
270+ Operations Research Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) , Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) .


________are entities whose value is determined from the solution of LPP

A. objective function
B. decision variable
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» A. objective function

The region of feasible solution in LPP graphical method is called ____

A. infeasible region
B. unbounded region
C. infinite region
D. feasible region
Answer» D. feasible region

The outgoing variable row in the simplex table is called ____

A. outgoing row
B. key row
C. basic row
D. interchanging row
Answer» C. basic row

When the solution is degenerate in transportation problem, we add a _

A. dummy
B. epsilon
C. penalty
D. regret
Answer» B. epsilon

______method is used in Assignment Problem

A. ncwr
B. lcm
C. vam
D. hungarian
Answer» D. hungarian

The longest path in the network diagram is called ____

A. head path
B. sub path
C. critical path
D. sub critical path
Answer» C. critical path

IF the Minimax are ( 10,18,16) and Maximin are (8,10,7). The saddle point is ___

A. 7
B. 10
C. 18
D. 8
Answer» B. 10

Pick the wrong relationship:

A. interfering float = total float – free float
B. total float =free float + independent float
C. total float ≥ free float ≥ independent float
D. free float = total float – head event slack
Answer» B. total float =free float + independent float

The shortest time in the PERT is called ______time

A. expected
B. pessimitic
C. optimistic
D. most likely
Answer» C. optimistic

The total time required to complete all the jobs in a job sequence problem is known as ______

A. processing order
B. idle time
C. processing time
D. elapsed time
Answer» D. elapsed time

Operations Research Models in which values of all variables and all possible outcomes are known with certainty are called models.

A. physical
B. symbolic
C. deterministic
D. probabilistic
Answer» C. deterministic

Operations Research Models in which some or all variables are random in nature are called models.

A. physical
B. symbolic
C. deterministic
D. probabilistic
Answer» D. probabilistic

                  and are techniques applied in project management.

A. cpm and pert
B. assignment & transportation
C. game theory
D. decision theory & inventory models
Answer» A. cpm and pert

               are the entities whose values are to be determined from the solution of the LPP.

A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» B. decision variables

               specifies the objective or goal of solving the LPP.

A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» A. objective function

                  _are the restrictions or limitations imposed on the LPP.

A. objective function
B. variables
C. constraints
D. profit
Answer» C. constraints

When it is not possible to find solution in LPP, it is called as                         solution

A. infeasible
B. unbounded
C. improper
D. unknown
Answer» A. infeasible

In case of a ‘ ’ constraint, the feasible region is a straight line.

A. less than or equal to
B. greater than or equal to
C. mixed
D. equal to
Answer» D. equal to

In linear programming, unbounded solution means solution.

A. infeasible
B. infinite
C. unique
D. degenerate
Answer» B. infinite

The incoming variable column in the simplex algorithm is called .

A. key column
B. incoming column
C. important column
D. variable column
Answer» A. key column

The intersection value of key column and key row is called                

A. vital element
B. important element
C. basic element
D. key element
Answer» D. key element

The variable added to the LHS of a less than or equal to constraint to convert it into equality is called variable.

A. surplus
B. artificial
C. slack
D. additional
Answer» C. slack

A resource which is completely utilized is called in simplex

A. null resource
B. scarce resource
C. abundant resource
D. zero resource
Answer» B. scarce resource

In simplex, a minimization problem is optimal when all Delta J, i.e. Cj – Zj values are .

A. either zero or positive
B. either zero or negative
C. only positive
D. only negative
Answer» A. either zero or positive

To find initial feasible solution of a transportation problem the method which starts allocation from the lowest cost is called method

A. vogel’s approximat ion method
B. nwcr
C. lcm
D. modi
Answer» C. lcm

When the total of allocations of a transportation problem match with supply and demand values, the solution is called solution.

A. infeasible solution
B. feasible solution
C. optimum solution
D. degenerate solution
Answer» B. feasible solution

When the allocations of a transportation problem satisfy the rim condition (m + n – 1) the solution is called                  

A. infeasible solution
B. feasible solution
C. non degenerate solution
D. degenerate solution
Answer» C. non degenerate solution

Which of the following considers difference between two least costs for each row and column while finding initial basic feasible solution in transportation?

A. vam
B. nwcr
C. modi
D. lcm
Answer» A. vam

If the number of rows and columns in an assignment problem are not equal than it is called problem.

A. balanced
B. unbalanced
C. infeasible
D. unbounded
Answer» B. unbalanced

The method used for solving an assignment problem is called                 method.

A. vam
B. nwcr
C. modi
D. hungarian
Answer» D. hungarian

When a maximization assignment problem is converted in minimization problem, the resulting matrix is called matrix.

A. cost
B. regret
C. profit
D. dummy
Answer» B. regret

The longest path in the network diagram is called path

A. critical
B. sub-critical
C. best
D. worst
Answer» A. critical

Backward pass calculations are done to find occurrence times of events.

A. tentative
B. definite
C. latest
D. earliest
Answer» C. latest

The order in which machines are required for completing the jobs is called

A. machines order
B. job order
C. processing order
D. working order
Answer» C. processing order

The time during which a machine remains waiting or vacant in sequencing problem is called time.

A. processing
B. waiting
C. free
D. idle
Answer» D. idle

In linear programming represents mathematical equation of the limitations imposed by the problem.

A. objective function
B. decision variables
C. constraints
D. opportunity cost
Answer» C. constraints

The type of constraint which specifies maximum capacity of a resource is                       ‘or equal to’ constraint.

A. less than
B. greater than
C. not greater than
D. not less than
Answer» A. less than

The region of feasible solution in LPP graphical method is called                     region

A. infeasible
B. infinite
C. unbounded
D. feasible
Answer» D. feasible

When the constraints are a mix of ‘less than’ and ‘greater than’ it is a problem having .

A. multiple constraints
B. infinite constraints
C. infeasible constraints
D. mixed constraints
Answer» D. mixed constraints

The outgoing variable row in the simplex algorithm is called .

A. outgoing row
B. key row
C. interchanging row
D. basic row
Answer» B. key row

A resource which is partially utilized is called in simplex.

A. null resource
B. scarce resource
C. abundant resource
D. zero resource
Answer» C. abundant resource

The value of one extra unit of resource is called in simplex.

A. unit price
B. extra price
C. retail price
D. shadow price
Answer» D. shadow price

In simplex, a maximization problem is optimal when all Delta J, i.e. Cj – Zj values are .

A. either zero or positive
B. either zero or negative
C. only positive
D. only negative
Answer» B. either zero or negative

In a transportation problem, the method of penalties is called                     method.

A. vogel’s approximat ion method
B. nwcr
C. lcm
D. modi
Answer» A. vogel’s approximat ion method

When there is a degeneracy in the transportation problem, we add an imaginary allocation called in the solution.

A. dummy
B. penalty
C. regret
D. epsilon
Answer» D. epsilon

If M + N – 1 = Number of allocations in transportation, it means . (Where ‘M’ is number of rows and ‘N’ is number of columns)

A. there is no degeneracy
B. degeneracy exists
C. solution is optimum
D. problem is balanced
Answer» A. there is no degeneracy

An activity whose start or end cannot be delayed without affecting total project completion time is called activity.

A. dummy
B. non-critical
C. important
D. critical
Answer» D. critical

Floats for critical activities will be always be .

A. one
B. zero
C. highest
D. equal to duration
Answer» B. zero

The shortest possible completion time of an activity in PERT is called time.

A. optimistic
B. pessimistic
C. expected
D. most likely
Answer» A. optimistic

The total time required to complete all the jobs in a job sequencing problem is known as .

A. processing time
B. waiting time
C. elapsed time
D. idle time
Answer» C. elapsed time

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