These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology TY (BSc IT) , Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT) , Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSc CS) .
1. |
What does a simple name in UML Class and objects consists of ? |
A. | letters |
B. | digits |
C. | punctuation characters |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a simple name consists of letters, digits and punctuation characters. |
2. |
What Does a Composite name consists of in a UML Class and object diagram ? |
A. | delimiter |
B. | simple names |
C. | digits |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: composite name consists of sequence of simple names and simple names already consists of digits. |
3. |
A class is divided into which of these compartments ? |
A. | name compartment |
B. | attribute compartment |
C. | operation compartment |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: class is divided into 3 main compartments mentioned) |
4. |
An attribute is a data item held by which of the following ? |
A. | class |
B. | object |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: attribute is a data item held by class or object. |
5. |
What should be mentioned as attributes for conceptual modelling ? |
A. | initial values |
B. | names |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: initial values along with thier names are used as attributes. |
6. |
Which of these are part of class operation specification format ? |
A. | name |
B. | parameter list |
C. | return-type list |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: it consists of all these 3 mentioned format. |
7. |
Which among the following are not the valid notations for package and component diagram? |
A. | notes |
B. | box |
C. | extension mechanisms |
D. | packages |
Answer» B. box | |
Explanation: boxes are the notations for box and line diagram. |
8. |
Which of the following is false? |
A. | a note is a dog-eared box connected to any model element by a dashed line |
B. | the main way to extend uml is by constraints, properties, etc |
C. | a dependency relation holds between two entities d and i where change in i does not affect d |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» C. a dependency relation holds between two entities d and i where change in i does not affect d | |
Explanation: a dependency relation holds between two entities d and i where change in i affects d. |
9. |
Which of these depicts the true definition for the UML extensions? |
A. | a constraint is the statement that must be true of the entities designated by one or more model elements |
B. | a property is a characteristic of the entity designated by a model element |
C. | a stereotype is a uml model element given more specific meaning |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all the mentioned statements are true definitions. |
10. |
Which of the following in incorrect in reference to dependency? |
A. | module d uses module i when a correct version of i must be present for d to work correctly |
B. | module d depends for compilation on module i |
C. | class i imports elements from package d |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. class i imports elements from package d | |
Explanation: class d imports elements from package i. |
11. |
What is collection of model elements called? |
A. | box |
B. | dependency |
C. | uml packages |
D. | package members |
Answer» D. package members | |
Explanation: uml package is collection of model elements called package members. |
12. |
What types of units does Component follow? |
A. | modular unit |
B. | replaceable unit |
C. | unit with well defined interface |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a component consists of modular, replaceable unit with well defined interface. |
13. |
Which of these is true with respect to interfaces? |
A. | interfaces in component diagram defines relationship between components and environment |
B. | interfaces realized by a class or a component are required interfaces |
C. | interface on which a class or component depends are called provided interfaces |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» A. interfaces in component diagram defines relationship between components and environment | |
Explanation: interfaces realized by a class or a component are provided interfaces whereas interfaces on which a class or component depends are called required interfaces. |
14. |
What is delegation connector? |
A. | a delegation connector ties a component interface to one or more internal classes or components |
B. | delegation connectors are solid arrows stereotyped <> |
C. | a delegation connector may also extend from an internal class to an external interface |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned options represents delegation connector and are true. |
15. |
Which of these are diagrammatic heuristics? |
A. | use notes, constraints, properties and stereotypes to add information to uml models |
B. | use stereotypes to name dependencies |
C. | use packages to group elements in static models |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned are the respective heuristics to be followed for the uml models diagram. |
16. |
Which of the following is true ? |
A. | a logical architecture is the realization of product as code and data files residing and executing on computational resource |
B. | a physical architecture is the configuration of product’s major constituents |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» D. none of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a physical architecture is the realization of product as code and data files residing and executing on computational resource whereas, a logical architecture is the configuration of product’s major constituents |
17. |
Which among these are the common notations for deployment diagrams? |
A. | artifacts and nodes |
B. | stereotypes |
C. | components |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» A. artifacts and nodes | |
Explanation: artifacts and nodes are the common factors used for deployment diagram. |
18. |
Which of the following is true? |
A. | a uml artifact is any physical representation of data used or produced during software development or software product operation |
B. | a node is a computational resource |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned options are true definitions of the notations. |
19. |
Which are the ways to represent nodes in a deployment diagram? |
A. | nodes instances are underlined identifiers of the form name:type |
B. | the name may be left off,indicating an unnamed instance of the type |
C. | the type may be left off, indicating a named instance with an unspecified type |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the above are the ways in which a node can be represented in a deployment diagram. |
20. |
What does a deployment diagram consists of? |
A. | computational resource |
B. | communication path between resource |
C. | artifacts that execute resource |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a deployment diagram consists of all the mentioned options. |
21. |
Which of the following is incorrect in deployment diagram? |
A. | communication connections between nodes are shown by communication paths |
B. | communication paths are represented by dotted lines |
C. | artifacts are deployed inside nodes where they reside and execute |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» B. communication paths are represented by dotted lines | |
Explanation: communication paths are represented by solid lines and not dotted lines. |
22. |
Which of these is correct? |
A. | artifacts instances and types have same names |
B. | artifact names and instances are underlines |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» A. artifacts instances and types have same names | |
Explanation: artifacts names are underlined but instances are not. |
23. |
What is true about the artifacts? |
A. | an artifact is a physical entity |
B. | an artifact has spatio temporal location |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned options |
24. |
What are the ways in which artifacts can be deployed? |
A. | artifact symbol can be placed within node symbol |
B. | the artifact symbol can appear outside the node but be attached to it by dependency arrow from the artifact |
C. | artifact name can be listed inside the node symbol |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the above are the ways in which an artifact can be deployed. |
25. |
Detailed design is further classified into which of the following? |
A. | mid-level design |
B. | low-level design |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: detailed design is further classified as mid level and low level design. |
26. |
Mid-level design is the activity of specifying software at the level of medium-sized components such as? |
A. | compilation units or classes |
B. | their properties, relationship |
C. | interaction of units |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: mid-level design is the activity of specifying software at the level of medium-sized components such as compilation units or classes, their properties, relationship and interaction of units. |
27. |
Which of these is correct? |
A. | low-level design is the activity of filling in small details at the lowest levels of abstraction |
B. | low-level design uses descriptr specification |
C. | mid-level design uses descriptr-paid specification |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: low level design uses descriptr-paid whereas mid level design uses descriptr alone. |
28. |
A design document is a complete engineering design specification composed of? |
A. | software architecture document(sad) |
B. | detailed design document(ddd) |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a design document is a complete engineering design specification composed of software architecture document(sad) and detailed design document(ddd). |
29. |
The DDD template consists of which of the following? |
A. | mid level design and low level design |
B. | mapping between models |
C. | detailed design rationale |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: the ddd template consists of which of the following mid level design and low level design, mapping between models, detailed design rationale. |
30. |
Which of these statements states Generalization connector? |
A. | a generalization connector is more like a link line between objects than an association line between classes |
B. | the generalization connector always indicates that two particular classes participate in the generalization relation, as a link line shows that two objects participate in a particular relation |
C. | never place a name, role names, or multiplicities on a generalization connector |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned statements about generation connector are true. |
31. |
A provided interface can be shown in which of these ways? |
A. | to attach the stick of an interface lollipop symbol to a class or component |
B. | to connect a stereotyped class symbol representing the interface to the providing class or component using a special realization connector |
C. | both the ways mentioned above |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. both the ways mentioned above | |
Explanation: provided interface can be matched for both of the ways. |
32. |
A required interface can be shown in which of the following ways? |
A. | to attach the stick of an interface socket symbol to a class or component |
B. | to connect the class or component requiring the interface to an interface ball with a dependency arrow |
C. | to connect the class or component to a stereotyped class symbol with a dependency arrow |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a required interface can be show in all the three ways mentioned. |
33. |
Which of the following is correct? |
A. | an attribute is an class variable when each object stores its own value for the attribute |
B. | an attribute can also be a instance variable, which means that there is only one value stored for the attribute that is shared by all class instances |
C. | an instance operation can be called using any object |
D. | a class operation is encapsulated in a class and can be called through the class |
Answer» D. a class operation is encapsulated in a class and can be called through the class | |
Explanation: an attribute is an instance variable when each object stores its own value for the attribute whereas an attribute can also be a class variable, which means that there is only one value stored for the attribute that is shared by all class instances and an instance operation can be called only by using instance. |
34. |
Which of the following is true? |
A. | the aggregation association represents the part-whole relation between the instances of the associated classes |
B. | in a composition association, each part can be related to only a single whole at one time |
C. | an association class represents a relation on the sets of instances of the classes it connects, and it also holds data and behavior the pertinent to the relation |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned statements are true. |
35. |
Which of the following are the heuristics for class diagram? |
A. | never place a name, role names, or multiplicities on a generalization connector |
B. | use the interface ball and socket symbols to abstract interface details and a stereotyped class symbol to show details. |
C. | don’t italicize interface or operation names |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned are the statements for heuristics of class diagram. |
36. |
Which of the following is true? |
A. | a transition is a change from one state to another |
B. | transitions may be spontaneous, but usually some event triggers them |
C. | an event is a noteworthy occurrence at a particular time; events have no duration |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all the mentioned statements are true. |
37. |
Every finite automaton specification must contain which of the following? |
A. | descriptions of the automaton’s states in a way that allows them to be distinguished, such as by naming each one; |
B. | descriptions of transitions indicating each transition’s source state, its target state, and the events that trigger it; |
C. | designation of an initial state, the starting place for state transitions |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: every finite automaton specification contains- descriptions of the automaton’s states in a way that allows them to be distinguished, such as by naming each one;descriptions of transitions indicating each transition’s source state, its target state, and the events that trigger it; and designation of an initial state, the starting place for state transitions. |
38. |
What does deterministic and non deterministic automaton? |
A. | a non-deterministic finite automaton is a finite automaton that has no spontaneous transitions and has a single transition that it must make in response to every event in each of its states |
B. | a deterministic finite automaton is one with multiple transitions |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» D. none of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a deterministic finite automaton is a finite automaton that has no spontaneous transitions and has a single transition that it must make in response to every event in each of its states and a non-deterministic finite automaton is one with multiple transitions. |
39. |
Which of the following determines state diagram? |
A. | the uml notation for specifying finite automata is the state diagram |
B. | in state diagrams, states are represented by rounded rectangles |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned are true for state diagram. |
40. |
Which of the following represents State Diagram? |
A. | the finite automaton initial state is designated by a special initial pseudo-state depicted as a large black dot at the tail of an arrow pointing at the initial state |
B. | a finite automaton may execute forever or it may halt in a final state |
C. | transitions are represented by solid arrows labeled with one or more transition strings that describe the circumstances under which the transition is triggered and the actions that may ensue |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned are true for state diagram. |
41. |
Which of the following is true? |
A. | a state symbol without a nested state compartment represents a complex state |
B. | one with a nested state compartment represents a simple state |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» D. none of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a state symbol without a nested state compartment represents a simple state and one with a nested state compartment represents a complex state. |
42. |
Which of the following are composite states? |
A. | a sequential composite state |
B. | a concurrent composite state |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: there are two kinds of composite states -a sequential composite state and a concurrent composite state. |
43. |
What is sequential and concurrent composite state means? |
A. | a concurrent composite state contains a single state diagram composed of sub- states or inner states and the transitions between them |
B. | a sequential composite state contains two or more sequential state diagrams in regions separated by dashed lines called concurrent region boundary lines |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» D. none of the mentioned | |
Explanation: a sequential composite state contains a single state diagram composed of sub- states or inner states and the transitions between them and a concurrent composite state contains two or more sequential state diagrams in regions separated by dashed lines called concurrent region boundary lines. |
44. |
Sequential composite states simplify state models in two ways? |
A. | they organize states into hierarchies |
B. | they consolidate many transitions |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned are the two ways to simplify sequential composite states. |
45. |
What is Interaction diagram? |
A. | interaction diagrams are the uml notations for dynamic modeling of collaborations |
B. | interaction diagrams are a central focus of engineering design |
C. | all of the mentioned |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» C. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: interaction diagram are the uml notations for dynamic modeling of collaborations,a central focus of engineering design. |
46. |
What are the different interaction diagram notations does UML have? |
A. | a sequence diagram |
B. | a communication diagram |
C. | an interaction overview diagram |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: uml has four different interaction diagram notations – a sequence diagram, a communication diagram, an interaction overview diagram, a timing diagram. |
47. |
What is a sequence diagram? |
A. | a diagram that shows interacting individuals along the top of the diagram and messages passed among them arranged in temporal order down the page |
B. | a diagram that shows messages super imposed on a diagram depicting collaborating individuals and the links among them |
C. | a diagram that shows the change of an individual’s state over time |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» A. a diagram that shows interacting individuals along the top of the diagram and messages passed among them arranged in temporal order down the page | |
Explanation: a sequence diagram shows interacting individuals along the top of the diagram and messages passed among them arranged in temporal order down the page. |
48. |
Which of the following is true about Sequence frames? |
A. | a sequence diagram has a frame consisting of a rectangle with a pentagon inits upper left-hand corner |
B. | the pentagon is its name compartment ; the interaction is represented inside the rectangle. |
C. | the string in the name compartment has the form sd interaction identifier where interaction identifier is either a simple name or an operation specification with the same format as in a class diagram |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» D. all of the mentioned | |
Explanation: all of the mentioned statements are followed in sequence frames. |
49. |
What is a lifeline? |
A. | it is a frame consisting of a rectangle with a pentagon inits upper left-hand corner |
B. | it is a rectangle containing an identifier with a dashed line extending below the rectangle |
C. | it is a name compartment ; the interaction is represented inside the rectangle |
D. | none of the mentioned |
Answer» B. it is a rectangle containing an identifier with a dashed line extending below the rectangle | |
Explanation: lifeline is a rectangle containing an identifier with a dashed line extending below the rectangle. |
50. |
What does a message mean? |
A. | it passes all communications from one object to another and are represented by message arrows in sequence diagrams |
B. | message goes from the sending object’s lifeline to the receiving object’s lifeline |
C. | it is a rectangle containing an identifier with a dashed line extending below the rectangle |
D. | all of the mentioned |
Answer» A. it passes all communications from one object to another and are represented by message arrows in sequence diagrams | |
Explanation: all communications from one object to another are called messages and are represented by message arrows in sequence diagrams. |
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