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The variation of steam pressure in the nozzle depends upon ____________
The variation of the electrical potential associated with the passage of a pulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve cell is called                      
The variation of thermal conductivity of a metal with temperature is often correlated using an expression of the form K = K0 + at, where, K is the thermal conductivity and T is the temperature (in °K). The units of 'a' in SI system will be
The variation in the volume of a liquid with the variation of pressure is called its
The variation of the bending moment in the portion of a beam carrying linearly varying load is
The variation natural selection operates on is due to random mutations. What does this imply about natural selection?
The variation in viscosity of oil with change in temperature is measured by
The variation in engine speed is observed at full load and no load is approximate
Consider the following statements: 1. The variation in average annual range of temperature at1 5° latitude of Southern Hemisphere is much less than that at 15° latitude of Northern Hemisphere. 2. At latitudes pole ward of 35° the incoming radiation exceeds the outgoing radiation in. Northern Hemisphere, whereas in Southern Hemisphere the outgoing radiation exceeds the incoming radiation. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? [IAS 2007]
A 3 phase induction motor is fed by a 3 phase ac regulator to change the stator voltage. The variation in speed will be more if
The linear variation of refractive index with the electric field is known as the
The individual variation between test strength of sample should not be more than
The speed variation of heavy belt drive is about
The speed variation of medium belt drive is
The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle is more in
The diurnal variation of the magnetic needle is
The maximum speed variation in a 3-phase synchronous motor is
The coefficient of variation cannot be meaningfully used to compare the variability of two or more sets of data, when
The mean of a distribution is 50 and the standard deviation is 5. The coefficient of variation is ..............
The charts showing the variation of the traffic is called __________