110+ Fundamentals of Management Solved MCQs


The concept of ‘Management by Objectives’ was introduced by

A. Frederick Herzberg.
B. F.W. Taylor
C. Elton Mayo
D. Peter F. Drucker
Answer» D. Peter F. Drucker

Scalar Chain denotes

A. a Production Process
B. an Appraisal Process
C. Span of Management.
D. authority from the highest to the lowest ranks.
Answer» D. authority from the highest to the lowest ranks.

Which one of the following examples is not included in the intangible premises of planning.

A. Public Relations
B. Employee Morale
C. Labour Hours
D. Competitive Strength
Answer» C. Labour Hours

Which one of the following elements is odd with Weber’s Six Major Principles?

A. Hierarchical Structure
B. Unity of Command
C. “In-focused” mission
D. Technical Qualifications.
Answer» B. Unity of Command

Decisions which are repetitive and can be established well in advance to solve the day-today problems in an organization are known as

A. Programmed Decisions
B. Non-programmed Decisions
C. Personal Decisions
D. Heuristic Techniques
Answer» A. Programmed Decisions

In the case of selecting candidates in an organization, the first step is

A. Preliminary Interview
B. Back ground Investigation
C. Blank Application
D. Medical Examination
Answer» C. Blank Application

Reporting relationship is a step of

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Medical Examination
Answer» B. Organizing

All the following principles are included in ‘Directing’ except

A. Harmony of Objectives
B. Unity of Command
C. Coordination
D. Follow up
Answer» C. Coordination

Controlling involves 17

A. Determining the Objectives
B. Setting Standards of Performance
C. Identifying Activities for the Creation of Departments
D. Directing the People towards Accomplishment of Common Goals
Answer» B. Setting Standards of Performance

‘No news is good news’ relate to

A. Historical Feedback Control
B. Predictive Feed Forward Control
C. Critical Point Control
D. Control by Exception
Answer» D. Control by Exception

Authority is

A. Right to do something
B. Ability to do something
C. Derived from many sources
D. Not visible from organizational chart
Answer» A. Right to do something

Vroom’s Theory of Motivation is known as

A. Need Hierarchy Theory
B. Equity Theory
C. Expectancy Theory
D. Theory X and Theory Y
Answer» C. Expectancy Theory

Which one of the following needs is missing in the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ Theory?

A. Psychological Needs
B. Physiological Needs
C. Safety Needs
D. Wealth Needs
Answer» D. Wealth Needs

Which one of the following elements is associated with Herzberg’s Model?

A. Self – Actualization
B. Safety
C. Esteem
D. Hygiene
Answer» D. Hygiene

Which one of the following methods is included in the ‘off-the-job-training’?

A. Coaching
B. Case Studies
C. Apprenticeship Training
D. Vestibule Training
Answer» B. Case Studies

Under the Likert’s Four Management System, which one of the following adopts a paternalistic approach towards the subordinates?

A. System 1 – Exploitative Autocratic
B. System 2 – Benevolent Autocratic
C. System 3 – Consultative
D. System 4 – Democratic
Answer» B. System 2 – Benevolent Autocratic

Which one of the following is not the merit of Oral communication?

A. Authenticity
B. Effective
C. Easy Communication
D. Instant Feedback
Answer» A. Authenticity

‘Simulation’ is useful

A. to observe the behavior of a system
B. to find solution to the Waiting-line Problem
C. to optimize the objective function
D. to make decision under competition
Answer» A. to observe the behavior of a system

Flow of communication among the same level of people is known as

A. Upward communication
B. Downward communication
C. Horizontal communication
D. Formal communication
Answer» C. Horizontal communication

Which one of the following is not an objective of MIS?

A. To facilitate the Decision making process
B. To provide requisite information at each level of management
C. To support the Decision making Process
D. To recruit people for the system
Answer» D. To recruit people for the system

Which one of the following is not included in Scientific Management technique?

A. Division of labour
B. Scientific selection
C. Training and placement of workers
D. Hierarchical Structure
Answer» D. Hierarchical Structure

Under Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management, which one of the following factor is related with Esprit de Corps?

A. Division of work
B. Team Work
C. Personal ability
D. Personal interest
Answer» B. Team Work

In the organization, reporting relationship is a function of

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Controlling
Answer» B. Organizing

Which one of the following is not included in “The Managerial Activities”?

A. Commanding
B. Controlling
C. Accounting
D. Organizing
Answer» C. Accounting

Heuristic techniques refer to

A. Trial and Error technique
B. Group Decision making technique
C. Brain Storming technique
D. Critical Problem Solving technique
Answer» A. Trial and Error technique

Which one of the following is not correct in case of planning?

A. Planning is goal oriented
B. Planning is pervasive
C. Planning is discreet function
D. Planning is flexible
Answer» C. Planning is discreet function

PERT stands for

A. Progressive Evaluation and Review Tool
B. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
C. Programme Evaluation and Regression Technique
D. Progressive Evaluation and Regression Tool
Answer» B. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique

‘Cybernetics’ relates to

A. Feed-back control
B. Feed-forward control
C. Steering control
D. Critical point control
Answer» A. Feed-back control

Directing is a

A. Discreet process
B. Continuous process
C. One-way process
D. Circular process
Answer» B. Continuous process

Which one of the following is an example of non-routine decisions?

A. Decision related to fill up the vacated position of an organization
B. Decision related to launch a new production plant
C. Decision related to restructure the organization for improvement
D. Decision related to take over a sick unit
Answer» B. Decision related to launch a new production plant

In making a decision, ‘game theory’ is useful under conditions of

A. Certainty
B. Various probabilities
C. Competitive rivalry
D. Irregular demand
Answer» C. Competitive rivalry

Referrent power is the

A. Power of ability to grant or withhold the rewards to others
B. Power of ability to punish others for not carrying out orders
C. Power of dominance over others through specialized knowledge
D. Power of attracting peoples towards a person himself or herself
Answer» D. Power of attracting peoples towards a person himself or herself

Which one of the following techniques does not imply ‘On-the-job training’ method?

A. Apprenticeship training
B. T-Group training
C. Vestibule training
D. Self-improvement programmes
Answer» B. T-Group training

Which leadership style permits quick decision making?

A. Democratic Style
B. Laissez Fair Leadership
C. Authoritarian Leadership
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Authoritarian Leadership

Programmed decisions are concerned with

A. Basic decisions
B. Unique decisions
C. Repetitive and Routine decisions
D. Non-routine decisions
Answer» C. Repetitive and Routine decisions

Channels of communication in an informal organization is known as

A. Grapevine
B. Gangplank
C. Upward communication
D. Downward communication
Answer» A. Grapevine

When communication flows from top to bottom is known as

A. Upward communication
B. Downward communication
C. Horizontal communication
D. Formal communication
Answer» B. Downward communication

An individual’s degree of like or dislike of oneself is known as

A. Self-belief
B. Self-concept
C. Self-efficacy
D. Self-esteem
Answer» C. Self-efficacy

Close supervision, control of subordinates, centralization of authority, autocratic leadership styles are the features of

A. Need hierarchy theory
B. Two factor theory
C. Theory X
D. Theory Y
Answer» C. Theory X

Existence, Relatedness and Growth (ERG) theory was propounded by

A. Alderfer
B. Likert
C. Vroom
D. Herzberg
Answer» A. Alderfer

_________________ is called as the father of Scientific Management.

A. Henri Fayol
B. F.W. Taylor
C. Max Weber
D. Elton Mayo
Answer» B. F.W. Taylor

Administrative function is the _______________ managerial function.

A. top-level
B. middle – level
C. lower – level
D. supervisory level
Answer» A. top-level

______________ form the basis for the functioning of an organization.

A. Profits
B. Objectives
C. Policies
D. Strategies
Answer» C. Policies

____________ is a means to an end.

A. Organising
B. Planning
C. Controlling
D. Coordinating
Answer» C. Controlling

_____________ is the foundation of most successful actions of all enterprises.

A. Controlling
B. Planning
C. Organising
D. Directing
Answer» B. Planning

____________ process is called a negative process.

A. Training
B. Placement
C. Selection
D. Induction
Answer» C. Selection

Control by Exception is also known as ________________

A. Management by Exception
B. Management by Objectives
C. Decision making
D. Management Information System
Answer» A. Management by Exception

_________ is concerned with the total manner in which a manager influences the actions of subordinates.

A. Planning
B. Organising
C. Directing
D. Staffing
Answer» C. Directing

_______________ is the essence of management.

A. Directing
B. Coordinating
C. Controlling
D. Planning
Answer» B. Coordinating

______________ refers to the process of passing information from one person to another and its understanding.

A. Planning
B. Communicating
C. Controlling
D. Motivating
Answer» B. Communicating

_________ defines management as the process of getting things done by and through others.

A. Hicks
B. Massie
C. Fayol
D. Drucker
Answer» A. Hicks

____________ has defined authority as the power to take decisions which guide the actions of others.

A. Simon
B. Barnard
C. Terry
D. Taylor
Answer» A. Simon

_____________ flows from the top-level management to the bottom level management.

A. Authority
B. Performance
C. Responsibility
D. Accountability
Answer» A. Authority

__________ power is the ability to punish others for not carrying out orders.

A. Reward
B. Legitimate
C. Expert
D. Coercive
Answer» D. Coercive

The process of assigning work to others and giving them authority to do that is ________

A. Controlling
B. Organising
C. delegating authority
D. directing
Answer» C. delegating authority

Under ____________ leadership system, goals are set and work-related decisions are taken by the subordinates.

A. Exploitative
B. Benevolent
C. Authoritarian
D. Democratic
Answer» D. Democratic

__________ propounded the need-based theory of motivation.

A. Vroom
B. Porter
C. Maslow
D. Mc Gregor
Answer» C. Maslow

Autocratic Leadership is also known as ______________ leadership.

A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. free rein
D. participative
Answer» A. Authoritarian

_____________ is not a quantitative technique of decision-making.

A. Linear programming
B. Game Theory
C. Management by Objectives
D. Simulation
Answer» C. Management by Objectives

Decision making is expected to be based on ______________

A. competitors policies
B. rational thinking
C. government policies
D. workers activities
Answer» B. rational thinking

Father of the Principles of Management is _________________

A. Drucker
B. Terry
C. Fayol
D. Taylor
Answer» C. Fayol

Management is the art of _______________

A. managing customers
B. making super normal profit
C. keeping competitors under pressure
D. getting things done by groups of people
Answer» D. getting things done by groups of people

Scientific Management is concerned with _______________

A. co-operation, not individualism
B. increased production through long experience
C. application of scientific principles to the management of production
D. increased sales
Answer» C. application of scientific principles to the management of production

___________ is an intellectual process

A. Controlling
B. Planning
C. Organising
D. Directing
Answer» B. Planning

The military organization leads to ______________

A. Specialization
B. unified control
C. over loading
D. over dependence
Answer» B. unified control

Which one of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

A. Selective Perception
B. Defensiveness
C. Emotions
D. Filtering
Answer» B. Defensiveness

__________ refers to the introduction of a person to the job and the organization.

A. Induction
B. Selection
C. Recruitment
D. Placement
Answer» A. Induction

____________ is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals.

A. Planning
B. Organising
C. Leading
D. Motivating
Answer» C. Leading

The purpose of control is to ______________

A. fix standard
B. measure actual performance
C. find out deviation
D. (a), (b) & (c)
Answer» D. (a), (b) & (c)

____________ is that managerial function which initiates organized action.

A. Directing
B. Organising
C. Leading
D. Motivating
Answer» A. Directing

The elements of the management process are known as the _________ of management.

A. Functions
B. Nature
C. Concept
D. Scope
Answer» A. Functions

Authority is derived from ____________

A. Position
B. Seniority
C. technical competence
D. qualifications
Answer» A. Position

___________ power is derived from the formal position of a person in the organization.

A. Social
B. Coercive
C. Expert
D. Legitimate
Answer» D. Legitimate

Concurrent Control is also known as ____________

A. Feedback Control
B. Feedforward Control
C. Steering Control
D. Critical Point Control
Answer» C. Steering Control

__________ leadership is a compromise between laissez fair and autocratic leadership.

A. Persuasive
B. Democratic
C. Institutional
D. Free Rein
Answer» B. Democratic

__________ of motivation is also known as Two factor Theory of Motivation.

A. Maslow’s Theory
B. Herzberg’s Theory
C. Mc Gregor’s Theory
D. Vroom’s Theory
Answer» B. Herzberg’s Theory

____________ leader exercises complete control over the subordinates.

A. Autocratic
B. Democratic
C. Participative
D. Free Rein
Answer» A. Autocratic

Dispersal of authority throughout the organization is ______________

A. Delegation of Authority
B. Decentralisation of Authority
C. Wide Span of Control
D. None of (A), (B) & (C)
Answer» B. Decentralisation of Authority

________ is an act of choice wherein a person comes to a conclusion about what has to be done in a given situation.

A. Planning
B. Organising
C. Decision making
D. Controlling
Answer» C. Decision making

___________ is the father of Management.

A. Fayol
B. Drucker
C. Taylor
D. David
Answer» B. Drucker

_________ is the chain of the superiors existing from the highest authority to the lowest ranks.

A. Unity of Command
B. Unity of Direction
C. Scalar Chain
D. Authority
Answer» C. Scalar Chain

Fayol viewed management as a process consisting of __________ functions which every manager performs.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Answer» B. 5

Corporate Planning is done by the ____________

A. Top Level Management
B. Lower Level Management
C. Middle Level Management
D. Consultant
Answer» A. Top Level Management

_________ refers to training conducted away from actual work setting.

A. Conference Method of Training
B. Coaching
C. Job Rotation
D. Vestibule Training
Answer» D. Vestibule Training

__________ involves interpretation of the message by the receiver.

A. Encoding
B. Decoding
C. Feedback
D. Medium
Answer» B. Decoding

___________ is that managerial function which analyses the alternatives available.

A. Planning
B. Organising
C. Directing
D. Staffing
Answer» A. Planning

____________ is the essence of Management.

A. Decentralisaton
B. Span of Management
C. Training
D. Planning
Answer» D. Planning

_______ refers to the process of passing information from one person to another.

A. Planning
B. Communication
C. Controlling
D. Motivation
Answer» B. Communication

Which one of the following is not related to Control?

A. To fix the standard
B. To measure the actual performance
C. To find out the deviation
D. To communicate
Answer» D. To communicate

Which one of the following was suggested by Fayol?

A. Management by Exception
B. Unity of Direction
C. Delegation of Authority
D. Centralisation
Answer» B. Unity of Direction

Which one of the following is not a part of the communication process?

A. Encoding
B. Decoding
C. Medium
D. Situation
Answer» D. Situation

___________ is necessary to take decisions to guide the actions of others.

A. Authority
B. Planning
C. Centralisation
D. Responsibility
Answer» A. Authority

____________ is the process of entrusting part of the work by the superior to his/her subordinates.

A. Centralisation
B. Accountability
C. Delegation of Authority
D. Responsibility
Answer» C. Delegation of Authority

__________ flows from the lower-level management to the top level management.

A. Authority
B. Responsibility
C. Centralisation
D. Decentralisation
Answer» B. Responsibility

A decision to launch a new product is a / an _____________

A. Programmed Decision
B. Non – routine Decision
C. Personal Decision
D. Organisational Decision
Answer» D. Organisational Decision

_________ process is an interplay of three elements – the leader, the follower and the situation.

A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Leadership
D. Planning
Answer» C. Leadership

________ has modified the Hierarchy of Needs Theory of motivation.

A. Vroom
B. Mc Gregor
C. Herzberg
D. Mc Clelland
Answer» D. Mc Clelland

There can be no leadership without __________

A. Managers
B. Subordinates
C. Followers
D. Supervisors
Answer» C. Followers

________ decisions are of non-repetitive nature.

A. Basic
B. Routine
C. Personal
D. Policy
Answer» C. Personal

Bureaucracy Theory was invented by

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henri Fayol
C. Max Weber
D. Peter Drucker
Answer» C. Max Weber
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