100+ Enterprise Systems Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

An enterprise system that integrates the downstream value chain is:

D. None of the above.
Answer» C. CRM.

An enterprise system that integrates the upstream value chain is:

D. None of the above.
Answer» B. SCM.

A typical ERP system includes this module:

A. financial accounting.
B. inventory.
C. bill of materials.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

Which of these is not currently listed as marketing an ERP system?

A. Oracle
B. Peoplesoft
Answer» C. IBM

Systems that communicate across organizational boundaries are:

A. Inter-organizational systems.
B. Intra-organizational systems.
C. Extra-organizational systems.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Inter-organizational systems.

An older system that is still of use to an organization despite the need for frequent maintenance is a(n):

A. obsolete system.
B. legacy system.
C. repository.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. legacy system.

The value chain connection between a firm and its suppliers is called:

A. inbound logistics.
B. outbound logistics.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. inbound logistics.

The value chain connection between a firm and its customers is called:

A. inbound logistics.
B. outbound logistics.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. outbound logistics.

The transportation of finished goods, raw materials, or supplies is:

A. procurement.
B. marketing.
C. production.
D. logistics.
Answer» D. logistics.

Which of these is an important technology used in linking the supply chain?

C. Http
Answer» A. RFID

Which of these is not a mySAP business suite?

A. Product lifecycle management
B. Supply chain management
C. Customer relationship management
D. All of the above are in the suite.
Answer» D. All of the above are in the suite.

Sales force automation software is a subset of which type of software package?

D. None of the above.
Answer» B. CRM

The process of obtaining goods or services is called:

A. logistics.
B. procurement.
C. purchasing.
D. integration.
Answer» B. procurement.

Legacy systems:

A. often require expensive maintenance.
B. may be difficult to integrate with new systems.
C. use a collection of independent files or databases.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

What is said to be the most important step in implementing an ERP system?

A. Get executive support.
B. Get outside help from experts.
C. Thoroughly train users.
D. Take a multidisciplinary approach to implementation.
Answer» A. Get executive support.

Internally focused systems support _____________ within the organization.

A. Functional areas.
B. Processes.
C. Activities
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is not true of (BPR) business process reengineering?

A. Sometimes BPR is needed to lower costs.
B. Sometimes BPR is needed to increase quality.
C. Information technology can be the enabler for radical change.
D. BPR tends to focus on incremental and gradual improvement.
Answer» D. BPR tends to focus on incremental and gradual improvement.

Which of the following is not true of problems that can arise when firms within a supply chain do not collaborate?

A. Reduced costs
B. Excessive inventories
C. Missed production schedules
D. Inaccurate manufacturing capacity
Answer» A. Reduced costs

Which of the following is a function that can help optimize a supply network?

A. Supply chain collaboration
B. Collaborative design
C. Collaborative fulfilment
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is a recommendation that will successfully implement an enterprise wide system?

A. Secure executive sponsorship.
B. Get help from outside experts.
C. Thoroughly train users.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

In the manufacturing industry MRP is the fundamental concept of ___________.

A. sales management.
B. production management.
C. marketing management.
D. human resource management.
Answer» B. production management.

An enterprise is a group of people with ________.

A. common goal.
B. separate goal for each department.
C. multiple goals.
D. two or more goals.
Answer» A. common goal.

_________ approaches reduces data redundancy and provide update information.

A. Legacy system.
B. Information system.
C. Integrated data model.
D. Data base.
Answer» C. Integrated data model.

Expand MRP.

A. material requirement planning.
B. manufacturing resource planning.
C. manufacturing requirement planning.
D. material resource planning.
Answer» A. material requirement planning.

ERP can be used in _________.

A. manufacturing company.
B. non manufacturing company.
C. both manufacturing and non manufacturing companies.
D. any where.
Answer» C. both manufacturing and non manufacturing companies.
Chapter: Unit 2

The term ERP stands for

A. Enterprise Resource Programme
B. Enterprise Requirement Plan
C. Enterprise Resource Planning
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP system is a highly integrated, and enterprise wide information system that covers

A. All the functional areas of an organization
B. Manufacturing
C. zarea of an organization
D. Materials department of an organization
Answer» A. All the functional areas of an organization

Important business challenges of business, which are the main driving reasons for adoption of ERP systems are

A. Competitive Environment
B. Information Age
C. Enterprise Systems
D. (a) and (b)
Answer» D. (a) and (b)

ERP systems provide a number of benefits which include

A. Reduced Inventory
B. Reduced Manpower
C. Reduced cycle time
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The ERP systems which are poorly conceived and/or poorly implemented, will

A. fail and would not be able to provide the desired results
B. may even prove fatal for the organization
C. succeed after two years
D. (a) and (b)
Answer» D. (a) and (b)

ERP systems play a vital role in supporting

A. The business processes and operations of an organization
B. Decision making by employees and managers of an organization
C. The strategies of an organization for competitive advantage
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Any manager in an organization needs to understand

A. The basic concepts of ERP System
B. The strategic planning process and the implementation process for ERP system
C. (a) and (b)
D. The computer programming used in ERP systems
Answer» C. (a) and (b)

ERP systems have evolved from

A. The Materials Requirements Planning(MRP) Systems
B. The Manufacturing Requirements Planning(MRP II)
C. (a) and (b)
D. Artificial Intelligence Systems
Answer» C. (a) and (b)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

A. has existed for over a decade
B. does not integrate well with functional areas other than operations
C. is inexpensive to implement
D. automates and integrates the majority of business processes
Answer» D. automates and integrates the majority of business processes

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

A. has been made possible because of advances in hardware and software
B. uses client/server networks
C. creates commonality of databases
D. All of the above are true of ERP
Answer» D. All of the above are true of ERP

Which of the following is false concerning enterprise resource planning (ERP)?

A. It attempts to automate and integrate the majority of business processes.
B. It shares common data and practices across the enterprise.
C. It is inexpensive to implement.
D. It provides and accesses information in a real-time environment
Answer» C. It is inexpensive to implement.

All of the following are advantages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) except it

A. creates commonality of databases
B. increases communications and collaboration worldwide
C. helps integrate multiple sites and business units
D. requires major changes in the company and its processes to implement
Answer» D. requires major changes in the company and its processes to implement

Which of the following describes an ERP system?

A. ERP systems provide a foundation for collaboration between departments
B. ERP systems enable people in different business areas to communicate
C. ERP systems have been widely adopted in large organizations to store critical knowledge used to make the decisions that drive the organization's performance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What is at the heart of any ERP system?

A. Information
B. Employees
C. Customers
D. Database
Answer» D. Database

What must a system do to qualify as a true ERP solution?

A. Be flexible
B. Be modular and closed
C. Extend within the company
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Be flexible

Which of the following is a reason for ERPs explosive growth?

A. ERP is a logical solution to the mess of incompatible applications
B. ERP addresses the need for global information sharing and reporting
C. ERP is used to avoid the pain and expense of fixing legacy systems
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following occurs when everyone involved in sourcing, producing, and delivering the company's product works with the same information?

A. Eliminates redundancies
B. Cuts down wasted time
C. Removes misinformation
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What are the primary business benefits of an ERP system?

A. Sales forecasts, sales strategies, and marketing campaigns
B. Market demand, resource and capacity constraints, and real-time scheduling
C. Forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, warehousing, inventory, and distribution
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, warehousing, inventory, and distribution

Who are the primary users of ERP systems?

A. Sales, marketing, customer service
B. Accounting, finance, logistics, and production
C. Customers, resellers, partners, suppliers, and distributors
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Accounting, finance, logistics, and production

A major strength of MRP is its capability

A. to minimize labor hours used in production
B. for timely and accurate replanning
C. to reduce lead times
D. to maximize production throughput
Answer» B. for timely and accurate replanning

Material requirements plan specify

A. the quantities of the product families that need to be produced
B. the quantity and timing of planned order releases
C. the capacity needed to provide the projected output rate
D. the costs associated with alternative plans
Answer» B. the quantity and timing of planned order releases

Which of the following statements is true about the MRP plan when using lot-for-lot ordering?

A. The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of planned order releases for its parent.
B. The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is equal to the quantity of net requirements for its parent(s) multiplied by the number of child items used in the parent assembly.
C. The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of gross requirements for its parent.
D. The quantity and gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of net requirements for its parent.
Answer» B. The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is equal to the quantity of net requirements for its parent(s) multiplied by the number of child items used in the parent assembly.

MRP II is accurately described as

A. MRP software designed for services
B. MRP with a new set of computer programs that execute on micro computers
C. MRP augmented by other resource variables
D. usually employed to isolate manufacturing operations from other aspects of an organization
Answer» C. MRP augmented by other resource variables

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is

A. severely limited by current MRP computer systems
B. not related to MRP
C. an advanced MRP II system that ties-in customers and suppliers
D. not currently practical
Answer» C. an advanced MRP II system that ties-in customers and suppliers

The extension of MRP which extends to resources such as labor hours and machine hours, as well as to order entry, purchasing, and direct interface with customers and suppliers is

B. Enterprise Resource Planning
C. the master production schedule
D. closed-loop MRP
Answer» B. Enterprise Resource Planning
Chapter: Unit 3

Supply chain management is essentially the optimisation of material flows and associated information flows involved with an organisation's operations. To manage these flows, e-business applications are essential to bring such benefits as noted in 'Internet retailing' in 2010 which reported that the average rates of return to a high street retailer could be as high as 10%. What did the same source report as the average rate of return for UK e-commerce sites?

A. 15%
B. 22%
C. 12%
D. 18%
Answer» B. 22%

Supply chain (SC) management involves the coordination of all supply activities of an organisation from its suppliers to the delivery of products to its customers. There are various features associated with this area of e-commerce and which refers to what is known as efficient consumer response (ECR):

A. Creating and satisfying customer demand by optimizing strategies, promotions and product introductions
B. The links between an organisation and all partners involved
C. Transactions between an organisation and its customers and intermediaries
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Creating and satisfying customer demand by optimizing strategies, promotions and product introductions

An organisation's supply chain can be viewed from a system's perspective that starts with the acquisition of resources which are then transformed into products or services. Simply, put the sequence is represented:

A. Process - inputs - outputs
B. Sourcing - input - process - outputs
C. Inputs - outputs - process
D. Inputs - process – outputs
Answer» A. Process - inputs - outputs

Logistics is an integral part of supply chain management. Which explanation best represents outbound logistics?

A. A supply chain that emphasises distribution of a product to passive customers
B. The management of material resources entering an organisation from its suppliers and other partners
C. An emphasis on using the supply chain to deliver value to customers who are actively involved in product and service specification
D. The management of resources supplied from an organisation to its customers and intermediaries
Answer» A. A supply chain that emphasises distribution of a product to passive customers

The 'value chain' idea is a concept that has been well established for the past three decades and it refers to considering key activities that an organization can conduct to add value for the customer. It traditionally distinguished between primary activities and support activities. Why is this concept regarded as outdated with the development of e-business?

A. There is a clear distinction between primary and support activities
B. The concept still holds and does not need revision
C. The support activities offer far more than just support
D. Support activities have been subsumed under primary activities
Answer» A. There is a clear distinction between primary and support activities

A value chain analysis provides an analytical framework for an organisation to examine individual activities and determine value added at each stage. The principles can also be applied to an organisation's external value stream analysis which considers how the whole production and delivery process can be made more efficient. The activities can be categorized into those:

A. All of the below
B. Those required for product development or production systems
C. Those that do not add value
D. That create value as perceived by the customer
Answer» A. All of the below

Improvements in the value chain can be implemented by following Kjellsdotter and Jonsson's iterative planning cycle. Which of the following does not form part of the cycle?

A. Creating a consensus forecast
B. Creating a preliminary delivery plan
C. Creating a preliminary production plan
D. Creating a quality control plan
Answer» A. Creating a consensus forecast

What does the following definition refer to: an organisation which uses communications technology to allow it to operate without clearly define physical boundaries between different functions?

A. Cloud organisation
B. Base-free organisation
C. E-organisation
D. Virtual organisation
Answer» D. Virtual organisation

Using digital communication to improve supply chain efficiency is dependent on effective exchange and sharing of information. The challenges of achieving standardized data formats and data exchange have given rise to the study of the optimisation of the:

A. Virtual integration
B. Information asymmetry
C. Information supply chain
D. Vertical integration
Answer» C. Information supply chain

The typical benefits of e-supply chain management gained by a B2B company are quite comprehensive. Which of the following is false though?

A. Increased efficiency of individual processes
B. Reduced complexity of the supply chain
C. Increased costs through outsourcing
D. Improved data integration between elements of the supply chain
Answer» C. Increased costs through outsourcing

What does a company's information system need to deliver to different parties who need to access the supply chain information of an organisation, whether they be employees, suppliers, logistics service providers or customers?

A. Password and user name reminders
B. Supply chain visibility
C. Radio-frequency identification of products
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Supply chain visibility

What was the rationale behind introducing the Global Data Synchronisation Network in 2005?

A. To provide a common pricing structure taking currency fluctuations into account
B. To speed up e-commerce interaction
C. To allow trading partners to manage each other's supply chain
D. To create standards for sharing information about products
Answer» D. To create standards for sharing information about products

To manage e-supply chains effectively, benefits need to be developed into a performance management framework. Sambasivan and colleagues (2009) produced such a framework, identifying categories of measures and provided examples of metrics for each. Which of the following fits this framework?

A. Production level metric - range of products and services, effectiveness of scheduling techniques, capacity utilisation
B. Cost in supply chain - return on investment
C. Supply chain finance and logistics cost - total, distribution, manufacturing, and inventory costs
D. They are all accurate
Answer» A. Production level metric - range of products and services, effectiveness of scheduling techniques, capacity utilisation

Key to re-structuring the supply chain is the need to examine the types of relationships between partners such as suppliers and distributors. Researchers have found that low cost is the main driver in managing supply partnerships and a restructuring will often require companies to:

A. Reduce their number of suppliers
B. Focus on core competencies
C. Develop strong partnership relationships
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

As guidance to managing a global distribution, seven action points have been suggested. Do these include:

A. Do not waste money, time and energy initially
B. Let distributors pick you
C. Treat local distributors as short-term partners
D. They are all incorrect
Answer» D. They are all incorrect

Big JIT includes all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Vendor relations
B. Scheduling materials
C. Human relations
D. Technology management
Answer» C. Human relations

Which of the following reasons accounts for the importance of supply chain Management?

A. Increasing competitive pressures
B. Decreasing globalization
C. Decreasing levels of outsourcing
D. Increasingtransportation costs
Answer» D. Increasingtransportation costs

. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of supply chain management?

A. Less variety
B. Greater agility
C. Lower inventory
D. Higher productivity
Answer» D. Higher productivity

What would be the total cost of inventory, if a firm holds 200 units of a product ‘A’,where the carrying cost is Rs. 2 per unit?

A. Rs. 202
B. Rs. 100
C. Rs. 198
D. Rs. 400
Answer» D. Rs. 400

Which of the following mathematical expressions can be employed to compute inventory cost?

A. Carrying cost per unit + average inventory cost
B. Carrying cost per unit × average inventory cost
C. Carrying cost per unit ÷ average inventory cost
D. Carrying cost per unit – average inventory cost
Answer» A. Carrying cost per unit + average inventory cost

Which of the following is the cost of carrying an item in inventory for a specific period of time?

A. Ordering cost
B. Holding cost
C. Shortage cost
D. Stock out cost
Answer» B. Holding cost

Which one of the following mathematical expressions can be employed to compute annual carrying cost?

A. (Q-2)H
B. (Q+2)H
C. (Q÷2)H
D. (Q×2)/H
Answer» C. (Q÷2)H

In which of the following systems an item’s inventory is stored at two different locations?

A. Optional replenishment system
B. Base stock system
C. Two bin system
D. Universal bar code system method
Answer» C. Two bin system

Which one of the following is a condition for a successful supply chain?

A. A large number of suppliers
B. Many short-term contracts
C. Trust among trading partners
D. Continuous competitive bidding
Answer» C. Trust among trading partners

JIT stands for which of the following?

A. Just In Time
B. Just In Test
C. Job In Time
D. Job Inventory Time
Answer» A. Just In Time
Chapter: Unit 4

Building long-term relationships with customers is essential for any business. The application of technology to achieve CRM is a key element of e-business but what does CRM stand for?

A. Customer relationship management
B. Customer retailing management
C. Consumer relationship management
D. Customer resource management
Answer» A. Customer relationship management

There are different techniques to both initiate and build relationships with customers by using a combination of online and offline techniques. What is the 'customer life cycle' though?

A. Techniques to encourage customers to increase their involvement with an organisation
B. The stages each customer will go through in a long-term relationship with a supplier
C. An approach to building and sustaining long-term business with a customer
D. The answers above are all correct
Answer» B. The stages each customer will go through in a long-term relationship with a supplier

The four marketing activities within the customer relationship management include customer selection, customer acquisition, customer retention, plus:

A. Customer referrals
B. Customer cross-sell
C. Customer Up-sell
D. Customer extension
Answer» D. Customer extension

Using digital communications technologies to maximise sales to existing customers and encourage continued usage on online services is known as:

A. Mass customisation
B. Customer-centric marketing
C. Personalisation
D. Electronic customer relationship management
Answer» D. Electronic customer relationship management

Using the Internet for relationship marketing involves integrating the customer database with websites to make the relationship targeted and personalised. Through doing this there are many benefits to be gained but which of the below is not an advantage?

A. Minimises breadth, depth and nature of relationship
B. Achieve mass customisation of the marketing messages
C. Targeting more effectively
D. Lower costs
Answer» A. Minimises breadth, depth and nature of relationship

Accepting that a customer has agreed to opt-in to receive further information, with customer profiling the minimum amount of online information that needs to be collected is an e-mail address. What is really required though to decide if the customer is a good potential target for further communications?

A. Opt-out facilities to be removed
B. A qualified lead
C. Permission marketing
D. Interruption marketing
Answer» B. A qualified lead

RACE is a practical framework to help marketers manage and improve the commercial value gained from digital marketing. The term stands for Reach, Act, C, Engage. What does 'C' refer to?

A. None of the below
B. Convert
C. Collaborate
D. Consolidate
Answer» B. Convert

Companies that understand how customers use digital media in their purchase decision buying can develop integrated communications strategies to support their customers at each stage in the buying process. Customers have individual preferences in the ways they use the web depending upon why they need to use it and this web use is known as:

A. Searching behaviours
B. Undirected information-seekers
C. Directed buyers
D. Directed-information seekers
Answer» A. Searching behaviours

E-commerce managers aim to deliver the most effective mix of communications to drive traffic to their e-commerce sites. The different techniques can be characterised as:

A. Digital media channels
B. Online marketing communications
C. Offline marketing communications
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A marketing campaign will not be successful if the costs of acquiring site visitors and customers are too high. The term used to describe the cost of acquiring a new customer is known as:

A. Cost per acquisition
B. Bounce rate
C. Allowable cost per acquisition
D. Referrer cost
Answer» A. Cost per acquisition

The use of online and offline promotion techniques to increase the audience of a site is known as

A. Search engine optimisation
B. Traffic building campaign
C. Quality score
D. Search engine marketing
Answer» B. Traffic building campaign

Online public relations (or e-PR) should aim to maximise favourable mentions of companies, products, brands, etc which are likely to be visited by target audiences. Which of the following activities fall within the remit of e-PR?

A. Link building including reciprocal links
B. Social networks and online communities
C. Communicating with media (journalists) online
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) usage has become so widespread that to discount a social media strategy would be a mistake best avoided. Social customer relationship management (Social CRM) is a relatively new term which helps to define the broad scope of social media across the customer life cycle and value chain. The Altimeter report (2010) provides a framework for reviewing strategy implementation and is known as:

A. The 5Ms
B. Social media CRM framework
C. Social CRM modelling
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The 5Ms

Online marketing communications include the development on online partnerships and are regarded as an important part of a marketing mix. There are three key types of online partnerships; link building, affiliate marketing, and one other:

A. Online sponsorship
B. Ad serving
C. Media multiplier
D. Interactive advertising
Answer» A. Online sponsorship

E-mail marketing has to make strategic plans regarding outbound and inbound emails. E-mail is most widely used as a prospect conversion and customer retention tool. A database of customer names, email addresses and profile information used for e-mail marketing is usually known as:

A. Viral marketing email directory
B. House list
C. Customer profiles
D. Customer and prospect database
Answer» B. House list

A strength of social media and viral marketing is:

A. Cannot be ignored in user's inbox
B. Considered credible
C. Highly targeted with controlled costs
D. It is possible to reach a large number at relatively low cost
Answer» D. It is possible to reach a large number at relatively low cost

Identify the subsystems of Plant Maintenance module of an ERP system: I. Component Tracking II. Preventive Maintenance Control III. Inventory Management IV. Cost Management

A. 1, 2 & 3
B. 2, 3 & 4
C. 1 & 2
D. 1, 3 & 4
Answer» C. 1 & 2

Identify the main components of PDM systems-- I. Data Management II. Classification of Components III. Product Structure IV. Document relationships

A. 1, 2 & 3
B. 1, 4 & 3
C. 2 & 3
D. 4 & 3
Answer» A. 1, 2 & 3

Sub modules of Sales and Distribution modules are: I. Order Management II. Warehouse Management III. Foreign Trade IV. Sales Support

A. 3
B. 1 & 2
C. 2 & 4
D. 1, 2, 3 & 4
Answer» D. 1, 2, 3 & 4

Match the following: First set:
I. Material request management
II. Material Issue
III. Material Receipt IV. Stock Valuation Second set:

A. receipt is issued from the seller.
B. Stock is verified mechanically.
C. Appeal for materials is made from various departments.
D. Materials are issued as per order.
Answer» A. receipt is issued from the seller.

Components of a CRM system are:
I. Users
II. Hardware and Operating Systems
III. CRM Software
IV. Business Processes

A. 3 &4
B. 1, 2, 3 & 4
C. 2 & 4
D. 1,2 & 3
Answer» B. 1, 2, 3 & 4

State whether the following are True/False.
I. HRM defines enterprise planning for work and job roles with respect to specific language.
II. HRM defines staff selection and decides various phases of the project according the policies of the company.
III. HRM does not facilitate recruitment process.
IV. HRM deploys effective search engine to easily find and sort out the profiles that is filtered with respect to the company’s criteria.

A. 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T
B. 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T
C. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4T
D. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F
Answer» C. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4T

Important point to be kept in mind while evaluating ERP software is the total costs that includes
I. Cost of license
II. Cost of Training
III. Implementation and maintenance cost.
IV. Customisation and hardware requirements costs.

A. 1, 2, & 3
B. 2, 3, & 4
C. 1, 2, 3, & 4
D. 1, 2, &4
Answer» C. 1, 2, 3, & 4

Match the following sets of topology categories and their examples.
First Set:
I. Internal failure costs
II. External failure costs
III. Appraisal costs,
IV. Prevention costs
Second Set:
A. Costs of scrap.
B. Design and development of new quality equipment
C. Cost of inspecting upon arrival.
D. Warranty claims.

A. 1A, 2D, 3C, 4B
B. 1C, 2B, 3D, 4A
C. 1C, 2D, 3A, 4B
D. 1C, 2A, 3B, 4D
Answer» A. 1A, 2D, 3C, 4B

World Software automatically allows the user to,
I. Selectively mix, match and integrate software applications.
II. Easily modify it to ongoing business, local and organization-specific requirements.
III. Maximise productivity by shrinking the amount of training users n
IV. Add World Vision, its advanced graphical user interface.

A. 1 & 3
B. 2, 3, & 4
C. 1, 2, & 3
D. 1, 2, & 4
Answer» D. 1, 2, & 4
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