180+ Ethics Solved MCQs


Ethics is the science of :

A. beauty
B. truth
C. conduct
D. mind
Answer» C. conduct

The word "ethics" is derived from the Greek word :

A. ethos
B. ethies
C. ethees
D. ethise
Answer» A. ethos

Ethos means:

A. conduct
B. customs
C. character
D. good
Answer» C. character

The word mores means:

A. conduct
B. customs
C. character
D. good
Answer» B. customs

The term Right is derived from the Latin

A. ritus
B. ritchus
C. rectus
D. rightss
Answer» C. rectus

Rectus means:

A. straight
B. direct
C. correct
D. good
Answer» A. straight

The term Good is connected with the German term:

A. goto
B. gutte
C. gud
D. gut
Answer» D. gut

Ethics is a------------------------science.

A. positive
B. applied
C. normative
D. systematic
Answer» C. normative

Normative science deals with:

A. standards
B. facts
C. judgements
D. none of these
Answer» A. standards

Aesthetics deals with the standard of:

A. beauty
B. truth
C. goodness
D. conduct
Answer» A. beauty

Ethics deals with the standard of:

A. beauty
B. truth
C. goodness
D. fact
Answer» C. goodness

Logic deals with the norm of:

A. beauty
B. truth
C. goodness
D. conduct
Answer» B. truth

Positive science concerned with:

A. facts
B. norms
C. standards
D. rules
Answer» A. facts

‘Ethics is neither a practical science nor an art’, This assertion is:

A. wrong
B. correct
C. neither right nor wrong
D. none of these
Answer» B. correct

Truth, Beauty, and -------------are considered as the principles of philosophy.

A. fact
B. goodness
C. conduct
D. none of these
Answer» B. goodness

The applied dimension of Ethics is known as:

A. applied ethics
B. normative ethics
C. meta ethics
D. none of these
Answer» A. applied ethics

---------------- deals with logical and semantic questions like ‘What do we mean by “freedom” and “determinism”

A. applied ethics
B. normative ethics
C. practical ethics
D. meta ethics
Answer» D. meta ethics

Ethics determines rightness or wrongness of-------------------

A. human actions
B. human thought
C. human judgements
D. none of these
Answer» A. human actions

When we a say that conduct is right, we mean primarily that;

A. it is according to truth
B. it is according to rule
C. it is according to law
D. none of these
Answer» B. it is according to rule

A thing is generally said to be good when it is valuable for

A. some end.
B. some practice
C. some action
D. some facts
Answer» A. some end.

Positive science deals with judgments of facts while ethics is concerned with judgments of:

A. beauty
B. truth
C. thought
D. value
Answer» D. value

Logic deals with the correctness of

A. thought
B. conduct
C. perception
D. intuition
Answer» A. thought

Ethics deals with the correctness of

A. conduct
B. thought
C. perception
D. intuition
Answer» A. conduct

------------------ is not a normative discipline.

A. ethics
B. logic
C. metaphysics
D. aesthetics
Answer» C. metaphysics

Ethics deals with the standards to describe------------------------

A. good and evil
B. true and false
C. right and good
D. all of these
Answer» C. right and good

Ethics is concerned the ------------------- to judge human conduct

A. standards
B. facts
C. objects
D. all of these
Answer» A. standards

Logic, Ethic and Aesthetics- these three sciences are essentially -------------------

A. positive
B. intuitive
C. cognate
D. none of these
Answer» C. cognate

Ethics investigates the nature of its fundamental notions like right, duty and ---------

A. beauty
B. good
C. thought
D. none of these
Answer» B. good

Ethics considers the ------------ of goodness.

A. standard
B. fact
C. object
D. all of these
Answer» A. standard

Morality consists of goodness, which is really an ------------- end

A. effective
B. intrinsic
C. instrumental
D. teleogical
Answer» B. intrinsic

---------------is a collective name for voluntary actions:

A. virtue
B. conduct
C. desire
D. will
Answer» B. conduct

--------------------is a sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome.

A. wish
B. instinct
C. tendency
D. desire
Answer» D. desire

‘Human desire is the fundamental motivation of all human action’. Whose view is this?

A. hobbes
B. mathew arnold
C. mcdougall
D. mackenzie
Answer» A. hobbes

Consciousness of ----------is called an appetite.

A. a wish
B. a desire
C. a motive
D. an organic need
Answer» D. an organic need

Who defines an instinct as an inherited psycho physical disposition?

A. hobbes
B. mathew arnold
C. mcdougall
D. mackenzie
Answer» C. mcdougall

The desires that predominate or continue to be effective is called:

A. wish
B. will
C. instinct
D. none of these
Answer» A. wish

------------- a conscious mental process which moves a man to act in a particular way.

A. wish
B. will
C. instinct
D. motive
Answer» D. motive

The term intention corresponds the term:

A. desire
B. purpose
C. instinct
D. none of these
Answer» B. purpose

The whole willed scheme of action, which is anticipated by the doer is called:

A. desire
B. purpose
C. instinct
D. intention.
Answer» D. intention.

According to Mackenzie the formal intention means the -------------------embodied in fact

A. principle
B. purpose
C. instinct
D. action
Answer» A. principle

The particular result as a realised fact is:

A. remote intention
B. formal intention
C. immediate intention
D. material intention
Answer» D. material intention

The remote intention of an act is sometimes called:

A. motive
B. purpose
C. instinct
D. action
Answer» A. motive

“The motive means, of course, what moves us or causes us to act in a particular way”. Who asserted this?

A. mcdougall
B. hobbes
C. mackenzie
D. mathew arnold
Answer» C. mackenzie

A person’s conduct corresponding to his ---------------------

A. motive
B. habit
C. character
D. action
Answer» C. character

Desire is a sense of longing of a person for ----------------

A. an end
B. a action
C. an outcome
D. none of these
Answer» C. an outcome

Hobbes asserted that human desire is the ----------------------- of all human action.

A. fundamental intention
B. fundamental nature
C. fundamental character
D. fundamental motivation
Answer» D. fundamental motivation

An intention which the agent does not definitely avows to himself is called:

A. remote intention
B. formal intention
C. unconscious intention
D. conscious intention
Answer» C. unconscious intention

When a man acts blindly without considering the end or result of his action. Such actions is called:

A. impulsive action
B. voluntary action
C. organic actions
D. none of these
Answer» A. impulsive action

A motive is -------------------- mental process

A. an intuitive
B. a conscious
C. an unconscious
D. an immediate
Answer» B. a conscious

Sucking of the thump by a child is a:

A. impulsive action
B. involuntary action
C. habitual action
D. none of these
Answer» C. habitual action

McDougall defines an instinct as ---------------------- psycho physical disposition

A. an inherited
B. an intentional
C. an immediate
D. an effective
Answer» A. an inherited

Human beings share some kinds of needs with the lower animals and even with plants are called:

A. natural needs
B. organic needs
C. immediate needs
D. none of these
Answer» B. organic needs

----------------is the general term for the theories that regards happiness

A. intuitionism
B. hedonism
C. emotivism
D. eudemonism
Answer» B. hedonism

Hedonism the term derives from the Greek word :

A. hedone
B. hedine
C. hedon
D. hedoine
Answer» A. hedone

Hedone means:

A. happy
B. good
C. delight
D. pleasure
Answer» C. delight

Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that ------------- is the only intrinsic good.

A. pleasure
B. virtue
C. justice
D. freedom
Answer» A. pleasure

According to the nature of seeking pleasure hedonism can be divided broadly in to Psychological hedonism and ----------------------

A. physiological hedonism
B. natural hedonism
C. ethical hedonism
D. none of the above
Answer» C. ethical hedonism

Men always seeks pleasure-this position is known as:

A. psychological hedonism
B. natural hedonism
C. ethical hedonism
D. none of the above
Answer» A. psychological hedonism

Man ought to seeks pleasure, the position is known as:

A. ethical hedonism
B. psychological hedonism
C. . natural hedonism
D. none of the above
Answer» A. ethical hedonism

Each man seeks, or ought to seek, is his own pleasure, this type of ethical hedonism is called:

A. universal ethical hedonism
B. utilitarianism
C. egoistic ethical hedonism
D. none of these
Answer» C. egoistic ethical hedonism

The theory which holds that the right action is the one that produces the greatest happiness for all is:

A. universal ethical hedonism
B. psychological hedonism
C. egoistic ethical hedonism
D. none of these
Answer» A. universal ethical hedonism

The most influential contributor to Universal ethical hedonism is:

A. kant
B. sidgwick
C. butler
D. john stuart mill
Answer» D. john stuart mill

Universalistic Ethical Hedonism is also known as:

A. hedonism
B. universalism
C. utilitarianism
D. none of these
Answer» C. utilitarianism

Utilitarian school having the slogan:

A. the greatest happiness of the individual
B. the greatest happiness of greatest number
C. the happiness of all
D. the happiness of greatest number
Answer» B. the greatest happiness of greatest number

The --------------------- is a method of counting the amount of pleasure and pain that would likely be caused by different actions.

A. utility calculus
B. universal calculus
C. idealistic calculus
D. hedonistic calculus
Answer» D. hedonistic calculus

The Hedonic Calculus is a method of counting the amount of ------------------- that would likely be caused by different actions.

A. pleasure and pain
B. result
C. virtue
D. none of these
Answer» A. pleasure and pain

Who introduced the method of hedonic calculus?

A. kant
B. sidgwick
C. bentham
D. john stuart mill
Answer» C. bentham

---------------- refers to the likelihood that the pleasure or pain will occur

A. certainty
B. purity
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» A. certainty

--------------------- refers to how long away the pleasure or pain is.

A. certainty
B. purity
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» C. propinquity

----------------------- refers to the likelihood of the pleasure or pain leading to more of the same sensation.

A. certainty
B. fecundity
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» B. fecundity

------------- refers to the likelihood of the pleasure or pain leading to some of the opposite sensation.

A. certainty
B. purity
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» B. purity

-------------- refers to the number of people the pleasure or pain is likely to affect.

A. certainty
B. purity
C. propinquity
D. extent
Answer» D. extent

----------------- refers to the felt strength of the pleasure or pain.

A. certainty
B. purity
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» D. intensity

-------------- refers to how long the pleasure or pain are felt for.

A. certainty
B. duration
C. propinquity
D. intensity
Answer» B. duration

Hedonic Calculus of Bentham is a ----------------------- calculus.

A. five point
B. eight point
C. nine point
D. seven point
Answer» D. seven point

The hedonism which, focuses the quantity of the pleasure, rather than the quality is called:

A. quantitative hedonism.
B. qualitative hedonism
C. universal hedonism
D. none of these
Answer» A. quantitative hedonism.

Bentham’s version of hedonism is known as:

A. quantitative hedonism.
B. qualitative hedonism
C. universal hedonism
D. none of these
Answer» A. quantitative hedonism.

J. S. Mill’s version of hedonism is known as:

A. quantitative hedonism.
B. qualitative hedonism
C. universal hedonism
D. none of these
Answer» B. qualitative hedonism

Mill argues that -------------------- are superior to physical forms of pleasure.

A. moral pleasures
B. emotional pleasure
C. material pleasure
D. none of these
Answer» A. moral pleasures

Mill made ---------------- separation of pleasures.

A. quantitative
B. qualitative
C. psychological
D. none of these
Answer» B. qualitative

Mill argued that pleasures could vary in:

A. duration
B. quantity
C. intensity
D. quality
Answer» D. quality

According to J.S. Mill Lower pleasures are those associated with the:

A. body
B. mind
C. soul
D. intellect
Answer» A. body

According to J.S. Mill higher pleasures are those associated with the:

A. body
B. mind
C. soul
D. intellect
Answer» B. mind

According to J.S. Mill --------------pleasures are those associated with the mind

A. higher
B. lower
C. quantitative
D. none of these
Answer» A. higher

According to J.S. Mill ---------------- pleasures are those associated with the body.

A. higher
B. lower
C. quantitative
D. none of these
Answer» B. lower

Mill justified ----------------------- pleasures are more valuable than bodily pleasures.

A. emotional
B. instinctive
C. intellectual
D. none of these
Answer» C. intellectual

Mill’s theory of Hedonism focuses on the quality of the pleasure, rather than the quantity, so it is called:

A. egoistic hedonism
B. ethical hedonism
C. qualitative hedonism.
D. quantitative hedonism
Answer» C. qualitative hedonism.

Laws of ------------ can be violated but cannot be changed

A. nature
B. constitution
C. ethics
D. none of these
Answer» C. ethics

The laws of ethics can be violated but cannot be ----------------

A. changed
B. obliged
C. explained
D. described
Answer» A. changed

According to Immanuel Kant the moral law is known ---------------.

A. empirically
B. practically
C. intuitively
D. intellectually
Answer» C. intuitively

According to Immanuel Kant moral law is:

A. a priori
B. a posteriori
C. empirical
D. none of these
Answer» A. a priori

According to Immanuel Kant moral law is:

A. empirical
B. self evident
C. intellectual
D. none of these
Answer» B. self evident

According to Kant the moral law is a:

A. assertorial imperative
B. conditional imperative
C. categorical imperative
D. none of these
Answer» C. categorical imperative

According to Kant a natural law is:

A. unconditional
B. categorical
C. assertorial
D. none of these
Answer» C. assertorial

Kant argues that Categorical Imperative is the ------------------- it applies to all persons.

A. universal moral law
B. universal natural law
C. conditional moral law
D. none of these
Answer» A. universal moral law

According to Kant ----------------- is the fundamental postulate of morality.

A. freedom of the will
B. freedom of the judgment
C. freedom of the intellect
D. none of these
Answer» A. freedom of the will

‘Freewill is implied by morality’ Who argues this?

A. sidgwick
B. john stuart mill
C. bentham
D. kant
Answer» D. kant

Kant’s ethical doctrine is called:

A. hedonism
B. utilitarianism
C. intuitionalism
D. formalism
Answer» D. formalism

Kant’s ethical theory is called:

A. teleology
B. deontology
C. axiology
D. none of these
Answer» B. deontology

Kant assumes that --------------------- are the only two motives of actions.

A. freedom and duty
B. duty and self-interest
C. duty and good will
D. none of these
Answer» B. duty and self-interest
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