50+ Animation With Anima8or Solved MCQs


Anim8or is a ..........computer animation program.

A. 2d
B. 3d
C. 4d
D. 5d
Answer» B. 3d

How many main working modes in Anim8or?

A. one
B. four
C. two
D. three
Answer» B. four

Character editor is also known as……….

A. figure editor
B. sequence editor
C. object editor
D. scene editor
Answer» A. figure editor

Which tool deletes any selected components and puts the on the clipboard?

A. undo
B. redo
C. cut
D. a and b
Answer» C. cut

Each figure's skeleton starts with a ……….bone.

A. child
B. root
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. root

This button adds……….

A. circle
B. cube
C. elipse
D. none of these
Answer» B. cube

Which mode contains a bone structure, or skeleton?

A. figure
B. sequence
C. object
D. scene
Answer» A. figure

fps stands for

A. frames per shot
B. frames per scene
C. frames per time
D. frames per second
Answer» D. frames per second

The shortcut Ctrl-C is used for

A. copy
B. cut
C. save
D. paste
Answer» A. copy

Ctrl-Z is used for

A. change into drag select mode
B. change into select mode
C. change into move mode
D. undo the last editing command
Answer» D. undo the last editing command

Which of the following is the default extension of anim8or file.

A. .an8
B. .ani8
C. .a8
D. .a.8
Answer» A. .an8

The print option is present in……menu

A. edit
B. setting
C. file
D. about
Answer» C. file

The …...is where you create and modify new 3D objects.

A. figure editor
B. object editor
C. scene editor
D. sequence editor
Answer» B. object editor

When you run the anim8or the default mode is

A. object mode
B. figure mode
C. scene mode
D. sequence mode
Answer» A. object mode

Toolbar is present in……

A. left
B. right
C. top and left
D. none of these
Answer» C. top and left

The object editor has……modes.

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. two
Answer» C. four

This button allows you add which shapes to an object?

A. spheres
B. cylinders
C. cubes
D. platonic solids
Answer» A. spheres

Object pivot is located at the object's……

A. origin
B. bottom
C. top
D. right
Answer» A. origin

We can convert parametric shapes into meshes with the…..

A. file->view->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
B. file->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
C. view->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
D. build->convert_to_mesh menu item
Answer» D. build->convert_to_mesh menu item

In a filled view selected parametric shapes are enclosed in which bounding box?

A. yellow
B. red
C. white
D. black
Answer» A. yellow

In a filled view selected meshes are enclosed in which bounding box ?

A. yellow
B. red
C. white
D. black
Answer» C. white

The red box in the spline indicates than

A. spline extendable
B. spline origin
C. spline can’t extendable
D. none of these
Answer» A. spline extendable

To extrude a spline simple select it and choose the…..

A. file->view->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
B. file->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
C. view->build->convert_to_mesh menu item
D. build->extrude menu item
Answer» D. build->extrude menu item

What we do with the help of Modifiers?

A. stretch
B. bend
C. twist
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The figure editor has…..modes.

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. two
Answer» D. two

By default bones are…..

A. flexible
B. fixed
C. both a and b
D. none of this
Answer» B. fixed

To skin an object you first attach it to a bone called its…..bone.

A. base
B. root
C. parent
D. none of this
Answer» A. base

The sequence editor has……modes.

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. two
Answer» D. two

You can enter in the Scene Editor from the following:

A. mode->scene menu item
B. insert-> scene menu item
C. both a and b
D. build-> scene menu item
Answer» A. mode->scene menu item

You can enter in the Sequence Editor from the following:

A. mode-> sequence menu item
B. insert-> scene menu item
C. both a and b
D. build-> sequence menu item
Answer» A. mode-> sequence menu item

You can enter in the figure Editor from the following:

A. mode-> figure menu item
B. insert-> figure menu item
C. both a and b
D. build-> figure menu item
Answer» A. mode-> figure menu item

Which style block of buttons use to control the playback of scenes.

A. pcr
B. kcr
C. vcr
D. zmr
Answer» C. vcr

Camera is present in…….editor.

A. object
B. figure
C. scene
D. sequence
Answer» C. scene

In scene editor we can add…..

A. objects
B. figures
C. cameras
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

A new scene contains…..default elements.

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. two
Answer» D. two

You can add objects to a scene by selecting the……

A. build->add object menu item
B. insert-> figure menu item
C. mode-> figure menu item
D. build-> figure menu item
Answer» A. build->add object menu item

There are……kinds of lights that you can use in Anim8or.

A. one
B. three
C. four
D. two
Answer» B. three

You can add a background image in Anim8or It can be either…….

A. fixed image
B. panorama
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

The……component is the color of a material in a shadow.

A. ambient
B. diffuse
C. specular
D. emissive
Answer» A. ambient

The……component is part of the shininesscontribution.

A. ambient
B. diffuse
C. specular
D. emissive
Answer» C. specular

……shadows can cast soft edges.

A. volume
B. bitmap
C. dark
D. ray traced
Answer» D. ray traced

The Ambient value for plastic is……

A. 0.5
B. 0.7
C. 0.3
D. 1
Answer» C. 0.3

……creates a solid surface from a spline by spinning it around an axis and converting the area it sweeps into a mesh surface.

A. lathing
B. extrusion
C. modifiers
D. mirroring
Answer» A. lathing

Which tool is useful for adding faced corners to surfaces?

A. bevel
B. cutter
C. modifiers
D. mirroring
Answer» A. bevel

Which tool is also useful for adding faces to surfaces?

A. bevel
B. cutter
C. inset
D. mirroring
Answer» C. inset

………tool is used to add thickness to the walls of a Mesh.

A. bevel
B. move
C. inset
D. shell
Answer» D. shell

The figure editor has two modes:

A. edit and viewpoint
B. viewpoint and axis,
C. axis and point edit
D. viewpoint and point edit
Answer» A. edit and viewpoint

The …….button controls the visibility of your camera and lights.

A. camera
B. light
C. angle
D. visible
Answer» A. camera

The…..button sets the visibility of object's paths.

A. camera
B. light
C. visible
D. path
Answer» D. path

You can show or hide your figures' bodies with the……button.

A. body
B. hide
C. visible
D. figure objects
Answer» D. figure objects

The……button enables animation.

A. start
B. play
C. key
D. stop and play
Answer» C. key

A new scene contains two default elements…

A. world and map
B. world and camera
C. object and light
D. light and camera
Answer» B. world and camera

are basically cones of light projecting from a point.

A. midlight
B. brightlight
C. spotlights
D. highlight
Answer» C. spotlights

Within the…… the spotlight has full brightness.

A. outer angle
B. inner angle
C. both inner and outer
D. none of this
Answer» B. inner angle

The normal range for the diffuse weight is from……

A. 0.5 to 10
B. 0 to 10
C. 0.5 to 1
D. 0.0 to 1.0
Answer» D. 0.0 to 1.0

The……component represents light generated by a material.

A. specular
B. emissive
C. rough
D. trans*
Answer» B. emissive
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