90+ History of the Early World Solved MCQs


Which is considered as oldest civilization of the world?

A. mesopotamian civilization
B. egyptian civilization
C. harappa civilization
D. chinese civilization
Answer» A. mesopotamian civilization

Which among following is called "Gift of the Nile”?

A. china
B. india
C. iraq
D. egypt
Answer» D. egypt

Who is considered as the master of Greek comedy?

A. aeschylus
B. sophocles
C. aristophanes
D. philip
Answer» B. sophocles

When ancient Olympic Games first held?

A. 776 bc
B. 780 bc
C. 790 bc
D. 800 bc
Answer» A. 776 bc

Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine?

A. euclid
B. pythagoras
C. hippocrates
D. eratosthenes
Answer» C. hippocrates

Rome was founded around?

A. 1000 bc
B. 1200 bc
C. 1400 bc
D. 1600 bc
Answer» B. 1200 bc

Which was not a Roman Philosopher?

A. cicero
B. seneca
C. lucretius
D. octavian
Answer» D. octavian

Who was among the famous Roman poets?

A. tacitus
B. pliny
C. virgil
D. marcus
Answer» C. virgil

Marco Polo, Venetian traveler, travelled from Venice to China and Japan in:

A. 1285 - 90
B. 1288 - 93
C. 1290 - 96
D. 1295 - 1301
Answer» C. 1290 - 96

What were the two main city states of Ancient Greece?

A. roma and alexandria
B. corinth and olympia
C. sparta and athens
D. thebes and argos
Answer» C. sparta and athens

.What do we call the period of Ancient Greece history that occurred before the Greeks introduced democracy?

A. monarchy period
B. hellenistic period
C. classical period
D. archaic period
Answer» D. archaic period

What major civilization that came soon after the Greeks was greatly influenced by the Greek culture?

A. romans
B. egyptians
C. assyrians
D. persians
Answer» A. romans

What period was marked by democracy and great philosophers such as Plato and Socrates?

A. monarchy period
B. hellenistic period
C. classical period
D. archaic period
Answer» C. classical period

What was the primary focus of much of the culture of the city of Sparta?

A. food and celebration
B. music and literature
C. painting and sculpture
D. war and fighting
Answer» D. war and fighting

Which of the following statements best describes the historical significance of Ancient Greece?

A. much of today`s western culture is founded on ancient greek culture.
B. it was a powerful civilization with little lasting influence.
C. greek culture had a large impact on asian culture including china and japan.
D. the ancient greeks had little impact on the rest of the world other than the olympic games.
Answer» A. much of today`s western culture is founded on ancient greek culture.

What was the primary focus of much of the culture of the city of Athens?

A. war and fighting
B. athletics and competition
C. art and education
D. power and conquest
Answer» C. art and education

What do we call the last period of Ancient Greece, before they were conquered by the Romans

A. romantic period
B. hellenistic period
C. classical period
D. archaic period
Answer» B. hellenistic period

What toy was invented by the Greeks that many children still play with today?

A. slinky
B. kites
C. marbles
D. yo-yo
Answer» D. yo-yo

What area of modern society has its foundation in the Ancient Greek culture?

A. government
B. art
C. literature
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Huang He (Yellow River) have in common?

A. each society’s religious beliefs were based on monotheism
B. urban communities were built using iron and steel tools
C. the form of government in each community was based on male suffrage
D. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and
Answer» D. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and

The early civilizations of the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River Valley were similar because they were

A. industrialized societies
B. monotheistic
C. dependent on fertile land
D. dependent on each other for trade
Answer» C. dependent on fertile land

One way in which the civilizations of the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, and the Maya were Similar is that each?

A. developed extensive writing systems
B. emphasized equality in education
C. established monotheistic religions
D. encouraged democratic participation in government
Answer» B. emphasized equality in education

Which idea of Babylonian society does this portion of the Hammurabi code of law reflect?

A. all men were equal under the law
B. fines were preferable to corporal punishment
C. divisions existed between social classes
D. violence was always punished with violence
Answer» D. violence was always punished with violence

The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were similar in that both cultures

A. developed along rivers
B. used the ziggurat form for their temples
C. established trade routes to china
D. used a hieroglyphic writing system
Answer» A. developed along rivers

One reason for the development of an early civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys was that

A. the location protected the people from land invasion
B. periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming
C. these rivers provided a direct trade route between europe and asia
D. these rivers flowed into the mediterranean sea
Answer» B. periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming

The Ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of

A. economics
B. poetry
C. drama
D. law
Answer» D. law

An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was

A. renewed interest in education and the arts
B. a period of disorder and weak central government
C. an increase in trade and manufacturing
D. the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class
Answer» D. the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class

The Ancient Athenians are credited with

A. inventing and using the wheel
B. eliminating slavery
C. establishing governments that had democratic elements
D. inventing the printing press
Answer» C. establishing governments that had democratic elements

Both the Ancient Romans and the Ancient Chinese viewed foreigners as barbarians. This is an example of

A. cultural diffusion
B. materialism
C. imperialism
D. ethnocentrism
Answer» D. ethnocentrism

A major contribution of the Roman Republic to Western European culture was the

A. concept of government by laws
B. belief that political power should be controlled by the military
C. establishment of agricultural communes
D. rejection of the concept of slavery
Answer» A. concept of government by laws

Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?

A. phoenician
B. egyptian
C. sumerian
D. greek
Answer» D. greek

The political system of the Ancient Roman Empire was characterized by

A. a strong central government
B. rule by a coalition of emperors and religious leaders
C. universal suffrage in national elections
D. a strict adherence to constitutional principles
Answer» A. a strong central government

Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy?

A. rigid social classes
B. emphasis on individualism
C. religious uniformity
D. mass education
Answer» D. mass education

Important long-term contributions of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are primarily found in the area of

A. military technology
B. religious doctrine
C. economic policy and planning
D. government and law
Answer» D. government and law

The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta

A. was primarily concerned with the health of their people
B. was a powerful military state
C. granted universal suffrage to their people
D. placed great emphasis on literature and the arts
Answer» B. was a powerful military state

An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was

A. a renewed interest in education and the arts
B. a period of disorder and weak central government
C. an increase in trade and manufacturing
D. the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class
Answer» D. the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class

Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy and Renaissance art?

A. rigid social classes
B. emphasis on individualism
C. religious uniformity
D. mass education
Answer» D. mass education

An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the

A. orthodox christian religion
B. use of the latin alphabet
C. beginning of democracy
D. factory system
Answer» A. orthodox christian religion

The adoption of the Eastern Orthodox religion and the Cyrillic alphabet by the Russian people occurred as a result of

A. territorial expansion during the reign of catherine the great
B. the westernization policies of peter the great
C. contact with byzantine culture in the 10th century
D. the influence of the crusaders during the middle ages
Answer» B. the westernization policies of peter the great

One similarity between Axum, Kush, and Nubia was that they were

A. military leaders in the neolithic age
B. rivers along which early trade developed
C. writers of epic poems about greek cities
D. early civilizations in africa
Answer» D. early civilizations in africa

One similarity between the decline of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Manchu Dynasty was that both initially led to

A. improved economic conditions
B. democratically elected governments
C. political chaos and decentralization of government
D. major accomplishments in art, science, and technology
Answer» C. political chaos and decentralization of government

A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western society was the development of

A. gunpowder
B. the principles of revolutionary socialism
C. monotheism
D. an effective legal system
Answer» D. an effective legal system

After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the

A. persian empire
B. byzantine empire
C. mongol empire
D. gupta empire
Answer» B. byzantine empire

Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of the early civilizations of Axium, Kush, Mali and Songhai?

A. these african societies flourished at the same time
B. farming was more extensive in the nile river valley than it was in the fertile crescent
C. the neolithic revolution occurred in africa
D. these societies had a long and rich history before their first contact with europeans
Answer» D. these societies had a long and rich history before their first contact with europeans

A major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire was that Western Europe

A. came under the control of the muslims
B. was absorbed by the byzantine empire
C. returned to a republican form of government
D. entered a period of chaos and disorder
Answer» B. was absorbed by the byzantine empire

Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the Italian Renaissance?

A. a strong military led to national unity
B. written constitutions led to the establishment of democratic governments
C. prosperity led to the creation of many works of art
D. political instability led directly to the formation of unified nation-states
Answer» C. prosperity led to the creation of many works of art

During the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of

A. ethnocentrism
B. imperialism
C. social mobility
D. cultural diffusion
Answer» A. ethnocentrism

Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the

A. spread of hellenic culture
B. adoption of a feudal system
C. establishment of representative democracy
D. spread of islamic culture throughout europe
Answer» A. spread of hellenic culture

On which Continent is Greece located?

A. .china
B. north america
C. africa
D. europe
Answer» D. europe

What was the Roman name for the king of the gods?

A. zeus
B. atlas
C. hercules
D. jupiter
Answer» A. zeus

Why did the Europeans go Exploring during the 1400-1600?

A. conquer native lands and settle new lands
B. to finds gold and spices
C. they were looking for a passage to the indies
D. to convert natives to christianity
Answer» C. they were looking for a passage to the indies

What were hieroglyphics?

A. symbols for greek astronomy
B. ancient egyptian picture writing
C. water irrigation power plants
D. sand artwork
Answer» B. ancient egyptian picture writing

Ancient Egypt was located on what continent?

A. south america
B. china
C. africa
D. europe
Answer» C. africa

What was the name of the material that Ancient Egyptians used to write on?

A. papyrus
B. wood pulp
C. cotton
D. linen
Answer» A. papyrus

What was the name of the building in Athens which was a temple to the goddess Athena?

A. trojan horse
B. coliseum
C. tower of pisa
D. parthenon
Answer» D. parthenon

What was Sparta known for?

A. a military society
B. architecture
C. culture
D. government
Answer» A. a military society

What was an Ancient Egyptian King called?

A. pharaoh
B. king
C. god
D. governor
Answer» A. pharaoh

What was the capital of Ancient Greece?

A. athens
B. olympia
C. rome
D. constantinople
Answer» A. athens

Put the Following ancient civilizations in order from oldest to most recent?

A. ancient egypt, ancient greece, ancient rome
B. ancient rome, ancient greece, ancient egypt
C. ancient egypt, ancient rome, ancient greece
D. ancient rome, ancient egypt, ancient greece
Answer» A. ancient egypt, ancient greece, ancient rome

Where did the Romans go to wash, exercise, and socialize?

A. along the banks of the river
B. baths
C. coliseum
D. market place
Answer» D. market place

Which year Occurred first?

A. 2000 bc
B. 1250bc
C. 1500 bc
D. 1000 bc
Answer» D. 1000 bc

Why was the Great Wall of China built?

A. as a marker for china’ borders
B. to keep out enemies
C. to keep chinese people from visiting other lands
D. to be a fence to keep all the animals from straying
Answer» B. to keep out enemies

What was Athens Not known for?

A. culture
B. government
C. the military
D. architecture
Answer» C. the military

What were the two main classes of people called in Ancient Rome?

A. patricians and plebians
B. plebians and slaves
C. slaves and patricians
D. hellans and romans
Answer» A. patricians and plebians

The most important city states in Greece

A. sparta and corinth
B. athens and sparta
C. athens and macedonia
D. corinth and thebs
Answer» B. athens and sparta

What crope did not grow well in ancient Greece?

A. figs
B. grapes
C. olive
D. dates
Answer» D. dates

Which sea is both Greece and Rome located by?

A. black sea
B. caribbean sea
C. mediterranean sea
D. aegean sea
Answer» C. mediterranean sea

Why were the city-states of Ancient Greece independent from each other?

A. they don’t get along with each other
B. they could not talk each other
C. their rulers didn’t want them trading with each other
D. travel between them was difficult
Answer» D. travel between them was difficult

What international game was began in Ancient Greece?

A. world of sports
B. the marathon
C. the chariot races
D. the olympics
Answer» D. the olympics

Who conquered the Ancient Greece?

A. the persians
B. the egyptians
C. the romans
D. the mongols
Answer» A. the persians

Which civilization is known as the birth place of Democracy?

A. the romans
B. the greeks
C. the egyptians
D. the persians
Answer» B. the greeks

Who, the leader of Roman Republic was assassinated on the Ides of March?

A. octavian caesar
B. alexander
C. julius caesar
D. augustus caesar
Answer» C. julius caesar

What was the Greek name for the king of the gods?

A. poseidon
B. zeus
C. atlas
D. jupiter
Answer» B. zeus

What language did the ancient Romans speak?

A. the english
B. the latin
C. the french
D. the romans
Answer» D. the romans

Who was the first emperor of Rome?

A. julius caesar
B. alexander
C. augustus caesar
D. mark antony
Answer» A. julius caesar

One similarity between the decline of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Manju Dynasty was that both initially led to

A. improved economic conditions
B. democratically elected governments
C. political chaos and decentralization of government
D. major accomplishments of art, science, and technology.
Answer» C. political chaos and decentralization of government

The ancient Greek city states of Sparta and the Soviet Union under Stalin were similar in that both societies

A. were primarily concerned with the health of their people
B. were powerful military states
C. granted universal suffrage to their people
D. placed great emphasis on literature and the arts.
Answer» B. were powerful military states

One result of the Neolithic Revolution was

A. an increase in the number of nomadic tribes
B. a reliance on hunting and gathering for food
C. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments.
D. a decrease in trade between cultural groups.
Answer» C. the establishment of villages and the rise of governments.

A similarity of the rule of the ancient Mongols and the ancient Greeks is that both

A. protected the human rights of the peoples they controlled
B. destroyed the civilizations they defeated
C. remained isolated and peaceful for centuries
D. established vast empires and spread their culture to the people they conquered.
Answer» D. established vast empires and spread their culture to the people they conquered.

The code of Hummurabi is an example of

A. written rules for legal procedures.
B. the power of strong kings to control trade
C. regulations on the way to conduct wars against neighboring nations
D. the power of a legislature to veto laws passed by absolute monarchs.
Answer» A. written rules for legal procedures.

In the ancient kingdom of Mali and in the Roman Republic an important feature of life was the development of

A. codified laws
B. social and political equality
C. gender equality
D. political security.
Answer» A. codified laws

The study of culture primarily involves

A. observing the physical environment of people
B. learning why various peoples live as they do
C. understanding the technology of modern machinery
D. analyzing the personalities of the children in the same family.
Answer» B. learning why various peoples live as they do

Buildings such as the gothic cathedrals in Western Europe and the Parthenon in ancient Greece reflect each

A. imperialistic attitude
B. cultural values
C. belief in democracy
D. rigid social structure
Answer» B. cultural values

Before towns and cities can develop in a society, the society needs to establish

A. an educational system
B. an agricultural surplus
C. a writing system
D. a democratic government.
Answer» B. an agricultural surplus

The invention of writing systems and the growth of cities occurred only in civilizations

A. originated in south asia
B. developed matriarchal leadership
C. developed complex institutions
D. borrowed heavily from the greeks and the romans
Answer» C. developed complex institutions

In most societies urbanization has

A. weakened traditional values and life patterns
B. strengthened the influence of the extended family system
C. discouraged economic growth
D. promoted population growth
Answer» A. weakened traditional values and life patterns

Recent archaeological studies suggest the theory that

A. the earliest humans evolved in the rift valley in africa
B. farming societies developed before hunting and gathering societies
C. all the continents were settled at about the same time
D. the wheel was used by all ancient societies.
Answer» A. the earliest humans evolved in the rift valley in africa

In most traditional societies the teaching of values is mainly the responsibility of the

A. judicial system
B. government
C. educational system
D. family
Answer» D. family

“Feudal Society” the book written by

A. marc bloch
B. perry anderson
C. henry pirenne
D. arnold toyenbee
Answer» A. marc bloch

Who opined the growth of Christianity was the cause of the down fall of Roman Empire

A. j.b bury
B. edward gibbon
C. arther forrill
D. arnold toyenbee
Answer» B. edward gibbon

Who made Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire?

A. theodosius
B. constantine
C. julius caesar
D. octovian
Answer» A. theodosius

Who was the last ruler of the Roman Empire?

A. theodosius
B. constantan
C. romulus augustus
D. julia
Answer» C. romulus augustus

“History of Rome “written by

A. livy
B. tacitus
C. julius caesar
D. aeneid
Answer» A. livy

Microliths a type of tools used by

A. mesolithic
B. palaeolithic
C. neolithic
D. mettal age
Answer» A. mesolithic

The invention of wheel was during the period of

A. palaeolithic
B. mesolithic
C. neolithic
D. chalcolithic
Answer» C. neolithic

“Urban Revolution “the term coined by

A. gorden child
B. flinders petrie
C. pitt rivers
D. henrich schlleman
Answer» A. gorden child

The Patron deity of Ur

A. nanna
B. zeus
C. sphinx
D. anu
Answer» A. nanna

Ziggurat, The temple of heaven was situates at

A. mesopotamia
B. ur
C. memphis
D. harappa
Answer» B. ur
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