670+ Prasutitantra and Striroga Solved MCQs


Balyavastha lasts for …….

A. 18 years
B. 16 years
C. 14 yaers
D. 9 years
Answer» B. 16 years

According to Charaka & Vagbhata age limit of maQyamaavasqaa

A. Up to 50 years
B. Up to 55 years
C. Up to 60 years
D. Up to 70 years
Answer» C. Up to 60 years

According Harita Yuvavastha remains up to…….

A. 25
B. 16
C. 30
D. 18
Answer» A. 25

Harita classified the age of female as baalaa up to…….

A. 8 years
B. 6 years
C. 5 years
D. 11 years
Answer» C. 5 years

According to Sushruta injury should be avoided to how many mama-during surgery?

A. Six
B. Eight
C. Two
D. Three
Answer» B. Eight

How many peshi are extra in women?

A. 10
B. 05
C. 20
D. 30
Answer» C. 20

How many peshi are present in apatyapatha ?

A. 10
B. 02
C. 05
D. 04
Answer» D. 04

The vulva includes

A. mons veneris, labia majora
B. labia minora, clitori*s,
C. vestibule and conventionally the perineum
D. mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitori*s, vestibule and conventionally the perineum
Answer» D. mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitori*s, vestibule and conventionally the perineum

Labia minora are

A. triangular space bounded anteriorly by the clitori*s,
B. small cylindrical erectile body, measuring about 2.5 cm
C. two thick folds of skin, devoid of fat, on either side just within the labia majora
D. the pad of subcutaneous adipose connective tissue
Answer» C. two thick folds of skin, devoid of fat, on either side just within the labia majora

The Bartholin’s glands are situated

A. in the posterior end of the vestibule
B. in the superficial perineal pouch, close to the posterior end of the vestibular bulb.
C. in the midline, just in front of the vaginal orifice
D. on either side just within the labia majora.
Answer» B. in the superficial perineal pouch, close to the posterior end of the vestibular bulb.

clitori*s is an analogue

A. To the testis in the male
B. To the urethra in the male
C. To the scrotum in the male
D. to the pen*s in the male,
Answer» D. to the pen*s in the male,

The internal genital organs in female include

A. v*gina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries
B. v*gina, uterus,
C. fallopian tubes, and the ovaries
D. uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries
Answer» A. v*gina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries

The v*gina is

A. a fibromusculomembranous sheath
B. a fibromusculomembranous sheath communicating the uterine cavity
C. a fibromusculomembranous sheath communicating with the exterior at the vulva
D. a fibromusculomembranous sheath communicating the uterine cavity with the exterior at the vulva
Answer» D. a fibromusculomembranous sheath communicating the uterine cavity with the exterior at the vulva

The fornices are

A. the clefts formed at the top of ovary
B. the clefts formed at the top of uterus
C. the clefts formed at the top of v*gina (vault) due to the projection of the uterine cervix through the anterior vaginal wall, where it is blended inseparably with its wall.
D. the clefts formed at the top of fallopian tube
Answer» C. the clefts formed at the top of v*gina (vault) due to the projection of the uterine cervix through the anterior vaginal wall, where it is blended inseparably with its wall.

What is the pH of v*gina during reproductive period?

A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. > 7
D. 4-5
Answer» D. 4-5

The normal position of the uterus is one of the

A. anteversion
B. anteversion and anteflexion.
C. anteflexion
D. retroversion
Answer» B. anteversion and anteflexion.

Layers of the uterus wall are

A. Perimetrium
B. Endometrium , myometrium
C. Perimetrium , endometrium , myometrium
D. Myometrium , perimetrium
Answer» C. Perimetrium , endometrium , myometrium

Female urethra measures about

A. 4 cm and has a diameter of about 3 mm.
B. 4 cm and has a diameter of about 5 mm.
C. 3 cm and has a diameter of about 6 mm.
D. 4 cm and has a diameter of about 6 mm.
Answer» D. 4 cm and has a diameter of about 6 mm.

Pelvic ureter measures about

A. 13 cm in length and has a diameter of 5 mm.
B. 10 cm in length and has a diameter of 5 mm.
C. 15 cm in length and has a diameter of 2 mm.
D. 13 cm in length and has a diameter of 2 mm.
Answer» A. 13 cm in length and has a diameter of 5 mm.

Pelvic floor consists of three sets of muscles on either side ( levator ani )

A. pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus
B. iliococcygeus and ischiococcygeus
C. pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and ischiococcygeus
D. Pubococcygeus
Answer» C. pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and ischiococcygeus

The obstetrical perineum is

A. The pyramidal-shaped tissue where the pelvic floor and the perineal muscles and fascia meet in between the vaginal and the anal canal
B. the pelvic floor
C. The pyramidal-shaped tissue of the perineal muscles
D. The vaginal and the anal canal
Answer» A. The pyramidal-shaped tissue where the pelvic floor and the perineal muscles and fascia meet in between the vaginal and the anal canal

Morphological changes during puberty are (according to Tanner and Marshall)

A. growth in height, and menstruation.
B. breast, pubic and axillary hair growth,
C. breast, pubic and axillary hair growth, and menstruation.
D. breast, pubic and axillary hair growth, growth in height, and menstruation.
Answer» D. breast, pubic and axillary hair growth, growth in height, and menstruation.

The age of rjaaodSa-na according to Sushrutacahrya

A. 12
B. 14
C. 10
D. 16
Answer» A. 12

What is the amount of Raja according to Ashtangasangraha

A. 4 anjali
B. 6 anjali
C. 3 anjali
D. 1 anjali
Answer» A. 4 anjali

What is the duration of Rutukala according to Sushruta

A. 16 days
B. 12 days
C. 14 days
D. 21 days
Answer» B. 12 days

Anterior colporrhaphy is done to correct

A. Cystocele
B. Urethrocele
C. Cystocele & Urethrocele
D. Rectocele
Answer» C. Cystocele & Urethrocele

Kegel exercise is an attempt to

A. Strengthen body muscle
B. Strengthen hand muscle
C. Strengthen pelvic muscle
D. Strengthen uterine muscle
Answer» C. Strengthen pelvic muscle

In third degree prolapse

A. The uterine cervix descends to lie outside the introitus.
B. The uterine cervix and body descends to lie outside the introitus.
C. The rectum descends to lie outside.
D. No descends of pelvic organ
Answer» B. The uterine cervix and body descends to lie outside the introitus.

Sevani is ..............in stree.

A. Marma
B. Peshi
C. Asthi
D. Sandhi
Answer» A. Marma

According to Sharagdhar, Raj is the updhatu of ................

A. Rakta
B. Mansa
C. Shukra
D. Rasa
Answer» A. Rakta

According to Sushrut ‘Raj’ is the updhatu of ............... dhatu

A. Rakta
B. Mansa
C. Rasa
D. Shukra
Answer» C. Rasa

The uterine artery is the branch of .....................

A. Internal iliac artery
B. Aorta
C. External iliac artery
D. Iliac
Answer» A. Internal iliac artery

Meckendrot's ligament is also known as the.

A. Cardinal ligament
B. Pubocervical AvAf ligament
C. Vasico cervical ligament
D. Uterosacral ligament
Answer» A. Cardinal ligament

Proliferative phase is under influence of .......................harmone.

A. L.H
B. Progesteron
C. F.S.H
D. Oesrogen
Answer» D. Oesrogen

The cavity diameter of normal pelvic measures…….cm.

A. 13 cm
B. 11 cm
C. 11.5 cm
D. 12 cm
Answer» D. 12 cm

The widest &longest portion of the fallopian tube is ......................

A. Ampulla
B. Interstitial
C. Infundabullum
D. Isthums
Answer» A. Ampulla

The measurements of ovary is ......................

A. 4*3*1 cm
B. 3*2 *1cm
C. 5*4*2cm
D. 2*1.5*1cm
Answer» B. 3*2 *1cm

navarja is get accumulated in the phase of.........

A. Rutuvyatitkal
B. Rajkal
C. Rutukal
D. Garbhakala
Answer» C. Rutukal

..........dosha is responsible for the discharge of menstruation according to Ashtangsangraha.

A. Kapha
B. Pitta
C. Vata
D. Rakta
Answer» B. Pitta

Rutukal is the .................dominant phase.

A. Kaphadosha
B. Vatadosha
C. Raktadosha
D. Pittadosha
Answer» A. Kaphadosha

In a twenty-eight days cycle ovulation usually occurs on the :

A. 12th day
B. 14th day
C. 11th day
D. 15th day
Answer» B. 14th day

The chief source of progesterone is:

A. Corpus luteum
B. Granulosa cells
C. Renal cortex
D. Theca cells
Answer» A. Corpus luteum

Basal body temperature increase in the ...................... phase.

A. Follicular
B. Proliferative
C. Secretory
D. Ovulatory
Answer» C. Secretory

What is the long form of D and C

A. Dilatation and cutting
B. Dilatation and curttage
C. Dilation and crush
D. Dilatation and Culture.
Answer» B. Dilatation and curttage

What are the types of D & C?

A. Diagnostic
B. Therapeutic
C. Diagnostic, Therapeutic & combined
D. Combined
Answer» C. Diagnostic, Therapeutic & combined

Only cervical dilatation is done in

A. Pyometra
B. Abdominal pain
C. Vaginal stenosis
D. Bartholin cyst
Answer» A. Pyometra

Uterine perforation is the complication

A. Anterior calporrhaphy
B. D & C
C. Cervical encirclage
D. Genital prolapse repair
Answer» B. D & C

Diagnostic D & C is done in

A. Infertility
C. Endometrial polyp
D. Infertility & DUB
Answer» D. Infertility & DUB

Lithotomy position is required in

A. D & C
B. Abdominal Hysterectomy
C. Abdominal tubectomy
D. Cu T insertion & D & C
Answer» D. Cu T insertion & D & C

Cervical incompetence is a

A. Immediate complication
B. Remote complication
C. Emergency complication
D. Both A & B
Answer» B. Remote complication

Uterine sound is introduced before D & C

A. To confirm position of uterus
B. To note the length of uterocervical canal
C. To note the vaginal length
D. To note both A & B
Answer» D. To note both A & B

Injury to the lip of cervix during D & C is due to

A. Vulsellum
B. Sim's speculum
C. Uterine sound
D. Cusco's speculum
Answer» A. Vulsellum

To confirm the attempt of perforation during D & C

A. Try to find out perforation by sound
B. Try to find out perforation by dilators
C. Watch BP, Pulse
D. Watch BP , Pulse & vaginal bleeding
Answer» D. Watch BP , Pulse & vaginal bleeding

Cervical cauterization is done in

A. Cervical carcinoma
B. Cervical bleeding
C. Cervical discharge
D. Cervical prolapse
Answer» C. Cervical discharge

Destruction of eroded area of cervix is called as

A. Cervical dilatation
B. Cervical evacuation
C. Cervical cauterization
D. Cervical biopsy
Answer» C. Cervical cauterization

In cervical cauterization linear radical strokes should be of

A. 2 mm deep at distance of 1 cm
B. 5 mm deep at distance of 1 cm
C. 2 mm deep at distance of 3 cm
D. 3 mm deep at distance of 3 cm
Answer» A. 2 mm deep at distance of 1 cm

Complete epitheliasation of cervix takes

A. 8-10 weeks
B. 1-2 weeks
C. 3-4 weeks
D. 6-8 weeks
Answer» D. 6-8 weeks

Superficial cauterization can be done

A. Under local anesthesia
B. Without anesthesia
C. Under general anesthesia
D. Under spinal anesthesia
Answer» B. Without anesthesia

For cervical cauterization dilatation of cervical canal is done by

A. 1 or 2 small dilators
B. 5 or 6 dilators
C. 3 or 4 small dilators
D. 6 or 7 small dilators
Answer» A. 1 or 2 small dilators

The term precocious puberty is reserved for girls

A. who exhibit any secondary sex characteristics before the age of 8 or menstruate before the age of 7.
B. who exhibit any secondary sex characteristics before the age of 6 or menstruate before the age of 10.
C. who exhibit any secondary sex characteristics before the age of 6 or menstruate before the age of 8.
D. who exhibit any secondary sex characteristics before the age of 8 or menstruate before the age of 10.
Answer» D. who exhibit any secondary sex characteristics before the age of 8 or menstruate before the age of 10.

The levels of gonadal steroids and gonadotropins are

A. low until the age of 3–4 years.
B. low until the age of 6–8 years.
C. low until the age of 4–5 years.
D. low until the age of 1–2 years.
Answer» B. low until the age of 6–8 years.

The onset of first menstruation in life is called

A. menopause
B. Climatic
C. menarche.
D. Menorrhagea
Answer» C. menarche.

Menarche may occur anywhere years

A. between 9 and 12 years, the peak time being 13
B. between 10 and 16 years, the peak time being 13
C. between 10 and 16 years, the peak time being 9
D. between 10 and 12 years, the peak time being 13
Answer» B. between 10 and 16 years, the peak time being 13

The uterine body and the cervix ratio is ............ when menarche occurs.

A. 2:3
B. 1 : 2
C. 1 : 1
D. 2 : 2
Answer» C. 1 : 1

Surgical management of prolapse is required if prolapse is

A. Symptomatic
B. Non symptomatic
C. First degree
D. Non of the above
Answer» A. Symptomatic

Perinorrhaphy is

A. Repair of prolapse of anterior vaginal wall
B. Repair of prolapse of posterior perineum
C. Repair of prolapse of posterior vaginal wall
D. Repair of prolapse of urethra
Answer» C. Repair of prolapse of posterior vaginal wall

Enterocele is repaired

A. Transvaginally & abdominally
B. Abdominally
C. Per rectal
D. Laproscopically
Answer» A. Transvaginally & abdominally

Fothergill's operation is done for

A. Urethral repair
B. Uterine descend associated with cystocele and rectocele where preservation of uterus is desirable.
C. Pelvic floor repair
D. Pile repair
Answer» B. Uterine descend associated with cystocele and rectocele where preservation of uterus is desirable.

Vault prolapse occurs

A. Post caeserian
B. Post hystrotomy
C. Post tubectomy
D. Post hysterectomy
Answer» D. Post hysterectomy

The length of fallopian tube is

A. 5cm
B. 10 cm
C. 6cm
D. 8 cm
Answer» B. 10 cm

Cervix is

A. 2.5cm
B. 4 cm
C. 1.5 cm
D. 5 cm
Answer» A. 2.5cm

Endometrium is

A. Outer most layer
B. Middle layer
C. Inner most layer
D. Uppermost layer
Answer» C. Inner most layer

Cervix is insensitive to

A. Touch
B. Heat
C. Touch, heat, grasp
D. Catch
Answer» C. Touch, heat, grasp

Female urethra measures about

A. 2 cm & has diameter of about 6mm
B. 4 cm & has diameter of about 6mm
C. 4 cm & has diameter of about 10 mm
D. 1 cm & has diameter of about 2 mm
Answer» B. 4 cm & has diameter of about 6mm

maaisa maaisa rja: s~aINaaM rsajaM s~avaita ~yahM is quotation from

A. Ashtang hrudaya
B. Charak samhita
C. Vagbhat samhita
D. Kashyapa samhita
Answer» A. Ashtang hrudaya

Travarta yoni has

A. Three avarta
B. Three and half avarta
C. Two avarta
D. one avarta
Answer» A. Three avarta

Obstetric conjugate is

A. 6 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 14 cm
Answer» B. 10 cm

Obstetrical outlet is

A. cannot be precisely measured as the points lie over the soft tissues covering the sacrosciatic notches and obturator foramina.
B. measures from the midpoint on the posterior surface of the symphysis pubis to the junction of second and third sacral vertebrae
C. is a mid-perpendicular line drawn to the plane of the inlet
D. the segment of the pelvis bounded above by the plane of least pelvic dimensions and below by the anatomical outlet
Answer» D. the segment of the pelvis bounded above by the plane of least pelvic dimensions and below by the anatomical outlet

Harita says

A. Female also discharge shukra during coitus
B. Female also discharge shukra during menses
C. Female also discharge shukra during rutukala
D. Female also discharge shukra during rutavyatit kala
Answer» A. Female also discharge shukra during coitus

How many peshi are present at shukra pravesh ?

A. 4
B. 1
C. 3
D. 10
Answer» C. 3

According to Charakacharya , Madhyamavastha remains upto

A. 60 years
B. 50 years
C. 55 years
D. 70 years
Answer» A. 60 years

Yauvana remains upto 30 years as quoted by

A. Sushruta
B. Vagbhat & Sushruta
C. Kashyapa
D. Charaka
Answer» B. Vagbhat & Sushruta

Anatomical pelvic axis is formed by

A. joining the axes of inlet & cavity
B. joining the axes of inlet, cavity and outlet.
C. joining the axes of inlet and outlet.
D. joining the axes of cavity and outlet.
Answer» B. joining the axes of inlet, cavity and outlet.

Obstetrical pelvic axis is

A. The axis through which the fetus negotiates the pelvis.
B. Uniformly curved
C. The axis through which the fetus negotiates the pelvis & not uniformly curv
Answer» C. The axis through which the fetus negotiates the pelvis & not uniformly curv

Puberty is said to be delayed

A. when the menarche appears as late as 16 years
B. when the breast tissue and/or pubic hair have not appeared by 13–14 years
C. when the menarche appears as late as 20 years
D. when the breast tissue and/or pubic hair have not appeared by 13–14 years or menarche appears as late as 16 years
Answer» D. when the breast tissue and/or pubic hair have not appeared by 13–14 years or menarche appears as late as 16 years

Midpelvis is the segment of the pelvis

A. bounded above by the plane of greatest pelvic dimensions and below by a plane known as midpelvic plane.
B. bounded by he brim of the pelvis, the circumference of the inlet
C. forms the canal through which the fetus has to pass
D. formed by the iliac portions of the innominate bones and is limited above by the iliac crests
Answer» A. bounded above by the plane of greatest pelvic dimensions and below by a plane known as midpelvic plane.

How many stanya vaha dhamani present in Women?

A. 6
B. 8
C. 2
D. 10
Answer» C. 2

How many Marmas are present in breasts?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 10
D. 8
Answer» A. 4

Injury to Phalastrotas causes

A. Anaata-va
B. Anaata-va vaMQyatva
C. vaMQyatva
D. Vaodnaa
Answer» B. Anaata-va vaMQyatva

The menstrual cycle is regulated by

A. luteinizing hormone, folliclestimulating hormone, estrogen and progesterone.
B. luteinizing hormone, folliclestimulating hormone
C. luteinizing hormone, estrogen and progesterone.
D. estrogen and progesterone.
Answer» A. luteinizing hormone, folliclestimulating hormone, estrogen and progesterone.

Rajakala is dominated by

A. Vata
B. Kapha
C. Rakta
D. Pitta
Answer» A. Vata

Sushruta says , Injury to Basti & Guda Marma leads to

A. Painful micturation
B. Death
C. Painful defecation
D. Painful bleeding
Answer» B. Death

Shukra Aartvasanyog occurs in --------kal

A. Rutu
B. Rutuvyatit
C. c)Raj
D. Rajnivruti
Answer» A. Rutu

New raja is accumulated in garbhashaya in-----------kala.

A. Prathama Rajopravritti
B. Rutukala
C. Raja kala
D. Rutuvyatitkala
Answer» B. Rutukala

Garbha formation take place at------- .

A. Garbhashaymukha
B. Prathamavarta
C. Dimbgranthi
D. Kukshi
Answer» D. Kukshi

Shaddhatvatmakgarbha means union of chetana&--------.

A. Panchamahabhut
B. Panchdnynendriy
C. Panchtanmatra
D. Pancharas
Answer» A. Panchamahabhut

Age for garbhadhanvidhi in female is----.

A. 21yrs
B. 16yrs
C. 18yrs
D. 20yrs
Answer» B. 16yrs

------------is the garbhajabhav.

A. Matrujbhav
B. Rutu
C. Kshetra
D. Beej
Answer» A. Matrujbhav

-------is the garbhasambhavhetu.

A. Pitrujbhav
B. Matrujbhav
C. Ambu
D. Satvaj
Answer» C. Ambu

According to Charakacharya all anga-pratyanga-indriya apparent in ………month

A. Third
B. Fifth
C. Fourth
D. Second
Answer» A. Third
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