790+ Indian Geography (GK) Solved MCQs


Which place is called as "Silicon Valley" of India?

A. Delhi
B. Pune
C. Bengaluru
D. Hyderabad
Answer» C. Bengaluru
Explanation: The Silicon Valley of India is a nickname of Bangalore. The name signifies Bangalore's status as a hub for information technology (IT) companies in India and is a comparative reference to the original Silicon Valley, based around Santa Clara Valley, California, USA.

Where is the Forest Research Institute of India located?

A. Dehradun
B. Delhi
C. Lucknow
D. Bhopal
Answer» A. Dehradun
Explanation: The Forest Research Institute (FRI) is located at Dehradun in Uttarakhand. Founded as the Imperial Forest Research Institute in 1906, it is one of the oldest institutions of its kind. It is an institute of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and is a premier institution in the field of forestry research in India.

The percentage of India's forested land out of total land is –

A. 30%
B. 25%
C. less than 25%
D. 33%
Answer» C. less than 25%
Explanation: According to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015, the total forest cover as percentage of geographical area is 21.34 percent. Total tree cover as percentage of geographical area is 2.82 per cent. The total forest and tree cover is 79.42 million hectares, which is 24.16 percent of the total geographical area.

Green Revolution in India has so far been most successful in case of–

A. sugarcane
B. coarse grains
C. wheat
D. rice
Answer» C. wheat
Explanation: The novel technological development of the Green Revolution was the production of novel wheat cultivars. Agronomists bred cultivars of maize, wheat, and rice that are generally referred to as HYVs or "high-yielding varieties". In Indian context, wheat benefitted the most in such states as Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. There are also claims that the Green Revolution has decreased food security for a large number of people. One claim involves the shift of subsistence-oriented cropland to cropland oriented towards production of grain for export or animal feed. For example, the Green Revolution replaced much of the land used for pulses that fed Indian peasants for wheat, which did not make up a large portion of the peasant diet.

The largest irrigated area in India is occupied by –

A. Sugarcane
B. Rice
C. Cotton
D. Wheat
Answer» B. Rice
Explanation: The total area under irrigated rice is about 22.00 million hectares, which accounts about 49.5 per cent of the total area under rice crop in the country. Rice is grown under irrigated conditions in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. Inthese states, rice is grown under irrigated conditions more than 5090%.

India is the largest producer of –

A. cotton
B. rice
C. mica
D. tea
Answer» C. mica
Explanation: India produces approximate 90 % of the world's mica. It is an indispensable component of the electrical industry. India accounts for 60 % of mica embarking in international trade.

Sardar Sarovar dam is being built on the river –

A. Tapti
B. Mahi
C. Chambal
D. Narmada
Answer» D. Narmada
Explanation: The Sardar Sarovar Dam is a gravity dam on the Narmada River near Navagam, Gujarat, India. It is the largest dam and part of the Narmada Valley Project, a large hydraulic engineering project involving the construction of a series of large irrigation and hydro-electric multi-purpose dams on the Narmada River. The project took form in 1979 as part of a development scheme to increase irrigation and produce hydroelectricity. It is the 30th largest dams planned on river Narmada. Sardar Sarovar Dam (SSD) is the largest structure to be built.

In which part of India, canal irrigation system is the most common?

A. Tamil Nadu
B. Maharashtra
C. Sikkim
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer» D. Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: Canal is the second largest source of irrigation providing water to 29.24 percent of the net area under irrigation. The country has one of the world's largest canal systems stretching over more than one lalch kilometres. Canal irrigation is widely practiced in the SutlejGanga plain. Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar and Rajasthan have a number of such canals. In the Peninsular region canals are mostly found in the lower valleys and deltas of large rivers.

Hirakud Dam has been constructed across the river –

A. Ganga
B. Mahanadi
C. Kaveri
D. Brahmaputra
Answer» B. Mahanadi
Explanation: Hirakud Dam is built across the Mahanadi River, about 15 km from Sambalpur in the state of Orissa in India. Built in 1957, the dam is one of the world's longest earthen dam.

The originating point of river godavri is –

A. Nasik
B. Pune
C. Mumbai
D. Sholapur
Answer» A. Nasik
Explanation: The Godavari is a river in the south-central India. It originates in the Western Ghats Trimbakeshwar, in the Nasik Subdivision of the western state of Maharashtra and flows through the modern state of Andhra Pradesh before reaching the Bay of Bengal.

Sivasamudra is an island formed by the river –

A. Ganga
B. Godavari
C. Krishna
D. Cauvery
Answer» D. Cauvery
Explanation: Shivanasamudra is a small town in the Mandya District of the state of Karnataka, India. It is situated on the banks of the river Kaveri, which forms here the boundary to the Chamarajanagar District, and is the location of one of the first Hydro-electric Power stations in Asia, which was set up in the year 1902.

Nasik is situated on the bank of the river –

A. Mahanadi
B. Tapti
C. Krishna
D. Godavari
Answer» D. Godavari
Explanation: Nasik, also known as the Wine Capital of India, or as India's Napa Valley, is located in Maharashtra in the Western Ghats, on the western edge of the Deccan peninsula on the banks of the Godavari.

Which of the following states in known as the traditional region for Tank Irrigation?

A. Assam
B. Gujarat
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Orrisa
Answer» C. Tamil Nadu
Explanation: The Trans-Himalayan Rivers originate beyond the Great Himalayas. These are the Indus. the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra rivers. The Trans Himalayan Indus River rises near the Mansarovar Lake on the Tibetan plateau. It enters the Himalayas in southeastern Ladakh near its confluence with the River Gurtang at an elevation of 4,200 m.

Which state of India has made rain water harvesting compulsory for all houses?

A. Haryana
B. Maharashtra
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Punjab
Answer» C. Tamil Nadu
Explanation: Rainwater harvesting has been made compulsory for every building in Tamil Nadu to avoid ground water depletion. Since its implementation, Chennai saw a 50 percent rise in water level in five years and the water quality significantly improved. Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off.

In India, maximum area under jute is found in –

A. Assam
B. Bihar
C. Orissa
D. West Bengal
Answer» D. West Bengal
Explanation: West Bengal occupies foremost place both in respect of area (73.5%) and production (82.26%) of jute in the country. Here the crop is grown through- out the state except the hilly region of the north and the plateau area of the west.

'Yellow Revolution' is associated with the production of –

A. Poultry
B. Gold
C. Sunflower
D. Oil seeds
Answer» D. Oil seeds
Explanation: Yellow Revolution pertains to oilseeds. The growth, development and adoption of new varieties of oilseeds and complementary technologies nearly doubled oil-seeds production from 12.6 mt in 1987-88 to 24.4 mt in 1996-97, catalyzed by the Technology Mission on Oilseeds, brought about the Yellow Revolution. The oilseeds production scenario in India has witnessed a dramatic turn

Which one of the following is used in large quantities in Cement Industry?

A. Gypsum
B. Limestone
C. Coal
D. Clay
Answer» B. Limestone
Explanation: Limestone, as used by the minerals industry, is any rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Limestone is used to produce Portland cement, as aggregate in concrete and asphalt, and in an enormous array of other products, making it a truly versatile commodity. Portland cement is essential to the building industry.

The Bhilai Steel Plant has been established with the assistance of –

A. U.K.
B. U.S.A.
C. Russia
D. Germany
Answer» C. Russia
Explanation: Bhilai Steel Plant, located in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, is India's first and main producer of steel rails, as well as a major producer of wide steel plates and a variety of saleable steel products. This steel plant was set up with the help of the USSR in 1055.

The monazite sands on the Kerala coasts, used for generating nuclear energy contain –

A. platinum
B. copper
C. uranium
D. bauxite
Answer» C. uranium
Explanation: Monazite sands contain uranium.

Which part of the Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to West?

A. Kumaun Himalayas
B. Assam Himalayas
C. Punjab Himalayas
D. Nepal Himalayas
Answer» D. Nepal Himalayas
Explanation: Nepal Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to west. Along the north of Nepal runs the Great Himalayan Range, the highest mountain range in the Himalayan system. This range has an average altitude of about 4,570 m (about 15,000 ft) and remains perpetually snow-covered. On this range rise some of the loftiest mountain peaks in the world — Mount Everest, Kanchenj unga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna.

The standard time of a country differs from the GMT in multiples of—

A. Two hours
B. One hour
C. Half hour
D. Four minutes
Answer» C. Half hour
Explanation: Zero (0) degree Longitude is the mean longitude and the time adjusted according to this longitudinal time. The earth rotates from West to East. So every 15 o we go easy wards, local time is advanced by 1 hour. If we go west wards, local time is retarded by 1 hour.

Majuli, the largest river island in the world, lies in the state of –

A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Assam
C. Tripura
D. Mizoram
Answer» B. Assam
Explanation: Majuli is a large river island in the Brahmaputra river, in Assam. It is the largest river island in the world. The island is formed by the Brahmaputra River in the south and the Kherkutia Xuti, an anabranch of the Brahmaputra, joined by the Subansiri River in the north. Majuli island is accessible by ferries from the City of Jorhat. The island is about 200 kilometres east from the state's largest city — Guwahati. The island was formed due to course changes by the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries, mainly the Lohit. Majuli is also the abode of the Assamese neo-Vaishnavite culture.

The Thar Express goes to –

A. Afghanistan
B. Bangladesh
C. Pakistan
D. Myanmar
Answer» C. Pakistan
Explanation: Thar Express is an international train that con-nects Karachi, Pakistan to Bhagat Ki Kothi, India. Six kilometres apart, Munabao and Khokhrapar are the two last railway stations of the India-Pakistan border. Jamrao, Mirpur Khas, Shadi Pali, Saeendad. Barmer, Pithoro, Dhoro Naro, and Chhore are some of the stations. Bhagat in Kothi is a train station 5km from Jodhpur Railway Station.

Who prepares the topographical maps of India?

A. Geological Survey of India
B. Survey of India
C. Defence Ministry
D. Geographical Survey of India
Answer» B. Survey of India
Explanation: For most part of India, topographic maps are available which are prepared by the Survey of India. To identify a map of a particular area, a map numbering system has been adopted by Survey of India.

The mountains which are not a part of the Himalayan chain:

A. Aravalli
B. Kunlun
C. Karakoram
D. Hindukush
Answer» A. Aravalli
Explanation: The Aravalli Range, literally meaning 'line of peaks', is a range of mountains in western India and eastern Pakistan running approximately 800 km from north-west to southwest across Indian states of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Gujarat and Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh. It is one of the world's oldestMountain ranges. It dates back to pre-Indian sub-continental collision with the mainland Eurasian Plate.

Niyamgiri hill is located in Kalahandi district?

A. Orissa
B. West Bengal
C. Punjab
D. Kerala
Answer» A. Orissa
Explanation: The Niyamgiri is a hill range situated in the districts of Kalahandi and Rayagada in Odisha. These hills are home to Dongria Kondh indigenous people. In recent times these hills are in media discussions due to the conflict of inhabitant tribals and Bauxite Mining Project by Vedanta Aluminium Company.

The mountain range which divides the North and the South India is–

A. Himalayas
B. Western ghats
C. Vindhyas
D. Satpura
Answer» C. Vindhyas
Explanation: The Vindhya Range is considered as the traditional boundary between North India and South India. It is a complex, discontinuous chain of mountain ridges, hill ranges, and plateau escarpments in west-central India. It runs north of and roughly parallel to the Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh and extends up to Gujarat in the west, and Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the east.

Mount Abu is a hill station located in ranges.

A. Vindhya
B. Satpuda
C. Aravalli
D. Sahyadri
Answer» C. Aravalli
Explanation: Mount Abu is a popular hill station in the Aravalli Range in Sirohi district of Rajasthan near the border with Gujarat. The mountain forms a distinct rocky plateau. The highest peak on the mountain is Guru Shikhar at 1,722 m above sea level. It is referred to as 'an oasis in the desert' as its heights are home to rivers, lakes, waterfalls and evergreen forests.

India is the largest producer and exporter of –

A. Cotton
B. Copper
C. Tea
D. Mica
Answer» D. Mica
Explanation: India is not only the largest producer but also the largest exporter of mica in the world. Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of mica (Geography of India by Majid Hussain). It is the second largest producer and exporter of tea after China in the world.

Which one among the following industries is the maximum consumer of water in India?

A. paper and Pulp
B. Thermal Power
C. Engineering
D. Textile
Answer» B. Thermal Power
Explanation: Indian Thermal Power Plants are one of the highest consumers of water as compared to their global counterparts. On an average, for every 1000 Kwh power, Indian TPPs consume as much as 80 cubic meters of water. It consumes 87.87% of industrial water use in India.

Which national highway connects Delhi and Kolkata via Mathura and Varanasi?

A. NH4
B. NH2
C. NH10
D. NH6
Answer» B. NH2
Explanation: National Highway 2, commonly referred as Delhi-Kolkata Road, is a busy Indian National Highway that runs through the states of Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. It constitutes a major portion of the historical Grand Trunk Road along with NH 91 and NH 1 in India.

Which National Highway is called Shershah Suri Marg?

A. National Highway No. 3
B. National Highway No. 8
C. National Highway No. 7
D. National Highway No. 1
Answer» A. National Highway No. 3
Explanation: National Highway 1 or NH1 is a National Highway in Northern India that links the national capital New Delhi to the town of Attari in Punjab near the India-Pakistan border. This was a part of Grand Trunk Road of Sher Shah Suri that ran from Lahore to Bengal, built on earlier roads that existed from time immemorial.

Which of the following states does not border on Myanmar?

A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Nagaland
C. Meghalaya
D. Mizoram
Answer» C. Meghalaya
Explanation: Meghalaya is bounded on the north by Assam and by Bangladesh on the south.

Which of the following states has international borders with three countries?

A. West Bengal
B. Sikkim
C. Mizoram
D. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer» B. Sikkim
Explanation: Sikkim is a landlocked Indian state located in the Himalayan Mountains. The state borders Nepal to the west, China's Tibet Autonomous Region to the north and east, and Bhutan to the southeast. The Indian state of West Bengal lies to the south.

Which State of India has the largest area?

A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Rajasthan
Answer» D. Rajasthan
Explanation: Rajasthan is the largest state of the Republic of India by area. It covers 10.4 % of India. Next to follow in terms of area are: Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh

In the history of Indian population, which duration period is referred to as 'A great leap forward'?

A. 1921-1931
B. 1941-1951
C. 1951 - 1961
D. 1971-1981
Answer» A. 1921-1931
Explanation: The year 1921 marked the start of consistent population growth as revealed by the census. It was preceded by a decadal decline in growth rate during 1911-1921 which saw a net decrease of 0.3 per cent for the century as a whole. The year 1921 turned out to be demographic divide as in the post-1921 period; the population began to show signs of steady increase.

According to 2011 Census, the State having maximum population is–

A. Maharashtra
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Kerala
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer» D. Uttar Pradesh
Explanation: With total population of 19,98,12,341, Uttar Pradesh is the most heavily populated state of India as per the 2011 Census. It constitutes 16.51% of India's population. Maharashtra and Bihar come next with respective contributions of 9.28% and 8.60% to the national population.

As per Census of India, an Urban area with a population from 50,000 to 99,999 is named as –

A. Class II town
B. Class III town
C. Class IV town
D. Class I town
Answer» A. Class II town
Explanation: The Census of India groups all towns and urban agglomerations into the following six classes according to population size: Class I: population of 100,000 and above Class II: population of 50,000 to 99,999 Class III: population of 20,000 to 49,999 Class IV: population of 10,000 to 19,999 Class V: population of 5,000 to 9,999 Class VI: population less than 5,000

Who was the creator of the famous Rock Garden of Chandigarh?

A. Khushwant Singh
B. Charles Corbusier
C. Edward Baker
D. Nek Chand
Answer» D. Nek Chand
Explanation: The Rock Garden of Chandigarh is a sculpture garden that was created by Nek Chand, a government official who started it secretly in his spare time in 1957. It is also known as Nek Chard's Rock Garden. Today it is spread over an area of 40 acres. It is completely built of industrial and home waste items.

The atomic power station in Rajasthan is situated at :

A. Pokhran
B. Suratgarh
C. Rawatbhata
D. Chittorgarh
Answer» C. Rawatbhata
Explanation: The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS) is located at Rawatbhata in Chittorgarh district of the state. Commissioned on 16 December 1973, it is operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India. Currently, RAPS has six Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) units operating with a total installed capacity of 1,180MW.

The Wheeler Island has been renamed as –

A. Vikram Sarabhai Island
B. Satish Dhawan Island
C. Abdul Kalam Island
D. C.V. Raman Island
Answer» C. Abdul Kalam Island
Explanation: The Rajasthan Atomic Power Station (RAPS) is located at Rawatbhata in Chittorgarh district of the state. Commissioned on 16 December 1973, it is operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India. Currently, RAPS has six Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) units operating with a total installed capacity of 1,180MW.

Out of the following Indian States, which State does not have any maritime boundary?

A. Gujarat
B. Goa
C. Rajasthan
D. Maharashtra
Answer» C. Rajasthan
Explanation: Rajasthan is a land-locked state which is bordered by Pakistan to the west, Gujarat to the south-west, Madhya Pradesh tothe southeast, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to the northeast and Punjab to the north.

What is the stage in the population cycle in which India is classified on the basis of its demographic characteristics?

A. Early expanding stage
B. High stationary stage
C. Late expanding stage
D. Declining stage
Answer» C. Late expanding stage
Explanation: The demographic transition model is a chart showing the different stages of a country's population's birth rate and death rate. There are 5 stages, with each progressively going further into the future. India is in stage 2 of the demographic transition model right now with a high birth rate of 23 per 1000, and a decreasing death rate of 7 per 1000.

In India, population density is defined as the number of persons –

A. per square mile
B. per lakh square mile
C. per lakh square kilometre
D. per square kilometre
Answer» D. per square kilometre
Explanation: For humans, population density is the number of people per unit of area usually per square kilometer or mile (which may include or exclude cultivated or potentially productive area). Commonly this may be calculated for a county, city, country, another territory, or the entire world. The world's population is 7 billion, and Earth's total area (including land and water) is 510 million square kilometers (197 million square miles. According to 2011 census population density of India is 382.

Jawahar Tunnel, the largest in India is located in the State of–

A. Jammu & Kashmir
B. Maharashtra
C. Karnataka
D. Himachal Pradesh
Answer» A. Jammu & Kashmir
Explanation: Jawahar Tunnel or Banihal Tunnel, named after the first Prime Minister of India, was constructed for round-the-year surface transport by Mr. Alfred Kunz and C. Barsel (both were German) between 1954 and 1960. Situated between Banihal and Qazigund, This tunnel facilitates round-the-year road connectivity to Srinagar From Jammu.

The most literate union territory in India is –

A. Delhi
B. Lakshadweep
C. Chandigarh
D. Pondicherry
Answer» B. Lakshadweep
Explanation: According to India's census facts 2011, Kerala comes up as the most literate state in the country with 94.0 percentage of literacy rate. The state of Bihar is the least literate with 61.8% of literacy rate. As regards to Union Territories, Lakshadweep shows the highest literacy rate of 91.8%. The least literate Union Territory in India is Dadra and Nagar Haveli with a literacy rate of 76.2%.

Where in India can you normally spot the Siberian crane in winter?

A. Sasangir Sanctuary
B. Ranthambore Sanctuary
C. Dachigam National Park
D. Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary
Answer» D. Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary
Explanation: The Keoladeo National Park or Keoladeo Ghana National Park formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India is a famous avifauna sanctuary that plays host to thousands of birds especially during the winter season. Over 230 species of birds are known to have made the National Park their home. The Sanctuary is one of the richest bird areas in the world. It is known for nesting of its resident birds and visiting migratory birds including water birds. The rare Siberian cranesused to winter in this park but this central population of Siberian Cranes is now extinct.

The famous 'Gir' forests are located in

A. Mysore
B. Kashmir
C. Gujarat
D. Kerala
Answer» C. Gujarat
Explanation: Gir Forest National Park or Sasan Gir is a forest and wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat. It is the sole home of the pure Asiatic Lions (Panthera leo persica) and is considered to be one of the most important protected areas in Asia due to its supported species. The ecosystem of Gir, with its diverse flora and fauna, is protected as a result of the efforts of the government forest department, wildlife activists and NG0s.

Which of the following is the area of lowest pressure over Indian subcontinent during the hot dry weather season?

A. RannofKachchh
B. Rajasthan
C. North-West India
D. Meghalaya
Answer» C. North-West India
Explanation: The southwestern summer monsoons occur from June through September. The Thar Desert and adjoining areas of the northern and central Indian sub-continent heats up considerably during the hot summers. This causes a low pressure area over the northern and central Indian subcontinent. To fill this void, the moisture-laden winds from the Indian Ocean rush in to the subcontinent.

The driest part of India is –

A. Western Rajasthan
B. Jammu and Kashmir
C. Gujarat
D. Madhya Pradesh
Answer» A. Western Rajasthan
Explanation: 0

Where is the Headquarters of the Botanical Survey of India located?

A. Lucknow
B. Darjeeling
C. Kolkata
D. Oottaccamund
Answer» C. Kolkata
Explanation: The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) is an institution set up by the Government of India in 1887 to survey the plant resources of the Indian empire. The Botanical Survey was formally instituted on 13 February. 1890 under the direction of Sir George King, who had been superintendent of Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta since 1871. After India's independence, survey was drawn for the much-needed inventorisation of the country's rich floral resources, and Dr. E.K. Janaki Ammal was appointed Officer on Special Duty on 14 October, 1952. The reorganisation plan was finally approved by the Government of India on 29 March, 1954 with Calcutta as the head- quarters of Botanical Survey of India.

Where is Indian Institute of Petroleum located?

A. Vishakhapatnam
B. Delhi
C. Dehradun
D. Chennai
Answer» C. Dehradun
Explanation: The Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP), established in 1960, is one of the constituent laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), dedicated to R&D in the hydrocarbon sector. Spread over a campus of 257-acre (1.04 km2), it is situated in Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand state, on National Highway 72 (NH 72). Established through an act of parliament in the year 1959, it started in New Delhi in 1960 and finally in Dehradun since 1963.

What should be the proportion of forest cover for India to maintain her ecological balance?

A. 11.1 percent
B. 22.2 percent
C. 33.3 percent
D. 44.4 percent
Answer» C. 33.3 percent
Explanation: The minimum area of forests to maintain a good ecological balance has been regarded to be 33%. India lags on this front. The Green India campaign has been announced by the Prime Minister for the afforestation of 6 million hectares. The current area under forests is 23%.

Where is the Bandipur National Park?

A. Rajasthan
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Karnataka
D. Assam
Answer» C. Karnataka
Explanation: Bandipur National Park, established in 1973 as a tiger reserve under Project Tiger, is a national park located in the south Indian state of Karnataka. It was once a private hunting reserve for the Maharaja of the Kingdom of Mysore.

Where is the Forest Research Institute located?

A. Dehradun
B. Bhopal
C. Lucknow
D. Delhi
Answer» A. Dehradun
Explanation: Bandipur National Park, established in 1973 as a tiger reserve under Project Tiger, is a national park located in the south Indian state of Karnataka. It was once a private hunting reserve for the Maharaja of the Kingdom of Mysore. Bandipur is located in Gundlupet taluq of Chamarajanagar district.Together with the adjoining Nagarhole National Park, Mudumalai National Park and Wynad Wildlife Sanctuary, it is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve totaling 2,183 km2 making it the largest protected area in southern India.

The Sundarbans or the 'Mangrove' forests are found in –

A. Kutch Peninsula
B. Western Ghats
C. Konkan Coast
D. Deltaic West Bengal
Answer» D. Deltaic West Bengal
Explanation: Sundarbans is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The Sunderbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site covering parts of Bangladesh and India. This region is densely covered by mangrove forests, and is one of the largest reserves for the Bengal tiger. The Sundarbans is intersected by a complex network of tidal waterways, mudflats and small islands of salt- tolerant mangrove forests. The mangrove- dominated Ganges Delta - the Sundarbans - is a complex ecosystem comprising one of the three largest single tracts of mangrove forests of the world. Situated mostly in Bangladesh, a small portion of it lies in India.

‘Van Mahotsav' is associated with :

A. Cutting trees
B. Planting trees
C. Increase in crop
D. Protection of plants
Answer» D. Protection of plants
Explanation: Van Mahotsav is an annual tree- planting festival in India, celebrated in the first week of July. This movement was initiated in the year 1950 by India's then Union Minister for Agriculture, Kulapati Dr.K M Munshi.

Which sanctuary in India is famous for Rhinoceros and in which state is it located?

A. Gir, Gujarat
B. Kaziranga, Assam
C. Ranthambore, Rajasthan
D. Corbett, Uttarakhand
Answer» B. Kaziranga, Assam
Explanation: Kaziranga National Park, located in the Golaghat and Nagaon districts of Assam, has the distinction of being home to the world's largest population of the Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros. It also boasts the highest density of tigers among protected areas in the world.

According to India's Report of 2001 percentage of population living in rural areas is –

A. 70
B. 72
C. 74
D. 80
Answer» B. 72
Explanation: As per the 2001 Census of India, in a total population of 1027 million in India, about 742 million (or 72.2%) lived in rural areasand 285 million (or 27.8%) lived in urban areas. There had been an increase of 2.1 percentage points in the proportion of urban population in India during 1991-2001. According to 2011 census, population of rural India is 31.1% and urban India is 68.9%.

The number of females per 1000 males in India's population (Census 2001) is –

A. 900
B. 929
C. 933
D. 945
Answer» C. 933
Explanation: As per the 2001 Census, Sex ratio (the number of females per 1000 males) for India was 933 females per 1000 males, which was an improvement of 6 points over 927 recorded in 1991 Census. Like the 1991 Census, the highest sex ratio (1058) was reported in Kerala. Haryana reported the lowest sex ratio of 861 among the major states. The number of females per 1000 males in India's population (census 2011) is 943.

Census of population in India is done after every –

A. 10 years
B. 05 years
C. 07 years
D. 02 years
Answer» A. 10 years
Explanation: The Indian Census is the most credible source of information on Demography (Population characteristics), Economic Activity, Literacy and Education, Housing & Household Amenities, Urbanisation, Fertility and Mortality, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Language, Religion, Migration, Disability and many other socio-cultural and demographic data since 1872.. The census is a decadal compilation of data about India's demography and related features.

Which of the following states as per- census, has the highest and lowest sex ratio respectively?

A. Kerala and Haryana
B. Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
C. Meghalaya and Bihar
D. Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh
Answer» A. Kerala and Haryana
Explanation: Like the 1991 Census, the highest sex ratio (1058) had been reported in Kerala. Haryana reported the lowest sex ratio of 861 among the major states. According to 2011 census, Highest sex ratio-Kerala (1084) Lowest sex-ratio-Haryana (879).

Which one of the following bio reserves of India is not included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserve?

A. Sunderbans
B. Gulf of Mannar
C. Nandadevi
D. Corbett
Answer» D. Corbett
Explanation: Ten of the eighteen biosphere reserves of India are a part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, based on the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme list. Some of them are: Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (Uttarakhand), Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve (Tamil Nadu) and Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve (West Bengal).

The state which produces the largest quantity of wheat is –

A. Haryana
B. Rajasthan
C. U. P
D. Punjab
Answer» C. U. P
Explanation: The major wheat producing states in India arc placed in the northern part of the country. About 86 per cent of the India's wheat production comes from 5 states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh while three northern states of Uttar Pradesh. Punjab and Haryana together supply about 72 per cent of the country's wheat output.

The largest irrigation canal in India is called the :

A. Yamuna Canal
B. Sirhind Canal
C. Indira Gandhi Canal
D. Upper Bari Doab Canal
Answer» C. Indira Gandhi Canal
Explanation: The Indira Gandhi Canal is one of the biggest canal projects in India. It starts from the Harike Barrage at Sultanpur, a few kilometers below the confluence of the Sutlej and Beas rivers in Punjab state. Irrigation facilities to the north-western region of Rajasthan, a part of the Thar Desert. It consists of the Rajasthan feeder canal (with the first 167 km in Punjab and Haryana and the remaining 37 km in Rajasthan) and 445 km of the Rajasthan main canal which is entirely within Rajasthan.

Which of the following canals is located in West Bengal?

A. Lower Ganga Canal
B. Sarada Canal
C. Eden Canal
D. Sirhind Canal
Answer» D. Sirhind Canal
Explanation: Durgapur Barrage is across the Damodar River at Durgapur in Bardhaman district in the Indian state of West Bengal. The Damodar River Valley Project on the Damodar River and its principal tributary, the Barakar River, is located in eastern India. The four main multipurpose dams located at Tilaiya, Konar, Maithon and Panchet were commissioned during 1953-1959. In addition, a single purpose reservoir on the main stream, the Damodar, at Tenughat was constructed later in 1974. In 1932, the Anderson weir was constructed at Randiha. As a result, irrigation facility has been available in the lower Damodar basin before the advent of dams by means of the diversion weir on the Damodar River and Eden canal. It is about 19 kilometres downstream of Durgapur Barrage.

Which of the following rivers has its source outside India?

A. Brahmaputra
B. Beas
C. Ravi
D. Jhelum
Answer» A. Brahmaputra
Explanation: Brahmaputra River, also called Tsangpo-Bralunaputra, is a transboundary river and one of the major rivers of Asia. With its origin from Talung Tso Lake in southwestern Tibet as the Yarlung Tsangpo River, it flows across southern Tibet to break through the Himalayas in great gorges (including the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon) and into Arunachal Pradesh (India) where it is known as Dihang or Siang.

Surat is situated on the banks of the river –

A. Tapti
B. Mahanadi
C. Bhima
D. Godavari
Answer» A. Tapti
Explanation: Surat, previously known as Suryapur, is a well developed commercial city of the Indian state of Gujarat. The city is located 306 km south of state capital Gandhinagar, and is situated on the left bank of the Tapti River (Tapi). The city is largely recognized for its textile and diamond businesses. It is also known as the diamond capital of the world and the textile capital/Manchester textile city of India, a distinction it took over from Ahmedabad. It is also known as the "Embroidery capital of India" with the highest number of embroidery machines than any other city.

The town which is situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi and Alaknanda is –

A. Rudra Prayag
B. Deo Prayag
C. Vishnu Prayag
D. Kama Prayag
Answer» B. Deo Prayag
Explanation: The Alaknanda rises at the confluence and feet of the Satopanth and Bhagirath Kharak glaciers in Uttarakhand near the border with Tibet. The headwaters of the Bhagirathi are formed at Gaumukh, at the foot of the Gangotri glacier and Khatling glaciers in the Garhwal Himalaya. These two sacred rivers join to form the Ganges (Ganga) in Devprayag.

An important river of the Indian desert is –

A. Luni
B. Narmada
C. Krishna
D. Beas
Answer» A. Luni
Explanation: The Luni is a river of western Rajasthan state. India. It originates in the Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range, near Ajmer and ends in the marshy lands of Rann of Kutch in Gujarat, after travelling a distance of 530 km. It is first known as Sagarmati, then after passing Govindgarh, it meets its tributary Sarsuti, which originates from Pushkar Lake, and from then on it gets its name Lunt.

What is ‘Talcher' important for?

A. Heavy water plant
B. Hydro-electricity generation
C. Cable industry
D. Atomic reactor
Answer» A. Heavy water plant
Explanation: Talcher, located in Angul district of Odisha, is famous for Heavy Water Plant. This plant is a Government of India organisation under the aegis of Ministry of Atomic Power & Energy. It is involved in production of organic solvents like TBP, D2EFHA, TAPO & TOPO etc. and other allied chemicals required as a part of the nuclear power programme of the country.

Which state is rich in jute?

A. West Bengal
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Kerala
D. Orissa
Answer» A. West Bengal
Explanation: Jute is one of the most important natural fibers after cotton in terms of cultivation and usage. Cultivation is dependent on the climate, season, and soil. Almost 85% of the world's jute cultivation is concentrated in the Ganges delta. This fertile geographic region is shared by both Bangladesh and India (West Bengal). West Bengal occupies foremost place both in respect of area (73.5%) and production (82.26%) of jute in the country. Here the crop is grown through-out the state except the hilly region of the north and the plateau area of the west.

Which state is called the 'Rice Bowl' of India?

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Kerala
D. Karnataka
Answer» A. Andhra Pradesh
Explanation: Andhra Pradesh is historically called the "Rice Bowl of India". More than 77% of its crop is rice. Four important rivers of India, the Godavari, Krishna, Penna and Thungabhadra flow through the state, providing irrigation.

Which kind of power accounts for the largest share of power generation in India?

A. hydro-electricity
B. thermal
C. nuclear
D. solar
Answer» B. thermal
Explanation: Thermal power is the largest source of power in India. There are different types of Thermal power plants based on the fuel used to generate the steam such as coal, gas, Diesel etc. About 75% of electricity consumed in India are generated by Thermal power plants. More than 50% of India's commercial energy demand is met through the country's vast coal re-serves. Public sector undertaking National Thermal Power Corporation and several other state level power generating companies are engaged in operating coal based Thermal Power Plants.

Bhilai Steel Plant was built with collaboration of –

A. Germany
B. Soviet Union
C. United Kingdom
D. Japan
Answer» B. Soviet Union
Explanation: Bhilai Steel Plant, located in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, is India's first and main producer of steel rails, as well as a major producer of wide steel plates and a variety of saleable steel products. The plant also produces and markets various chemical by-products from its Coke Ovens and Coal Chemical Plants. This steel plant was set up with the help of the USSR in 1955.

"Parma" is an important place in Madhya Pradesh. It is famous for –

A. Gold mines
B. Silver mines
C. Diamond mines
D. Iron mines
Answer» C. Diamond mines
Explanation: Panna is famous for its diamond mines. A large group of diamond deposits extends North-East on a branch of the Vindhya Range for 240 km or so, and is known as the Panna group. Diamond mines in Panna are managed under the Diamond Mining Project of National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC Ltd) of Government of India.

In West Bengal, Raniganj is associated with :

A. Coalfields
B. Iron ore
C. Manganese ore
D. Copper
Answer» A. Coalfields
Explanation: Raniganj Coalfield is primarily located in the Asansol and Durgapur subdivisions of Bardhaman district in the Indian state of West Bengal.

Which of the following uplands is not a part of the Telangana Plateau?

A. Aravalli
B. Western Ghat
C. Eastern Ghat
D. Satpura
Answer» A. Aravalli
Explanation: Telangana plateau is a plateau in western Andhra Pradesh, comprising the northeastern part of the Deccan plateau. The Aravali Range literally meaning 'line of peaks', is a range of mountains in western India and eastern Pakistan running approximately 800 km from northwest to southwest across Indian states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat and Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh. The Aravali Range is the eroded stub of a range of ancient folded mountains. The range rose in a Precambrian event called the Aravali-Delhi orogen. The range joins two of the ancient segments that make up the Indian craton, the Marwar segment to the northwest of the range, and the Bundelkh and segment to the southeast.

Where are the Saltora Ranges located?

A. Ladakh
B. Along the Vindhyas
C. Part of the Karakoram Ranges
D. Part of the Western Ghats
Answer» C. Part of the Karakoram Ranges
Explanation: Telangana plateau is a plateau in western Andhra Pradesh, comprising the northeastern part of the Deccan plateau. The Aravali Range literally meaning 'line of peaks', is a range of mountains in western India and eastern Pakistan running approximately 800 km from northwest to southwest across Indian states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat and Pakistani provinces of Punjab and Sindh. The AravaliRange is the eroded stub of a range of ancient folded mountains. The range rose in a Precambrian event called the Aravali-Delhi orogen. The range joins two of the ancient segments that make up the Indian craton, the Marwar segment to the northwest of the range, and the Bundelkh and segment to the southeast.

Indian desert is called –

A. Gobi
B. Sahara
C. Thar
D. Atacama
Answer» C. Thar
Explanation: The Thar Desert also known as the Great Indian Desert is a large, arid region in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent and forms a natural boundary running along the border between India and Pakistan. It is the world's 18th largest subtropical desert.

'Loktak' is a –

A. Valley
B. Lake
C. River
D. Mountain Range
Answer» B. Lake
Explanation: Loktak Lake, the largest freshwater lake in north-east India, also called the only Floating lake in the world due to the floating phumdis on it, is located near Moirang in Manipur state.

The highest waterfall of India is –

A. Shimsha falls
B. Hogenakkal falls
C. Courtallam falls
D. Vajrai falls
Answer» D. Vajrai falls
Explanation: The Vajrai Waterfall, near the city of Satara, is the highest waterfall in India with a height of 1,840 feet. Jog Falls in Karnataka are the second highest plunge waterfalls in India, formed by Sharavathi River. Kunchikal Falls,located near Masthikaite-Hulikal in Shimoga district of state of Karnataka, is the highest tiered waterfalls in India and second highest in Asia.

The sea which existed in the place of the Himalayas was –

A. Red Sea
B. Arabian Sea
C. Tethys Sea
D. Dead Sea
Answer» C. Tethys Sea
Explanation: The Tethys Ocean was an ocean that existed between the continents of Gondwana and Laurasia during much of the Mesozoic era, before the opening of the Indian and Atlantic oceans during the Cretaceous period. Today, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Indian Ocean cover the area once occupied by the Tethys Ocean, and Turkey, Iraq, and Tibet sit On Cimmeria. What was once the Tethys Sea has become the Mediterranean Sea. Geologists have found fossils of ocean creatures in rocks in the Himalayas indicating that those rocks were once underwater' before the Indian continental shelf began pushing upward as it smashed into Cimmeria.

Metamorphism changes rocks –

A. structure
B. texture
C. both (1) and (2)
D. actual chemical composition
Answer» C. both (1) and (2)
Explanation: Namcha Barwa, a mountain in the Tibetan Himalaya, is the eastern anchor of the entire Himalayan mountain chain. It is the highest peak of its own section as well as Earth's easternmost peak over 7,600 metres. It stands inside the Great Bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River as the river enters its notable gorge across the Himalaya, emerging as the Dihang and becoming the Brahmaputra.

What is the total area of India?

A. 8,511,965 sq. km
B. 3,897,950 sq. km
C. 5,926,780 sq. km
D. 3,287,590 sq. km
Answer» D. 3,287,590 sq. km
Explanation: The total geographical area of India is 3.287,590 km2 which makes her the seventh-largest country in the world. India measures 3,214 km from north to south and 2,933 km from east to west. It has a land frontier of 15,200 km and a coastline of 7,517 km.

Where is the shore based steel plant located?

A. Tuticorin
B. Salem
C. Vishakhapatnam
D. Mangalore
Answer» C. Vishakhapatnam
Explanation: Visakhapatnam or Vizag Steel Plant is the only Indian shore-based steel plant. Started in 1971, it is the most advanced steel producer in India with the help of German and Soviet technology.

Which is the leading state in India in "Ship Breaking" industry?

A. Tamil Nadu
B. Maharashtra
C. Gujarat
D. West Bengal
Answer» C. Gujarat
Explanation: Gujarat is the leading state in ship breaking industry because of its long coastline and a well developed infrastructure for the industry-specific works. Alang in Gujarat, considered to be the world's largest, is a famous ship breaking centre.

Which of the following Train runs between New Delhi and Wagah?

A. Shatabdi Express
B. Thar Express
C. Maitree Express
D. Samjhauta Express
Answer» D. Samjhauta Express
Explanation: The Samjhauta Express is a twice-weekly train -Tuesdays and Fridays - that runs between Delhi and Attari in India and Lahore in Pakistan.

The busiest rail section in respect to goods transportation is-

A. Delhi - Kolkata section
B. Kolkata - Chennai section
C. Delhi - Mumbai section
D. Mumbai - Chennai section
Answer» A. Delhi - Kolkata section
Explanation: The busiest rail section in respect to goods transportation is Delhi-Kolkata section.

To which one of the following States the Santhal tribe does not mainly belong?

A. Bihar
B. Rajasthan
C. West Bengal
D. Madhya Pradesh
Answer» B. Rajasthan
Explanation: The Santhal is tribe the largest tribal community in India, who live mainly in the states of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, and Assam. There is also a significant Santhal minority in neighboring Bangladesh, and a small population in Nepal.

Which of the following state is most famous for its beautiful sea beaches?

A. Gujarat
B. Goa
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Orissa
Answer» B. Goa
Explanation: According to the geographical location of the sea beaches in the North Goa district or the South Goa district, the picturesque beaches of the state are divided into the following: (1) North Goa Beaches: Anjuna, Baga, Candolim, Miramar, Dona Paula, Aguada,Arambol, Bambolirn, Calangute, Morjirn, Sinquerim, and Vagator; and (2) South Goa Beaches: Benaulim, Bogmalo, Colva, Majorda, Palolem, Agonda, Betul, Movor, etc.

Which of the following States in India has the highest net sown area?

A. Punjab
B. Orissa
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Mizoram
Answer» A. Punjab
Explanation: The pattern of net sown area varies greatly from one state to another. It is over 80% of the total area in Punjab and Haryana and less than 10% in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Andaman Nicobar Islands.

The highly populated city in India is :

A. Chennai
B. Delhi
C. Mumbai
D. Kolkata
Answer» C. Mumbai
Explanation: As per the 2011 Census, the population of Mumbai was 12,478,447; Delhi: 11,007,835; Chennai: 4,681,087; and Kolkata: 4,486,679. So, Mumbai is the most populated metropolitan city of India.

In which State is the literacy rate of women the highest?

A. Kerala
B. Maharashtra
C. Tamil Nadu
D. West Bengal
Answer» A. Kerala
Explanation: Kerala tops the list with a literacy rate of 94.0 %, according to census 2011. Among women, the literacy rate is 92.10/0, and among men 96.4 %.

Which of the following Is not a notable industrial city?

A. Kanpur
B. Mumbai
C. Jamshedpur
D. Allahabad
Answer» D. Allahabad
Explanation: Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh, is more an historical, religious and educational centre, than being an industrial city. The city's original name - Prayag--comes from its position at the sacred union of the rivers Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati. It is the second-oldest city in India. Kanpur (famous for leather industry; known as Manchester of the East), Mumbai (diverse industries) and Jamshedpur (steel) come under the list of India's notable cities in terms of industrial output and employment generation.

The first short based integrated steel plant in the country is-

A. Vijaynagar
B. Salem
C. Vishakhapatnam
D. Bhadravati
Answer» C. Vishakhapatnam
Explanation: Visakhapatnam Steel Plant - popularly known as Vizag Steel is the first. Shore based Integrated Steel Plant in the country. Set up in 1971, it is the most advanced steel producer in India. It is the largest single site plant in India and Asia Minor.

Which of the following cities in India is considered greenest?

A. Bengaluru
B. Delhi
C. Chandigarh
D. Thiruvananthapuram
Answer» C. Chandigarh
Explanation: Chandigarh is considered the greenest city of India. Chandigarh is a city and a union territory in India that serves as the capital of the two neighbouring states of Punjab and Haryana.

The production of onion is the highest in

A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Maharashtra
D. Andhra Pradesh
Answer» C. Maharashtra
Explanation: Amongst the onion producing countries in the world India ranks second in area and production, the first being China. Maharashtra is the leading onion producing state in India. The other major states producing onions are Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and Karnataka. In India per hectare yield is highest in Maharashtra (21.55 MT/ha) followed by Gujarat (21.24 MT/ha), Haryana (20.37 MT/ha) and Rajasthan (15.24 MT/ha).

Which of the following is not a Kharif crop?

A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Cotton
Answer» B. Wheat
Explanation: Kharif crop refers to the planting, cultivation and harvesting of any domesticated plant sown in the rainy (monsoon) season on the Asian subcontinent. Such crops are planted forautumn harvest and may also be called the summer or monsoon crop in India and Pakistan. Kharif crops are usually sown with the be- ginning of the first rains in July, during the south-west monsoon season. Examples include Millet, Paddy, etc. Rice is the main kharif crop. Other Kharif crops are sugarcane & cotton. Wheat is rabi crop.

In a slanting hilly Indian terrain experiencing more than 200 cms of annual rainfall, which one of the following crops can be cultivated best?

A. Cotton
B. Jute
C. Tobacco
D. Tea
Answer» D. Tea
Explanation: Well distributed rainfall ranging around 2000 mm to 5000 mm is considered suitable for successful tea plantation. The monthly average maximum temperature ranging between 28°C and 32°C during April to September, with occasional rise upto 36° - 37° C is good for the plantation. Tea is planted in flat and slightly undulating land at elevation ranging from 20 to 250 m above sea level in major part of the plains of NE India. On hill slopes of Darjeeling and South India, it is planted upto a height of 2000 m above sea level. The state of Assam is the world's largest tea-growing region. It experiences high precipitation; during the monsoon period, as much as 10 to 12 incises (250-300 mm) of rain per day.
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