200+ General Economics 1 Solved MCQs


The subject matter of economics is concerned with

A. Production
B. Consumption
C. Distribution and exchange
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The economic problem arises since

A. Wants are unlimited
B. Resources are limited
C. Resources are capable of alternative uses
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The wants of the people are

A. Limited
B. Satiable
C. Unlimited
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Unlimited

Economic problem arises in

A. Planned economies
B. Free market economies
C. Mixed economies
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The resources are :

A. Limited
B. Unlimited
C. Not only limited but are capable of alternative uses
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Not only limited but are capable of alternative uses

Which one of the following is an example of an economic good

A. Sunlight
B. Air
C. Petrol
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Petrol

----- is not an example of free good

A. Sunlight
B. Car
C. Petrol
D. Computer
Answer» A. Sunlight

The term production refers to:

A. Producing things which are capable of satisfying human wants
B. Creation or addition of utilities
C. Transformation of inputs into output
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The problem of allocation of resources is concerned with:

A. What to produce
B. How to produce
C. For whom to produce
D. All of the above
Answer» A. What to produce

The distribution of national product among the members of the society is the problem of:

A. What to produce
B. How to produce
C. For whom to produce
D. All of the above
Answer» C. For whom to produce

Production is said to be efficient when:

A. The re-allocation of resources cannot increase the production o the article even by one unit
B. More output is produced with the given input
C. Resources are fully employed
D. All of the above
Answer» A. The re-allocation of resources cannot increase the production o the article even by one unit

Which one of the following come under macro economics:

A. Per capita income
B. Study of a firm
C. Individual income
D. Theory of factor pricing
Answer» A. Per capita income

Which one of the following is not come under macro economics

A. National income
B. Per capita income
C. Disposable income
D. Individual income
Answer» D. Individual income

Partial equilibrium analysis come under:

A. Micro economics
B. Macro economics
C. Welfare economics
D. International economics
Answer» A. Micro economics

“The starting point of all economic activity is the existence of human wants” Who said this?

A. Adam Smith
B. Selligman
C. Ricardo
D. Alfred Marshall
Answer» B. Selligman

Production and consumption takes place simultaneously in the case of

A. Goods
B. Services
C. Both in the case of goods and services
D. Neither in the case of goods and services
Answer» B. Services

Economics is a social science because

A. The central point in economics is man and his problems
B. Economics uses scientific approach to derive its laws
C. Like History, Politics and Psychology economics deals with the problems of human being
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Economic growth can be achieved through

A. Advanced technology
B. Expansion of resources
C. Both A & B
D. Neither A & B
Answer» C. Both A & B

Micro economics doesn’t deal with:

A. The study of individual economic units
B. Determination of factor prices
C. Price determination of commodities
D. General equilibrium analysis
Answer» D. General equilibrium analysis

Name the economist who analyses the subject matter of economics into two branches: micro economic analysis and macro economic analysis.

A. Adam Smith
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Ragner Frisch
D. P A Samuelson
Answer» C. Ragner Frisch

Transformation of inputs into outputs is known as

A. Production
B. Consumption
C. Distribution
D. Exchange
Answer» A. Production

----- is an example of secondary input

A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Raw material
Answer» D. Raw material

Odd-man out from the following

A. Steel
B. Medicine
C. Education
D. Train
Answer» C. Education

The choice of techniques of production is related to the problem of

A. What to produce
B. How to produce
C. For whom to produce
D. None of the above
Answer» B. How to produce

The functional relationship between inputs and outputs is called

A. Production function
B. Consumption function
C. Investment function
D. Saving function
Answer» A. Production function

Firms owned by one individual is known as

A. Proprietorship
B. Partnership
C. Corporations
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Proprietorship

Firms owned by two or more individuals is known as

A. Proprietorship
B. Partnership
C. Corporations
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Partnership

Firms owned by stock holders are known as

A. Proprietorship
B. Partnership
C. Corporations
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Corporations

The major objective of a firm is

A. Profit maximization
B. Revenue maximization
C. Sales maximization
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Profit maximization

Which one of the following is an example of fixed input

A. Raw materials
B. Casual workers
C. Plant and equipments
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Plant and equipments

In short-run

A. All inputs are fixed
B. All inputs are variable
C. Some inputs are fixed and some are variable
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Some inputs are fixed and some are variable

In long-run

A. All inputs are fixed
B. All inputs are variable
C. Some inputs are fixed and some are variable
D. None of the above
Answer» B. All inputs are variable

Marginal product of a factor is

A. The additional product received by the firm due to the employment of an additional unit of a variable factor
B. Addition to the total product when one more unit of a factor is employed
C. The rate of change in the total product per unit change in the variable factor.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Production function expresses

A. The relationship between input and output
B. How maximum output is produced with the given input
C. What is the least-cost combination of input to produce the given output
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The variable cost of a firm vary in direct proportion to the

A. Volume of its output
B. Extent of its profits
C. Volume of its sale
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Volume of its output

Law of variable proportions is concerned with

A. Long-run production function
B. Laws of returns to scale
C. Short-run production function
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Short-run production function

The ‘point of inflection’ come in which stage of the law of variable proportions

A. Stage I
B. Stage II
C. Stage III
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Stage I

A rational producer will select his level of production in which stage of the law of variable proportions

A. Stage I
B. Stage II
C. Stage III
D. Either Stage I or Stage II
Answer» B. Stage II

Total product reaches at maximum when

A. MP is increasing
B. MP is maximum
C. MP = 0
D. MP is negative
Answer» C. MP = 0

At the ‘point of inflection’

A. MP is maximum
B. AP is maximum
C. TP is maximum
D. All of the above
Answer» A. MP is maximum

Returns to scale refers to the production function where

A. All factors are fixed
B. Some factors are fixed and others are variable
C. All factors are variable
D. None of the above
Answer» C. All factors are variable

In the case of diminishing returns to scale, a given proportionate increase in all factors causes

A. A more than proportionate increase in output
B. An equal proportionate increase in output
C. A less than proportionate increase in output
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A less than proportionate increase in output

Increasing returns to scale occurs due to

A. Division of labour
B. Specialization
C. Economies of scale
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The cause for diminishing returns to scale is:

A. Improper proportion of factors of production
B. Difficulty in the combination of certain factors
C. Excess combination of certain factors
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The solution to diminishing returns to scale is :

A. Technical progress
B. Expansion of resources
C. Proper combination or resources
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Economies of scale refers to:

A. Advantages resulting from large scale production
B. Disadvantages resulting from large scale production
C. Advantages resulting from the increase in the number of consumers
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Advantages resulting from large scale production

Which one of the following is not related to economies of scale:

A. Scope for division of labour and specialization
B. Scope for getting inputs at cheaper rates
C. Difficulty faces by the managers to coordinate the business
D. Scope for better storage facilities
Answer» C. Difficulty faces by the managers to coordinate the business

The law of Diminishing returns is applicable to:

A. Agriculture only
B. Industry only
C. In short-run only
D. Universally
Answer» D. Universally

Let a firm employs 5 labourers and produces 120 units of output. When 6 labourers are employed the firm produces 136 units of output. Then the marginal product is ---

A. 120
B. 136
C. 6
D. 16
Answer» D. 16

A firm produces 200 units of commodity X by employing 10 workers and 240 units of the same commodity by employing 12 workers. Then the Average Product of the worker is --------

A. 200
B. 240
C. 20
D. 40
Answer» C. 20

Other things remaining the same, the quantity of a product demanded increases with ------------ in price.

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Variation
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Decrease

When total utility is maximum, marginal utility is:

A. Maximum
B. One
C. Zero
D. Infinite
Answer» C. Zero

For complementary goods, the cross elasticity of demand:

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. None
Answer» B. Negative

Relation between price of a commodity and demand for another commodity is measured by:

A. Price elasticity
B. Income elasticity
C. Cross elasticity
D. Elasticity of substitution
Answer» C. Cross elasticity

When TU falls, MU is:

A. Rises
B. Zero
C. Positive
D. Negative
Answer» D. Negative

Demand varies ------------- with price.

A. Directly
B. Positively
C. Inversely
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Inversely

When Q = f (P), the elasticity coefficient is measured by:

A. ∆Q/∆P / P/Q
B. ∆P/∆Q * Q/P
C. ∆Q/∆P * P/Q
D. ∆P/∆Q / Q/P
Answer» C. ∆Q/∆P * P/Q

Income elasticity of demand for inferior good is:

A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Zero
D. Unity
Answer» A. Negative

In the case of luxury goods, the income elasticity of demand will be:

A. Less than unity
B. Unity
C. More than unity
D. All the above
Answer» C. More than unity

Income elasticity is positive, but less than unity in the case of:

A. Necessity
B. Luxury
C. Inferior
D. Substitutes
Answer» A. Necessity

In drawing an individual demand curve for a commodity, all but which of the following are kept constant:

A. Individual’s money income
B. The prices of the related commodity
C. Price of the commodity under consideration
D. Tastes of the consumer
Answer» C. Price of the commodity under consideration

When an individual’s income rises, when everything else remains the same, his demand for normal goods:

A. Rises
B. Falls
C. Remains the same
D. Any of the above is possible
Answer» A. Rises

When an individual’s income falls, when everything else remains the same, his demand for inferior goods:

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Cannot say
Answer» A. Increases

When the price of the substitute commodity of X falls, the demand for X:

A. Rises
B. Falls
C. Remains unchanged
D. All of the above is possible
Answer» B. Falls

If the quantity demanded remains unchanged as the price of the commodity falls, the coefficient of price elasticity of demand is:

A. Greater than
B. one Equal to one
C. Smaller than one
D. Zero
Answer» D. Zero

If the income elasticity of demand is greater than one, then the commodity is:

A. Necessity
B. Luxury
C. Inferior
D. Non-related commodity
Answer» A. Necessity

If the amount of the commodity purchased remains unchanged when the price of another commodity changes, the cross elasticity of demand between them will be:

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. One
Answer» C. Zero

Which of the following is an exception to the law of demand?

A. Giffen good
B. Normal good
C. Superior good
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Giffen good

The law of diminishing marginal utility was popularized by:

A. Keynes
B. Marshall
C. Smith
D. Samuelson
Answer» B. Marshall

If the income elasticity of demand for a commodity is found to be 0.4, then the commodity concerned is:

A. Luxury
B. Necessity
C. Giffen’s goods
D. Independent good
Answer» B. Necessity

Cross elasticity of demand in the case of substitutes:

A. Zero
B. Negative
C. Positive
D. Infinity
Answer» C. Positive

If a small change in price leads to infinitely large change in quantity demanded, then the demand is:

A. Perfectly elastic
B. Perfectly inelastic
C. Elastic
D. Inelastic
Answer» A. Perfectly elastic

Net addition to total utility when one more unit is consumed is:

Answer» B. MU

Most important determinant of demand is :

A. Income
B. Wealth
C. Price
D. Advertisement
Answer» C. Price

Which of the following is the reason for law of demand:

A. Price effect
B. Backlash effect
C. Income effect
D. Real balance effect
Answer» C. Income effect

A market:

A. Necessarily refers to a meeting place between buyer and sellers
B. Does not necessarily refers to a meeting place between buyer and sellers
C. Extends over the entire country
D. Extends over a city
Answer» B. Does not necessarily refers to a meeting place between buyer and sellers

Net addition to total cost is called:

A. Marginal cost
B. Average cost
C. Fixed cost
D. Variable cost
Answer» A. Marginal cost

The market equilibrium for a commodity is determined by :

A. Market demand
B. Market supply
C. Balancing of the forces of demand and supply
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Balancing of the forces of demand and supply

When there are only few sellers of the commodity, the market is called:

A. Monopoly
B. Duopoly
C. Oligopoly
D. Monopsony
Answer» C. Oligopoly

If the supply curve of the commodity is having a positive slope, a rise in the price of the commodity, results in:

A. Increase in supply
B. Increase in quantity supplied
C. Decrease in supply
D. Decrease in quantity supplied
Answer» B. Increase in quantity supplied

From the position of stable equilibrium, the market supply of a commodity decreases, while the market demand remains unchanged, then:

A. Equilibrium price falls
B. Equilibrium quantity rises
C. Both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity decreases
D. Equilibrium price rises, but equilibrium quantity falls
Answer» D. Equilibrium price rises, but equilibrium quantity falls

Elasticity of supply for a positively sloped straight line supply curve that intersects the price axis is:

A. Equal to zero
B. Equal to one
C. Greater than one
D. Constant
Answer» C. Greater than one

In which of the following market, advertisement is absent:

A. Monopolistic competition
B. Perfect competition
C. Oligopoly
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Oligopoly

-------------- cost can never become zero.

A. Variable cost
B. Fixed cost
C. Marginal cost
D. Average cost
Answer» B. Fixed cost

If a positively sloped linear supply curve crosses the quantity axis, the elasticity of supply is:

A. Inelastic
B. Elastic
C. Unitary elastic
D. Perfectly elastic
Answer» A. Inelastic

If a positively sloped linear supply curve passes through the origin, the elasticity of supply is

A. Inelastic
B. Elastic
C. Unitary elastic
D. Perfectly elastic
Answer» C. Unitary elastic

Average cost is the sum of AVC and

Answer» C. AFC

The horizontal supply curve parallel to quantity axis represents

A. Elastic supply
B. Inelastic supply
C. Perfectly elastic supply
D. Perfectly inelastic supply
Answer» C. Perfectly elastic supply

When output is zero, variable cost is --------

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Infinity
D. Zero
Answer» D. Zero

Change in quantity supplied of a product can result from

A. Changes in own price
B. Changes in cost of production
C. Change in technology
D. Change in price of related products
Answer» A. Changes in own price

At prices above the equilibrium price

A. Quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded
B. Quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied
C. There is shortage
D. All of the above is possible
Answer» A. Quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded

When MC cuts AC, AC is at its ------------

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Zero
D. Negative
Answer» B. Minimum

An increase in market supply, demand remaining the same causes

A. Increase in equilibrium price
B. Decrease in equilibrium quantity
C. Decrease in equilibrium price and increase in equilibrium quantity
D. Both equilibrium price and quantity rises
Answer» C. Decrease in equilibrium price and increase in equilibrium quantity

Cost function relates cost to

A. Input
B. Output
C. Raw material
D. Machines
Answer» B. Output

An increase in market demand, supply remaining the same results in

A. Decrease in equilibrium price
B. Decrease in equilibrium quantity
C. Decrease in equilibrium price and increase in equilibrium quantity
D. Both equilibrium price and quantity rises
Answer» D. Both equilibrium price and quantity rises

There is no distinction between firm and industry in

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» B. Monopoly

A fall in the market demand, supply remaining the same results in

A. Increase in equilibrium price
B. Increase in equilibrium quantity
C. Increase in equilibrium price and decrease in equilibrium quantity
D. Both equilibrium price and quantity falls
Answer» D. Both equilibrium price and quantity falls

The cost of next best alternative is called

A. Marginal cost
B. Average cost
C. Opportunity cost
D. Direct cost
Answer» C. Opportunity cost

When MC is greater than AC, AC

A. Rises
B. Falls
C. Maximum
D. Minimum
Answer» A. Rises

There is ------- relationship between price and quantity supplied

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Constant
D. Inverse
Answer» A. Positive
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