80+ British Literature - Nineteenth Century Solved MCQs


The…………….was a turning point in the British Political history of Nineteenth Century.

A. factory act of 1833
B. emancipation act of 1833
C. reform bill of 1832
D. education act 1833
Answer» C. reform bill of 1832

Father of Utilitarianism

A. james mill
B. jermy bentham
C. newman
D. macaulay
Answer» B. jermy bentham

Which novel by Charles Dickens is generally regarded as the first Victorian novel

A. hard times
B. the pickwick papers
C. little dorrit
D. bleak house
Answer» B. the pickwick papers

Which novel by Thomas Hardy had the subtitle “ A Pure Woman” which shocked Victorian readers?

A. the obscure
B. the well – beloved
C. a pair of blue eyes
D. tess of the d’urberviles
Answer» D. tess of the d’urberviles

Which of the Bronte sisters wrote “Shirly” a novel set in Yorkshire during the Industrial depression

A. charlotte
B. emily
C. maria
D. elizabeth
Answer» A. charlotte

) Which of the book was written by Victorian novelist George Eliot?

A. hard times
B. mill on the floss
C. far from madding crowd
D. the heart of darkness
Answer» B. mill on the floss

Name of the novel by Thackeray known as “A Novel without a Hero”

A. timbuctoo
B. catherine
C. a shabby genteel story
D. vanity fair
Answer» D. vanity fair

What is inscribed above the entrance of Wuthering Heights?

A. hindley earnshaw 1729
B. 1623
C. abandon all hope, ye who enter here
D. hareton earshaw 1500
Answer» D. hareton earshaw 1500

What kind of countryside surrounds Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange

A. moorland
B. savannah
C. forest
D. grassy plains
Answer» A. moorland

What is the name of the village near Wuthering Heights?

A. loch crag
B. gimmerton
C. hearherton
D. purvey
Answer» B. gimmerton

Who raises Hareton during the early years of his life?

A. hindley
B. heathcliff
C. catherine
D. nelly
Answer» D. nelly

Whom does Hindley force to work as a servant in his home?

A. joseph
B. heathcliff
C. heathcliff’s son linton
D. edger linton
Answer» B. heathcliff

What happens to Hindley after his wife dies?

A. he becomes an alcoholic gambler
B. he lives his son in heathcliff’s care
C. he dedicates his life to god’s service
D. he refuses to leave his son’s side
Answer» A. he becomes an alcoholic gambler

What was depicted in Tess’s personal struggles that caused controversy when the novel came out?

A. sexual hypocrisy
B. poverty
C. religious uncertainty
D. rural labour practices
Answer» A. sexual hypocrisy

What was Thomas Hardy’s last novel?

A. tess of the d’ubervilles
B. jude the obscure
C. far from the madding crowd
D. return of the native
Answer» B. jude the obscure

The action of the novel Tess of the d’Ubervilles takes place in what area of England?

A. essex
B. sussex
C. wessex
D. london
Answer» C. wessex

What advice does Mrs. Durbeyfield give Tess?

A. not to tell angel her secret
B. not to tell alec her secret
C. to leave alec
D. to marry alec
Answer» A. not to tell angel her secret

how does Tess die?

A. pneumonia
B. she is hanged
C. angel kills her
D. heartache
Answer» B. she is hanged

What does Tess name her son?

A. destiny
B. hope
C. sorrow
D. burden
Answer» C. sorrow

A Tale of Two Cities was published in weekly installments from April to November of what year?

A. 1845
B. 1859
C. 1879
D. 1890
Answer» B. 1859

Why was Doctor Manette imprisoned ?

A. he stole bread
B. he failed to save the life of an aristocrat’s daughter
C. the marquis evremonde feared that manette would reveal one of the marquis’ dark secrets.
D. he was an outspoken critic of the royal family
Answer» C. the marquis evremonde feared that manette would reveal one of the marquis’ dark secrets.

What feature of the chimney sweepers face does Charles Lamb admire?

A. tounge
B. sooty cheeks
C. teeth
D. eyes
Answer» C. teeth

What was Charles Lamb’s final book?

A. elia
B. walden
C. tales from shakespeare
D. the last essays of elia
Answer» D. the last essays of elia

What was the first Elia essay?

A. a chapter on ears
B. dream children a reverie
C. the south sea house
D. old china
Answer» C. the south sea house

Who was appointed as Poet Laureate after William Wordsworth?

A. browning
B. tennyson
C. mathew arnold
D. coleridge
Answer» B. tennyson

Which one s Gaskell’s first novel?

A. cranford
B. north and south
C. ruth
D. mary barton
Answer» D. mary barton

George Eliot was the pen name of…………..

A. mary anne evans
B. christina rossetti
C. mary shelly
D. elizabeth
Answer» A. mary anne evans

Which one is the unfinished novel of Charles Dickens?

A. hard times
B. pickwick papers
C. edwin drood
D. great expectations
Answer» C. edwin drood

Oscar Wild’s ‘Woman of No Importance’ appears in……………

A. 1877
B. 1888
C. 1893
D. 1875
Answer» C. 1893

Who was the leader of Pre- Raphaelite group of artists in England?

A. robert browning
B. d g rossetti
C. william wordsworth
D. robert southey
Answer» B. d g rossetti

Queen Victoria succeeded to the throne of England after

A. william iv
B. george iii
C. george iv
D. edward vii
Answer» A. william iv

Who is the author of “ Aurora Leigh”?

A. jane austen
B. elizabeth barret browning
C. tennyson
D. george eliot
Answer» B. elizabeth barret browning

Maud is a poem written by

A. browning
B. wordsworth
C. tennyson
D. coleridge
Answer» C. tennyson

The verse novel of Elizabeth Barret Browning

A. pride and prejudice
B. wuthering heights
C. jane eyre
D. aurora leigh
Answer» D. aurora leigh

The song of the Lotus is a poem by………

A. browning
B. thomas hardy
C. d g rossetti
D. tennyson
Answer» D. tennyson

In “ In Memorium” Tennyson mourns the death of ……….

A. arthur hallam
B. william wordsworth
C. shelly
D. browning
Answer» A. arthur hallam

Who is the author of “ Blessed Damozel?

A. d g rossetti
B. william thackeray
C. tennyson
D. browning
Answer» A. d g rossetti

The title of the “Vanity Fair” has been taken from

A. bible
B. paradise lost
C. pilgrim progress
D. canterbury tales
Answer» C. pilgrim progress

In which year was the Origin of the Species” published?

A. 1876
B. 1859
C. 1888
D. 1890
Answer» B. 1859

, Name the first volume of Robert Browning’s poems

A. paracelsus
B. incondita
C. sordello
D. bells and pomergranates
Answer» B. incondita

……………..is a historical tragedy in blank verse by Browning

A. pippa passes
B. a blot in scutchion
C. a soul’s tragedy
D. strafford 1837
Answer» D. strafford 1837

The first important poem of Robert Browning

A. my last duchess
B. fra lippo lippi
C. paracelus
D. memorabila
Answer» C. paracelus

To which well-known family does Fra Lippo Lippi’s patron belong?

A. the medicis
B. the borgias
C. the buonapartes
D. the urbinatis
Answer» A. the medicis

What kind of of art does Fra Lippo Lippi produce?

A. abstract art
B. nebulous art
C. landscapes
D. portraits of real people
Answer» D. portraits of real people

“ Fra Lippo Lippi” appeared in the 1855 collection…………

A. sordello
B. incondita
C. men and women
D. bells and pomegranates
Answer» C. men and women

…………….poem is Browning’s timeless respect for Shelly

A. a death in the desert
B. the ring and the books
C. fra lippo lippi
D. memorabilia
Answer» D. memorabilia

The verse novel of Robert Browning based on an Italian Murder trial in the seventeenth century.

A. memorabilia
B. the ring and the books
C. men and women
D. paracelsus
Answer» B. the ring and the books

The German philosopher who influenced the Romantic movement

A. althusser
B. carl marx
C. immanuel kant
D. hegel
Answer» C. immanuel kant

The book that marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement

A. biographia literaria
B. lyrical ballads
C. men and women
D. the prelude
Answer» B. lyrical ballads

Who was known as the ‘grand old Man of the English letters’?

A. william shakespeare
B. thomas hardy
C. coleridge
D. william wordsworth
Answer» D. william wordsworth

Who was the greatest nature poet of England?

A. william wordsworth
B. coleridge
C. robert browning
D. tennyson
Answer» A. william wordsworth

Lectures on Shakespeare is the work of…………..

A. thomas hardy
B. mathew arnold
C. william thackeray
D. coleridge
Answer» D. coleridge

William Blake’s political radicalism intensified during the years leading up to the…..

A. communist movement
B. french revolution
C. romantic movement
D. industrial revolution
Answer» B. french revolution

The poem ‘The Tyger’ was published in…….

A. 1794
B. 1788
C. 1780
D. 1789
Answer» A. 1794

The poem ‘The Tyger’ is taken from

A. songs of innocence
B. songs of experience
C. the four zoas
D. the marriage of heaven and hell
Answer» B. songs of experience

Which of these poems uses dramatic monologue as a poetic form?

A. wordsworth’s the prelude
B. robert browning’s my last duchess
C. tennyson’s in memoriam
D. shelly’s adonais
Answer» B. robert browning’s my last duchess

……………..is regarded as the poet, who has spoken the strongest word of faith to an age of doubt

A. browning
B. tennyson
C. blake
D. scott
Answer» A. browning

An immense poem, twice as long as ‘Paradise Lost’, longer by some two thousand lines than the Iliad by Browning

A. pippa passes
B. the ring and the book
C. saul
D. cleon
Answer» B. the ring and the book

………………by Browning is an exquisite tribute to his dead wife.

A. my star
B. prospice
C. one word more
D. meeting at night
Answer» C. one word more

For ……………poem Tennyson got Chancellor’s Medal

A. lyrical ballad
B. timbuctoo
C. merlin and the glean
D. the princess
Answer» B. timbuctoo

……………wrote the song “ Tears, Idle Tears”

A. browning
B. tennyson
C. blake
D. keats
Answer» B. tennyson

……… poem of Tennyson was a long poem of over three thousand lines of blank verse.

A. wages
B. the princess
C. the higher pantheism
D. maud
Answer» D. maud

Browning’s ‘Pauline’ came in

A. 1834
B. 1897
C. 1833
D. 1901
Answer» C. 1833

Wordsworth believes in the concept of …………

A. hellenism
B. pantheism
C. negative capability
D. willing suspension of disbelief
Answer» B. pantheism

The concept of Pantheism believes in

A. objectivity
B. healing power of nature
C. confession
D. natural calamity
Answer» B. healing power of nature

Who brought the concept of negative capability?

A. wordsworth
B. coleridge
C. keats
D. shelly
Answer» C. keats

Whose epitaph contains “here lies one whose name was written in water”

A. coleridge
B. blake
C. john keats
D. william wordsworth
Answer» C. john keats

Which is the high watermark f poetry in the 19th century?

A. tintern abbey
B. intimations of immortality
C. stepping westward
D. solitary reaper
Answer» B. intimations of immortality

In which of the followings spiritual appeal of nature is expressed in almost every line?

A. to a highland girl
B. stepping westward
C. tintern abbey
D. solitary reaper
Answer» C. tintern abbey

Who wrote Lucy poems

A. scott
B. donne
C. wordsworth
D. dryden
Answer» C. wordsworth

Who said that the poet was a ‘mere babbler’?

A. scott
B. byron
C. wordsworth
D. gibson
Answer» B. byron

Who wrote the “Witch of Atlas”?

A. scott
B. wordsworth
C. blake
D. shelley
Answer» D. shelley

Which character was the only one of Shelly’s character, who seems to be entirely human?

A. prometheus
B. hellas
C. emilia
D. beatrice
Answer» D. beatrice

Who wrote ‘Confession of an Opium Eater’?

A. wordsworth
B. shelley
C. de- quincey
D. browne
Answer» C. de- quincey

Who wrote the critical essay ‘Literary Reminiscences’?

A. shelley
B. de quincey
C. coleridge
D. burton
Answer» B. de quincey

Which of the following was not written by De Quincey?

A. joan of arc
B. the revlt of the tartars
C. endymion
D. the english mail- coach
Answer» C. endymion

In which out of the following we see the creations of Lamb’s humour and pathos?

A. old china
B. dissertation on roast rig
C. a chapter on ears
D. imperfect sympathies
Answer» B. dissertation on roast rig

Heath Cliff is the main character in the novel

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 3 and 4
D. 3 and 2
Answer» A. 1 and 2

“ I will show you a heroine as plain and small as myself”

A. this is emily bronte in wuthering heights
B. this is charlotte bronte in jane eyre
C. this is george eliot in romola
D. this is anne bronte in agnes grey
Answer» B. this is charlotte bronte in jane eyre

Here is the list of women abandoned by their lovers in Hardy’s novels. Pick the odd one out

A. fanny robin
B. tess d’urberville
C. marty south
D. bathsheba everdene
Answer» D. bathsheba everdene

A noble and inspiring books f love poems by Miss Barret

A. the cry of the children
B. sonnets from the portuguese
C. lady geraldine’s courtship
D. casa guidi windows
Answer» C. lady geraldine’s courtship

………………..was the leader in the Pre- Raphaelite Movement

A. tennyson
B. browning
C. rossetti
D. blake
Answer» C. rossetti

“ The sea is calm tonight The tide is full, the moon lies fair Upon the straits, on the French coast the light Gleams and is gone, the cliffs of England stand, Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay Come to the window, sweet is the night air”

A. this is dg rossetti in ‘house of life’
B. this is christina rossetti in ‘goblin market and other poems’
C. this is swinburne in ‘songs of italy’
D. this is mathew arnold in ‘dover beach’
Answer» D. this is mathew arnold in ‘dover beach’

Which of the following is in the chronological order?

A. morte d’ arthur, in memoriam, vanity fair
B. vanity fair, in memoriam, morte d’ arthur
C. morte d’ arthur, vanity fair, in memoriam
D. in memoriam, vanity fair, morte d’ arthur
Answer» C. morte d’ arthur, vanity fair, in memoriam

Oscar Wild’s time period is from

A. 1834 to 1896
B. 1839 to 1894
C. 1840 to 1948
D. 1856 to 1900
Answer» D. 1856 to 1900
Question and answers in British Literature - Nineteenth Century, British Literature - Nineteenth Century multiple choice questions and answers, British Literature - Nineteenth Century Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for British Literature - Nineteenth Century, British Literature - Nineteenth Century MCQs with answers PDF download