220+ Laws and Ethics Solved MCQs


Amit tells Bharat in the presence of Chetan that Amit is agent of Chetan. Chetan maintain silence instead of denying it. Later, if Amit sells Chetan's goods to Bharat, Chetan cannot dispute Bharat's title to the goods. This is example of

A. Sale by official receiver
B. Sale by a finder of goods
C. Sale by estoppel
D. Execution of Sale
Answer» C. Sale by estoppel

If a minor draws, endorses, delivers or negotiates an instrument, such instrument binds

A. all parties to the instrument including the minor
B. only the minor and no other parties to the instrument
C. all parties to the instrument except the minor
D. None of the above
Answer» C. all parties to the instrument except the minor

In a partnership firm, the decision can be made by rule of majority when decisions relate to

A. policy matters
B. ordinary routine matters
C. financial matters
D. buying and selling of property
Answer» B. ordinary routine matters

Power to exempt any LLP or class of LLP for audits of accounts is with

A. Inspector
B. Central Government
C. Any other regulatory authority
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Central Government

Every inspector appointed under the Factories Act or Payment of Wages Act is deemed to be a

A. Controlling Officer
B. Labour Welfare Officer
C. Honorary Magistrate
D. A Public Servant
Answer» D. A Public Servant

No fine can be imposed on any employed person who is under the age of

A. 10
B. 12
C. 15
D. 18
Answer» C. 15

In case of employee covered under the ESI, the accident report shall be sent in _______ to local office of the ESI to which the company is attached.

A. Form No. 18
B. Form No. 18A
C. Form No. 25
D. Form No. 16
Answer» D. Form No. 16

The first case 'doctrine of frustration' as decided by the Supreme Court of India is

A. BasantiBastralaya Vs. River Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.
B. Raju Dhruv Dev Chand Vs. Raja Harmohinder Singh
C. Sushila Devi Vs. Hard Singh
D. Satyabrata Ghosh Vs. Mugneeram
Answer» D. Satyabrata Ghosh Vs. Mugneeram

Application for Director Identification Number (DIN) is to be made to Central Govt. in Form

A. DIN-1
B. DIN-2
C. DIN-3
D. None of the above
Answer» A. DIN-1

Business ethics is based on well accepted

A. Moral and Social Values
B. Social Values only
C. Moral Values only
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Moral and Social Values

Out of seven principles of public life, the principle of objectivity means

A. holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest.
B. in carrying out public business including making public appointments, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
C. holders of public office are accountable for their decision and actions to the public.
D. holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take.
Answer» B. in carrying out public business including making public appointments, holders of public office should make choices on merit.

Who is responsible for ethical behavior?

A. Lecturers and Supervisors
B. The Psychologist
C. The Participants
D. The psychological Community
Answer» B. The Psychologist

The three C’s of business ethics are

A. Commitment, Contribution and Consequences
B. Compliance, Contribution and Consequences
C. Compliance, Customs and Contribution
D. Codes, Compliance and Contributions
Answer» B. Compliance, Contribution and Consequences

Cash is withdrawn by a customer of a bank from the automatic teller machine is an example of

A. Express Contract
B. Void Contract
C. Tacit Contract
D. Illegal Contract
Answer» C. Tacit Contract

Which of the following is not implied condition under The Sale of Goods Act, 1930?

A. Sale by description
B. Sale by discount price
C. Sale by sample
D. Quality or fitness
Answer» B. Sale by discount price

Occupier of every factory shall provide and maintain suitable room or rooms for the use of the children under the age of six years of women workers where the number of such women workers exceed

A. 20
B. 50
C. 30
D. 150
Answer» C. 30

Examine as to which of the following payments form part of "salary" under the provisions of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

A. Travelling allowance
B. Commission on sales
C. Dearness allowance
D. Overtime allowance
Answer» C. Dearness allowance

Under Payment of wages Act, 1963, in any factory, in which 1200 persons are employed, wages must be paid

A. any time
B. before the expiry of 10th day of the following month
C. before the close of the month
D. before the expiry of 7th day of the following month
Answer» B. before the expiry of 10th day of the following month

The Employees Provident Funds Act, 1952 is applicable to every establishment mentioned in schedule 1 and employed

A. 10 persons or more
B. 100 or more persons
C. 20 or more persons
D. 50 or more persons
Answer» C. 20 or more persons

The employer's and employee's share of contribution of ESI fund is

A. 1.75% and 4.75% of wages respectively
B. 4.75% and 1.75% of wages respectively
C. 10% and 3.75% of wages respectively
D. 11 % and 3.75% of wages respectively
Answer» B. 4.75% and 1.75% of wages respectively

A Formal notarial certificate attesting the dishonour of a bill or note is called

A. Noting
B. Protest
C. Attestation of Dishonour
D. Endorsement
Answer» B. Protest

Public notice is not required when there is

A. admission of new partner
B. retirement of any partner
C. expulsion of any partner
D. dissolution of the firm
Answer» A. admission of new partner

The board of directors may appoint additional directors from time to time if so authorized by

A. Articles of Association
B. Memorandum of Association
C. A resolution passed at general meeting
D. A resolution passed at board meeting
Answer» A. Articles of Association

Business ethics are gaining importance because of

A. smooth functioning
B. good image
C. the growth of consumer movement
D. increasing profit
Answer» C. the growth of consumer movement

Which of the following statement is correct about business ethics?

A. Social responsibility and business ethics are considered different concepts
B. Making higher profits should be the main objective of a business
C. A business may sustain only if it cares for society
D. Companies making ethical investments may not be able to compete
Answer» C. A business may sustain only if it cares for society

Holders of public office should take decision solely in terms of the public interest. This principle of public life is called

A. Integrity
B. Accountability
C. Honesty
D. Selflessness
Answer» D. Selflessness

To resolve the Ethical Conflict, following should not be considered.

A. Relevant facts
B. Alternative Course of action
C. Arms Length
D. Ethical issues involved
Answer» C. Arms Length

Which one of the following is not a quasi contract?

A. Claim for necessaries supplied to person incapable of contracting, or on his account
B. Reimbursement of persons paying money by another, in payment of which he is interested
C. Uncertainty and futurity of the event to which it is related
D. Responsibility of finder of goods.
Answer» C. Uncertainty and futurity of the event to which it is related

Which one of the following is the subject matter of the contract?

A. Existing or future goods
B. Goods perishing before making contract
C. Goods perishing before sale but after agreement to sell
D. Any of the above.
Answer» D. Any of the above.

One of the following is not a negotiable instrument. Identify the same.

A. Share certificate
B. Bill of Exchange
C. Cheque
D. Promissory note
Answer» A. Share certificate

Who can take active part in the management of the firm?

A. Sleeping partner
B. Secret partner
C. Working partner
D. Nominal partner.
Answer» C. Working partner

A new partner can be introduced as a partner into a firm-

A. At the discretion of active partner
B. At the decision of partners authorized in this behalf
C. With the consent of all existing partners
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. With the consent of all existing partners

Shelter rooms with suitable lunch rooms are to be provided, if more than ______ workers are employed.

A. 100
B. 150
C. 500
D. 1000
Answer» B. 150

Gratuity is payable to an employee ______________.

A. On his superannuation
B. Retirement
C. Retrenchment
D. In all the above cases.
Answer» D. In all the above cases.

Contribution of the employer to employees’ pension scheme is-

A. 8.33%
B. 10%
C. 12%
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. 8.33%

Who, among the following, is not the Principal Employer?

A. Occupier of the factory
B. Owner of the factory
C. Legal representative of the owner
D. Legal representative of the contractor.
Answer» D. Legal representative of the contractor.

The time limit for making bonus payment is-

A. Within a period of one month from the close of the accounting year
B. Within a period of three months from the close of the accounting year
C. Within a period of six months from the close of the accounting year
D. Within a period of eight months from the close of the accounting year.
Answer» D. Within a period of eight months from the close of the accounting year.

Review of minimum wages is to be done at such interval not exceeding-

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
D. 10 years
Answer» B. 5 years

The wages of employed persons in an establishment where less than 1000 persons are employed, shall be paid before-

A. 7th day
B. 10th day
C. 15th day
D. Second working day
Answer» A. 7th day

In case of unlisted company the duplicate share certificate shall be issued within a period of-

A. 45 days
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. None of the above
Answer» B. 3 months

Which one of the following is not a contract?

A. A find B’s purse and gives it to him. B promises to give him `1,000/-
B. A promises, for no consideration, to give `10,000/-
C. A agrees to sell a horse worth of `1,000/- for `10/-
D. A supports B’s infant son. B promises to pay A’s expenses in so doing.
Answer» B. A promises, for no consideration, to give `10,000/-

Holder in due course means any person-

A. Drawing the instrument
B. Who for consideration became the possession of a promissory note
C. Named in the instrument to whom or to whom order the money is directed to be paid
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Who for consideration became the possession of a promissory note

Intimation of the reconstitution of change in a registered partnership is to be given to the Registrar of firms-

A. No time limit
B. Within 30 days
C. Within 60 days
D. Within 90 days.
Answer» A. No time limit

A firm shall not contain any name-

A. King
B. Queen
C. Empire
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The fee payable for registration of LLP whose contribution exceeds `10 lakhs is

A. `500/-
B. ` 2000/-
C. ` 4000/-
D. ` 5000/-
Answer» D. ` 5000/-

The gratuity is payable to an employee shall not exceed-

A. 12 months pay
B. 16 months pay
C. 20 months pay
D. 24 months pay
Answer» C. 20 months pay

Withdrawal from PF may be allowed for –

A. Marriage of the employer
B. Post matriculation education of children
C. For the purchase of a dwelling place
D. For illness in certain cases.
Answer» C. For the purchase of a dwelling place

ESI Corporation is a-

A. Partnership firm
B. Limited Liability Partnership
C. Body Corporate
D. Hindu Undivided Family.
Answer» C. Body Corporate

Who is not eligible to get bonus?

A. A temporary workman
B. A dismissed employee
C. A piece rated employee
D. A retrenched employee.
Answer» B. A dismissed employee

The appropriate government may fix minimum rate of wages for-

A. Time work
B. Piece work
C. Guarantee time rate
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

The payment of wages Act applies to wages payable to an employed person in respect of wage period if such wages for that wage period do not exceed _____ per month.

A. ` 6500/-
B. ` 10000/-
C. ` 18,000/-
D. ` 25,000/-
Answer» C. ` 18,000/-

The quorum for a public company having the number of members more than 5000 is-

A. 2
B. 5
C. 15
D. 30
Answer» D. 30

In the case of an adjourned meeting the company shall give not less than _____ notice to the members.

A. 1 day
B. 3 days
C. 7 days
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. 3 days

Ethics is a set of _________ of human conduct that govern the behavior of individuals or organizations.

A. Principles
B. Standards
C. Principles or standards
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Principles or standards

The society for Business Ethics was started in

A. 1950
B. 1960
C. 1970
D. 1980
Answer» D. 1980

The Payment of Bonus Act 1965 extends to:

A. The whole of India
B. The whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir
C. The whole of India except Kerala
D. The whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala
Answer» A. The whole of India

The minimum ceiling on gratuity as per the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is:

A. ` 5 lakhs
B. ` 10 lakhs
C. ` 15 lakhs
D. ` 20 lakhs
Answer» B. ` 10 lakhs

The ESI Act, 1948 provides certain benefits to the employees in case of ________

A. Sickness
B. Maternity
C. Employment injury
D. All the three
Answer» D. All the three

A monthly return of contribution in the prescribed form 6 is required to be filed with the Commissioner within ……… days of the close of the month as per Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 30
Answer» C. 25

____________ is not a negotiable instrument as per customs and usage.

A. Delivery note
B. Railway Receipt
C. Cheque
D. Government promissory note
Answer» C. Cheque

The minimum paid-up capital for a Public company is:

A. ` 3lakhs
B. ` 4lakhs
C. ` 5lakhs
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

If the agreement is made by obtaining consent by doing an act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code, the agreement would be caused by:

A. Coercion
B. Fraud
C. Misrepresentation
D. Undue influence
Answer» A. Coercion

Hundi’s are Indigenous instrument written in ____________ language

A. Vernacular
B. Hindi
C. English
D. Sanskrit
Answer» A. Vernacular

"If you contract to sell peas, you cannot oblige a party to have beans" - This statement applies to:

A. an implied condition as to be description of goods
B. the implied condition as to fitness of goods for a particular purpose
C. implied condition as to sample
D. implied condition as to title
Answer» A. an implied condition as to be description of goods

Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948?

A. Who has completed 17 years of age
B. Who is less than 18 years
C. Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years
D. None of these
Answer» C. Who has completed 15 years but less than 18 years

Which of these is not a negotiable instrument as per the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881?

A. Bill of exchange
B. Delivery note
C. Bearer Cheque
D. Share Certificate
Answer» D. Share Certificate

A person may not become an agent if ______________

A. He is of the age maturity
B. He is of unsound mind
C. Either of the above
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

In absence of a contract to the contrary, an agent is entitled to retain __________________ of the principal until amount due for commission is not received by him.

A. Goods
B. Papers
C. Property (whether moveable or immovable)
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Section 122 of Companies Act, 2013 provides that which of the following provisions are not applicable to an OPC

A. Section 100: Calling of EGM
B. Section 101: Notice of Meeting
C. Section 105: Proxies
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A company in which either of the Government has no paid-up share capital is called as a _________________ company

A. Non-Government
B. Government
C. Listed
D. Non-listed
Answer» A. Non-Government

Section 7(4) of Companies Act, 2013 provides that the company shall maintain and preserve copies of all documents and information as originally filed with the registrar till it’s ______________ under this Act.

A. Incorporation
B. Commencement
C. Dissolution
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Dissolution

______________ are the principles of Business Ethics.

A. Avoid exploitation of consumers
B. Avoid unfair trade practices
C. Unfair treatment to employees
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

In case of contractual obligations where the promisor dies before performance:

A. The legal representatives of the promisor must perform the promise
B. The legal representatives of the promisor must perform the promise provided it is not one dependent on the personal qualifications of the promisor
C. The legal representatives may not perform the promise
D. The legal representatives are not liable to pay damages for nonperformance of the promise.
Answer» D. The legal representatives are not liable to pay damages for nonperformance of the promise.

An anticipatory repudiation has the effect of:

A. An automatic putting an end to the contract
B. Putting an end to the contract only on acceptance of the repudiation by the other party
C. Putting an end to the contract only on failure to perform when performance is due.
D. No putting an end to the contract.
Answer» B. Putting an end to the contract only on acceptance of the repudiation by the other party

In pretended bidding, sale is _______________.

A. Sale is voidable at the option of the seller
B. Sale is voidable at the option of the buyer
C. Valid
D. Illegal
Answer» B. Sale is voidable at the option of the buyer

According to Minimum Wages Act, 1948 wage slip shall be issued by every employer to his employees

A. One day prior to disbursement of wages
B. On the date of disbursement of wages
C. One day later to the disbursement of wages
D. Anytime during the month
Answer» A. One day prior to disbursement of wages

All monies received on application shall be kept in a separate bank account in a ______ bank.

A. Nationalised
B. Scheduled
C. Government
D. Any of the above
Answer» B. Scheduled

Where a company issues shares with differential right, the _____ should be maintained under Section 88 of Companies Act, 2013.

A. List of share-holders
B. Register of shares
C. Register of Members
D. List of shares
Answer» C. Register of Members

Rule 34 provides that where the Tribunal has made winding up order of a LLP, the liquidator shall submit a report containing which of the following particulars:

A. Debts due to the LLP
B. Guarantees given by the LLP
C. Existing and contingent liabilities of the LLP
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Every member of a company listed by shares and holding equity share capital shall have the right to _____________ on every _____________ placed before the company.

A. vote; resolution
B. Speak; agenda
C. Speak; resolution
D. Any of the above.
Answer» A. vote; resolution

When a professional promotes a position or opinion to such extent that some objectivity may have to be compromised, this threat is known as

A. Familiarity threat
B. Objectivity threat
C. Advocacy threat
D. Intimidation threat
Answer» C. Advocacy threat

The ________ of the company shall contain the regulations for management of the company.

A. Articles
B. Memorandum
C. Both
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Articles

The supervisory board under the German Model is known as

A. Aufsichtsrat
B. Kiertsu
C. Vorstand
D. Kyosei
Answer» A. Aufsichtsrat

An audit committee has four fold relationship and therefore has to interact with management, internal auditor, public and

A. Cost auditor
B. Statutory auditor
C. Tax auditor
D. Management auditor
Answer» B. Statutory auditor

Which of the following is a method of discharge from liability?

A. By endorsement
B. By promising
C. By cancellation
D. By registration
Answer» C. By cancellation

Gratuity is payable to an employee after he has rendered continuous service for not less than five years on his

A. transfer
B. daughter's marriage
C. re-employment
D. resignation
Answer» D. resignation

Who will not be considered as an employee?

A. Canteen workers
B. Casual workers
C. Partners
D. Part time employee
Answer» C. Partners

"Individual pension account" means an account of subscriber, executed by a contract setting out the terms and conditions under the

A. Provident fund scheme
B. National pension system
C. Citizen welfare system
D. Minimum wage payment scheme
Answer» B. National pension system

Which of the following is not a category of company?

A. Inactive company
B. Assistant company
C. Dormant company
D. Producer company
Answer» B. Assistant company

Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 requires a company to prepare and file annual return in form no.

A. MGT-12
B. INC-23
C. MGT-7
D. SH-10
Answer» C. MGT-7

The main feature of e-contract is

A. Cost and acceptability
B. Purity and clarity
C. Speed, accurate and reliable
D. Perfection and attractive
Answer» C. Speed, accurate and reliable

Which of the following is not an unpaid seller's right against the goods?

A. The right of retention
B. The right of stoppage in transit
C. The right of seeking claim for damage
D. The right of resale
Answer» C. The right of seeking claim for damage

Where the endorser does not want that the endorsee or any other holder to incur any expense on his account is called

A. Restrictive endorsement
B. Sans frais endorsement
C. Conditional endorsement
D. Unwanted endorsement
Answer» B. Sans frais endorsement

The liability of the partners will continue for the acts done before the dissolution, even after the dissolution, until

A. Public notice is given of the dissolution
B. Partners are getting the final payment
C. Claim is demanded by the creditors
D. The death of partners
Answer» A. Public notice is given of the dissolution

Every employee shall be entitled to receive bonus from his employer in an accounting year if he has worked for not less than

A. Ten working days
B. Twenty working days
C. Thirty working days
D. Forty working days
Answer» C. Thirty working days

Under Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948, the term of the office of the members of Medical Benefit Council shall be

A. 2 Years
B. 4 Years
C. 5 Years
D. 10 Years
Answer» B. 4 Years

Which one cannot be transacted through postal ballot?

A. Appointment of auditor
B. Election of a Director
C. Buy back of shares by a company
D. Change in place of registered office outside the local limits of any city, town or
Answer» A. Appointment of auditor

The appointment of an independent director shall be approved by the

A. Board meeting
B. General meeting
C. Registrar of Companies
D. Central Government
Answer» B. General meeting

The sweat equity shares shall be locked in for a period of __________ years from the date of allotment.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» C. Three

The following is the disadvantage of business ethics:

A. Through increasing morale and trust business can increase their market share
B. Publicity due to well and ethical performance
C. Acceptance of products of the company by the public
D. Diversity in achievements
Answer» D. Diversity in achievements
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