170+ Computer Applications for Economic Analysis Solved MCQs


The basic architecture of computer was developed by

A. john von neumann
B. charles babbage
C. blaise pascal
D. garden moore
Answer» B. charles babbage

Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?

A. data
B. bytes
C. graphics
D. picture
Answer» A. data

Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?

A. removable hard disk cartridges
B. (magneto-optical) disk
C. flexible disks cartridges
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is not purely output device?

A. screen
B. printer
C. speaker
D. plotter
Answer» D. plotter

In how many generations a computer can be classified?

A. 6
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» D. 5

The brain of any computer system is

A. alu
B. memory
C. cpu
D. control unit
Answer» C. cpu

What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other generation computers?

A. technological advancement
B. scientific code
C. object oriented programming
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

__________ is the signals or data received by the system.

A. input
B. error
C. exception
D. output
Answer» A. input

Signals or data sent from system is called as ______________.

A. input
B. variable
C. exception
D. output
Answer» D. output

The first Macintosh computer was from

A. first generation
B. second generation
C. third generation
D. fourth generation
Answer» A. first generation

Which is not a computer classification?

A. mainframe
B. max frame
C. mini
D. notebook
Answer» B. max frame

Which operation is not performed by computer

A. inputting
B. processing
C. controlling
D. understanding
Answer» D. understanding

A collection of related instructions organized for a common purpose is referred to as

A. file
B. database
C. program
D. none of above
Answer» C. program

Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

A. machine language
B. assembly language
C. high level language
D. none of above
Answer» B. assembly language

On which aspect the analog computers are better than digital?

A. speed
B. accuracy
C. reliability
D. automatic
Answer» A. speed

Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?

A. non volatile
B. permanent
C. control unit
D. temporary
Answer» A. non volatile

The word length of a computer is measured in

A. bytes
B. millimetres
C. meters
D. bits
Answer» A. bytes

Which unit holds data permanently?

A. input unit
B. secondary storage unit
C. output unit
D. primary memory unit
Answer» B. secondary storage unit

Computer system comprises of major units

A. input unit, output unit, control unit
B. input unit, output unit, control unit and storage
C. input unit, output unit, central processing unit and storage unit
D. input, output and storage units
Answer» C. input unit, output unit, central processing unit and storage unit

Signals can be analog or digital and a computer that processes the both type of signals is known as

A. analog computer
B. digital computer
C. hybrid computer
D. mainframe computer
Answer» C. hybrid computer

Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?

A. motorola
B. ibm
C. intel
D. amd
Answer» C. intel

Which of the following is a storage device?

A. tape
B. hard disk
C. floppy disk
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Central Processing Unit is combination of

A. control and storage
B. control and output unit
C. arithmetic logic and input unit
D. arithmetic logic and control unit
Answer» D. arithmetic logic and control unit

CD-ROM stands for

A. compactable read only memory
B. compact data read only memory
C. compactable disk read only memory
D. compact disk read only memory
Answer» C. compactable disk read only memory

What type of device is computer keyboard?

A. memory
B. output
C. storage
D. input
Answer» D. input

Fifth generation computer is also known as

A. knowledge information processing system
B. very large scale integration (vlsi)
C. both of above
D. none of above
Answer» A. knowledge information processing system

ALU is

A. arithmetic logic unit
B. array logic unit
C. application logic unit
D. none of above
Answer» A. arithmetic logic unit

WAN stands for

A. wap area network
B. wide area network
C. wide array net
D. wireless area network
Answer» B. wide area network

Second Generation computers were developed during

A. 1949 to 1955
B. 1956 to 1965
C. 1965 to 1970
D. 1970 to 1990
Answer» B. 1956 to 1965

The computer size was very large in

A. first generation
B. second generation
C. third generation
D. fourth generation
Answer» A. first generation

Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers

A. first generation
B. second generation
C. third generation
D. fourth generation
Answer» B. second generation

Which generation of computer is still under development

A. fourth generation
B. fifth generation
C. sixth generation
D. seventh generation
Answer» B. fifth generation

Which statement is valid?

A. 1kb = 1024 bytes
B. 1 mb=2048 bytes
C. 1 mb = 1000 kilobytes
D. 1 kb = 1000 bytes
Answer» A. 1kb = 1024 bytes

Software in computer

A. enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B. increase the speed of central processing unit
C. both of above
D. none of above
Answer» C. both of above

Which of the following is a secondary memory device?

A. keyboard
B. disk
C. alu
D. all of the above
Answer» B. disk

The differeŶĐe ďetǁeeŶ ŵeŵory aŶd storage is that ŵeŵory is … aŶd storage is …

A. temporary, permanent
B. permanent, temporary
C. slow, fast
D. all of above
Answer» A. temporary, permanent

Which will not harm computer resources

A. firewall
B. virus
C. trojan horse
D. none of the above
Answer» A. firewall

The first Generation computer was based on which technology?

A. transistor
B. lsi
C. vlsi
D. vaccum tube
Answer» D. vaccum tube

Who protects system from external threats?

A. firewall
B. edi
C. erp
D. script kiddies
Answer» A. firewall

Microsoft Word is an example of

A. an operating system
B. processing device
C. application software
D. an input device
Answer» C. application software

Which of the following is not a text editor

A. notepad
B. textpad
C. textmate
D. ms excel
Answer» D. ms excel

The key board shortcut for making fonts Italic is

A. ctrl + c
B. ctrl + i
C. ctrl + x
D. alt + b
Answer» B. ctrl + i

The short cut for centrally aligning a text is

A. ctrl+c
B. ctrl+l
C. ctrl+e
D. ctrl+r
Answer» C. ctrl+e

Replacing a word with another word throughout the document can be done using

A. cut and paste
B. find and replace
C. copy and paste
D. go
Answer» B. find and replace

Which among the following is not an option in editing group?

A. find
B. replace
C. select
D. illustrations
Answer» D. illustrations

Which of the key shortcut is used for printing a document in word ?

A. ctrl+p
B. ctrl+r
C. altl+p
D. alt+r
Answer» A. ctrl+p

The keyboard short cut for cut command is

A. ctrl+c
B. altl+c
C. ctrl+x
D. alt+v
Answer» C. ctrl+x

The key board shortcut for making fonts bold is

A. ctrl + c
B. ctrl + b
C. ctrl + x
D. alt + b
Answer» B. ctrl + b

Which of the following is not a type of page margin?

A. normal
B. narrow
C. moderate
D. middle
Answer» D. middle

Portrait and Landscape are

A. paper size
B. page layout
C. page orientation
D. none of the above
Answer» C. page orientation

Which of the following is not a font style?

A. bold
B. superscript
C. regular
D. italics
Answer» B. superscript

Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?

A. macros
B. mail merge
C. template
D. none
Answer» B. mail merge

Which of the following is not an essential component to create mail merge?

A. main document
B. data source
C. merge fields
D. word fields
Answer» D. word fields

________consists of most frequently used commands such as cut, copy, paste, print etc

A. quick access toolbar
B. title bar
C. status bar
D. rulers
Answer» A. quick access toolbar

Number of tabs in MS word

A. 8
B. 7
C. 10
D. 5
Answer» B. 7

Which of the following is not an option under font group?

A. underline
B. bold
C. shapes
D. change case
Answer» C. shapes

The word indicates the spelling errors with

A. blue underline
B. green underline
C. red underline
D. black underline
Answer» C. red underline

The word indicates the grammar mistakes with

A. blue underline
B. green underline
C. red underline
D. black underline
Answer» B. green underline

The keyboard short cut for Undo command is

A. alt+u
B. ctrl+y
C. ctrl+u
D. ctrl+z
Answer» D. ctrl+z

The keyboard short cut for Redo command is

A. ctrl+r
B. ctrl+y
C. ctrl+j
D. alt+r
Answer» B. ctrl+y

The keyboard short cut for Paste command is

A. ctrl+v
B. ctrl+p
C. ctrl+j
D. alt+p
Answer» A. ctrl+v

The keyboard short cut for justifying alignment is

A. ctrl+a
B. ctrl+y
C. ctrl+j
D. ctrl+n
Answer» C. ctrl+j

The keyboard short cut for creating a new document is

A. alt+n
B. ctrl+n
C. alt+d
D. ctrl+d
Answer» B. ctrl+n

_______is a collection of predefined design elements and colour schemes

A. feature
B. hyperlink
C. palette
D. theme
Answer» D. theme

Change the _____to create a document in wide format

A. page margins
B. paper style
C. page orientation
D. paper source
Answer» A. page margins

Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text.

A. copy and paste
B. paste and delete
C. cut and paste
D. title bar
Answer» C. cut and paste

To view header and footer you must switch to

A. normal view
B. print layout view
C. print preview mode
D. both b and c
Answer» D. both b and c

From where you can access save command.

A. home tab
B. insert tab
C. review tab
D. none of above
Answer» D. none of above

Essential business letter elements include the_________

A. date line and inside address
B. message
C. signature bloc
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?

A. auto format
B. auto correct
C. smart tags
D. auto text.
Answer» B. auto correct

In Word 2007 the Zoom is placed on

A. view tab
B. home tab
C. status bar
D. both a & c
Answer» D. both a & c

A command under a group is known as _____

A. button
B. tab
C. ribbon
D. none of above
Answer» A. button

________indicates writable area of the document

A. gridlines
B. rulers
C. thumbnails
D. document map
Answer» B. rulers

Which is not an option to insert equations?

A. equations
B. symbols
C. smartart
D. ms equation editor
Answer» C. smartart

What is the default file extension for all word documents?

A. .txts
B. . word
C. .docs
D. .docx
Answer» D. .docx

What is the smallest and largest font size tool on formatting toolbar?

A. 8 and 72
B. 8 and 64
C. 12 and 72
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. 8 and 72

The extension of database file in excel is

A. .doc
B. .xls
C. bmp
D. dbf
Answer» B. .xls

The menu for locating regression in MS Excel is

A. format
B. tools
C. insert
D. data analysis
Answer» D. data analysis

Which of the following formula in excel is used for exponential operation?

A. ^
B. +
C. *
D. /
Answer» A. ^

Analysis toolpak is an add-in function in

A. powerpoint
B. excel
C. word
D. access
Answer» B. excel

Which of the following is an electronic spreadsheet?

A. powerpoint
B. excel
C. word
D. access
Answer» B. excel

Solver is an add-in function in

A. powerpoint
B. word
C. excel
D. access
Answer» C. excel

Conditional sum wizard is an add-in function in

A. powerpoint
B. word
C. excel
D. access
Answer» C. excel

Which of the following is an operator for defining natural logarithm in excel worksheet

A. =ni().
B. =ln()
C. =^()
D. =log()
Answer» B. =ln()

Which of the following defines a formula in excel ?

A. &.
B. *
C. ^
D. =
Answer» D. =

Which among the following is a valid cell address in MS Excel?

A. a:20
B. b;15
C. d6
D. 10h
Answer» C. d6

Which among the following represents a union type cell reference in Excel?

A. (a10:a20)
B. (b10:b20)
C. (a10,a20)
D. a10
Answer» C. (a10,a20)

Which among the following represents a individual cell reference in Excel?

A. (c10:c20)
B. (d10,d20)
C. (a10,a20)
D. f10
Answer» D. f10

________useful to display trend of an economic variable over a time period

A. line chart
B. bar chart
C. pie chart
D. scatter plot
Answer» A. line chart

AutoSum can be used to calculate

A. sum
B. average
C. maximum
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is not an element in formula syntax?

A. equal to sign
B. operator
C. chart
D. cell address
Answer» C. chart

Which of the following is forecasting tool?

A. moving average
B. variance
C. linear trend line
D. cubic trend line
Answer» B. variance

The function library is available under _______tab.

A. formula
B. insert
C. data
D. review
Answer» A. formula

__________ means the structure or order of the elements of a formula

A. operator
B. cell
C. formula syntax
D. operand
Answer» C. formula syntax

Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell?

A. pressing an arrow key
B. pressing an tab key
C. pressing escape key
D. clicking on the formula bar
Answer» C. pressing escape key

You can activate a cell by

A. pressing tab key
B. clicking the cell
C. pressing an arrow key
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

A. save workbook
B. modify the worksheet
C. enter text and the data
D. copy the worksheet
Answer» D. copy the worksheet

How many worksheets a workbook normally consist of?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4
Answer» A. 3

Which area in an excel allows entering values and formulas

A. title bar
B. menu bar
C. formula bar
D. standard toolbar
Answer» C. formula bar

________cell address remains constant, no matter where they are copied

A. individual
B. union
C. range
D. absolute.
Answer» A. individual
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