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………………by Browning is an exquisite tribute to his dead wife.
…………….poem is Browning’s timeless respect for Shelly
…………… a historical tragedy in blank verse by Browning
When browsing the World Wide Web, the browser is a………….
…………………. Is a directed tree in which outdegree of each node is less than or equal to two.
……………….. level is where the model becomes compatible executable code
……………… are tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
…………………… river is also know by the name ‘Sorrow of Bengal’ as it gets flooded often causing damage.
……………….. is the oldest oil field in India.
………………………. was an economic system where lower castes performed various functions for upper castes and in turn received grain.
…………………. is a place where river meets sea.
…………………… is the longest lake in India.
……………… flows from India to Bangladesh and is one of the main rivers of Bangladesh.
……………………… port is located on the banks of Rukmavati River.
………………… Point is the name given for the southernmost tip of India.
…………………. port is the only corporatised major port and which is also registered as a company.
……………… is a term used in India for a tract of land lying between two confluent rivers.
……………….. river originates in Rajasthan and lies to the north east of Rann of Kutch.
……………….. river is also called lifeline of kerala.
……………… is one of the 7 sacred cities of the Hindus and one of the four sites of Kumbh mela.