300+ Training and Development Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

Which of the following is not a stage in the systematic training cycle?

A. Evaluation
B. Assessing training needs
C. Planning the training
D. Job instruction on a one to one basis
Answer» D. Job instruction on a one to one basis

Consultants for training and development render consulting at:

A. Individual and interpersonal level
B. Managerial level
C. Organizational level
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Training and development is a _____ of an organisation.

A. System
B. Sub-system
C. Element
D. Component \
Answer» B. Sub-system

It focuses on the milestones that the organization would like to achieve after the defined point of time.

A. Mission
B. Values
C. Vision
D. Strategy
Answer» C. Vision

This model helps in determining and developing the favorable strategies, sequencing the content, and delivering media for the types of training objectives to be achieved.

A. System model
B. Development model
C. Instructional system development model
D. Transition model
Answer» C. Instructional system development model

It is future oriented:

A. Training
B. Development
C. Education
D. Mentoring
Answer» D. Mentoring

Which of the following is the best definition of a learning organisation?

A. An organisation which facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself.
B. An organisation in which the managers are encouraged to develop
C. An organisation which facilitates the learning of all its members in order to preserve the status quo
D. An organisation which does a lot of training on an ad hoc basis
Answer» A. An organisation which facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself.

Information processing model and the social interaction model refers to:

A. Cognitive theory of learning
B. Behaviourism theory
C. Forgetting theory
D. Retention theory
Answer» A. Cognitive theory of learning

The stage in which the learning curve levels off is called:

A. Learning capability
B. Discouraging stage
C. Over learning period
D. Learning plateau
Answer» B. Discouraging stage

It is a process which relates to bringing a number of perspectives to finding a single answer – usually right or wrong:

A. Assimilating
B. Diverging
C. Converging
D. Accommodating
Answer» C. Converging

It results when a person gives meaning to sensations:

A. Effect
B. Readiness
C. Sensitivity
D. Perception
Answer» D. Perception

This domain is concerned with a learner’s attitudes, personal beliefs, and values.

A. Affective domain
B. Cognitive domain
C. Psychomotor domain
D. Conceptualization domain
Answer» A. Affective domain

Learning is a:

A. Cognitive process
B. Emotional process
C. Botha and b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Botha and b

This learning style prefers using your body, hands and sense of touch:

A. Kinesthetic
B. Logical
C. Social
D. Mathematical
Answer» A. Kinesthetic

Learning by identifying one’s own learning objectives refers to:

A. Other directed learning
B. Self-directed learning
C. Structured learning
D. Unstructured learning
Answer» B. Self-directed learning

Which of the following is not the environmental factor that influences the learning process:

A. Training strategies, methods and techniques
B. Trainer/training team
C. General learning environment in the programme
D. Desire for personal growth and development
Answer» D. Desire for personal growth and development

Learning to prepare the individual but not related to specific present or future job is called:

A. Training
B. Counseling
C. Development
D. Education
Answer» D. Education

Formula and implementation of ideas take place at all levels of the organization in:

A. Flat organisation
B. Learning organizations
C. Structured organizations
D. Traditional organizations
Answer» B. Learning organizations

“The key is not getting the right strategy but fostering strategic thinking”. This statement was given by:

A. John enton
B. Mintzberg
C. RensisLikert
D. Peter Senge
Answer» B. Mintzberg

It is the ability to formulate unique approaches to problem solving and decision making:

A. System thinking
B. Creativity
C. Personal mastery
D. Sensitivity
Answer» B. Creativity

It is understood as the ability of an organization to gain insight and understanding from experience through experimentation, observation, analysis and a willingness to examine both success and failures:

A. Learning organizations
B. System thinking
C. Organizational learning
D. Mental models
Answer» C. Organizational learning

It is not a major input to learning:

A. Capability
B. Change
C. Competency
D. Sensitivity
Answer» D. Sensitivity

Who is described as being a radical behaviourist?

A. Skinner.
B. Bandura.
C. Watson.
D. Pavlov.
Answer» A. Skinner.

Consequences that discourage repetition of a particular behaviour are called:

A. operant conditioning.
B. negative reinforcement.
C. positive reinforcement.
D. extinction.
Answer» B. negative reinforcement.

The model of personality as learned habits was developed by:

A. Dollard and Miller.
B. Watson.
C. Bandura.
D. Skinner
Answer» A. Dollard and Miller.

Dollard and Miller classify the situation where we have to choose between two equally attractive goals as:

A. approach-approach conflict.
B. avoidance-avoidance conflict
C. approach-avoidance conflict
D. double approach-avoidance conflict
Answer» A. approach-approach conflict.

The processes that drive behaviour in Bandura's model are called:

A. reciprocal determinism.
B. principle of opposites
C. motivational forces
D. internal self-regulatory processes.
Answer» A. reciprocal determinism.

In Bandura's model, the situation where an individual enlists someone else to help change some aspect of their life is called:

A. Interpersonal agency
B. personal agency
C. collective agency
D. proxy agency
Answer» D. proxy agency

It is future oriented:

A. Training
B. Development
C. Education
D. Mentoring
Answer» A. Training

HRM is associated with the management of;

A. General people
B. Financial resources
C. Organizational people
D. Community members
Answer» C. Organizational people

Cost of human resources refers to;

A. Company profits
B. Employee shares
C. Salary packages
D. Earned revenues
Answer» C. Salary packages

Top level managers require __________________ skills the most;

A. Technical
B. Interpersonal
C. Conceptual
D. Mechanical
Answer» C. Conceptual

Matching the job description with the individuals’ qualification is an important aspect of;

Answer» C. HRIS

HR managers are generally the _______________ managers;

A. Line
B. Middle
C. Staf
D. Top
Answer» C. Staf

Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during;

A. Mechanistic period
B. Catalytic period
C. Organist period
D. Strategic period
Answer» A. Mechanistic period

SWOT Analysis is a tool for;

A. Determining organization’s mission
B. Developing organizational goals
C. Formulating strategies
D. Environmental scanning
Answer» D. Environmental scanning

Jobs are identified & grouped while;

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Controlling
Answer» B. Organizing

According to the Hawthorne studies, the productivity of employees;

A. Increased by increasing light
B. Decreased by decreasing light
C. Increased by observing them
D. No change in their productivity
Answer» C. Increased by observing them

Organizational goals should be;

A. Achievable
B. Ambiguous
C. Random
D. Vague
Answer» A. Achievable

Which of the following is true about a learning organization?

A. A learning organization discourages learning at the group and organizational levels.
B. A learning organization restricts employees from experimenting with products and services.
C. In a learning organization, employees learn from failure and from successes.
D. In a learning organization, employees are discouraged from asking questions and admitting mistakes.
Answer» C. In a learning organization, employees learn from failure and from successes.

The strategic training and development process begins with:

A. Choosing strategic training and development initiatives.
B. Identifying the business strategy.
C. Developing websites for knowledge sharing.
D. Identifying measures or metrics.
Answer» B. Identifying the business strategy.

The final step of the strategic training and development process involves:

A. Choosing strategic training and development initiatives.
B. Identifying the business strategy.
C. Identifying measures or metrics.
D. Creating concrete training and development activities.
Answer» C. Identifying measures or metrics.

_____ typically includes information on the customers served, why the company exists, what the company does, the value received by the customers, and the technology used.

A. Balanced scorecard
B. Vision
C. Mission
D. Code of conduct
Answer» C. Mission

A SWOT analysis is typically conducted in the _____ step of the strategic training and development process.

A. business strategy formulation and identification
B. strategic training and development initiatives
C. training and development activities
D. measures or metrics identification
Answer» A. business strategy formulation and identification

_____ involves examining a company’s operating environment to identify opportunities and threats.

A. Internal analysis
B. Gap analysis
C. External analysis
D. Pareto analysis
Answer» C. External analysis

Which of the following is true with regard to SWOT analysis?

A. In a SWOT analysis, external analysis attempts to identify the company’s Strengths and weaknesses.
B. A SWOT analysis represents the strategy believed to be the best alternative to achieve the company goals.
C. A SWOT analysis is typically conducted in the strategic training and development initiatives identification step of the strategic training and development process.
D. A SWOT analysis provides a company the information needed to generate several alternative business strategies and make a strategic choice.
Answer» D. A SWOT analysis provides a company the information needed to generate several alternative business strategies and make a strategic choice.

Business-level outcomes chosen to measure the overall value of training or learning initiatives are referred to as _____.

A. values
B. goals
C. business strategies
D. metrics
Answer» D. metrics

The _____ considers four different perspectives: customer, internal, innovation and learning, and financial.

A. SWOT analysis
B. value chain analysis
C. BCG matrix
D. balanced scorecard
Answer» D. balanced scorecard

Which of the following is true of roles of managers?

A. Line managers spend lesser time managing individual performance and developing employees than midlevel managers or executives do.
B. Midlevel managers or executives are not involved in planning and allocating resources, coordinating interdependent groups, and managing change.
C. The roles that managers have in a company do not influence the focus of training development, and learning activity.
D. Regardless of their level in a company, all managers are expected to serve as spokespersons to other work units, managers, and vendors.
Answer» D. Regardless of their level in a company, all managers are expected to serve as spokespersons to other work units, managers, and vendors.

__________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

A. Training
B. Development
C. Education
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Development

How does training and development offer competitive advantage to an organisation?

A. Removing performance decencies
B. Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
C. Individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Removing performance decencies

Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

A. Improves morale
B. Helps people identify with organisational goals
C. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co – ordination
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Helps people identify with organisational goals

Choose which of the following is a benefit to the individual while receiving training?

A. Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication
B. Aids in increasing productivity and/ or quality of work
C. Satisfies a personal needs of the trainer
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Satisfies a personal needs of the trainer

Which of this is a step in training process?

A. KSA deficiency
B. Provide proper feedback
C. Obstacles in the system
D. Use of evaluation models
Answer» D. Use of evaluation models

Which of the following is a method used in group or organisational training needs assessment?

A. Consideration of current and projected changes
B. Rating scales
C. Interviews
D. Questionnaires
Answer» A. Consideration of current and projected changes

_________ seeks to examine the goals of the organisation and the trends that are likely to affect these goals.

A. Organisational Support
B. Organisational analysis
C. Person analysis
D. Key skill abilities analysis
Answer» B. Organisational analysis

Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?

A. Assessment makes training department more accountable
B. Higher training costs
C. Loss of business
D. Increased overtime working
Answer» A. Assessment makes training department more accountable

Which of these is an off - the - job training method?

A. Television
B. Job rotation
C. Orientation training
D. Coaching
Answer» A. Television

In his contribution to understanding learning and learning outcomes, Gagne produced six types of learning related to human performance which he called capabilities, but which of the following is correct?

A. All of the below
B. Motor Skills
C. Basic learning
D. Cognitive strategies
Answer» A. All of the below

There is no one theory of learning that can be applied to any training programme. The social learning theory has been used successfully in many settings and can be broken down into component parts involving observation, practise, and feedback. Bandura found that various factors also enhanced training such as:

A. all of the below.
B. models being the same race and gender as the trainee.
C. high status models.
D. models perceived to be friendly and helpful.
Answer» A. all of the below.

Anderson's theory of skill development distinguishes between declarative and procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge refers to knowing how to do something, but what is declarative knowledge?

A. Factual knowledge about a task
B. Automatic task processing
C. Muscle memory
D. Associative knowledge of the task
Answer» A. Factual knowledge about a task

One of the major changes in recent years has been the advance of technology and this is evident in training. A CIPD (2008) survey reported nearly 60% of surveyed organisations were already using e-learning which could be described as learning supported by the use of computing technology. The survey also found:

A. it cannot usefully be blended with other training methods.
B. it is not as effective as traditional training methods.
C. it is most often used to complement other forms of learning and development.
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. it is most often used to complement other forms of learning and development.

Transfer of learning to the workplace needs to be made for the training programme to have been successful. Which of the following can hinder this process?

A. All of the below
B. Lack of managerial support
C. Ridicule from colleagues
D. Low self-efficacy
Answer» A. All of the below

Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

A. Improves morale
B. Helps people identify with organisational goals
C. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Helps people identify with organisational goals
Chapter: Unit 2

Organisations develop through training and development which bring benefits to Employees as well as the organisations. Which of the following would not be regarded as a common feature that would result from training in today's modern workplace?

A. Same job for life
B. Be able to move more easily between jobs and other organisations
C. Improve chances of promotion
D. Develop a range of transferable skills
Answer» A. Same job for life

Training needs analysis can take place at organisational, task, and person levels. At the organisational level, it broadly examines what are the organisation's strategic plans and where is training and development needed to fit into the planning. Organisational training needs generally occur when:

A. There is some kind of barrier hindering the achievement of organisational aims and objectives which is best removed by training.
B. Information technology systems need upgrading.
C. Other competing organisations are conducting extensive training programmes.
D. Government provides additional funding.
Answer» A. There is some kind of barrier hindering the achievement of organisational aims and objectives which is best removed by training.

The first phase of a training programme is a training needs analysis. What does this aim to do?

A. Establish the training resources required
B. Produce selection criteria
C. Identify the training objectives
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Identify the training objectives

In his contribution to understanding learning and learning outcomes, Gagne produced six types of learning related to human performance which he called capabilities, but which of the following is correct?

A. All of the below
B. Cognitive strategies
C. Basic learning
D. Motor Skills
Answer» A. All of the below

There is no one theory of learning that can be applied to any training programme. The social learning theory has been used successfully in many settings and can be broken down into component parts involving observation, practise, and feedback. Bandura found that various factors also enhanced training such as:

A. All of the below.
B. Models being the same race and gender as the trainee.
C. Models perceived to be friendly and helpful.
D. High status models
Answer» A. All of the below.

Anderson's theory of skill development distinguishes between declarative and procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge refers to knowing how to do something, but what is declarative knowledge?

A. Factual knowledge about a task
B. Muscle memory
C. Automatic task processing
D. Associative knowledge of the task
Answer» A. Factual knowledge about a task

Evaluation forms the final stage of the training programme and various models of evaluation have been produced to meet this aspect. Whose model has the four levels of Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, and Results?

A. Kirkpatrick
B. Goldstein
C. Cooper and Robertson
D. Alliger and Janak
Answer» A. Kirkpatrick

When evaluating interventions, organisations often resort to the lowest level of Kirkpatrick’s model and only gather reaction level data. However, reaction level data can be improved by asking trainees:

A. How difficult they found the training.
B. How difficult and useful they found the training.
C. How useful and enjoyable they found the training.
D. How much they enjoyed the training.
Answer» B. How difficult and useful they found the training.

Transfer of learning to the workplace needs to be made for the training programme to have been successful. Which of the following can hinder this process?

A. All of the below
B. Ridicule from colleagues
C. Low self-efficacy
D. Lack of managerial support
Answer» A. All of the below

In an economic downturn, training budgets are likely to be cut and the case for training needs to be strongly made. Recent research by Anderson (2007) has confirmed previous findings that relatively few organisations perform thorough evaluations. Why could this be?

A. A threat of union action
B. Training success is obvious and no detailed assessment is required
C. Managers do not want to be associated with a training programme that could be assessed as a waste of resources
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Managers do not want to be associated with a training programme that could be assessed as a waste of resources

The concept of communities of practice (CoP) has grown in the past decade and can evolve formally or informally using communication and information technology. What is an appropriate description of a CoP?

A. A gathering of experts in a particular field who allow their work to be disseminated over the internet
B. Groups of people who interact regularly on issues important to them and share best practice for their mutual benefit
C. A workplace based group willing to communicate with others using the internet and intranet
D. An individual who is willing to disseminate relevant information to interested parties
Answer» B. Groups of people who interact regularly on issues important to them and share best practice for their mutual benefit

Training needs assessment is usually related to:

A. Organizational performance
B. Individual
C. Both organizational and individual performance
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both organizational and individual performance

____ refers to dynamic and analytical understanding of theories, concepts, principles and issues related to the job of the participants and their application to specific situations in the performance of the job or in the social interactions.

A. Knowledge
B. Skills
C. Competencies
D. Attitude
Answer» A. Knowledge

The social and cultural barrier to TNA can be met by:

A. Building organizational trust and confidence
B. Assistance of external consultants
C. Effective monitoring
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

When the time is less, which techniques are recommended for TNA:

A. Interview
B. Work samples
C. Focus group discussion
D. Test
Answer» C. Focus group discussion

Areas of improvement like knowledge, skills etc. are identified which needs improvement through:

A. Job analysis
B. Performance gap analysis
C. Monitoring
D. Training delivery
Answer» B. Performance gap analysis

Training Needs Analysis is important because it:

A. Determines who should receive training first
B. Enables managers to work out the cost of training
C. Identifies the training objectives
D. Provides a profile of an individual’s training need.
Answer» C. Identifies the training objectives

Which of the following is not included in Gagné’s six types of learning?

A. Basic learning
B. Affective learning
C. Cognitive strategies
D. Motor Skills
Answer» B. Affective learning

According to Kirkpatrick’s model, which of the following is the order in which

A. training evaluation should take place?
B. Reaction, learning, behaviour, results
C. Results, learning, reaction, behaviour
D. Learning, behaviour, results, reaction
Answer» A. training evaluation should take place?

Which of the following should not be included in a training objective?

A. The location of where the behaviour should be exhibited
B. The conditions under which the behaviour is to be exhibited
C. The criterion behaviour
D. The standard of performance of the behavior
Answer» C. The criterion behaviour

Fitts (1962) proposed that skill development occurs in which of the following orders?

A. Affective, cognitive, associative, autonomous
B. Associative, cognitive, autonomous
C. Cognitive, affective, associative, autonomous
D. Cognitive, associative, autonomous
Answer» C. Cognitive, affective, associative, autonomous

Declarative knowledge refers to:

A. The ability to explain how to perform a task
B. Knowing what is required in order to perform a task
C. Factual or explicit knowledge
D. Knowing how to do something
Answer» B. Knowing what is required in order to perform a task

Aptitude-Treatment Interaction refers to which of the following?

A. Individuals with higher aptitude learn more quickly
B. Different individuals benefit from different types of training methodology
C. The interaction between an individual’s ability to perform a task and how they are treated by trainers
D. The relationship between trainers’ personality and trainee satisfaction
Answer» B. Different individuals benefit from different types of training methodology

Reaction level data can be improved by asking trainees

A. How much they enjoyed the training
B. How difficult and useful they found the training
C. How useful and enjoyable they found the training
D. How difficult they found the training
Answer» A. How much they enjoyed the training

Which of the following factors did Baldwin and Ford (1988) not identify as

A. Important in the transfer of learning to the workplace?
B. Financial support (resources, funds for training)
C. Work environment (support and opportunities to use)
D. Trainee characteristics (ability, personality and motivation)
Answer» A. Important in the transfer of learning to the workplace?

What are the three main groups of learning outcomes according to Kraiger, Ford and Salas (1993)?

A. skill-based, cognitive and affective
B. Skill-based, motivational and affective
C. Affective, motivational and cognitive
D. Motivational, skill-based and cognitive
Answer» C. Affective, motivational and cognitive

Training needs analysis can take place at organizational, task, and person levels. At the Organizational level, it broadly examines what are the organization’s strategic plans and where is training and development needed to fit into the planning. Organizational training needs generally occur when:

A. Government provides additional funding.
B. Information technology systems need upgrading.
C. There is some kind of barrier hindering the achievement of organizational aims and objectives which is best removed by training.
D. Other competing organisations are conducting extensive training programmes.
Answer» A. Government provides additional funding.

The first phase of a training programme is a training needs analysis. What does this aim to do?

A. Identify the training objectives
B. Produce selection criteria
C. Establish the training resources required
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Identify the training objectives

Communicating leadership' is included in

A. personal competencies
B. interpersonal competencies
C. business management
D. Both A and C
Answer» D. Both A and C

The unique characteristics of a learning organization is that the members learn about each other

A. it has the capacity to gather new information and use it for improvement
B. it focuses on selecting new employees who love learning and are highly skilled
C. employees are rewarded for submitting creative suggestions and participating in their implementation
D. none
Answer» B. it focuses on selecting new employees who love learning and are highly skilled

The best reason for presenting a training program is because:

A. it contributes to the organization's goals and objectives
B. it has been highly advertised.
C. Competitors are using the training.
D. Concern about federal agency pressure.
Answer» A. it contributes to the organization's goals and objectives

The systems model of training contains three phases: __________, training and Development, and evaluation.

A. Preparation
B. Assessment
C. Introduction
D. Organizing
Answer» C. Introduction

In assessing training needs, an examination of production efficiency, labor costs, turnover, and accidents would be part of which training needs analysis?

A. Personnel
B. Task
C. operations
D. organizational
Answer» B. Task

The major difference between training and education is that

A. education refers more to acquiring specific skills.
B. education is more closely related to learning a particular job.
C. training provides more general knowledge.
D. training narrows the range of responses while education broadens the range.
Answer» D. training narrows the range of responses while education broadens the range.

As a marketing agent, the CEO of a company is responsible for:

A. Promoting the company’s commitment to learning by advocating it in speeches, annual reports, interviews, and other public relations tools.
B. serving as a role model for learning for the entire company and demonstrating a
C. Willingness to learn constantly.
D. developing new learning programs for the company and providing resources online
Answer» B. serving as a role model for learning for the entire company and demonstrating a

_____ refers to the company’s decisions regarding where to find employees, how to select them, and the desired mix of employee skills and statuses.

A. Concentration strategy
B. Staffing strategy
C. External growth strategy
D. Disinvestment strategy
Answer» A. Concentration strategy
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