
Assume that Patton Co. will receive 100,000 New Zealand dollars (NZ$) in 180 days. Today's spot rate of the NZ$ is £0.35, and the 180-day forward rate is £0.36. A call option on NZ$ exists, with an exercise price of £0.37, a premium of £0.01, and a 180-day expiration date. A put option on NZ$ exists with an exercise price of £0.36, a premium of £0.01, and a 180-day expiration date. Patton Co. has developed the following probability distribution for the spot rate in 180 days: Possible Spot Rate in 90 Days Probability £0.30 10% £0.35 60% £0.40 30% The probability that the forward hedge will result in more U.S. dollars received than the options hedge is _______ (deduct the amount paid for the premium when estimating the U.S. dollars received on the options hedge).

A. 10%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 70%
Answer» D. 70%
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