290+ Reporting Solved MCQs


The criteria used by journalist to determine news is called________

A. Criterion
B. Newsworthiness
C. Category
D. Jourmalism
Answer» B. Newsworthiness

Something _______________constitutes news

A. Archiac
B. Old
C. Unusual
D. Worn
Answer» C. Unusual

It becomes news when it is about_____________

A. People
B. Non-Humans
C. Inhuman
D. Places
Answer» A. People

A News Editor will leave out information when it is not________

A. Profitable
B. Newsworthy
C. Sensational
D. Prizeworthy
Answer» B. Newsworthy

While selecting news stories from the vast amount of information available the broadly agreed set of characteristics is called___________

A. Top News
B. News Points
C. Main News
D. News Values
Answer» D. News Values

Journalistic criteria to determine news when something affects people is called_______

A. Majority
B. Large
C. Impact
D. Number
Answer» C. Impact

A _________story is also a news story

A. Fake
B. Fiction
C. Simple
D. Bizarre
Answer» D. Bizarre

Journalistic criteria to determine news when something affects a large number of people is called_______

A. Majority
B. Large
C. Altitude
D. Magnitude
Answer» D. Magnitude

When news stories are personalized it becomes of __________Interest

A. Personal
B. Human
C. National
D. Regional
Answer» B. Human

News is something that is _______________

A. Old
B. Bright
C. New
D. Sold
Answer» C. New

News that happens closer home has the_________criteria

A. Geography
B. Proximity
C. Subjectivity
D. Relativity
Answer» B. Proximity

Daily long queues at the metro makes________

A. News
B. Non-News
C. Top News
D. Hard News
Answer» B. Non-News

Journalistic criteria to determine news when well-known people and places are involved is called_______

A. Significance
B. Prominence
C. Prudence
D. Permanence
Answer» B. Prominence

Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's Diwali Celebrations make ______

A. News
B. Non-News
C. Top News
D. Hard News
Answer» A. News

To be newsworthy it should be _______

A. Ghastly
B. Costly
C. Timely
D. Finally
Answer» C. Timely

Even if a story has _______it will be reported

A. Conflict
B. Little Value
C. No Value
D. Confusion
Answer» A. Conflict

Kamala Harris will be most newsworthy for ____________

A. Americans
B. Indians
C. Americans and Indians
D. Americans and Europeans
Answer» C. Americans and Indians

News stories that people can identify with are called______

A. Permanent
B. Opalent
C. Decadent
D. Relevant
Answer» D. Relevant

The US Elections 2020 news stories would be more useful to _________

A. Veterans
B. Americans
C. Indians
D. Foreigners
Answer» B. Americans

Something _______________constitutes news

A. Profitable
B. Immoral
C. Indecent
D. Interesting
Answer» D. Interesting

News on vaccine research during the pandemic is useful ________

A. Regionally
B. Nationally
C. Globally
D. Locally
Answer» C. Globally

Journalistic criteria when news stories have unexpected elements are said to have_______Value

A. No
B. More
C. Shock
D. Little
Answer» C. Shock

___________is important when selecting news.

A. News Value
B. Celebs
C. Journalist
D. News Anchor
Answer» A. News Value

Something _______________constitutes news

A. Significant
B. Insignificant
C. Blatant
D. Incandescent
Answer» A. Significant

News that happens for the first time has_________

A. Beginners Luck
B. Novelty Value
C. Research Value
D. Openers Luck
Answer» B. Novelty Value

The place or person where you get inspiration and information is your _____

A. citation
B. source
C. headline
D. article
Answer» B. source

What is bias in journalism?

A. Only writing bad things about a person, event or issue
B. Only writing good things about a person, event or issue
C. An unbalanced and unfair way of looking at a situation and reporting it
D. Making up your mind about a person before getting to know him/her
Answer» C. An unbalanced and unfair way of looking at a situation and reporting it

If you reuse a photo from your source, you should make a _____ to protect you from plagiarism.

A. citation
B. source
C. article
D. headline
Answer» A. citation

A journalist took pictures for his article and cited his source at the end. Is he being ethical?

A. No because writing citations is not ethical to do
B. No because it\s not needed
C. Yes because writing a citation is the right and respectful thing to do in this situation
D. Yes because you can take anything that you want as a journalist
Answer» C. Yes because writing a citation is the right and respectful thing to do in this situation

A journalist who gathers information - including researching and interviewing people - and writes news stories is a __________

A. anchoring
B. Editor
C. Reporter
D. Editor
Answer» C. Reporter

The first foreign news agency to start its operations in India was

A. Associated Press
B. Reuters
Answer» B. Reuters

ANI stands for

A. Asian News International
B. Asiatic News International
C. African News Impact
D. Algerian News Intercept
Answer» A. Asian News International

Fabrication is

A. to make a top notch writing effort
B. to protect someone\s image
C. to make up the details in your writing
D. to reveal your source
Answer» C. to make up the details in your writing

Citizen journalism is the practice of

A. preparing stories that will help citizens vote in elections.
B. publishing only those stories that are of interest to politically active citizens.
C. collaborating with nonprofit organizations to prepare news stories.
D. inviting readers and viewers to participate in the creation of news content.
Answer» D. inviting readers and viewers to participate in the creation of news content.

In terms of public awareness, news has the status of

A. dominant discourse
B. conflict value
C. unintended exchange
D. limited judgement
Answer» A. dominant discourse

The term 'spin doctors' is used in a negative sense to refer to

A. news reporters
B. legal counsels
C. advertisers
D. PR professionals
Answer» D. PR professionals

Journalism that depends upon computer-assisted analysis of existing information is known as

A. Offline journalism
B. Technical journalism
C. CAA journalism
D. Database journalism
Answer» D. Database journalism

Deep throat' was the source of information for the reporters investigating the

A. Watergate scandal
B. Irangate scandal
C. Profumo-Christine Keeler scandal
D. Mundhra scandal
Answer» A. Watergate scandal

Which of the following is NOT true about journalism today?

A. A journalist needs a great deal of money to start a new news organization.
B. Journalists have a wider choice of career paths than in the past.
C. The journalism industry is evolving as people get their news in new ways.
D. Creative ideas for journalistic content and delivery systems are springing up every where.
Answer» A. A journalist needs a great deal of money to start a new news organization.

In journalism, a “mojo” is a

A. journalist who has an unusual degree of sex appeal.
B. a source who provides a journalist with a good-luck charm.
C. a source who has the ability to bounce back from adversity.
D. journalist who carries her tools—computers, cameras, recorders—with her at all times.
Answer» D. journalist who carries her tools—computers, cameras, recorders—with her at all times.

Which of the following is NOT one of the things young reporters learn from working the police beat?

A. The community, both geographically and sociologically.
B. How to trick sources into telling reporters things the sources should keep confidential.
C. News values and the need for accuracy.
D. How to develop sources that will serve them for years.
Answer» B. How to trick sources into telling reporters things the sources should keep confidential.

Hard news is mostly_____

A. spot news
B. society news
C. entertainment news
D. filler news
Answer» A. spot news

What is investigative journalism?

A. in-depth reporting that looks hard at one specific topic or subject
B. a format that reports on everyday topics such as neighborhood conflicts
C. a format that compares social news with political news
D. a type of journalism in which regular citizens do the reporting to local news channels
Answer» A. in-depth reporting that looks hard at one specific topic or subject

On-the-record attribution of source means

A. you can use both their words and their name
B. you cannot use their words and name
C. you can use the information but not their name
D. you can use their name but not the information
Answer» A. you can use both their words and their name

The official police report is

A. primary source
B. secondary source
C. leaked document
D. tip-off
Answer» B. secondary source

The primary advantage of the inverted-pyramid organization is that it

A. is a natural way of telling any story
B. rarely contains any surprises for the reader
C. allows the reader to stop after reading only one or two paragraphs and still get the most important information
D. locks reporters into a formula and discourages innovation
Answer» C. allows the reader to stop after reading only one or two paragraphs and still get the most important information

The opening paragraph or the introduction paragraph of the news story is called as

A. Lead
B. Spot
C. Observation
D. Space
Answer» A. Lead

In seeking the best available source to interview for a news story, the reporter primarily is looking for a person who

A. has a knack for saying things that are controversial
B. will look good on video or in a photograph
C. knows enough about a topic to bluff his or her way through an interview
D. has relevant expertise or experience and is articulate
Answer» C. knows enough about a topic to bluff his or her way through an interview

The rule for when to use “who” and when to use “whom” is that

A. “whom” refers to the subject of a clause and “who” refers to the object of a verb or preposition
B. “who” is acceptable in spoken language but “whom” is preferred in written language
C. “whom” is used only in scholarly writing and “who” is used in more informal writing
D. “who” refers to the subject of a clause and “whom” refers to the object of a verb or preposition
Answer» D. “who” refers to the subject of a clause and “whom” refers to the object of a verb or preposition

At the prewriting stage, the reporters should

A. identify a central point and have a good kicker in mind
B. identify a central point and prepare a brief outline.
C. prepare a brief outline and select the quotations to use
D. have the story completely drafted in their head.
Answer» B. identify a central point and prepare a brief outline.

Because newspapers use small type and narrow columns, reporters strive to write

A. without paragraph breaks
B. stories with no more than three paragraphs
C. paragraphs that are no more than one sentence in length
D. short paragraphs
Answer» B. stories with no more than three paragraphs

“Plagiarism” is defined as

A. making up quotations or sources for a news story.
B. taking someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
C. pretending to be someone other than a reporter to get an interview.
D. accepting gifts or bribes from sources.
Answer» B. taking someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.

The second paragraph of an inverted-pyramid story should

A. continue with the most newsworthy point, adding details and color.
B. start an entirely new topic
C. name people, without further clarification, who are referred to in the lead.
D. provide background information.
Answer» A. continue with the most newsworthy point, adding details and color.

It contains the less important information which is often omitted by the newspaper editor if there is not enough space left in the newspaper.

A. Lead
B. Body
C. Beat reporters
D. Tail
Answer» D. Tail

When you judge whether something is news, you’re determining whether it’s

A. incomplete
B. lengthy
C. newsworthy
D. body
Answer» C. newsworthy

Journalists looking for sources should try to use

A. a variety of sources representing different opinions
B. close friends and relatives
C. officials who will expect some favor in return
D. officials with whom the journalist has a close personal relation
Answer» A. a variety of sources representing different opinions

The central point of a news story is

A. a justification for running the story on the front page or the beginning of a news broadcast
B. the identity of the most important figure of the story
C. to get readers to read the rest of the newspaper or viewers to watch the rest of the news broadcast
D. a one- or two-sentence summary of what the story is about and why it is newsworthy
Answer» D. a one- or two-sentence summary of what the story is about and why it is newsworthy

The reason for constructing a brief outline for a news story is to

A. help decide where the various pieces of information the reporter has collected belong in the story
B. enable the reporter to guess how long the finished story will be
C. enable the layout editor to guess how long the finished story will be
D. let the managing editor know that the reporter has a story in progress.
Answer» A. help decide where the various pieces of information the reporter has collected belong in the story

News reporters try to write sentences with positive construction rather than negative construction because

A. newspapers strive to be up-beat and positive
B. negative sentences are wordier and harder to understand
C. positive sentences make readers feel happier.
D. negative sentences displease advertisers
Answer» B. negative sentences are wordier and harder to understand

When a source uses technical language, the reporter should

A. translate it into plain English
B. reproduce it exactly as the source stated it
C. try to guess its meaning
D. expect readers to look it up on Wikipedia
Answer» A. translate it into plain English

A good newspaper is always on the look-out for potential;

A. Readers
B. Viewers
C. Communities
D. Strategies
Answer» A. Readers

Which out of the following is not the priciple of news reporting:

A. Truth
B. Partiality
C. Timeliness
D. Accuracy
Answer» B. Partiality

The new trend in journalism is:

A. Sensationalism
B. Patriotism
C. Socialism
D. Mechanism
Answer» A. Sensationalism

They play an active role in gathering information on current events.

A. Entertainers
B. News reporters
C. Politicians
D. Citizens
Answer» B. News reporters

Which of the following is a journalist's term used for a story which is written so that you can report more of a story which has already been published or broadcasted?

A. Breaking News
B. Follow Up Story
C. Beat
D. Lead
Answer» B. Follow Up Story

Which of the following sentence is correct regarding Follow Up Stories?

A. Uncovered aspects of an event or controversy can be reported
B. New updates in a story is covered under follow up stories.
C. Only breaking news is covered in follow up stories.
D. Both A & B
Answer» D. Both A & B

Because of what reasons it is not possible to cover all aspects of a story in one single news report

A. Time Constraint
B. Space Limit
C. Both A & B
D. Money Constraint
Answer» C. Both A & B

For which of the following reasons a follow up is used

A. Continuity
B. Lack of Stories
C. To fill empty space
D. Both B & C
Answer» A. Continuity

Which of the following is seen in a follow up story and is a must?

A. Backgroud of the story
B. New updates in a story is covered under follow up stories.
C. New Quotes
D. Byline
Answer» A. Backgroud of the story

How does a diary helps a journalist in writing a follow up story?

A. The diary allows a journalist to plan ahead and keep track of current events and controversies
B. The diary helps a journalist to remember the date of the event
C. The diary helps to note down the points from the ongoing event or incident
D. Both A & C
Answer» A. The diary allows a journalist to plan ahead and keep track of current events and controversies

The process in which the reporter goes back over old stories to find ideas for follow-ups and updates is called as

A. Follow Ups
B. Anniversary Follow Ups
C. Old Stories
D. Breaking News
Answer» B. Anniversary Follow Ups

A particular topic or subject area that a reporter covers is called as

A. News
B. Beat
C. Story
D. Lead
Answer» B. Beat

What is the aim behind having a reporter for every beat?

A. The reader gets in-depth information about that segment
B. Newspaper budget is high
C. A reporter cannot report other beats
D. Reporter has knowledge of that particular beat only
Answer» A. The reader gets in-depth information about that segment

Which of the following can be called as a beat?

A. Murder Case
B. Politics
C. School Admission Process
D. Chain Snatching
Answer» B. Politics

Which of the following segment is not a beat?

A. Law
B. Sports
C. Robbery
D. Environment
Answer» C. Robbery

Beause fo Global Warming increasing issues which beat has become important in today's time

A. Education
B. Environment
C. Law
D. Both A & B
Answer» B. Environment

What is a common thing in all types of beats?

A. Method of coverage
B. Method of talking
C. Method of asking questions
D. Both B & C
Answer» A. Method of coverage

Which of the following thing differs among the reporters of different beats?

A. Abilities & Skills
B. Dresseing
C. Structure of News
D. Designation
Answer» A. Abilities & Skills

Apart from basic qualities which of the following quality is very important for a crime beat reporter?

A. Knowledge about law
B. Knowledge about writing
C. Knowledge about different areas
D. Administrative Department of Court
Answer» A. Knowledge about law

For a crime beat reporter which of the following is a source?

A. Editor
B. Police
C. Witnesses
D. Both B & C
Answer» D. Both B & C

Apart from local police which agencies act as a source in crime beat?

C. Both A & B
D. Victim's Family
Answer» C. Both A & B

Salman Khan's hit & run case is an example of

A. Crime Beat
B. Legal / Court Beat
C. Political Beat
D. Both A & B
Answer» D. Both A & B

Which of the following is a primary source for a legal beat reporter?

A. Court
B. Judge
C. Lawyers
D. Accused
Answer» A. Court

Follow Ups are common in which of the beat?

A. Crime
B. Education
C. Sports
D. Both A & B
Answer» A. Crime

Which of the following news are covered under Infrastructure Beat?

A. Railways
B. Airports
C. Individual Buildings
D. Both A & B
Answer» D. Both A & B

Which of the following reporting type makes the audience think about an issue?

A. Crime Reporting
B. Civic Reporting
C. Infrastructure Reporting
D. Investigative Reporting
Answer» B. Civic Reporting

All news related to trade/business falls under which beat

A. Infrastructure Beat
B. Civic Beat
C. Business Beat
D. Investigative Beat
Answer» C. Business Beat

For a reporter covering sports beat which of the following is important

A. Reporter should be a sport person
B. Reporter must be playing that sport
C. Reporter must have knowledge about all sports
D. Reporter must have seen that sport once
Answer» C. Reporter must have knowledge about all sports

For a political reporter what is important to know before covering elections

A. All Political Parties
B. Members of the parties
C. Political members marital status
D. Both A & B
Answer» D. Both A & B

Stock market reports are vital to know the state of the market. Who covers them?

A. General reporter
B. The editor
C. Special correspondent
D. Equities editor
Answer» D. Equities editor

What will you call a person who goes out in the field to collect news?

A. Editor
B. Producer
C. Reporter
D. Director
Answer» C. Reporter

A reporter covering courts, advocates, police and criminals is said to be working on which area?

A. Entertainment Beat
B. Crime Beat
C. Education Beat
D. Lifestyle Beat
Answer» B. Crime Beat

What is the full form of MoJo?

A. Mobility Journalism
B. Major Journalism
C. Mobile Journalism
D. Minor Journalism
Answer» C. Mobile Journalism

Which is not correct about citizen journalism?

A. Participatory
B. Democratic
C. One-sided
D. Interactive
Answer» C. One-sided

When two politicians level charges against each other who should be interviewed?

A. The one closest to the government
B. The one closer to the opposition
C. Both should be asked to explain
D. Take a one-sided view
Answer» C. Both should be asked to explain

What is the main drawback of citizen journalism

A. It is more democratic
B. It is more transparent
C. It is a personalised view
D. It is objective
Answer» C. It is a personalised view

In case of a water pipe burst flooding roads who will be sent to report on it?

A. Civic reporter
B. General reporter
C. Transport correspondent
D. Crime reporter
Answer» A. Civic reporter

If you are covering a murder what report would you get from an inquest?

A. Report on the presence of poison
B. The condition of the viscera
C. Post mortem report
D. The cause of death
Answer» D. The cause of death

Why was Indian Space Research Organisation in the news?

A. Appointment of a new director
B. For launching rockets
C. Failure of its moon lander
D. Inauguration of a new office
Answer» C. Failure of its moon lander

During riots a reporter should

A. Support one side against the other
B. Give a balanced view
C. Get quotes from the police
D. Do not dramatize, report what you see
Answer» A. Support one side against the other
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