250+ Administrative Theory Solved MCQs


Karl Marx believes that the state is an instrument of

A. development
B. cooperation and participation
C. exploitation
Answer» C. exploitation

Karl Marx was born in

A. 1818
B. 1843
C. 1852
Answer» A. 1818

Karl Marx died in

A. 1812
B. 1883
C. 1854
Answer» B. 1883

Who wrote ‘Das Capital’?

A. Lenin
B. Karl Marx
C. Douglas McGregor
Answer» B. Karl Marx

To Marx, the wealthy or capitalists were labeled as

A. Bourgeoisie
B. Proletariat
C. Middle class
Answer» A. Bourgeoisie

The book ‘The Poverty of Philosophy’ was published in

A. 1847
B. 1853
C. 1868
Answer» A. 1847

According to Marx, the working class were the

A. Capitalists
B. Proletariat
C. Middle class
Answer» A. Capitalists

Marx considered the history of all society up to his time is the history of

A. Racism
B. Political problems
C. Class struggle
Answer» C. Class struggle

Marx’s ideology was largely influenced by

A. Hegelian philosophy
B. Aristotle’s philosophy
C. Plato’s philosophy
Answer» A. Hegelian philosophy

Karl Marx was born in

A. France
B. Germany
C. Italy
Answer» B. Germany

The Communist Manifesto was written in

A. 1854
B. 1848
C. 1872
Answer» B. 1848

According to Karl Marx, the present state will

A. wither away
B. continue for a long period
C. uplift the workers
Answer» A. wither away

Who amongst the following believed in class struggle?

A. J. S. Mill
B. Karl Marx
C. Plato
Answer» B. Karl Marx

Marx’s views has been criticized because

A. the idea of the state will wither away has not come true
B. his idea that workers will unite proved a failure
C. his views on capitalism
Answer» A. the idea of the state will wither away has not come true

Marx considered the forces of production as the

A. Super-structure of society
B. Sub-structure of society
C. Infrastructure of society
Answer» B. Sub-structure of society

Customs, morals, religion and politics belonged to the

A. Super-structure of society
B. Sub-structure of society
C. Infrastructure of society
Answer» A. Super-structure of society

The most important work on Public Administration in ancient India was

A. the Mahabharata
B. the Ramayana
C. the Arthashastra
Answer» C. the Arthashastra

Kautilya is the author of the

A. Slave economy
B. Volunteer economy
C. Arthashastra
Answer» C. Arthashastra

The word ‘artha’ in Arthashastra means

A. politics
B. economics
C. diplomacy
Answer» B. economics

The word ‘shastra’ in Arthashastra means

A. economics
B. politics
C. diplomacy
Answer» B. politics

To carry out the orders of administration, Kautilya laid emphasis on

A. People’s cooperation
B. People’s coordination
C. People’s contribution
Answer» A. People’s cooperation

How many methods of motivation are mentioned in Arthashastra?

A. three
B. two
C. four
Answer» C. four

Sama means

A. Persuasion
B. Punishment
C. Incentive
Answer» A. Persuasion

Dama implies

A. Force
B. Incentive
C. Progress
Answer» B. Incentive

Danda means

A. Punishment
B. Agreement
C. Development
Answer» A. Punishment

Bheda refers to

A. Chivalry
B. Training
C. Internal competition
Answer» C. Internal competition

Sama, dama,danda and bheda are

A. Motivation means
B. Personality Traits
C. Means of communication
Answer» A. Motivation means

During the time of Kautilya, the king secured people’s cooperation through

A. Punishment
B. Financial Assistance
C. Retribution
Answer» B. Financial Assistance

Arthashastra was written in

A. 320 BC
B. 326 BC
C. 340 BC
Answer» A. 320 BC

Kautilya is also known as

A. Aditya
B. Himanshu
C. Chanakya
Answer» C. Chanakya

Arthashastra mainly focuses on

A. finance
B. polity
C. customs
Answer» B. polity

Dharmashastras are

A. Sacred laws
B. Sacred beliefs
C. Sacred customs
Answer» A. Sacred laws

According to Kautilya’s Arthashastra, the Defence Department was headed by the

A. Chief of Elephants
B. Senapati
C. Superintendent of Infantry
Answer» B. Senapati

According to Kautilya, Amatya was

A. the Finance Minister of the State
B. the Prime Minister of the State
C. the Defence Minister of the State
Answer» A. the Finance Minister of the State

Kautilya was the Prime Minister and Adviser to the king during the time of

A. Bindusara
B. Ashoka
C. Chandragupta Maurya
Answer» C. Chandragupta Maurya

Who is known as ‘The Indian Machiavelli’ in the western world?

A. Chanakya
B. Manu
C. Ashoka
Answer» A. Chanakya

Arthashastra is divided into

A. 13 books
B. 14 books
C. 15 books
Answer» C. 15 books

Concepts of experiences and observation of situations in administration is known as

A. Administrative Theory
B. Political Theory
C. Public Administration
Answer» A. Administrative Theory

Theories help us to understand the working of

A. People
B. Organization
C. None of the above
Answer» B. Organization

The Father of Public Administration is

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Henry Fayol
C. Aristotle
Answer» A. Woodrow Wilson

The letter ‘O’ in POSDCORB stands for

A. Organic
B. Office
C. Organising
Answer» C. Organising

The letter ‘P’ in POSDCORB stands for

A. Programme
B. Planning
C. Participation
Answer» A. Programme

The essay by Woodrow Wilson published in 1887 was titled as

A. Public Administration
B. Political Administration
C. The Study of Administration
Answer» C. The Study of Administration

‘State and Revolution’ was written by

A. Kautilya
B. Lenin
C. Woodrow Wilson
Answer» B. Lenin

Lenin died in

A. 1924
B. 1925
C. 1926
Answer» A. 1924

Lenin believed in the

A. Bourgeoisie Revolution
B. Proletariat Revolution
C. Bureaucratic Revolution
Answer» B. Proletariat Revolution

Like Marx, Lenin was a bitter opponent of

A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. Capitalism
Answer» C. Capitalism

Before the Revolution, Russia was ruled by

A. The Emperor
B. The Tsar
C. The King
Answer» B. The Tsar

The Russian Revolution took place in

A. 1918
B. 1917
C. 1915
Answer» B. 1917

Lenin led the

A. Bolsheviks
B. Mensheviks
C. Christian Democrats
Answer» A. Bolsheviks

Which of the groups did Lenin consider as important in carrying out the Russian Revolution?

A. Priests and artisans
B. Workers and peasants
C. Entrepreneurs and capitalists
Answer» B. Workers and peasants

The term Scientific Management was first coined by

A. Louis Brandies
B. F.W.Taylor
C. Vincent De Gourney
Answer» A. Louis Brandies

Classical writers give importance on

A. formal organisation
B. informal organisation
C. social-psychological factors
Answer» A. formal organisation

The first coherent theory of organisation is known as

A. Scientific Management
B. Bureaucratic Theory
C. Classical Theory
Answer» A. Scientific Management

The Scientific Management Approach developed

A. during 10th Century
B. during 19th Century
C. during early 20th Century
Answer» C. during early 20th Century

The Classical Theory is referred to as

A. Human Relations Theory
B. Mechanistic Theory
C. Model Theory
Answer» B. Mechanistic Theory

Who is associated with the Scientific Management doctrine?

A. Henri Fayol
B. Adam Smith
C. Frederick Winslow Taylor
Answer» C. Frederick Winslow Taylor

Scientism in administration is linked to

A. one-best way
B. two-best ways
C. three-best ways
Answer» A. one-best way

What is the meaning of Charisma?

A. Beauty
B. Money
C. Gift of Grace
Answer» C. Gift of Grace

Scientific Management Theory was advocated by

A. Elton Mayo
B. F. W. Taylor
C. Luther Gulick
Answer» B. F. W. Taylor

Max Weber wrote extensively on

A. State
B. Government
C. Bureaucracy
Answer» C. Bureaucracy

The Theory of Organisational Principle was propounded by

A. Karl Marx
B. Kautilya
C. Fayol
Answer» C. Fayol

F.W. Taylor puts emphasis on

A. Decision-Making
B. Performance
C. Division of Labour
Answer» C. Division of Labour

The first social scientist who made a systematic study of bureaucracy was

A. Max Weber
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
Answer» A. Max Weber

The father of Scientific Management is

A. Henry Fayol
B. F.W. Taylor
C. Frederick Herzberg
Answer» B. F.W. Taylor

Scientific Management is also known as

A. Taylorism
B. Fayolism
C. Leninism
Answer» A. Taylorism

The aim of Scientific Management is the replacement of traditional techniques by

A. new techniques
B. modern techniques
C. scientific techniques
Answer» C. scientific techniques

Scientific Management focused on the

A. lowest level
B. middle level
C. highest level
Answer» A. lowest level

The tendency on the part of the workers to restrict output is called

A. regression
B. soldiering
C. refraining
Answer» B. soldiering

According to F.W.Taylor, the habit to take it easy is called

A. natural soldiering
B. systematic soldiering
C. unique soldiering
Answer» A. natural soldiering

The realisation on part of both the parties (workers and managers) that their mutual interest is not contradictory is

A. clinical method
B. hygiene factor
C. mental revolution
Answer» C. mental revolution

Classical Theorists consider every worker as

A. economic man
B. social man
C. communal man
Answer» A. economic man

According to the Classical Theory, man is motivated by

A. social factors
B. monetary factors
C. environmental factors
Answer» B. monetary factors

When a worker is supervised and guided by eight functional foreman, it is called

A. Differential piece rate plan
B. Functional foremanship
C. Unity of Command
Answer» B. Functional foremanship

Determining the best set of motions amongst different set of motion in completing a job is called

A. Motion study
B. Time study
C. Mental Revolution
Answer» A. Motion study

The study of time taken for completion of work is called

A. Time study
B. Motion study
C. Momentary study
Answer» A. Time study

Pay by piece rates on the basis of standards set by motion and time studies is

A. Recurring Plan
B. Systematic Plan
C. Differential Piece-Rate Plan
Answer» C. Differential Piece-Rate Plan

Which of the following is not an aim of Scientific Management?

A. Increased Production
B. Conditions of work
C. Quality Control
Answer» B. Conditions of work

Scientific Management is based on the principle of

A. Development of hygiene factors of work
B. Development of motivational factors of work
C. Development of true science of work
Answer» C. Development of true science of work

According to Taylor, the workers in an organization should be selected on the basis of

A. outlook
B. aptitude
C. status
Answer» B. aptitude

The father of Classical Theory is

A. F. W. Taylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Chester Barnard
Answer» B. Henry Fayol

The central tenet of Classical Theory is

A. division of labour
B. responsibility
C. increased production
Answer» A. division of labour

Classical theorists believe that the Principles of organization can be applied

A. individually
B. universally
C. simultaneously
Answer» B. universally

The book “General and Industrial Management” was written by

A. Douglas Mc Gregor
B. Lenin
C. Henry Fayol
Answer» C. Henry Fayol

According to Fayol, buying, selling and exchange of goods fall under

A. Technical activities
B. Commercial activities
C. Financial activities
Answer» B. Commercial activities

The number of principles of administration specified by Henry Fayol was

A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
Answer» C. 14

The object of division of work (specialization) is to produce

A. more and better work
B. better cooperation
C. better conditions of work
Answer» A. more and better work

Which is not an element of administration as mentioned by Fayol?

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Conducting
Answer» C. Conducting

The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience is

A. responsibility
B. control
C. authority
Answer» C. authority

When an employee should receive orders from one superior only, it is called

A. Unity of command
B. Supervision
C. Span of control
Answer» A. Unity of command

Fayol refers to “one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective” as

A. Unity of direction
B. Unity of command
C. Scalar chain
Answer» A. Unity of direction

The prices for services rendered is known as

A. Fees
B. Charges
C. Remuneration
Answer» C. Remuneration

The chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks is

A. Gang Plank
B. Scalar Chain
C. Clinical Method
Answer» B. Scalar Chain

Henry Fayol advocates ‘A place for everyone and everyone in his place’ as

A. Material Order
B. Human Order
C. Economic Order
Answer» B. Human Order

The power of thinking out a plan and executing it to ensure its success is

A. Initiative
B. Progress
C. Idea
Answer» A. Initiative

Esprit de Corps means

A. Harmony
B. Grace
C. Faith
Answer» A. Harmony

‘The Theory of Economic and Social Organisations’ is written by

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Max Weber
C. Peter Drucker
Answer» B. Max Weber

Max Weber was born in

A. 1865
B. 1869
C. 1864
Answer» C. 1864

The word “bureaucracy” was coined by

A. Vincent de Gourney
B. John Miller
C. Aristotle
Answer» A. Vincent de Gourney

The word ‘bureaucracy’ was coined in

A. 1754
B. 1745
C. 1756
Answer» C. 1756
Question and answers in Administrative Theory, Administrative Theory multiple choice questions and answers, Administrative Theory Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Administrative Theory, Administrative Theory MCQs with answers PDF download