90+ History of the Medieval World Solved MCQs


An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the

A. orthodox christian religion
B. use of the latin alphabet
C. beginning of democracy
D. factory system
Answer» A. orthodox christian religion

Which empire introduced the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet to Russia?

A. mongol
B. byzantine
C. british
D. gupta
Answer» B. byzantine

What city served as the capital of the Byzantine Empire?

A. adrianople
B. ankara
C. constantinople
D. nicodemia
Answer» C. constantinople

Which of the following modern countries was not part of the Byzantine Empire?

A. bulgaria
B. egypt
C. france
D. germany
Answer» B. egypt

What group conquered Constantinople in 1453?

A. bulgarians
B. greco-romans
C. kievan rus
D. ottomans
Answer» D. ottomans

The city of Constantinople is now called __________.

A. athens
B. byzantium
C. istanbul
D. sarajevo
Answer» C. istanbul

What was the state language of the Eastern Roman Empire after the 7th century?

A. arabic
B. greek
C. latin
D. russian
Answer» B. greek

What renowned church was built by Emperor Justinian in the sixth century?

A. canterbury cathedral
B. st. sophia
C. notre dame
D. st. peter's basilica
Answer» B. st. sophia

"Middle Ages" in Western Europe includes the period __________________________.

A. ad 300 - ad 1600
B. beginning of byzantine through the end of the roman empire
C. beginning of early christian through the 13th or 14th centuries
D. end of the roman empire through the byzantine period
Answer» D. end of the roman empire through the byzantine period

When was Charlemagne crowned as Roman Emperor?

A. 800
B. 860
C. 871
D. 899
Answer» A. 800

Which one of the following is included in the rights of serfs?

A. the right to work on certain land and pass the lands to their heirs
B. the right to move from one manor to another
C. the right to marry whomever they wanted to marry
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

What was the economic activity of Western Europe in the early middle ages?

A. commercial and urban
B. long-distance trade
C. agriculture
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

What was the significance of the Battle of Tours in 732?

A. charlemagne converted many muslims to christianity
B. charles martel became king of france
C. it stopped the muslim advance into europe
D. muslims gained control of spain
Answer» D. muslims gained control of spain

What is Chivalry?

A. the code charlemagne implemented
B. the code by which a christian family lived
C. the code by which knights lived
D. the code by which young men lived
Answer» C. the code by which knights lived

Where can the finest examples of medieval architecture are seen?

A. cathedrals
B. castles
C. universities
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Who proclaimed the First Crusade?

A. alexios i komnenos
B. peter the hermit
C. pope gregory vii
D. pope urban ii
Answer» D. pope urban ii

When did Europe capture Jerusalem?

A. 1081
B. 1099
C. 1095
D. 1096
Answer» B. 1099

When did Saladin capture Jerusalem?

A. 1118
B. 1187
C. 1193
D. 1203
Answer» C. 1193

Feudal society was characterized by

A. a hierarchical system of relationships and obligations.
B. the rule of a strong government.
C. increasing consolidation of power by frankish kings.
D. the absence of hostility between neighboring fiefs.
Answer» A. a hierarchical system of relationships and obligations.

The Crusades were undertaken to

A. keep the holy land out of muslim control.
B. end the great schism.
C. free rome from the byzantines.
D. reform the medieval church.
Answer» A. keep the holy land out of muslim control.

The Crusades contributed to all of the following except

A. the growth of mediterranean trading cities.
B. improvement in the level of european technology.
C. greater contact between europe and the byzantine and muslim civilizations.
D. an increase in the power of feudal lords.
Answer» D. an increase in the power of feudal lords.

. The Third Crusade ended with the

A. decisive victory of richard i in palestine.
B. the defeat of the french at agincourt.
C. defeat of seljuk turks by french-led crusaders.
D. continued control of jerusalem by saladin.
Answer» D. continued control of jerusalem by saladin.

The Crusades contributed to the breakdown of feudalism because.

A. muslims captured the property of feudal landholders.
B. the authority of kings increased while many nobles were financially weakened.
C. many peasants converted to islam.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of these factors did NOT shape the evolution of society in Western Europe during the early medieval period?

A. roman heritage
B. customs of barbarian tribes
C. roman catholic church
D. eastern orthodox church
Answer» B. customs of barbarian tribes

Monks and nuns served the community by

A. providing social services.
B. remaining secluded and rarely seeing outsiders.
C. pressuring feudal lords to provide social services.
D. performing little manual labor.
Answer» A. providing social services.

Which of the following is credited to Charlemagne?

A. the defeat of the muslims at the battle of tours
B. the development of banking
C. the development of feudalism
D. the revival of latin learning
Answer» D. the revival of latin learning

The manor economy was based on

A. trade among many villages.
B. metalworking.
C. farming and self-sufficiency.
D. herding and weaving.
Answer» C. farming and self-sufficiency.

How did monks and nuns improve life during the Middle Ages?

A. they cared for the sick and poor.
B. they opposed the feudal system.
C. they gave land to the peasants.
D. they excommunicated criminals.
Answer» A. they cared for the sick and poor.

What change in education developed in the middle Ages?

A. the first universities evolved.
B. large universities with permanent buildings came into being.
C. students with very little training could qualify to be a teacher.
D. women began to attend universities.
Answer» A. the first universities evolved.

The Black Death was caused by

A. malnutrition.
B. lack of vaccines.
C. a disease spread by rats.
D. wounds suffered during the hundred years war.
Answer» C. a disease spread by rats.

- the pre- Islamic era is known as:

A. modern age
B. age of ignorance
C. golden age
D. none
Answer» B. age of ignorance

Ma'rib dam was located in:

A. iraq
B. yaman
C. egypt
D. none
Answer» B. yaman

Ka'bah is situated in the valley of:

A. faran
B. makkah
C. taif
D. medina
Answer» B. makkah

The capital of Umayyad dynasty was:

A. baghdad
B. cairo
C. khusran
D. damascus
Answer» D. damascus

Samarra was built by

A. al-mansur
B. al mahdi
C. al-must'asim
D. none
Answer» C. al-must'asim

The ottoman dynasty fell in:

A. 1857
B. 1926
C. 1940
D. 1924
Answer» D. 1924

Literal meaning of Jihad is ;

A. exemption
B. sacrifice
C. fight
D. struggle
Answer» D. struggle

For the first time Abdul Malik issued purely Muslim Coinage Know as:

A. pound
B. deenar
C. dirham
D. ruppe
Answer» B. deenar

Al-Firdousi was the poet of:

A. persia
B. asia
C. africa
D. america
Answer» A. persia

- ---- was the real founder of the Abbasid dynasty

A. al-safah
B. abu jafar
C. muhammad musa
D. abdullah
Answer» A. al-safah

In the adminstration of the ummayads the court language was:

A. persian
B. arabics
C. french
D. german
Answer» A. persian

Al-Qanun - Fil tib was written by;

A. almasudi
B. ibn-ishq
C. al- yaqubi
D. ibn sina
Answer» D. ibn sina

The first capital of Abbasid Caliphate was

A. al-hashmiyah
B. samrah
C. baghdad
D. none of these
Answer» C. baghdad

Al-Idrisi was a famous

A. musician
B. poet
C. geographer
D. none of these
Answer» C. geographer

Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in

A. 1453
B. 1543
C. 1354
D. none of these
Answer» A. 1453

During muslim rule was the capital of Spain

A. cordava
B. toledo
C. garnada
D. none of these
Answer» A. cordava

Under the emperors after Justinian, the chief concern of the Byzantine state was

A. religious heresy and controversy.
B. the over taxation of the peasants and frequent peasant rebellions.
C. the defense against slavs, russians, and the arabs
D. the conversion of the slavs to christianity.
Answer» C. the defense against slavs, russians, and the arabs

Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by

A. abdul malik
B. waleed
C. umar bin abdul aziz
D. none of these
Answer» A. abdul malik

Dots on Arabic letter was introduced by

A. hajjaj
B. yahya barmaki
C. hassan basri
D. none of these
Answer» A. hajjaj

Mamun-ur-Rashid following __________ doctrines.

A. ismaili
B. ashari
C. mutazilla
D. none of these
Answer» C. mutazilla

Al-Khwarzmi was a

A. soldier
B. astronomer
C. mathematician
D. none of these
Answer» C. mathematician

Baghdad was conquered and sacked by Halaku Khan in:

A. 1258 a.d.
B. 1260 a.d.
C. 1265 a
Answer» A. 1258 a.d.

________ was the Tutor of Haroon-ur-Rashid:

A. khalid rarmaki
B. yahya barmaki
C. ghazali
D. none of these
Answer» A. khalid rarmaki

Spain was conquered by:

A. mohmud ghaznawi
B. musa bin nusair
C. tariq bin ziyad
D. none of these
Answer» C. tariq bin ziyad

Ibn Khaldun was an:

A. architect
B. historian
C. muhaddith
D. none of these
Answer» B. historian

Ibn Zaidun was:

A. historian
B. philosopher
C. poet
D. none of these
Answer» C. poet

Ibn Tufail lived in:

A. egypt
B. spain
C. syria
D. none of these
Answer» B. spain

Cordova is a city of:

A. libya
B. al-andalus
C. lebanon
D. none of these
Answer» B. al-andalus

“Thafa-tul-Thafat” is a book on:

A. science
B. history
C. philosophy
D. none of these
Answer» C. philosophy

Berbers originally were:

A. iranians
B. arabs
C. africans
D. none of these
Answer» C. africans

Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered

A. spain
B. iran
C. sindh
D. none of these
Answer» C. sindh

The Mongols defeated

A. salahuddin ayyubi
B. the abbasids
C. the ghaznawids
D. none of these
Answer» B. the abbasids

Bait-al-Hikmah was established by

A. babar
B. akber
C. harun al-rashid
D. none of these
Answer» C. harun al-rashid

The greatest Muslim Art in which they have achieved incomparable success is

A. paintings
B. architecture
C. calligraphy
D. none of these
Answer» B. architecture

umar khayyam is known for his work

A. shah nama
B. siyasat nama
C. ruba'iyyat
D. none of these
Answer» C. ruba'iyyat

With some exceptions, Europe between the A.D. 400s and 1100s is characterized by

A. the absence of strong monarchs.
B. powerful religious authorities.
C. stratified social hierarchies.
D. wars between rival feudal lords.
Answer» B. powerful religious authorities.

The monk who established strict rules for monastic life was named

A. benedict.
B. patrick.
C. gregory.
D. charlemagne.
Answer» A. benedict.

At the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William of Normandy conquered

A. jerusalem.
B. italy.
C. germany.
D. england.
Answer» D. england.

Despite the fact that Christians viewed Muslims with hostility,

A. they refused to select a muslim ruler.
B. they learned from muslim advances in science and mathematics.
C. they treated them with charity and kindness.
D. they lost the battle of tours in france.
Answer» B. they learned from muslim advances in science and mathematics.

Under feudalism, lords granted land to vassals in exchange for which of the following?

A. food
B. military service
C. farm labor
D. housing
Answer» B. military service

Why did some religious people want to reform the Church during medieval times?

A. it had grown too big.
B. it had grown weak.
C. it had grown corrupt.
D. it had grown too powerful.
Answer» C. it had grown corrupt.

Which of the following helped unite Charlemagne's empire?

A. a strong, efficient government.
B. the treaty of verdun.
C. magyar attacks.
D. viking attacks
Answer» A. a strong, efficient government.

Which group made up the largest part of the population in feudal society?

A. vassals
B. peasants
C. knights
D. lords
Answer» B. peasants

The Church had great power over people during the middle Ages because

A. it protected them in times of warfare.
B. it decided who could achieve salvation.
C. it provided them with education.
D. it controlled food production.
Answer» B. it decided who could achieve salvation.

Which of the following groups dominated the economic and political life of towns during the High Middle Ages?

A. nobles
B. merchant guilds
C. knights
D. the clergy
Answer» B. merchant guilds

How did medieval cathedrals help to educate an illiterate public?

A. they held religious education classes.
B. they featured sculptures and stained glass that portrayed biblical stories.
C. they supported tax-based public education.
D. they required church members to learn and to read the bible.
Answer» A. they held religious education classes.

Which of the following was a result of the plague in Europe

A. economic decline
B. the rebirth of christianity
C. political reform
D. the hundred years' war
Answer» A. economic decline

Which of the following best describes the Church during the late Middle Ages?

A. it provided strong moral leadership.
B. it wielded great political power.
C. it grew weak and divid
Answer» B. it wielded great political power.

Why is Joan of Arc remembered

A. she led a peasant uprising that ended feudalism.
B. she led the french to victories against the english in the hundred years war.
C. she led the english troops in the hundred years war.
D. she drove the english from calais.
Answer» B. she led the french to victories against the english in the hundred years war.

By 800, the strongest kingdom in Europe was ruled by

A. gregory.
B. pepin the short.
C. charlemagne.
D. alcuin.
Answer» C. charlemagne.

The feudal system was based on control of

A. cattle.
B. land.
C. crops.
D. the church.
Answer» B. land.

How did Europeans use the term 'middle ages'?

A. the crisis of western europe
B. the medieval era of european history
C. the fact that europe became mature from 500 to 1500
D. the time between the fall of rome and the emergence of christianity
Answer» D. the time between the fall of rome and the emergence of christianity

When was Constantinople captured by Ottomans?

A. 1305
B. 1378
C. 1453
D. 1414
Answer» C. 1453

The first revelation came to Prophet (p.b.u.h) in:

A. hira
B. thaur
C. dar-e-arqam
D. none
Answer» A. hira

Umm-ul- Banin was a remarkable --- women

A. arab
B. spanish
C. egyptian
D. european
Answer» A. arab

with the emergence of Abbasids the Capital was transfer from Syria to

A. iran
B. egypt
C. iraq
D. bagdad
Answer» D. bagdad

During Abbasid times, the Arabs learned from China the technique of making

A. fine silk.
B. gunpowder and cannons.
C. paper.
D. all these answers are correct.
Answer» D. all these answers are correct.

Which of the following was true of Sufis?

A. they sought an emotional and mystical union with allah.
B. they used emotional sermons and song and dance to encourage devotion.
C. they tolerated observances of some non-islamic customs.
D. all these answers are correct.
Answer» D. all these answers are correct.

The hajj

A. is one of the five pillars of islam
B. brought muslims from disparate parts of the world together.
C. ends at the ka'ba in mecca.
D. contributed to the spread of islamic beliefs and values.
Answer» A. is one of the five pillars of islam

Which of the following is not correct in describing cultural influences on Islam?

A. persian literature deeply influenced islamic literary works.
B. indian numerals had a profound influence on the development of mathematical thinking among muslims.
C. the caliphs adopted persian ideas of kingship.
D. greek rational reasoning had a long-lasting influence on the theological development of islam.
Answer» D. greek rational reasoning had a long-lasting influence on the theological development of islam.

The nature of the society into which the prophet Muhammad was born was

A. an urban-based culture with small manufacturing.
B. a strictly disciplined military society.
C. an agricultural society dominated by warriors.
D. a society made up largely of nomads and merchants.
Answer» D. a society made up largely of nomads and merchants.

Under pressure from authorities in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers fled to Medina in 622. Muslims call this move

A. the hijra.
B. the umra.
C. yathrib.
D. the hajj.
Answer» A. the hijra.

Which one does not contribute to the formation of International Government?

A. expansion of international trade
B. establishment of international organization
C. inter-state rivalry
D. means of communication
Answer» C. inter-state rivalry

The theory of social contract primarily seeks

A. to explore the historical origin of the state
B. to explain the basis of political obligation
C. to justify the status quo
D. to bring out a radical transformation of society by revolution
Answer» B. to explain the basis of political obligation

Which one of the following statements about Rousseau is correct?

A. he perfected the theory of social contract
B. he repudiated the theory of contract altogether
C. he transformed the theory of contract into an idealist mode of political discourse
D. he added nothing to the theories of hobbes and locke beyond combining their
Answer» C. he transformed the theory of contract into an idealist mode of political discourse
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