310+ Computer Architecture and Organization Solved MCQs


What is autonegotiation?

A. a procedure by which two connected devices choose common transmission parameters
B. a security algorithm
C. a routing algorithm
D. encryption algorithm
Answer» A. a procedure by which two connected devices choose common transmission parameters
Explanation: autonegotiation is a procedure by which two connected devices choose common transmission parameters. it is a signaling mechanism used in ethernet over twisted pair cables.

Ethernet in metropolitan area network (MAN) can be used as                        

A. pure ethernet
B. ethernet over sdh
C. ethernet over mpls
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: a metropolitan area network (man) that is based on ethernet standards is called an ethernet man. it is commonly used to connect nodes to the internet. businesses also use ethernet mans to connect their own offices to each other.

A point-to-point protocol over ethernet is a network protocol for                      

A. encapsulating ppp frames inside ethernet frames
B. encapsulating ehternet framse inside ppp frames
C. for security of ethernet frames
D. for security of ppp frames
Answer» A. encapsulating ppp frames inside ethernet frames
Explanation: ppoe or point-to-point protocol over ethernet was first introduced in 1999. it is popularly used by modern day internet service providers for dial-up connectivity.

High speed ethernet works on                    

A. coaxial cable
B. twisted pair cable
C. optical fiber
D. unshielded twisted pair cable
Answer» C. optical fiber
Explanation: fast ethernet is mostly used in networks along with category 5 (cat-5) copper twisted-pair cable, but it also works with fiber-optic cable. based on the cable being used, there can be three types of fast ethernet.

The maximum size of payload field in ethernet frame is                      

A. 1000 bytes
B. 1200 bytes
C. 1300 bytes
D. 1500 bytes
Answer» D. 1500 bytes
Explanation: the minimum size of the payload field is 40 bytes and the maximum size is 1500 bytes. if the payload size exceeds 1500 bytes, the frame is called a jumbo frame.

What is interframe gap?

A. idle time between frames
B. idle time between frame bits
C. idle time between packets
D. idle time between networks
Answer» A. idle time between frames
Explanation: the inter-frame gap is the idle time for the receiver between the incoming frame flow. the inter-frame gap must be as low as possible for idle connections.

An ethernet frame that is less than the IEEE 802.3 minimum length of 64 octets is called                

A. short frame
B. runt frame
C. mini frame
D. man frame
Answer» B. runt frame
Explanation: an ethernet frame that is less than the ieee 802.3 minimum length of 64 octets is called a runt frame. such frames are a result of collisions or software malfunctions.

In wireless ad-hoc network                    

A. access point is not required
B. access point is must
C. nodes are not required
D. all nodes are access points
Answer» A. access point is not required
Explanation: an ad-hoc wireless network is a decentralized kind of a wireless network. an access point is usually a central device and it would go against the rules of the ad- hoc network to use one. hence it is not required.

Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN?

A. cdma
B. csma/ca
C. aloha
D. csma/cd
Answer» B. csma/ca
Explanation: csma/ca stands for carrier- sense multiple access/collision avoidance. it is a multiple access protocol used by ieee

A wireless network interface controller can work in                

A. infrastructure mode
B. ad-hoc mode
C. both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode
D. wds mode
Answer» C. both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode
Explanation: a wireless network interface controller works on the physical layer and the data link layer of the osi model.

In wireless network an extended service set is a set of                  

A. connected basic service sets
B. all stations
C. all access points
D. connected access points
Answer» A. connected basic service sets
Explanation: the extended service set is a part of the ieee 802.11 wlan architecture and is used to expand the range of the basic service set by allowing connection of multiple basic service sets.

Mostly                  is used in wireless LAN.

A. time division multiplexing
B. orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
C. space division multiplexing
D. channel division multiplexing
Answer» B. orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Explanation: in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, digital data is encoded on multiple carrier frequencies. it is also used in digital television and audio broadcasting in addition to wireless lans.

Which one of the following event is not possible in wireless LAN?

A. collision detection
B. acknowledgement of data frames
C. multi-mode data transmission
D. connection to wired networks
Answer» A. collision detection
Explanation: collision detection is not possible in wireless lan with no extensions. collision detection techniques for multiple access like csma/cd are used to detect collisions in wireless lans.

What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)?

A. security algorithm for ethernet
B. security algorithm for wireless networks
C. security algorithm for usb communication
D. security algorithm for emails
Answer» B. security algorithm for wireless networks
Explanation: wep is a security algorithm for wireless network which intended to provide data confidentiality comparable to that of traditional wired networks. it was introduced in 1997.

What is WPA?

A. wi-fi protected access
B. wired protected access
C. wired process access
D. wi-fi process access
Answer» A. wi-fi protected access
Explanation: wpa or wifi protected access is a security protocol used to provide users and firms with strong data security and protection for their wireless networks (wifi) to give them confidence that only authorized users can access their network.

The time required to transmit frame depends on

A. frame size
B. channel capacity
C. frame size & channel capacity
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. frame size & channel capacity
Explanation: the time to transmit frame is given by the ratio of frame size and channel capacity.

Window given the number of

A. bytes
B. frames
C. bytes & frames
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. bytes & frames
Explanation: window gives the number of frames or bytes that can be in transit unacknowledged.

Routing is

A. static
B. dynamic
C. static & dynamic
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. static & dynamic
Explanation: routing can be static and dynamic.

Routing is performed only centrally.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: routing is performed centrally and also in fully distributed way.

Which is connection oriented and which is connection-less?

A. datagrams, virtual circuits
B. virtual circuits, datagrams
C. datagrams
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. virtual circuits, datagrams
Explanation: datagram is connection-less and virtual circuits are connection oriented.

Which uses UDP?

A. echo
B. time
C. domain name server
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the protocols using udp are echo, time, domain name server, network file system etc.

Which uses TCP?

A. simple mail transfer protocol
B. simple network management protocol
C. simple mail transfer & network management protocol
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. simple mail transfer protocol
Explanation: some of the protocols using tcp are http, telnet, file transfer protocol, simple mail transfer protocol etc.

Which tells about low level transmission and framing?

A. v series
B. x series
C. g series
D. q series
Answer» C. g series
Explanation: g series tells about level transmission, modulation and framing.

Which tells about signalling?

A. v series
B. x series
C. g series
D. q series
Answer» D. q series
Explanation: q series tells about signalling.

An interconnected collection of piconet is called                        

A. scatternet
B. micronet
C. mininet
D. multinet
Answer» A. scatternet
Explanation: piconet is the basic unit of a bluetooth system having a master node and upto seven active slave nodes. a collection of piconets is called scatternet and a slave node of a piconet may act as a master in a piconet that is part of the scatternet.

Bluetooth is the wireless technology for

A. local area network
B. personal area network
C. metropolitan area network
D. wide area network
Answer» B. personal area network
Explanation: bluetooth is a wireless technology used to create a wireless personal area network for data transfer up to a distance

Bluetooth uses                      

A. frequency hopping spread spectrum
B. orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
C. time division multiplexing
D. channel division multiplexing
Answer» A. frequency hopping spread spectrum
Explanation: frequency hopping spread spectrum is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly changing the carrier frequency and is controlled by the codes known to the sender and receiver only.

Unauthorised access of information from a wireless device through a bluetooth connection is called                    

A. bluemaking
B. bluesnarfing
C. bluestring
D. bluescoping
Answer» B. bluesnarfing
Explanation: unauthorised access of information from a wireless device through a bluetooth connection is called bluesnarfing. it is done through exploiting the vulnerabilities of the bluetooth device to steal the transmitted information.

What is A2DP (advanced audio distribution profile)?

A. a bluetooth profile for streaming audio
B. a bluetooth profile for streaming video
C. a bluetooth profile for security
D. a bluetooth profile for file management
Answer» A. a bluetooth profile for streaming audio
Explanation: a2dp stands for advanced audio distribution profile is a transfer standard use to transmit high definition audio through bluetooth. it is mainly used in bluetooth speakers and wireless headphones.

Bluetooth supports                

A. point-to-point connections
B. point-to-multipoint connection
C. both point-to-point connections and point- to-multipoint connection
D. multipoint to point connection
Answer» C. both point-to-point connections and point- to-multipoint connection
Explanation: in bluetooth, each slave node communicates with the master of the piconet independently i.e. each master-slave connection is independent. the slave is not allowed to communicate with other slaves directly.

A scatternet can have maximum

A. 10 piconets
B. 20 piconets
C. 30 piconets
D. 40 piconets
Answer» A. 10 piconets
Explanation: a scatternet can have maximum of 10 piconets and minimum of 2 piconets. to connect these piconets, a slave node of one piconet may act as a master in a piconet that is part of the scatternet.

What is the access point (AP) in a wireless LAN?

A. device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network
B. wireless devices itself
C. both device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network and wireless devices itself
D. all the nodes in the network
Answer» A. device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network
Explanation: access point in a wireless network is any device that will allow the wireless devices to a wired network. a router is the best example of an access point.

In wireless distribution system                      

A. multiple access point are inter-connected with each other
B. there is no access point
C. only one access point exists
D. access points are not required
Answer» A. multiple access point are inter-connected with each other
Explanation: a wireless distribution system allows the connection of multiple access points together. it is used to expand a wireless network to a larger network.

Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?

A. tcp/ip
B. network
C. udp
D. http
Answer» A. tcp/ip
Explanation: the internet of thing is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite (tcp/ip) to link billions of devices worldwide.

                 enables seamless integration of LoWPAN devices with internet leveraging.

A. ietf 6lowpan
B. ieft coap
C. rfid/nfc
D. ieee 802.15.4.lowpan
Answer» A. ietf 6lowpan
Explanation: ietf 6lowpan enables seamless integration of lowpan devices with internet leveraging ipv6 large address space and appln. layer protocol reuse.

                 enables open application layer for constrained nodes.

A. ietf 6lowpan
B. ieft coap
C. rfid/nfc
D. ieee 802.15.4.lowpan
Answer» B. ieft coap
Explanation: ietf coap – open application

                 tags, devices, smart phones useful in identification.

A. ietf 6lowpan
B. ieft coap
C. rfid/nfc
D. ieee 802.15.4.lowpan
Answer» C. rfid/nfc
Explanation: rfid/nfc – tags, devices, smart phones useful in product / object identification and gathering associated information.

                 supports low energy radio operation.

A. ietf 6lowpan
B. ieft coap
C. rfid/nfc
D. bluetooth
Answer» D. bluetooth
Explanation: bluetooth smart devices support low energy radio operations like, heart rate monitors, blood glucose monitors suitable for health care and fitness etc.

                 specification defining the PHY and MAC layer of low power devices.

A. ietf 6lowpan
B. ieft coap
C. rfid/nfc
D. ieee 802.15.4.lowpan
Answer» D. ieee 802.15.4.lowpan
Explanation: ieee 802.15.4.lowpan – specification defining the phy and mac layer of low power devices supporting 250 kb/s data rate, small packet size 127 bytes.

                 is an application layer protocol for resource constrained devices.

A. coap
B. hmtp
C. mqtt
D. tcp/ip
Answer» A. coap
Explanation: coap is an application layer protocol (ietf draft) for resource constrained devices. adheres to the restful approach for managing the resources and support mapping to http.

Adheres to                  approach for managing resources and support mapping to HTTP.

A. retful
B. iot
C. restful
D. restful
Answer» D. restful
Explanation: coap is an application layer protocol (ietf draft) for resource constrained devices. adheres to restful approach for managing resources and support mapping to http.

                 resources are identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers.

A. coap
B. hmtp
C. mqtt
D. tcp/ip
Answer» A. coap
Explanation: coap is an application layer protocol (ietf draft) for resource constrained devices. adheres to restful approach for managing resources and support mapping to

Which protocol interacts asynchronously over UDP?

A. hmtp
B. coap
C. mqtt
D. tcp/ip
Answer» B. coap
Explanation: coap is an application layer protocol (ietf draft) for resource constrained devices. it is asynchronous message interactions over udp, request/response semantics coap resources are identified by uniform resource identifiers.

CoAP messages are short.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: coap messages are short – 4 bytes header followed by options (typically, 10-20 bytes header).

How many messages types are there in CoAP?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» D. 4
Explanation: four message types are: confirmable

Number of methods in CoAP?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Answer» C. 4
Explanation: four coap methods: get

A 4 byte IP address consists of

A. wired sensor network                      
B. wireless sensor network
C. wired service network
D. wireless service network
Answer» B. wireless sensor network
Explanation: wsn – wireless sensor network comprises of motes running a wsn application and a light weight coap server.

In virtual circuit network each packet contains                        

A. full source and destination address
B. a short vc number
C. only source address
D. only destination address
Answer» B. a short vc number
Explanation: a short vc number also called as vcid (virtual circuit identifier) is a type of identifier which is used to distinguish between several virtual circuits in a connection oriented circuit switched network. each virtual circuit is used to transfer data over a larger packet switched network.

A subset of a network that includes all the routers but contains no loops is called

A. spanning tree
B. spider structure
C. spider tree
D. special tree
Answer» A. spanning tree
Explanation: spanning tree protocol (stp) is a network protocol that creates a loop free logical topology for ethernet networks. it is a layer 2 protocol that runs on bridges and switches. the main purpose of stp is to ensure that you do not create loops when you have redundant paths in your network.

ICMP is primarily used for                      

A. error and diagnostic functions
B. addressing
C. forwarding
D. routing
Answer» A. error and diagnostic functions
Explanation: icmp abbreviation for internet control message protocol is used by networking devices to send error messages and operational information indicating a host or router cannot be reached. icmp operates over the ip packet to provide error reporting functionality as ip by itself cannot report errors.

Most packet switches use this principle

A. stop and wait
B. store and forward
C. store and wait
D. stop and forward
Answer» B. store and forward
Explanation: the packet switch will not transmit the first bit to outbound link until it receives the entire packet. if the entire packet is not received and the time-out period expires, the packet switch will inform the sender to resend the part of packet or the entire packet based on the algorithm being used.

If there are N routers from source to destination, the total end to end delay in sending packet P(L-> number of bits in the packet R-> transmission rate) is equal to

A. n
B. (n*l)/r
C. (2n*l)/r
D. l/r
Answer» B. (n*l)/r
Explanation: the equation to find the end to end delay when no. of bits, transmission rate and no. of routers is given by (n*l)/r. the total end to end delay, that is, nodal delay is the sum of all, the processing delay, queuing delay, transmission delay and propagation delay.

What are the Methods to move data through a network of links and switches?

A. packet switching and line switching
B. circuit switching and line switching
C. line switching and bit switching
D. packet switching and circuit switching
Answer» D. packet switching and circuit switching
Explanation: packet switching and circuit switching are two different types of switching methods used to connect the multiple communicating devices with one another.

The required resources for communication between end systems are reserved for the duration of the session between end systems in                  method.

A. packet switching
B. circuit switching
C. line switching
D. frequency switching
Answer» B. circuit switching
Explanation: in circuit switching, a physical path between the sender and receiver is established. this path is maintained until the connection is needed. circuit switching is implemented in the physical layer and is used in telephonic systems.

As the resources are reserved between two communicating end systems in circuit switching,                        is achieved.

A. authentication
B. guaranteed constant rate
C. reliability
D. store and forward
Answer» B. guaranteed constant rate
Explanation: circuit switching is connection oriented and is always implemented in the physical layer. once a path is set, all transmission occurs through the same path. it is used since the early times in telephonic systems.

In                    systems, resources are allocated on demand.

A. packet switching
B. circuit switching
C. line switching
D. frequency switching
Answer» A. packet switching
Explanation: in packet switching, the bits are received in out of order and need to be assembled at the receiver end, whereas in the case of circuit switching, all the bits are received in order. all transmissions may not occur through the same path in case of packet switching.

Which of the following is not an application layer service?

A. network virtual terminal
B. file transfer, access, and management
C. mail service
D. error control
Answer» D. error control
Explanation: application layer is the topmost layer in the osi model. network virtual terminal, mail service, file transfer, access and management are all services of the application layer. it uses protocols like http, ftp, and dns etc. to provide these services.

Which of the following is not applicable for IP?

A. error reporting
B. handle addressing conventions
C. datagram format
D. packet handling conventions
Answer» A. error reporting
Explanation: the internet protocol is the networking protocol which establishes the internet by relaying datagrams across network boundaries. icmp is a supporting protocol for ip which handles the error reporting functionality.

Which of the following field in IPv4 datagram is not related to fragmentation?

A. flags
B. offset
C. tos
D. identifier
Answer» C. tos
Explanation: tos-type of service identifies the type of packets. it is not related to fragmentation but is used to request specific treatment such as high throughput, high reliability or low latency for the ip packet depending upon the type of service it belongs to.

The TTL field has value 10. How many routers (max) can process this datagram?

A. 11
B. 5
C. 10
D. 1
Answer» C. 10
Explanation: ttl stands for time to live. this field specifies the life of the ip packet based on the number of hops it makes (number of routers it goes through). ttl field is decremented by one each time the datagram is processed by a router. when the value is 0, the packet is automatically destroyed.

If the value in protocol field is 17, the transport layer protocol used is

A. tcp
B. udp
C. icmp
D. igmp
Answer» B. udp
Explanation: the protocol field enables the demultiplexing feature so that the ip protocol can be used to carry payloads of more than one protocol type. its most used values are 17 and 6 for udp and tcp respectively. icmp and igmp are network layer protocols.

The data field cannot carry which of the following?

A. tcp segment
B. udp segment
C. icmp messages
D. smtp messages
Answer» C. icmp messages
Explanation: data field usually has transport layer segments, but it can also carry icmp messages. smtp is an application layer protocol. first it must go through the transport layer to be converted into tcp segments and then it can be inserted into ip packets.

What should be the flag value to indicate the last fragment?

A. 0
B. 1
C. ttl value
D. protocol field value
Answer» A. 0
Explanation: the flag field in the ip header is used to control and identify the fragments. it contains three bits: reserved, don’t fragment and more fragments. if the more fragments bit is 0, it means that the fragment is the last fragment.

Which of these is not applicable for IP protocol?

A. is connectionless
B. offer reliable service
C. offer unreliable service
D. does not offer error reporting
Answer» B. offer reliable service
Explanation: ip does not provide reliable delivery service for the data. it’s dependent upon the transport layer protocols like tcp to offer reliability.

Which of the following demerits does Fragmentation have?

A. complicates routers
B. open to dos attack
C. overlapping of fragments.
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: fragmentation makes the implementation of the ip protocol complex and can also be exploited by attackers to create a dos attack such as a teardrop attack. fragmentation won’t be required if the transport layer protocols perform wise segmentation.

Which field helps to check rearrangement of the fragments?

A. offset
B. flag
C. ttl
D. identifer
Answer» A. offset
Explanation: the fragment offset field specifies where the fragment fits in the original datagram. the offset of the first fragment will always be 0. the size of the field (13 bits) is 3-bits shorter than the size of the total length field (16 bits).

Which one of the following is not a function of network layer?

A. routing
B. inter-networking
C. congestion control
D. error control
Answer» D. error control
Explanation: in the osi model, network layer is the third layer and it provides data routing paths for network communications. error control is a function of the data link layer and the transport layer.

A 4 byte IP address consists of

A. only network address
B. only host address
C. network address & host address
D. network address & mac address
Answer» C. network address & host address
Explanation: an ip address which is 32 bits long, that means it is of 4 bytes and is composed of a network and host portion and it depends on address class. the size of the host address and network address depends upon the class of the address in classful ip addressing.

Which of the following routing algorithms can be used for network layer design?

A. shortest path algorithm
B. distance vector routing
C. link state routing
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned
Explanation: the routing algorithm is what decides where a packet should go next. there are several routing techniques like shortest path algorithm, static and dynamic routing, decentralized routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, hierarchical routing etc.

Which of the following is not correct in relation to multi-destination routing?

A. is same as broadcast routing
B. contains the list of all destinations
C. data is not sent by packets
D. there are multiple receivers
Answer» C. data is not sent by packets
Explanation: in multi-destination routing, there is more than one receiver and the route for each destination which is contained in a list of destinations is to be found by the routing algorithm. multi-destination routing is also used in broadcasting.

Which one of the following algorithm is not used for congestion control?

A. traffic aware routing
B. admission control
C. load shedding
D. routing information protocol
Answer» D. routing information protocol
Explanation: the routing information protocol (rip) is used by the network layer for the function of dynamic routing.

The network layer protocol for internet is

A. ethernet
B. internet protocol
C. hypertext transfer protocol
D. file transfer protocol
Answer» B. internet protocol
Explanation: there are several protocols used in network layer. some of them are ip, icmp, clnp, arp, ipx, hrsp etc.

Which type of Ethernet framing is used for TCP/IP and DEC net?

A. ethernet 802.3
B. ethernet 802.2
C. ethernet ii
D. ethernet snap
Answer» C. ethernet ii
Explanation: the ethernet 802.3 framing is used for netware versions 2 to 3.11, and the ethernet 802.2 framing is used for netware versions 3.12 and later plus osi routing, ethernet ii is used with tcp/ip and dec net, and ethernet snap is used with tcp/ip and appletalk. the type field in ethernet 802.2 frame is replaced by a length field in ethernet 802.3.

Consider a situation in which you are a system administrator on a NetWare network, you are running NetWare 4.11 and you cannot communicate with your router. What is the likely problem?

A. netware 4.11 defaults to 802.2 encapsulation
B. netware 4.11 defaults to 802.3 encapsulation
C. cisco routers only work with netware 3.11
D. netware 3.11 defaults to 802.2 encapsulation
Answer» A. netware 4.11 defaults to 802.2 encapsulation
Explanation: the default encapsulation on cisco routers is novell ethernet_802.3 and netware 3.12and later defaults to 802.2 encapsulation, 3.11 and earlier defaults to 802.3.

NetWare IPX addressing uses a network number and a node number. Which statement is not true?

A. the network address is administratively assigned and can be up to 16 hexadecimal digits long
B. the node address is always administratively assigned
C. the node address is usually the mac address
D. if the mac address is used as the node address, then ipx eliminates the use of arp
Answer» B. the node address is always administratively assigned
Explanation: the network address can be up to 16 hexadecimal digits in length. the node number is 12 hexadecimal digits. the node address is usually the mac address. an example ipx address is 4a1d.0000.0c56.de33. the network part is 4a1d. the node part is 0000.0c56.de33. the network number is assigned by the system administrator of the novell network and the mac address/node address is not assigned by the administrator.

Which NetWare protocol works on layer 3– network layer—of the OSI model?

A. ipx
B. ncp
C. spx
D. netbios
Answer» A. ipx
Explanation: ipx (internetwork packet exchange) is the netware network layer 3 protocol used for transferring information on lans that use novell’s netware.

Which NetWare protocol provides link- state routing?

A. nlsp
B. rip
C. sap
D. ncp
Answer» A. nlsp
Explanation: netware link services protocol (nlsp) provides link-state routing.

As a system administrator, you want to debug IGRP but are worried that the “debug IP IGRP transaction” command will flood the console. What is the command that you should use?

A. debug ip igrp event
B. debug ip igrp-events
C. debug ip igrp summary
D. debug ip igrp events
Answer» D. debug ip igrp events
Explanation: the “debug ip igrp events” is used to display a short summary of igrp routing information. you can append an ip address onto either console’s command-line to see only the igrp updates from a neighbor. the command will only give a short summary and hence won’t flood the command line.

0.0.0 router IGRP 109 network

A. it isolates networks and
B. it loads igrp for networks 109 and 71
C. it disables rip
D. it disables all routing protocols
Answer» A. it isolates networks and
Explanation: it isolates network and

As a system administrator, you need to set up one Ethernet interface on the Cisco router to allow for both sap and Novell-ether encapsulations. Which set of commands will accomplish this?

A. interface ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx network 6c
B. interface ethernet 0 ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0 ipx encapsulation sap ipx network 6c
C. interface ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation novell-ether interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap
D. interface ethernet 0.1ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap ipx network 6c
Answer» D. interface ethernet 0.1ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet 0.2 ipx encapsulation sap ipx network 6c
Explanation: the following commands setup the sub interfaces to allow for two types of encapsulation:interface ethernet 0.1 ipx encapsulation novell-ether ipx network 9e interface ethernet0.2 ipx encapsulation sap ipx network 6c.

What does the “IPX maximum-paths 2” command accomplish?

A. it enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are equal metric paths
B. it sets up routing to go to network 2
C. it is the default for cisco ipx load sharing
D. it enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are unequal metric paths
Answer» A. it enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are equal metric paths
Explanation: it enables load sharing on 2 paths if the paths are equal metric paths. the default is 1 path and the maximum is 512 paths. the value must always be greater than 1 and must be a natural number.

You want to enable both arpa and snap encapsulation on one router interface. How do you do this?

A. the interface can handle multiple encapsulation types with no extra configuration
B. assign two network numbers, one for each encapsulation type
C. enable novell-ether to run multiple encapsulation types
D. both arpa and snap are enabled by default so you don’t have to configure anything
Answer» B. assign two network numbers, one for each encapsulation type
Explanation: to assign multiple network numbers, you usually use sub interfaces. a sample configuration follows: ipxethernet

By default, Cisco routers forward GNS SAPs to remote networks.

A. false
B. true
Answer» A. false
Explanation: gns is novell’s protocol to get nearest server. if there is a server on the local network,that server will respond. if there isn’t, the cisco router has to be configured to forward thegns sap.

To prevent Service Advertisements (SAPs) from flooding a network, Cisco routers do not forward them. How are services advertised to other networks?

A. each router builds its own sap table and forwards that every 60 seconds
B. each router assigns a service number and broadcasts that
C. saps aren’t necessary with cisco routers
D. cisco routers filter out all saps
Answer» A. each router builds its own sap table and forwards that every 60 seconds
Explanation: cisco routers build sap tables and forward the table every 60 seconds. all saps can’t befiltered even with 4.x since nds and time synchronization uses saps.

Novell’s implementation of RIP updates routing tables every                    seconds.

A. 60
B. 90
C. 10
D. 30
Answer» A. 60
Explanation: novell’s rip updates routing tables every 60 seconds, apple’s rtmp is every 10 seconds, routers arp every 60 seconds, igrp signal every 90 seconds, and banyan vines signals every 90 seconds.

In Novell’s use of RIP, there are two metrics used to make routing decisions. Select the correct metrics.

A. ticks & hops
B. hops & loops
C. loops & counts
D. counts & ticks
Answer» A. ticks & hops
Explanation: it first uses ticks (which is about 1/18 sec.); if there is a tie, it uses hops; if hops are equal, then it uses an administratively assigned tiebreaker.

The term that is used to place packet in its route to its destination is called                      

A. delayed
B. urgent
C. forwarding
D. delivering
Answer» C. forwarding
Explanation: forwarding is done by the nodes in the path from source to destination, that are not the intended destination for the packet in order to pass the packet to the next node in the path. the destination machine does not forward the packet to any other node.

A second technique to reduce routing table and simplify searching process is called

A. network-specific method
B. network-specific motion
C. network-specific maintaining
D. network-specific membership
Answer» A. network-specific method
Explanation: in the network specific forwarding method, there is only one record, the destination of the packet, in the routing table and not the other hosts of the network. the other two forwarding methods are the default method and the next-hop method.

Next-Hop Method is used to reduce contents of a                    

A. revolving table
B. rotating table
C. routing table
D. re-allocate table
Answer» C. routing table
Explanation: in the next-hop forwarding method, the routing table of each router in the path contains the address of only the next hop in the path of packet. this method is suitable for short distances only.

In Unicast routing, if instability is between three nodes, stability cannot be                  

A. stable
B. reversed
C. guaranteed
D. forward
Answer» C. guaranteed
Explanation: in unicast routing, there is only sender and one receiver. so, if there is instability between three nodes, in which one is sender, one is receiver and one is the router in the path, there is no other path available for the packet and the stability of the network is not guaranteed.

RPF stands for                      

A. reverse path forwarding
B. reverse path failure
C. reverse packet forwarding
D. reverse protocol failure
Answer» A. reverse path forwarding
Explanation: reverse path forwarding is a loop-free forwarding method for multi-cast routing in modern systems. the method focuses on forwarding the packet away from the source ip in each iteration to make sure there is no loops.

LSP stands for                      

A. link stable packet
B. link state packet
C. link state protocol
D. link state path
Answer» B. link state packet
Explanation: a link state packet is a packet created by a router that lists its neighboring nodes and routers in link state routing protocol. it is shared with other routers to find the shortest path from a source to the destination.

Protocol is a set of

A. formats
B. procedures
C. formats & procedures
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. formats & procedures
Explanation: protocol is a set of procedures and formats that entities use to communicate information.

Several techniques can make size of routing table manageable and also handle issues such as                      

A. maturity
B. error reporting
C. tunneling
D. security
Answer» D. security
Explanation: the size of the routing table in the technique must be manageable for the network nodes i.e. it must not be too big.

Host-specific routing is used for purposes such as checking route or providing            

A. network measures
B. security measures
C. routing measures
D. delivery measures
Answer» B. security measures
Explanation: in host-specific routing, the

In Unicast Routing, Dijkstra algorithm creates a shortest path tree from a                  

A. graph
B. tree
C. network
D. link
Answer» A. graph
Explanation: the djikstra’s shortest path algorithm is the fastest among the algorithms for finding the shortest path in a graph. but it is a greedy method based algorithm so it does not guarantee the shortest path every time.

In Multicast Routing Protocol, flooding is used to broadcast packets but it creates

A. gaps
B. loops
C. holes
D. links
Answer» B. loops
Explanation: in multicast routing, there is one sender and many receivers. so flooding is

The computation of the shortest path in OSPF is usually done by                          

A. bellman-ford algorithm
B. routing information protocol
C. dijkstra’s algorithm
D. distance vector routing
Answer» C. dijkstra’s algorithm
Explanation: shortest path in ospf is usually computed by dijkstra’s algorithm. it was proposed by edsger w. dijkstra in the year 1956. it is a greedy method algorithm and hence may not guarantee the shortest path every time, but is really fast.

Which of the following is false with respect to the features of OSPF?

A. support for fixed-length subnetting by including the subnet mask in the routing message
B. more flexible link cost than can range from 1 to 65535
C. use of designated router
D. distribution of traffic over multiple paths that have equal cost to the destination
Answer» A. support for fixed-length subnetting by including the subnet mask in the routing message
Explanation: ospf provides support for variable-length sunbathing by including the subnet mask in the routing message. for fixed length subnets, there is no requirement for including the subnet mask in the routing message as there is just one subnet mask for all the subnets.

In OSPF, which protocol is used to discover neighbour routers automatically?

A. link state protocol
B. error-correction protocol
C. routing information protocol
D. hello protocol
Answer» D. hello protocol
Explanation: hello protocol is used to discover neighboring routers automatically. it makes sure that the communication between neighbors is bidirectional. it’s similar to the real world moral construct of saying “hello” to initialize the communication.
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