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According to Hindu caste system how many varnas there as part social stratification.
According to Hindu caste system which is the major upper caste.
According to Hindu caste system which caste is the lowest in the caste hierarchy.
According to Hindu ethics wealth satisfies our ------
According to Hindu ethics wealth satisfies our ------
According to Hindu Shastras procreation is the main function of
According to Hindu Marriage Act marriage is termed as
According to Chathurvarna system, Hindu society divided into ………………….. varnas
The science of Law and punishment according to Hindu political thought is called
The science of Law and punishment according to Hindu political thought is called
The science of Law and punishment according to Hindu political thought is called
According to Hindi is the official language of the Union.
According to        , it's a key success factor for the survival and evolution of all species.
According to        , it's a key success factor for the survival and evolution of all species.
According to ISO 9001, inspection and testing comes under which management responsibility?
According to Quintanar (1982) how do users rate an interface/system that gives them personalised feedback?
According to Rogers et al. (2011) what was the primary reason for the success of the iPod?
According to kinetic theory of heat
According to hoben “communication is the _____ nituchange of thought or idea.
According to Nyquist theorem, if highest frequency of signal is f, we need to sample signal