

A. he/she is late for work that the boss gets furious on her/him.
B. he/she is going to late for work that the boss gets furious on her/him.
C. he/she was late for work that the boss got furious on her/him.
D. he/she will be late for work that the boss gets furious on her/him.
Answer» C. he/she was late for work that the boss got furious on her/him.

________________ she tried really hard, she lost the race.

A. although
B. because
C. since
D. as if
Answer» A. although

________________ he didn't know what to say, he said nothing.

A. because
B. unless
C. though.
D. until
Answer» A. because

_____ as the students had completed their exams, their parents rewarded their efforts by giving them a trip to Paris.

A. in as much
B. due to
C. because
D. yet
Answer» A. in as much

We will have finished our homework _____ they arrive.

A. by
B. by the time
C. until
D. till
Answer» B. by the time

They received a high mark on their exam _____ they had studied hard.

A. because
B. as soon as
C. whereas
D. as if
Answer» A. because

______ she saves a lot, she won't be able to afford that house.

A. even if
B. although
C. because
D. though
Answer» A. even if

_____ he loves music so much, he decided to go to a conservatory.

A. since
B. though
C. when
D. even though
Answer» A. since

_______________ he claims that he is innocent, everyone knows he is guilty

A. while
B. now that
C. even though
D. because
Answer» A. while

A _______ consists of a group of words which contains a subject and a verb.

A. clause
B. recursion
C. movement
D. voice
Answer» A. clause

The process of transforming or changing of sentences into different forms without changing the meaning of the sentence is known as ________ of sentences.

A. conversion
B. transferring
C. transformation
D. changing
Answer» C. transformation

_______ clauses function on its own to make a meaningful sentence.

A. dependent
B. independent
C. assertive
D. declarative
Answer» B. independent

Any sentence which states a fact or a statement is known as a ________ sentence.

A. declarative
B. exclamatory
C. imperative
D. interrogative
Answer» A. declarative

A sentence which expresses a request or a command is called as an _____ sentence.

A. assertive
B. exclamatory
C. imperative
D. interrogative
Answer» C. imperative

Sentences that express strong, excited feelings or emotions is known as an exclamatory sentence.

A. assertive
B. exclamatory
C. imperative
D. interrogative
Answer» B. exclamatory

____________ is a statement that is followed by a mini-question.

A. interrogative
B. imperative
C. tag questions
D. lag questions
Answer» C. tag questions

Mini-questions or short questions at the end of a statement are known as _______.

A. question tags
B. questions marks
C. punctuation marks
D. mini-question
Answer» A. question tags

The _______ one uses while pronouncing a tag question could change the meaning of tag questions in spoken language.

A. intonation
B. rhythm
C. stress
D. pitch
Answer» A. intonation

In English, ______ expresses the relationship of the subject to the verb.

A. tense
B. voice
C. word
D. preposition
Answer» B. voice

_______ refers to reporting someone else’s statement in your own words without changing the meaning of the statement.

A. indirect speech
B. direct speech
C. active voice
D. present tense
Answer» A. indirect speech

Indirect speech is also known as _________.

A. reported speech
B. direct speech
C. active voice
D. changing speech
Answer» A. reported speech

A ____________ sentence is a sentence which consists of only one clause, a single subject and predicate.

A. simple
B. complex
C. compound
D. declarative
Answer» A. simple

The verb present in the reporting speech is known as the ________.

A. verb
B. reporting verb
C. reported verb
D. reporting speech
Answer» B. reporting verb

If the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, the verb in the reported speech is not changed at all and this verb could be in ______ tense.

A. present
B. past
C. future
D. any
Answer» D. any

According to the degree of force used by the speaker, a full stop or a ________ is used at the end of the sentence.

A. question mark
B. quotations
C. comma
D. exclamatory mark
Answer» D. exclamatory mark

A __________ sentence consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

A. simple
B. complex
C. compound
D. explanatory
Answer» B. complex

What is also called as a sign of interrogation?

A. question mark
B. full stop
C. exclamation mark
D. imperative
Answer» A. question mark

A sentence containing at least two independent clauses is known as a ______ sentence.

A. simple
B. complex
C. compound
D. explanatory
Answer» C. compound

A __________ sentence does not contain any dependent clauses.

A. simple
B. complex
C. compound
D. assertive
Answer» C. compound

_______ is a group of two or more words which we usually use together as a set phrase.

A. movement
B. recursion
C. collocation
D. lexical
Answer» C. collocation

______ collocations are those words that don’t match to many other words.

A. positive
B. assertive
C. strong
D. weak
Answer» C. strong

_______ collocations are those words that have many other options.

A. positive
B. assertive
C. strong
D. weak
Answer» D. weak

A linguistic element or grammatical structure that can be used repeatedly in a sequence is said to be _________.

A. movement
B. recursive
C. passive
D. displacement
Answer» B. recursive

_______ refers to the way verbs change their form in order to indicate at which time a situation occurs or an event takes place.

A. voice
B. tense
C. words
D. aspect
Answer» B. tense

If tense tells you when a particular action began, it is _______ that tells us whether an action was continuous, complete or something else.

A. voice
B. tense
C. words
D. aspect
Answer» D. aspect

One of the following is not an aspect in English. Which one is it?

A. simple
B. progressive
C. perfect
D. movement
Answer» D. movement

___________ tense refers to events that have taken place in the past or an event that occurred continually in the past.

A. past
B. present
C. future
D. continuous
Answer» A. past

__________ tense refers to circumstances that exist now, or that have taken place over a period of time which includes the present.

A. past
B. present
C. future
D. continuous
Answer» B. present

________ tense is used to express an action or events that will take place in the future.

A. past
B. perfect
C. future
D. continuous
Answer» C. future

A ______ verb is a verb that shows tense, number (singular or plural) or person.

A. finite
B. non finite
C. anomalous
D. irregular
Answer» A. finite

A verb form which is not affected by number or person is called _______.

A. finite
B. non finite
C. anomalous
D. irregular
Answer» B. non finite

______ are termed as irregular verbs because they do not form the past tense in the regular manner but instead they make a change in the root vowel.

A. finite
B. non finite
C. anomalous
D. irregular
Answer» C. anomalous

Anomalous Finites refers to a group of ____ finites.

A. 22
B. 23
C. 24
D. 20
Answer» C. 24

In English grammar, _______ refers to the grammatical agreement between two words in a sentence.

A. movement
B. recursion
C. concord
D. collocation
Answer» C. concord

_______ is a part of speech that is used to qualify a noun or a pronoun.

A. adverb
B. adjective
C. verb
D. preposition
Answer» B. adjective

Adjectives change in form in order to show comparison. These different forms of the adjective are known as _________.

A. degrees of comparison
B. transformation of sentences
C. direct speech
D. adverb
Answer» A. degrees of comparison

The _______________ is used to compare between two items, groups or people.

A. comparative
B. positive
C. superlative
D. negative
Answer» A. comparative

The _______________is used to describe one item, group or a person.

A. comparative
B. positive
C. superlative
D. negative
Answer» A. comparative

The ___________ is used to describe three or more items, groups or people.

A. comparative
B. positive
C. superlative
D. negative
Answer» C. superlative

The ______________ is the adjective in its simplest form or the adjective itself.

A. comparative
B. positive
C. superlative
D. negative
Answer» B. positive

____________ is a kind of language proficiency test question and it consists of mixed words or sentences written in a mixed order.

A. recursion
B. movement
C. jumbled sentences
D. mixed paragraphs
Answer» C. jumbled sentences

__________ is a group of sentences which conveys one main idea and it helps one to organize their thoughts during the process of writing.

A. essay
B. paragraph
C. jumbled sentences
D. proverb
Answer» B. paragraph

The topic sentence in a paragraph is also known as a ________.

A. transition sentence
B. closing sentence
C. key sentence
D. supporting sentence
Answer» C. key sentence

________ expresses a continuous, completed action that had taken place in the past.

A. past perfect
B. past tense
C. past perfect progressive
D. past progressive
Answer» C. past perfect progressive

The closing sentence in a paragraph is also known as a _________.

A. transition sentence
B. closing sentence
C. key sentence
D. supporting sentence
Answer» A. transition sentence

Once you learn how to write a well structured paragraph, the next thing to be done is editing your _____.

A. thoughts
B. draft
C. essay
D. sentences
Answer» B. draft

In a subject-verb concord, if the subject of the sentence is plural, the verb also must be ___.

A. singular
B. plural
C. concord
D. identified
Answer» B. plural

________ indicates that an action began in the past and is still going on.

A. simple present
B. present perfect
C. present perfect progressive
D. present progressive
Answer» C. present perfect progressive

____________ expresses things like universal truths, theories and principles, proverbs/sayings, characteristics, ordinary routine activities and professional activities. Eg: The sun sets in the West.

A. simple present
B. present perfect
C. present perfect progressive
D. present progressive
Answer» A. simple present
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