170+ Managing for Sustainability Solved MCQs


Codes of conduct and codes of ethics

A. are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees.
B. become necessary only after a company has been in legal trouble.
C. are designed for top executives and managers, not regular employees.
D. rarely become an effective component of the ethics and compliance program.
Answer» A. are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees.

Which of the following is NOT one of the primary elements of a strong organizational compliance program?

A. A written code of conduct
B. An ethics officer
C. Significant financial expenditures
D. A formal ethics training program
Answer» C. Significant financial expenditures

______________ are standards of behaviour that groups expect of their members.

A. Codes of conduct.
B. Group values.
C. Group norms.
D. Organizational norms.
Answer» C. Group norms.

In a ______________ organization, decision making is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible.

A. Decentralized
B. Creative
C. Flexible
D. Centralized
Answer» D. Centralized

____________ refers to a strategic process involving stakeholder assessment to create long-term relationships with customers, while maintaining, supporting, and enhancing the natural environment.

A. Eco-strategy
B. Green marketing
C. Superfund reauthorization
D. Recycle and reprocess management
Answer» B. Green marketing

The hand-of-government refers to the

A. ability of the government to interfere in business negotiations
B. role of corporations to be profitable within the law
C. effect of national politics on business decisions
D. impact of changing government regulations
Answer» B. role of corporations to be profitable within the law

An organisation's obligation to act to protect and improve society's welfare as well as its own interests is referred to as

A. organisational social responsibility
B. organisational social responsiveness
C. corporate obligation
D. business ethics
Answer» A. organisational social responsibility

The view that business exists at society's pleasure and businesses should meet public expectations of social responsibility is the

A. iron law of responsibility argument
B. enlightened self-interest argument
C. capacity argument
D. anti-freeloader argument
Answer» B. enlightened self-interest argument

Managerial ethics can be characterised by all of the following levels except

A. immoral management
B. amoral management
C. demoral management
D. moral management
Answer» C. demoral management

Which of the following is not one the underlying principles of the corporate governance Combined Code of Practice?

A. Openness
B. Integrity
C. Accountability
D. acceptability
Answer» D. acceptability

External audit of the accounts of a limited company is required

A. because it is demanded by the company’s bankers
B. by the Companies Act 2006
C. at the discretion of the shareholders
D. to detect fraud
Answer» B. by the Companies Act 2006

Directors’ responsibilities are unlikely to include.

A. a fiduciary duty
B. a duty to keep proper accounting records
C. a duty to propose high dividends for shareholders
D. a duty of care
Answer» C. a duty to propose high dividends for shareholders

A company may become insolvent if it

A. has negative working capital
B. cannot meet its budgeted level of profit
C. makes a loss
D. cannot pay creditors in full after realisation of its assets
Answer» D. cannot pay creditors in full after realisation of its assets

A director of a limited company may not be liable for wrongful trading if he or she

A. took every step to minimise the potential loss to creditors
B. increased the valuation of its inventories to cover any potential shortfall
C. introduced into the balance sheet an asset based on a valuation of its brands sufficient to meet any shortfall
D. brought in some expected sales from next year into the current year
Answer» A. took every step to minimise the potential loss to creditors

Fraudulent trading may be

A. a civil offence committed by any employee
B. a criminal offence committed only by directors of a limited company
C. a civil and a criminal offence committed only by directors of a limited company
D. a civil and a criminal offence committed by any employee
Answer» D. a civil and a criminal offence committed by any employee

Disqualification of directors may result from breaches under the

A. Sale of Goods Act 1979
B. Financial Services Act 1986
C. Companies Act 2006 and Insolvency Act 1986
D. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Answer» C. Companies Act 2006 and Insolvency Act 1986

Directors may not be disqualified for

A. continuing to trade when the company is insolvent
B. persistent breaches of company legislation
C. paying inadequate attention to the company finances
D. being convicted of drunken driving
Answer» D. being convicted of drunken driving

Which of the following actions will not help directors to protect themselves from noncompliance with their obligations and responsibilities?

A. keeping themselves fully informed about company affairs
B. ensuring that regular management accounts are prepared by the company
C. seeking professional help
D. including a disclaimer clause in their service contracts
Answer» D. including a disclaimer clause in their service contracts

Co-ording to Cadbury (2002), corporate governance is an issue of power and:

A. Rights
B. Accountability
C. Profit
D. Appropriability
Answer» B. Accountability

The OECD argues that corporate governance problems arise because:

A. Ownership and control is separated
B. Managers always act in their own self interest
C. Profit maximization is the main objective of organizations
D. Stakeholders have differing levels of power
Answer» A. Ownership and control is separated

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales considers argue that one particular stakeholder group should have primacy over all other groups. Which stakeholder group are they referring to?

A. Customers
B. Managers
C. Shareholders
D. Society
Answer» C. Shareholders

An organization that is owned by shareholders but managed by agents on their behalf is conventionally known as the modern:

A. Conglomerate
B. Corporation
C. Company
D. Firm
Answer» B. Corporation

The modern corporation has four characteristics. These are limited liability, legal personality, centralized management and:

A. Fiduciary duty
B. Stakeholders
C. Shareholders
D. Transferability
Answer» D. Transferability

What makes a corporation distinct from a partnership?

A. If the members of a corporation die, the corporation remains in existence providing it has capital
B. If the members of a corporation die, the corporation ceases to exist
C. A corporation cannot own property
D. A corporation cannot be held responsible for the illegal acts of its employees
Answer» A. If the members of a corporation die, the corporation remains in existence providing it has capital

The term 'asymmetry of information' means information in a corporation is:

A. Transferable to all stakeholders
B. Not transferable to all stakeholders
C. Not equally transparent to all stakeholders
D. Equally transparent to all stakeholders
Answer» C. Not equally transparent to all stakeholders

The view that sees profit maximization as the main objective is known as:

A. Shareholder theory
B. Principal-agent problem
C. Stakeholder theory
D. Corporation theory
Answer» C. Stakeholder theory

Where an organization takes into account the effect its strategic decisions have on society, this is known as:

A. Corporate governance
B. Business policy
C. Business ethics
D. Corporate social responsibility
Answer» D. Corporate social responsibility

Which intervention resulted from the Enron scandal?

A. The Hampel Committee
B. The Sarbannes-Oxley Act
C. The Greenbury Committee
D. The Cadbury Committee
Answer» B. The Sarbannes-Oxley Act

Executive pay in the UK was reviewed by:

A. The Greenbury Committee
B. The Hampel Committee
C. The Cadbury Committee
D. The Higgs Committee
Answer» A. The Greenbury Committee

In Japan, some corporations operate within the philosophy of 'kyosei'. The term 'kyosei' means:

A. No man shall be richer than another man
B. All stakeholders are equal
C. Living and working for the common good
D. If the corporation is bad, society is bad
Answer» C. Living and working for the common good

When managerial self-dealings are excessive and left unchecked,

A. they can have serious negative effects on share values
B. they can impede the proper functions of capital markets.
C. they can impede such measures as GDP growth.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Corporate governance structure

A. varies a great deal across countries.
B. has become homogenized following the integration of capital markets.
C. has become homogenized due to cross-listing of shares of many public corporations.
D. none of the above
Answer» A. varies a great deal across countries.

In a public company with diffused ownership, the board of directors is entrusted with

A. monitoring the auditors and safeguarding the interests of shareholders.
B. monitoring the shareholders and safeguarding the interests of management.
C. monitoring the management and safeguarding the interests of shareholders.
D. none of the above
Answer» C. monitoring the management and safeguarding the interests of shareholders.

The key weakness of the public corporation is

A. too many shareholders, which makes it difficult to make corporate decision.
B. relatively high corporate income tax rates.
C. conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders.
D. conflicts of interests between shareholders and bondholders.
Answer» C. conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders.

When company ownership is diffuse,

A. a "free rider" problem discourages shareholder activism.
B. the large number of shareholders ensures strong monitoring of managerial behavior because with a large enough group, there's almost always someone who will to incur the costs of monitoring management.
C. few shareholders have a strong enough incentive to incur the costs of monitoring management.
D. both a) and c) are correct
Answer» D. both a) and c) are correct

In many countries with concentrated ownership

A. the conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers are worse than in countries with diffuse ownership of firms.
B. the conflicts of interest are greater between large controlling shareholders and small outside shareholders than between managers and shareholders.
C. the conflicts of interest are greater between managers and shareholders than between large controlling shareholders and small outside shareholders.
D. corporate forms of business organization with concentrated ownership are rare.
Answer» B. the conflicts of interest are greater between large controlling shareholders and small outside shareholders than between managers and shareholders.

In what country do the three largest shareholders control, on average, about 60 percent of the shares of a public company?

A. United States
B. Canada
C. Great Britain
D. Italy
Answer» D. Italy

The public corporation

A. is jointly owned by a (potentially) large number of shareholders.
B. offers shareholders limited liability.
C. separates the ownership and control of a firm's assets.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Periodic ethics audits

A. Are required by the Indian stock exchange
B. A method of fostering ethics
C. A method of quantitative assessment
D. Always use external consultants
Answer» B. A method of fostering ethics

Political intrusion into business

A. May be desirable in some circumstances
B. Is anathema
C. Politics should have no say in how business is conducted
D. state legislation over-rides Federal Legislation
Answer» A. May be desirable in some circumstances

The reach of codes is

A. Restricted to those obliged to conform by virtue of membership
B. Applicable to all
C. Applicable to the public only
D. the same as the reach of the law
Answer» A. Restricted to those obliged to conform by virtue of membership

East India Company

A. Was always a management agency for the British government
B. had a continuous trade monopoly until 1873
C. Went out of existence at the time of Indian independence
D. Largely set commercial and management practices for India
Answer» D. Largely set commercial and management practices for India

Quantification in ethics may be done by

A. Putting monetary value on prospective actions
B. Comparing the value of one action with another
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B
Answer» C. Both A and B

When communicating a code of conduct

A. Focus on values that should guide decision making
B. Provide the same code of conduct to all departments regardless of its length.
C. Refrain from changing the code of conduct regularly
D. Fewer employees will read the code if it is short
Answer» A. Focus on values that should guide decision making

The __________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives is proactive and inspirational.

A. Rules
B. Compliance
C. Principles
D. Values
Answer» D. Values

The _________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives focuses on meeting required behavior norms or obeying the letter of the law

A. Rules
B. Compliance
C. Principles
D. Values
Answer» B. Compliance

Which of the following is associated with the classical view of social responsibility?

A. economist Robert Reich
B. concern for social welfare
C. stockholder financial return
D. voluntary activities
Answer» C. stockholder financial return

How many stages are in the model of an organization social responsibility progression?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 4

The belief that a firm pursuit of social goals would give them too much power is known as what argument in opposition to a firm being socially responsible?

A. Costs
B. lack of skills
C. lack of broad public support
D. too much power
Answer» D. too much power

Social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its _______________.

A. social and technological responsibilities
B. economic and legal responsibilities
C. technological and economic responsibilities
D. economic and social responsibilities
Answer» B. economic and legal responsibilities

Under the concept of social obligation, the organization ________________.

A. does what it can to meet the law, and a little bit more for stakeholders
B. fulfills its obligation to the stakeholders, which makes it fulfill the law, too
C. does the minimum required by law
D. fulfills its obligation to the law and its stakeholders
Answer» C. does the minimum required by law

Social responsiveness refers to the capacity of a firm to adapt to changing _________________.

A. societal conditions
B. organizational conditions
C. societal leaders
D. organizational managers
Answer» A. societal conditions

Applying social criteria to an investment decision refers to ________________.

A. socioeconomic view
B. social responsiveness
C. social responsibility
D. social screening
Answer» D. social screening

Which of the following is a basic definition of ethics?

A. moral guidelines for behavior
B. rules for acknowledging the spirit of the law
C. rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct
D. principles for legal and moral development
Answer» C. rules or principles that define right and wrong conduct

Reasoning at the ______________ level of moral development indicates that moral values reside in maintaining the conventional order and the expectations of others.

A. Preconventional
B. Conventional
C. Principled
D. arrival
Answer» B. Conventional

A personality measure of person’s convictions is _______________.

A. moral development
B. ego strength
C. locus of control
D. social desirability
Answer» B. ego strength

Which of the following organizational structural characteristics would most likely result in managerial ethical behavior?

A. few job descriptions
B. formal rules
C. mixed messages from authority figures
D. All of these
Answer» B. formal rules

Global organizations must __________ their ethical guidelines so that employees know what is expected of them while working in a foreign location

A. Clarify
B. Provide
C. Establish
D. broaden
Answer» A. Clarify

_____________ is a document that outlines principles for doing business globally in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption.

A. A code of ethics
B. The Global Compact
C. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
D. Global Ethics
Answer» B. The Global Compact

A _____________ is a formal statement of an organization primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow

A. mission statement
B. statement of purpose
C. code of ethics
D. vision statement
Answer» C. code of ethics

CSR considers

A. Impact of the company’s actions on society.
B. Impact of company’s success.
C. Impact of company’s failure.
D. Impact of company’s wind up.
Answer» A. Impact of the company’s actions on society.

CSR includes

A. Economic responsibilities.
B. Legal responsibilities.
C. Ethical responsibilities.
D. Philanthropic responsibilities
Answer» A. Economic responsibilities.

Stakeholders are the individuals or groups that

A. Have an interest in and are affected by company’s actions.
B. Have a mere interest in an Organization.
C. Are affected by company’s actions
D. Above all.
Answer» A. Have an interest in and are affected by company’s actions.

Why, according to stakeholder theory, is it in companies' best interests to pay attention to their stakeholders?

A. If firms only act in their own self-interest employees may feel exploited.
B. If firms only act in their own self-interest government might put more regulation on them.
C. If firms only act in their own self-interest customers might not like the image that the company portray.
D. If firms only act in their own self-interest and inflict harm on stakeholders then society might withdraw its support.
Answer» D. If firms only act in their own self-interest and inflict harm on stakeholders then society might withdraw its support.

The ________ dimension of social responsibility refers to a business's societal contribution of time, money, and other resources.

A. Ethical
B. Philanthropic
C. Volunteerism
D. Strategic
Answer» B. Philanthropic

Better access to certain markets, differentiation of products, and the sale of pollution-control technology are ways in which better environmental performance can:

A. increase revenue
B. increase costs
C. decrease revenue
D. decrease costs
Answer» A. increase revenue

When a firm charges different prices to different groups of customers, it may be accused of:

A. cultural relativism
B. money laundering
C. facilitating payments
D. price discrimination
Answer» A. cultural relativism

The ability to interpret and adapt successfully to different national, organizational, and professional cultures is called:

A. national competitiveness.
B. global development.
C. cultural intelligence.
D. stakeholder sensitivity.
Answer» C. cultural intelligence.

In a ______________ organization, decision making is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible.

A. Decentralized
B. Creative
C. Flexible
D. Centralized
Answer» D. Centralized

An organisation's obligation to act to protect and improve society's welfare as well as its own interests is referred to as

A. organisational social responsibility
B. organisational social responsiveness
C. corporate obligation
D. business ethics
Answer» A. organisational social responsibility

Which of the following actions will not help directors to protect themselves from non-compliance with their obligations and responsibilities?

A. keeping themselves fully informed about company affairs
B. ensuring that regular management accounts are prepared by the company
C. seeking professional help
D. including a disclaimer clause in their service contracts
Answer» D. including a disclaimer clause in their service contracts

An organization that is owned by shareholders but managed by agents on their behalf is conventionally known as the modern:

A. Conglomerate
B. Corporation
C. Company
D. Firm
Answer» B. Corporation

The __________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives is proactive and inspirational.

A. Rules
B. Compliance
C. Principles
D. Values
Answer» D. Values

_____________ is a document that outlines principles for doing business globally in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption.

A. A code of ethics
B. The Global Compact
C. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
D. Global Ethics
Answer» B. The Global Compact

A _____________ is a formal statement of an organization primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow

A. mission statement
B. statement of purpose
C. code of ethics
D. vision statement
Answer» C. code of ethics
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