
Which question corresponds best to the following query? SELECT CID, CDUR - 1,' = PRICE' FROM COURSES ORDER BY 2

A. Select three columns from the COURSES table, of which the third one has a constantvalue, i.e. “ = PRICE”. Leave an empty line after every second line.
B. Select two columns from the COURSES table, the second one gets as title “ =PRICE”.Sort the data according to the second column, in ascending order.
C. Select three columns from the COURSES table, of which the third one has a constantvalue, i.e. “ = PRICE”. Sort the data according to the second column, in ascending order.
D. Select two columns from the COURSES table, of which the second one has a constantvalue, i.e. “ = PRICE”. Sort the data according to the second column, in ascending order
Answer» C. Select three columns from the COURSES table, of which the third one has a constantvalue, i.e. “ = PRICE”. Sort the data according to the second column, in ascending order.
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