Q. |
Which breed of the following buffalo breeds is found in the South-Western part of Gujarat? |
A. | Murrah |
B. | Bhadwari |
C. | Surti |
D. | Toda |
Answer» C. Surti | |
Explanation: The native tracts of Surti breed is Kaira and Baroda districts of Gujarat. The body is well shaped and medium sized. The barrel is wedge shaped. The head is long with prominent eyes. The horns are sickle shaped, moderately long and flat. The colour is black or brown the peculiarity of breed is two white collars one round the jaw and the other at the brisket. The average milk yield is around 1700kgs. The age at first calving is 40 to 50 months with an intercalving period of 400 - 500 days. |
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