870+ Kayachikitsa Solved MCQs


Treatment for mutra vega dharana is___pana?

A. Taila
B. Gritam
C. Both A and B
D. Takra
Answer» B. Gritam

Udarda is ____

A. Abdominal distension
B. Fluid in chest
C. Visha
D. Erythyma
Answer» D. Erythyma

Nidra is due to according to susruta –

A. Sleshma rajo prabhava
B. Tamobhibhuta hridaya
C. Pitta tamo prabhava
D. Satwa vata prabhava
Answer» B. Tamobhibhuta hridaya

Appearance of kharjoora phala varna of oshtas (lips) is a clinical features on

A. Raktaja ostaroga
B. Pittaja ostaroga
C. Medoja ostaroga
D. Sannipataja
Answer» A. Raktaja ostaroga

Chakra taila is suggested for the following by susruta

A. Ajagallika
B. Chipya
C. Vivruta
D. Panasika B
Answer» B. Chipya

The most effective Vajeekarana Is

A. Salmali
B. Ksheera
C. The women whom he likes
D. Amalki
Answer» C. The women whom he likes

Kashyapa told that sphalita mootrtva is a sign of –

A. Inertility
B. Madhu meha
C. Jwara
D. Kamala
Answer» A. Inertility

In Amlapitta, the Katurasa of Pitta transforms into

A. Amla rasa
B. Lavanarasa
C. Tiktarasa
D. Kashayarasa
Answer» A. Amla rasa

Mandajvara, Mandagni, Kaph-pitta lakshanas, Kshina Bala and Atipandu are the signs of

A. Yakritodara
B. Plihodara
C. Jirnajvara
D. Panduroga
Answer» B. Plihodara

Sphik stanodaralambanam is the cardinal symptom of this disease –

A. Jalodara
B. Plihodara
C. Sthaulya
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Sthaulya

Asmari is vyadhi –

A. Ekadoshaja
B. Samsargaja
C. Tridoshaja
D. Agantuja
Answer» A. Ekadoshaja

The sannipataja mutra kricchra is

A. Sukhasadhya
B. Sadhya
C. Kricchra sadhya
D. Asadhya
Answer» D. Asadhya

The main Dushya in Kroshtuka Sirsha Vata is –

A. Mamsa
B. Rakta
C. Pitta
D. Vata
Answer» B. Rakta

“Bahumutatra” is symptom of

A. Aamaj jwara
B. Pravrudha Aamvata
C. Aamvata
D. Both A & B
Answer» D. Both A & B

Takra is used in

A. Vatapitta roga
B. Vatakapha roga
C. Pittakapha roga
D. Kapha roga
Answer» B. Vatakapha roga

Rajyayakshma is symptom of

A. Vataja gulma
B. Pittaja gulma
C. Kaphaja gulma
D. Sannipataja gulma
Answer» C. Kaphaja gulma

Mahatyaya Prameh is

A. Sadhya
B. Dusadhya
C. Asadhya
D. Yapya
Answer» C. Asadhya

Which is not the dushya of kushta

A. Lasika
B. Rasa
C. Rakta
D. Meda
Answer» B. Rasa

Matasyashaklopam is the main feature of which kushta

A. Ekkushta
B. Charmakhya
C. Kitibha
D. Pama
Answer» A. Ekkushta

Dosa in Alasaka roga is

A. Vatapitta roga
B. Vatakapha roga
C. Pittakapha roga
D. Kapha roga
Answer» B. Vatakapha roga

Ardita karana aakriti is the purvaroopa of

A. Unmada
B. Apasmara
C. Pakshaghata
D. All
Answer» A. Unmada

Prakruti of jwara is

A. Sharira santaap
B. Mann santaap
C. Shareer & mann santaap
D. Ansaparshabhitaap
Answer» C. Shareer & mann santaap

Treatment of shareergata Aam is

A. Langhana
B. Pachana
C. Both
D. Dhosavshechan
Answer» C. Both

The disease classical haemophilia is caused by the deficiency of

A. Fibrinogen
B. Factor 10
C. Factor 8
D. Factor 7
Answer» C. Factor 8

Nidanarthakara Roga of Shosha is

A. Kasa
B. Jwara Raktapitta
C. Pratishyaya Kasa Kshaya
D. Both b and c
Answer» D. Both b and c

In Udara roga, milk of which animal is used for virechana purpose so as to cure the disease?

A. Ashwa Kshira
B. Mahisha Kshira
C. Ushtra Kshira
D. Hasti Kshira
Answer» C. Ushtra Kshira

In the coining of the term Kansaharitaki kansa denotes,

A. A person
B. A drug
C. A Measurement
D. A Metal
Answer» C. A Measurement

How many types of Bhallatak prayog is mentioned in Rasayana adhyaya?

A. 8
B. 10
C. 6
D. 4
Answer» B. 10

Which of the lakshana is not found in Dhwansaka,

A. Sleshma Praseka
B. Atinidra
C. Tandra
D. Hridroga
Answer» D. Hridroga

Udumbaradi Pradeha is mentioned as bahya parimarjan chikitsa in which of the following diseases?

A. Kushta
B. Prameha pidika
C. Visarpa
D. Vata Vyadhi
Answer» C. Visarpa

Which among the following shilajatu is considered to be as shreshta in guna?

A. Tamra Shilajatu
B. Loha Shilajatu
C. Swarna Shilajatu
D. Rajat Shilajatu
Answer» B. Loha Shilajatu

Mishraka Sneha is administered in a patient with Gulma as a part of treatment as,

A. Vaman
B. Virechan
C. Swedana
D. Basti
Answer» B. Virechan

Shatpaka madhuk taila when administered as paana,abhyanga,nasya,basti cures which among the following,

A. Raktapitta
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Vatarakta
D. Gulma
Answer» C. Vatarakta

Vishailik jantu has connections with dosha, vrishchika’s visha is

A. Vata Pradhan
B. Pitta Pradhan
C. Kapha Pradhan
D. Vata Pitta Pradhan
Answer» A. Vata Pradhan

Valmikmritrika is used for external application in which of the following disease

A. Shwitra
B. PittajaVrana
C. Urustambha
D. Arsha
Answer» C. Urustambha

According to charaka Changeri Ghrita indicated in

A. Pandu
B. Gudabhramsha
C. Atisara
D. Arsh
Answer» B. Gudabhramsha

Rasna Ghrita explained in Charaka Chikitsa Sthana Adhyaya

A. Yonivyapad
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Vatarakta
D. Kasa
Answer» D. Kasa

Which vyadhi is one in number

A. Gridhrasi
B. Ama
C. Pandu
D. Sanyasa
Answer» D. Sanyasa

In which vyadhi if Rugna shows Hrutparshvashoola,Sammoha,Chardi,Angaruja and Trishna leads to death?

A. Kasa
B. Raktapitta
C. Arsha
D. Kshaya
Answer» C. Arsha

“Ksheedma Darshana” is the lakshana of

A. Vatika Kasa
B. Kumbhakamala
C. Kshayaja Kasa
D. Kshataja Kasa
Answer» C. Kshayaja Kasa

Hridya, Kloma ,Kantha and Talu ashrita hikka

A. Annaja Hikka
B. Yamala Hikka
C. Vyapeta Hikka
D. Kshudra Hikka
Answer» D. Kshudra Hikka

In Padaharsha which dosha is present

A. Vatakapha
B. Vatapitta
C. Kaphapitta
D. Tridosha
Answer» A. Vatakapha

According to Sushruta Dhanvantara Ghrita Rogadhikara is

A. VranaShotha
B. Madhumeha
C. Pramehapidaka
D. Vatavyadhi
Answer» C. Pramehapidaka

According to Charaka ‘VinmootraRetasam Atiprvritti’ is the lakshana of

A. Samanavritta Vyana vayu
B. Vyanavritta Apana vayu
C. Apanavritta Vyana Vayu
D. Vayanavritta Vyana Vayu
Answer» C. Apanavritta Vyana Vayu

‘Kara Pada Daha’ is the rupa of

A. Prameha
B. Raktapitta
C. Kushtha
D. Medoroga
Answer» A. Prameha

In Asthimajja Gata Jwara charaka advocated.......

A. Langhana
B. Guduchi Ghrita
C. Basti
D. Anandabhairava Rasa
Answer» C. Basti

Extreme painful Gridhrasi is called as

A. Dandaka
B. Baheerayama
C. Khalli
D. Prishthagriha
Answer» C. Khalli

According to Charaka Smahita Mahagada Is

A. Udara
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Atatvabhinivesha
D. A,B,C
Answer» D. A,B,C

Tmahapravesh is the lakshana of

A. Apasmara
B. Unmada
C. A and B
D. Mada
Answer» A. Apasmara

Saswedhaha Samgnya Pratiblabhyamanam is related to

A. Vataja Apasmara
B. Pittaja Apasmara
C. A and B
D. Sannipatika Apasmara
Answer» B. Pittaja Apasmara

Oesophageal varicosity is found in -

A. Cirrhosis of liver
B. Hepatitis
C. Jaundice
D. Pancreatitis
Answer» A. Cirrhosis of liver

Permanent dilation of bronchioles is called -

A. Bronchiectesis
B. Bronchitis
C. Pleural effusion
D. None
Answer» A. Bronchiectesis

Sarva Doshaabhivriddhi leads to which type of Kushtha

A. Sidhma
B. Pundarika
C. Rushyajiva
D. Kakanakam
Answer» D. Kakanakam

Commonest cause of acute peritonitis is -

A. Intestinal perforation
B. Appendicitis
C. Pancreatitis
D. Ascites
Answer» A. Intestinal perforation

GB Syndrome or Guillain Barre Syndrome is a disease of -

A. Central nervous system
B. Peripheral nervous system
C. Both
D. ) None
Answer» B. Peripheral nervous system

Which disease was historically known as "rich man's disease". –

A. Appendicitis
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Gout
Answer» D. Gout

What will be the expected cause of bleeding per rectum during the 3 or 4 decay of life -

A. Upper membrain rupture
B. Lower membrain rupture
C. Both
D. None
Answer» A. Upper membrain rupture

"Pratimargatah Chikitsa" given in which Budhi

A. Jwara
B. Udararoga
C. Kushtha
D. Raktapitta
Answer» D. Raktapitta

भुक्तेऽन्नेलभतेशानन्तिंजीर्णमात्रेप्रताम्यतत is the lakshana of which Vyadhi

A. Shoola
B. Amlapitta
C. Dhatuksaya
D. Atyagni
Answer» D. Atyagni

तनद्रानाशः शशरसो भ्रमस्तथा शुष्कविरसमुखता च स्रोतोऽिरोध इतत च स्यानललङ्गिं is lakshana of

A. Vataja Kasa
B. VatajaTrishna
C. Pittaja Trishna
D. None of the above
Answer» B. VatajaTrishna

Lesion in the Basal ganglion my leads to -

A. Parkinsonism
B. Paralysis
C. Alzheimer's disease
D. None
Answer» A. Parkinsonism

Duration of 1st Heart sound is -

A. 0.9 - 0.14 sec.
B. 0.9 - 0.16 sec.
C. 0.9 - 0.18 sec.
D. 0.8 - 0.15 sec.
Answer» B. 0.9 - 0.16 sec.

Willson's disease is related with -

A. Hg
B. Pb
C. Cu
D. As
Answer» C. Cu

Which type of gangrene is found in Diabetes -

A. Dry
B. Wet
C. Gas
D. None
Answer» A. Dry

Which of the following disease having symptom like scorpion bite pain ?

A. Vatarakta
B. Aamvata
C. Sandhivata
D. kroshtukshirsha
Answer» B. Aamvata

" Kandekshurasa sankasham mutratyaga" it is the lakshana of which disease ?

A. Udakameha
B. Ekshubalikarasameha
C. Shitameha
D. Madhumeha
Answer» B. Ekshubalikarasameha

Kha vaigunya is essential in..?

A. Srotodushti Doshadushya
B. Sthanasamshraya
C. sammurchana
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following kushtha having vata pradhanata ?

A. Kapala Kushtha
B. Parisarpa Kushtha
C. Vicharchika
D. A and B
Answer» C. Vicharchika

Which of the following is not among shadrupa of Rajyakshma ?

A. Kasa
B. Raktapitta
C. Jwara
D. Aruchi
Answer» B. Raktapitta

Contraindicated in vatika chardi ?

A. Langhana Or Sthambana
B. Sthambana Or Vamana
C. Langhana Or Shoshana
D. Vamana & Upavasa
Answer» C. Langhana Or Shoshana

"Doshavege ch vigate suptavata pratibaddhate " describes the ...?

A. Unmada
B. Apasmara
C. Madatyaya
D. All the above
Answer» B. Apasmara

Panchagavya ghrita not used in ?

A. Kamala
B. Apasmara
C. Jwara
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following is having " dwishtarth samyogaja " bheda ?

A. Prameha
B. Krimi
C. Chardi
D. Kushtha
Answer» C. Chardi

Why Vatik prameha is asadhya ?

A. Dosha Dushya Are Samakriya
B. Dosha Dushya Vishamkriya
C. Mahatyayika
D. All The Above
Answer» C. Mahatyayika

Who described takraprameha , ghritaprameha, khatikaprameha ?

A. Charaka
B. Sushruta
C. Bhela
D. Harita
Answer» D. Harita

According to sushruta types of Visravana are ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

In the visravana of dushta rakta jalauka is used in which dosha pradhanata?

A. Vata
B. Pitta
C. Kapha
D. Sannipataja
Answer» B. Pitta

Which vyadhis are having aashraya?

A. Prameha
B. Raktapitta
C. Kushtha
D. Gulma
Answer» D. Gulma

According to charaka in sannipataja atisara which is treated first ?

A. Vata
B. Pitta
C. Kapha
D. None Of The Above
Answer» A. Vata

In Unmada which of the following is not having vibhramsha?

A. Bhakti
B. Cheshta
C. Aachara
D. Moha
Answer» D. Moha

According to sushruta types of vidradhi are ?

A. 6
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 6

After how many days nasya should be done in kushtha ?

A. 15-15 days
B. 1-1 month
C. 6-6 month
D. 3-3 daysD
Answer» D. 3-3 daysD

Which of the following disease is having haridra like mCutratyaga ?

A. Pandu
B. Kamala
C. Haridrameha
D. Mutraukasada
Answer» C. Haridrameha

Which of the following is having type vitvighata ?

A. Mutrakricchra
B. Ashmari
C. Mutraghata
D. Bastiroga
Answer» D. Bastiroga

Akantika chikitsa is contraindicated in ?

A. Kshatakshina
B. Shwasa
C. Trishna
D. Visarpa
Answer» B. Shwasa

Which chikitsa should be done in shokaja or bhayaja atisara ?

A. Vatahara
B. Pittahara
C. Kaphahara
D. Tridoshahara
Answer» A. Vatahara

Which is correct regarding vatarakta ?

A. Vata& Rakta Both Prakupita
B. Vata & Rakta Both Dushita
C. Vata Prakupita Or Rakta Dushita
D. Vata Dushita Or Rakta Prakupita
Answer» C. Vata Prakupita Or Rakta Dushita

Saswedhaha Pratibhudhyate is related to

A. Vataja Apasmara
B. Pittaja Apasmara
C. A and B
D. Sannipatika Apasmara
Answer» B. Pittaja Apasmara

In Pittaj Shilipad which is the sthan of Sira vedhan

A. Paad
B. Manibandha
C. Hasta
D. Gulfa
Answer» D. Gulfa

Kaashthibhuta Mraopamam is the lakshana of

A. Mada
B. Murcha
C. Apasmara
D. Sanyasa
Answer» D. Sanyasa

The symptoms of Sannipataja Murcha are almost equal to Sannipataja Apasmara, except

A. Chirat Pratibudyate
B. Saswedhaha Pratibhidyate
C. A and B
D. Bibhatsa Chesta
Answer» D. Bibhatsa Chesta

In Apasmara ,Unmada the Snehana Matra should ........according Sushruta

A. Ardhadivase Jiryate
B. Ahani Pari Jiryate
C. Ahoratraat Pari Jiryate
D. Ahani Chaturbhaje Jiryate
Answer» B. Ahani Pari Jiryate

Atripti is seen in ..........Maharoga as described by Charaka

A. Vataja
B. Pittaja
C. Kaphaja
D. Vatapittaja
Answer» D. Vatapittaja

Vit.K is used in

A. Bleeding Disorder
B. Liver Disorder
C. Hypokalemia
D. A and B
Answer» B. Liver Disorder

Virasa Is the lakshana of

A. Vataja Arochaka
B. Pittaka Arochaka
C. Kaphaja Arochaka
D. Agantuka Arochaka
Answer» B. Pittaka Arochaka

Jatrumulat Pradhavita is Lakshana of ........type of Hikka according to Sushruta

A. Yamala Hikka
B. Kshudra Hikka
C. Gambhira Hikka
D. Maha Hikka
Answer» B. Kshudra Hikka

Shotho Gandakshi Kutagaha is the lakshana of

A. Vidagdha Ajeerna
B. Vishtabhda Ajeerna
C. Vilambika
D. Amajeerna
Answer» D. Amajeerna

In Madatyaya “Dwamsaka” is due to .........according to Charaka Samhita

A. Vataprakopa
B. Pittaprakopa
C. Kaphaprakopa
D. Vatapittaprakopa
Answer» D. Vatapittaprakopa

Dosha in Padadaha according to Sushruta is

A. Pitta
B. Vata
C. Vatapitta
D. Vata Pitta Shonita
Answer» D. Vata Pitta Shonita

In the treatment of Vaatarakta, Charaka advises .......Ghrita

A. Shravanyaadi
B. Paarushaka
C. Jeevaneeya
D. A,B And C
Answer» D. A,B And C
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