270+ International Marketing Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

According to the textbook, international marketing is "the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives." The definition fails to recognize

A. Nonprofit marketing
B. Business-to-business marketing
C. Consumer marketing
D. Integration of the 4 Ps
Answer» B. Business-to-business marketing

When a firm uses the same marketing strategies abroad as that used at home, it probably is

A. Ethnocentric
B. Polycentric
C. Geocentric
D. all
Answer» A. Ethnocentric

The study of international marketing should focus primarily on

A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

According to the textbook, international marketing is "the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, good, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives." The definition fails to recognize

A. Product
B. Place
C. Promotion
D. All of the 4 Ps are recognized
Answer» D. All of the 4 Ps are recognized

To U.S. students, French marketing is

A. Domestic marketing
B. Foreign marketing
C. Comparative marketing
D. International marketing
Answer» B. Foreign marketing

This kind of international marketing study contrasts two or more marketing systems to identify similarities and differences.

A. Domestic marketing
B. Foreign marketing
C. Comparative marketing
D. Extensive marketing
Answer» C. Comparative marketing

For practical purposes, the difference between the concept of international marketing and the concept of multinational marketing is

A. Significant
B. Insignificant
C. Meaningful
D. Adequate
Answer» B. Insignificant

An analysis of the external environment enables a firm to identify

A. Strengths and opportunities
B. Strengths and weaknesses
C. Weaknesses and threats
D. Opportunities and threats
Answer» D. Opportunities and threats

MNCs are often associated with

A. Exploitation
B. Ruthlessness
C. Power
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

This definition of MNC focuses on the number of countries in which the firm does business and the citizenship of corporate owners and top management.

A. Structure
B. Performance
C. Behavior
D. all
Answer» D. all

A strong orientation toward the home country is an indication of

A. Ethnocentricity
B. Polycentricism
C. Egocentricity
D. all
Answer» A. Ethnocentricity

This is the feeling within a culture that its values are superior to those of foreign cultures.

A. Ethnocentricity
B. Polycentricism
C. Egocentricity
D. all
Answer» A. Ethnocentricity

When a firm uses the same marketing strategies abroad as that used at home, it probably is

A. Ethnocentric
B. Polycentric
C. Geocentric
D. all
Answer» A. Ethnocentric

The correct components of the 7-S framework are:

A. Structure, strategy, shared values, style, staff, skills and systems.
B. Strategy, synergy, shared value, standardization, skills, staff and structure.
C. Standards, strategy, style, staff, skills, systems and security.
D. Shared values, synergy, systems, strategy, style, staff and structure.
Answer» A. Structure, strategy, shared values, style, staff, skills and systems.

Being a global organization means-

A. Customizing the product range for each segment in part.
B. Creating standardized products for homogeneous markets
C. Creating both standardized and customized products
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Creating both standardized and customized products

Which of the following represents a company's effort to identify and categorize groups of customers and countries according to common characteristics?

A. Global positioning
B. Global market segmentation
C. Global marketing research.
D. Global targeting
Answer» B. Global market segmentation

A global market leader is an organization which-

A. has the monopoly over several foreign markets
B. has more than 50% global market share.
C. is ahead of the competition in terms of global innovation
D. is recognized as being ahead of the rest in terms of market share
Answer» D. is recognized as being ahead of the rest in terms of market share

From the point of view of marketing, an organization that enjoys competitive advantage in an industry has done so by-

A. Creating superior value for customers
B. Focusing on long-term profit.
C. Charging lower prices than competition
D. Constantly enlarging its marketing activities.
Answer» A. Creating superior value for customers

Regionalism is:

A. an international management orientation
B. a protectionist policy created to exclude third world countries from certain forms of international trade.
C. the grouping of countries into regional clusters based on geographic proximity.
D. all
Answer» C. the grouping of countries into regional clusters based on geographic proximity.

The main aim of global marketing is to:

A. satisfy global customers better than competition
B. coordinate the marketing activities within the constraints of the global environment.
C. find global customers
D. achieve all of the above.
Answer» D. achieve all of the above.

Within an international context, what are 'economies of scope' synonymous with?

A. Reusing a resource from one business/country in additional businesses/countries.
B. Buying components in a bulk.
C. Decreased cost per unit of output
D. Any of the above.
Answer» A. Reusing a resource from one business/country in additional businesses/countries.

The work of an international marketer is mainly concerned with

A. translating product instructions and advertising messages.
B. establishing global brands
C. transferring a marketing mix to enter a market in another country
D. adapting a marketing mix to enter a market in another country
Answer» D. adapting a marketing mix to enter a market in another country

Key controllable factors in global marketing are

A. government policy and legislation
B. social and technical changes
C. marketing activities and plans
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Big multinational pharmaceutical firms try to exercise influence over the policy decisions made by government departments and regulatory agencies. Which of the following does not reflect how the companies try to exercise their influence?

A. Lobbying political representatives in the legislative branch
B. Ignoring their regulatory agencies
C. Promising to increase their investment in R
Answer» B. Ignoring their regulatory agencies

Foreign multinationals wishing to do business in China can be sure that:

A. Their intellectual property rights will be rigorously protected by the Chinese legal system.
B. Their intellectual property rights will be rigorously protected by the Chinese legal system.
C. The Chinese market is expanding very rapidly compared with those of the West
D. Their operations will be heavily penalised if they result in a significant increase in pollution
Answer» C. The Chinese market is expanding very rapidly compared with those of the West

Which of the following is not a business opportunity generated by globalisation?

A. Access to low cost labour
B. Access to low cost labour
C. Currency crises
D. Less stringent regulation of the business environment
Answer» C. Currency crises

An impact analysis helps firms to:

A. Identify the most probable opportunities and threats
B. Assess the impact of external forces on the business.
C. Assess the ability of the business to deal with these external forces
D. Prioritise responses to the forces of the external environment
Answer» D. Prioritise responses to the forces of the external environment

Exploring the strategic implications of global warming is best described as

A. An external environmental analysis
B. Scenario planning
C. Futures forecasting
D. A PESTLE analysis
Answer» B. Scenario planning

An analysis of the external environment enables a firm to identify

A. Strengths and opportunities
B. Strengths and weaknesses
C. Weaknesses and threats
D. Opportunities and threats
Answer» B. Strengths and weaknesses

This entry strategy involves having an agreement that permits a foreign company to use industry property, technical knowhow, or engineering design in a foreign market.

A. Exporting
B. Licensing
C. Joint venture
D. Manufacturing
Answer» B. Licensing

Regarding foreign direct investment, developed countries are

A. Largest recipients and largest sources
B. Largest recipients and moderate sources
C. Moderate recipients and largest sources
D. Moderate recipients and moderate sources
Answer» A. Largest recipients and largest sources

Sony and Pepsi joined together to market Wilson sporting goods in Japan. This strategy is

A. Exporting
B. Licensing
C. Joint venture
D. Assembly operations
Answer» C. Joint venture

This market entry strategy should be used when a company faces high tariffs but does not want to lose control of its operations.

A. Management contract
B. Licensing
C. Exporting
D. Manufacturing
Answer» D. Manufacturing

This strategy involves manufacturing operations in a host country for the purpose of exporting a product made there to a company's home country or to other third countries.

A. Sourcing
B. Joint venture
C. Assembly
D. Licensing
Answer» A. Sourcing

The marketing mix (the 4 Ps of marketing) does not include

A. product
B. place
C. practicality
D. promotion
Answer» C. practicality

This kind of international marketing study contrasts two or more marketing systems to identify similarities and differences.

A. domestic marketing
B. foreign marketing
C. comparative marketing
D. extensive marketing
Answer» C. comparative marketing

For practical purposes, the difference between the concept of international marketing and the concept of multinational marketing is

A. significant
B. insignificant
C. meaningful
D. adequate
Answer» B. insignificant

Marketing is not needed in

A. socialist countries
B. communist countries
C. less developed countries
D. marketing is needed in all countries
Answer» D. marketing is needed in all countries

Midsize German companies' contribution to Germany's export success is

A. significant
B. minor
C. uneven
D. unpredictable
Answer» A. significant

According to the textbook, international marketing is "the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives." The definition fails to recognize

A. nonprofit marketing
B. business-to-business marketing
C. consumer marketing
D. integration of the 4 Ps
Answer» B. business-to-business marketing

Globalization refers to:

A. A more integrated and interdependent world
B. Less foreign trade and investment
C. Global warming
D. Lower incomes worldwide
Answer» A. A more integrated and interdependent world

Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration?

A. Political oppression
B. Job opportunities
C. Food shortages
D. War
Answer» D. War

Which of the following do NOT facilitate globalization?

A. Improvements in communications
B. Barriers to trade and investment
C. Immigration controls
D. Removal of controls on movement of capital across borders
Answer» C. Immigration controls

Which of the following constitutes Foreign Direct Investment? (a) A speculator trying to make a profit by buying company shares on a foreign stock exchange.

A. A UK energy company buying territory abroad where it expects to find oil reserves.
B. A tourist purchasing foreign currency to spend on a holiday abroad.
C. A company signing an agreement with a wholesaler to distribute its products in foreign markets.
D. all
Answer» B. A tourist purchasing foreign currency to spend on a holiday abroad.

Which of the following could be defined as a multinational company?

A. A firm that owns shares in a foreign company but does not participate in the company's decision making.
B. A UK based internet package holiday firm specializing in selling tours to Turkey to German customers.
C. A firm owning a chain of supermarket outlets outside its country of origin.
D. A finance company transferring its HQ and all its activities from the UK to the US.
Answer» C. A firm owning a chain of supermarket outlets outside its country of origin.

Which of the following is a driver of globalization?

A. Trade barriers and controls on inflows of foreign direct investment.
B. Weak competition.
C. Technological advance.
D. Economies of scale are being exploited to the maximum.
Answer» B. Weak competition.

Globalization is beneficial for firms because:

A. It protects them against foreign competition.
B. It cushions them from the effects of events in other countries.
C. It opens up new market opportunities.
D. It increases the risk and uncertainty of operating in a globalizing world economy.
Answer» A. It protects them against foreign competition.

The internet facilitates globalization by:

A. Making it more difficult to contact potential customers abroad.
B. Cutting the cost for firms of communicating across borders.
C. Making it harder to send money from one country to another.
D. Making it easier for governments to censor the information received by their citizens from abroad.
Answer» D. Making it easier for governments to censor the information received by their citizens from abroad.

Globalization can create problems for business because:

A. It can result in more competition.
B. It reduced vulnerability to political risk and uncertainty when operating abroad.
C. It means that they can increase prices.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» D. All of the options given are correct.
Chapter: Unit 2

International product life cycle has important implications for a company’s-----------

A. Product planning
B. Strategy
C. Brand image
D. all
Answer» A. Product planning

The product cycle will also show whether the market is expanding or declining and,therefore, may help in determining the ---------------

A. Export Production
B. Time frame
C. Strategy
D. all
Answer» B. Time frame

The International Product Life Cycle suggests that countries will-------------- in their timing of the demand for various products

A. Assimilate
B. Differ
C. Contradict
D. all
Answer» B. Differ

Behavioral variables of segmentation may include:

A. Patterns of consumption
B. Brand inconstancy
C. Context for business
D. all
Answer» C. Context for business

Mention stage of economic development in which countries is able to produce a wide variety of products?

A. Traditional society
B. Pre-conditions for take-off
C. The drive to maturity
D. High Mass Consumption
Answer» C. The drive to maturity

Customers with different needs or responses to marketing activity are categorized in which of the following way?

A. Market targeting
B. Market segmentation
C. Market positioning
D. Market targeting and segmentation
Answer» B. Market segmentation

Select best description why international marketers focus on segmentation?

A. To identify their similar need
B. To identify their countries
C. To identify their best location
D. To identify their modern behavior
Answer» A. To identify their similar need

Identify the concept in which marketers try to create distinct image or identity in the minds of their target customers/consumers?

A. Market targeting
B. Market positioning
C. Market segmentation
D. Market repositioning
Answer» B. Market positioning

When customers/consumers may have too narrow image of any brand, is distinguish in which of the following way?

A. Under positioning
B. Over positioning
C. Confused positioning
D. Doubtful positioning
Answer» A. Under positioning

According to the view of Michael Porter, firm first develop product for domestic market and later on launch in international market. This view is consistent with which of the following factors?

A. Factor conditions
B. Demand conditions
C. Related & supporting industries
D. Firm strategy, structure &rivalry
Answer» D. Firm strategy, structure &rivalry

The stages of new product development do not include

A. Business analysis
B. Product development
C. Test marketing
D. Global positioning
Answer» A. Business analysis

The most important reason behind the utilization of market segmentation is

A. Market heterogeneity
B. Positioning
C. Test marketing
D. Product life cycle
Answer» A. Market heterogeneity

According to the international product life cycle theory, a country that developed an innovation will eventually become

A. A net importer
B. A net exporter
C. An absolute exporter
D. A relative producer
Answer» C. An absolute exporter

Innovations are most likely to be first introduced in

A. Least developed countries
B. Less developed countries
C. Growing economies
D. Highly developed countries
Answer» D. Highly developed countries

The innovating firm's sales and export volumes are kept stable in this stage of IPLC.

A. Overseas innovation
B. Maturity
C. Worldwide imitation
D. Reversal
Answer» B. Maturity

Product standardization and comparative disadvantage are the characteristics of this stage of the international product life cycle theory.

A. Overseas innovation
B. Maturity
C. Worldwide imitation
D. Reversal
Answer» D. Reversal

This product is least likely to conform to the phenomenon described in IPLC.

A. Typewriters
B. Semiconductors
C. Dishwashing machines
D. Leather goods
Answer» D. Leather goods

This kind of product is most likely to require adaptation for overseas markets.

A. musical recordings
B. films
C. automobiles
D. watches
Answer» B. films

Analyzing a product as innovation & using the product component model provides the marketer a lead for

A. Adaptation
B. Competition
C. Observation
D. all
Answer» A. Adaptation

Setting low prices to encourage initial product trial & to generate sales growth reflects which one of the following pricing methods-

A. Penetration pricing
B. Skimming pricing
C. Competition based pricing
D. Cost based pricing
Answer» A. Penetration pricing

Customers buy from stores & firms that offer the highest-----

A. Level of customer satisfaction
B. Value for money
C. Customer perceived value
D. all
Answer» A. Level of customer satisfaction

Which one of the following is not a product attribute?

A. Product quality
B. Product feature
C. Product price
D. Product style & design
Answer» C. Product price

Which one of the following is not an ethical pricing issue?

A. Product dumping
B. Predatory pricing
C. Price fixing
D. Slow skimming
Answer» A. Product dumping

Pricing as an active instrument considers-

A. Targeted return on profit
B. Targeted market share
C. Both of the above
D. all
Answer» C. Both of the above

Dumping is an important global pricing issue that translates into:

A. a company trying to fix prices in international markets
B. a company exporting a product at a lower price than it normally charges in its own market
C. a company that practices dynamic incremental pricing
D. a company exporting a product at a higher price than the price it normally charges in its own market.
Answer» B. a company exporting a product at a lower price than it normally charges in its own market

At some point, a product's sales growth will slow down, and the product will enter then _____.

A. Introduction stage
B. Growth stage
C. Maturity stage
D. Decline stage
Answer» C. Maturity stage

All of the following are accurate descriptions of different ways companies extend the maturity stage of the PLC, except which one?

A. Modifying the market
B. Modifying the product
C. Modifying the marketing mix
D. Pruning the product offerings
Answer» D. Pruning the product offerings

The product life-cycle stage, in which sales plunge to zero or drop to a low level at which they continue for many years, is the _____.

A. Introduction stage
B. Growth stage
C. Maturity stage
D. Decline stage
Answer» D. Decline stage

Product sales decline for many reasons, including which of the following?

A. Recent technological advances
B. Shifts in consumer tastes
C. Increased competition
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Luxury designer brands penetrate international markets typically using:

A. Psychological
B. Penetration
C. Skimming
D. Cost based
Answer» C. Skimming

This is the reason why U.S. marketers assume that products designed for Americans Aresuperior and should be preferred by foreign consumers as well.

A. big-car syndrome
B. left-hand-drive syndrome
C. imperial system
D. egocentricity
Answer» A. big-car syndrome

This kind of product is most likely to require adaptation for overseas markets.

A. musical recordings
B. films
C. automobiles
D. watches
Answer» C. automobiles

The most important factor which makes product modification mandatory is

A. country's regulations
B. electrical current standards
C. measurement standards
D. product standards
Answer» A. country's regulations

Almost all countries, except the United States, use this measurement system.

A. British
B. imperial
C. metric
D. English
Answer» C. metric

Which of the following describes the reluctance of the United States to adopt the metric system?

A. big-car syndrome
B. left-hand-drive syndrome
C. imperial syndrome
D. inferiority
Answer» C. imperial syndrome

U.S. television sets cannot be sold in other countries because of

A. historical preference
B. measurement standards
C. product systems
D. local use conditions
Answer» C. product systems

This sector accounts for most of the U.S. employment.

A. agriculture/farming
B. manufacturing
C. service
D. high technology
Answer» D. high technology

The world’s largest exporter of services is

A. the United States
B. Canada
C. Belgium
D. Japan
Answer» A. the United States

For practical purposes, the difference between the concept of international marketing and the concept of multinational marketing is

A. significant
B. insignificant
C. meaningful
D. adequate
Answer» B. insignificant

This definition of MNC focuses on the number of countries in which the firm does Business and the citizenship of corporate owners and top management.

A. structure
B. performance
C. behavior
D. none of the above
Answer» A. structure

This definition of MNC depends on the contribution of foreign operations in terms of earnings, sales, and assets.

A. structure
B. performance
C. behavior
D. none of the above
Answer» B. performance

A strong orientation toward the home country is an indication of

A. ethnocentricity
B. polycentricity
C. egocentricity
D. none of the above
Answer» A. ethnocentricity

NAFTA is an example of

A. Common Market
B. Customers Union
C. Economic Community
D. Free Trade Area
Answer» D. Free Trade Area

Which one is not an international organisation

Answer» D. CBDT

Which of the following is not an International Financial Institution

D. World Bank
Answer» A. ICICI

What one of the following is not the advantage of MNCs to the host country

A. Increase in social activities
B. increase in economic activities
C. Utilisation of natural resource
D. R&D efforts enhanced.
Answer» A. Increase in social activities

In terms of the PESTLE analysis, the liberalizing of international trade and tariff regimes could go in which section or sections?

A. Political
B. Legal
C. Political and economic and legal
D. Political and environmental
Answer» D. Political and environmental

An 'industry recipe' can be defined as:

A. An accepted pattern of operating and competing
B. A tactic for anticipating a competitor's next move
C. The hidden competences that are difficult to imitate
D. A strategic group
Answer» C. The hidden competences that are difficult to imitate

Typically, profits are highest in which stage of the industry life-cycle?

A. Introduction
B. Growth
C. Maturity
D. Decline
Answer» B. Growth

The corporate culture of a firm is more effectively carried to the managers who are

A. Host country nationals
B. Home country nationals
C. Third country nationals
D. all
Answer» B. Home country nationals

Posting of home country nationals for all key management positions throughout the globe is supported by:

A. Geocentric staffing model.
B. Polycentric staffing model.
C. Ethnocentric staffing model.
D. all
Answer» C. Ethnocentric staffing model.
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