
How do you insert a node at the beginning of the list?

A. public class insertfront(int data) { node node = new node(data, head, head.getnext()); node.getnext().setprev(node); head.setnext(node); size++; }
B. public class insertfront(int data) { node node = new node(data, head, head); node.getnext().setprev(node); head.setnext(node); size++; }
C. public class insertfront(int data) { node node = new node(data, head, head.getnext()); node.getnext().setprev(head); head.setnext(node); size++; }
D. public class insertfront(int data) { node node = new node(data, head, head.getnext()); node.getnext().setprev(node); head.setnext(node.getnext()); size++; }
Answer» A. public class insertfront(int data) { node node = new node(data, head, head.getnext()); node.getnext().setprev(node); head.setnext(node); size++; }
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