
History and Theory Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Arts in History (MA History) .


Who wrote the book History of England?

A. marx
B. fernan braudel
C. socratese
D. hume
Answer» D. hume

Who is regarded to be the founder of positivism?

A. auguste comte
B. herder
C. ranke
D. karl popper
Answer» A. auguste comte

Who is associated with the idea of German Idealism?

A. vico
B. ranke
C. durkheim
D. hegel
Answer» D. hegel

The methodology of “ideal type” is associated with --------------

A. max weber
B. ranke
C. febvre
D. durkheim
Answer» A. max weber

Who is the author of the “Critique of the Gotha Programme”?

A. engels
B. marx
C. weber
D. hegel
Answer» B. marx

----------------was one of the pioneers of the Critical Theory

A. habermas
B. vico
C. hume
D. herder
Answer» A. habermas

The Annales school of history is a historiographial trend emerged in -----------century.

A. 18th
B. 19th
C. 20th
D. 21st
Answer» C. 20th

Annales School emerged in which country?

A. germaby
B. france
C. britain
D. italy
Answer» B. france

The journal Annales: économies, sociétés, civilisations first issue came out in which year?

A. 1929
B. 1928
C. 1927
D. 1925
Answer» A. 1929

Historian --------------- has divided annales school into different stages

A. fernand braudel
B. robert mandrou
C. georges duby,
D. henri hauser
Answer» A. fernand braudel

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie to the -------- phase of annales school.

A. peter burke
B. hobsbawm
C. e.p. thomson
D. romila thaper
Answer» B. hobsbawm

Who among the below is not associated with the secon stage of annales school?

A. third
B. second
C. fourth
D. third
Answer» D. third

The concept of longue durée is related to the work of ……….

A. marx
B. hegel
C. braudel
D. dutkheim
Answer» C. braudel

The Mediterranean is the book written by ------------

A. marc block
B. febvre
C. henri hauser
D. braudel
Answer» D. braudel

Who authored the book, “Civilisation and Capitalism”?

A. fernand braudel
B. loucien febvre
C. karl popper
D. marx
Answer» A. fernand braudel

History of mentalities (histoire des mentalités) is associated with the ------------ intellectual history.

A. german
B. russian
C. french
D. british
Answer» C. french

Who among the below is not associated with the history of mentalities? 22. -------------- studied about the mentalities of social deviants and nonconformists

A. michael foucault
B. henri hauser
C. fernand braudel
D. philippe ariès
Answer» A. michael foucault

------------ is the author of the book Les Lieux de Memoire.

A. herder
B. philippe ariès
C. norbert elias
D. lucien febvre
Answer» D. lucien febvre

Which historian argues that “argues that memory developd through three stages, pre-modern, modern, and post-modern” ?

A. vico
B. ranke
C. pierre nora
D. marc bloch
Answer» C. pierre nora

Which historian stated that ‘history seen from below and not from above’?

A. durkheim
B. foucault
C. lucien febvre
D. marc bloch
Answer» C. lucien febvre

The book “The Making of the English Working Class” was written by--------

A. hobsbawm
B. e.p. thomson
C. cristopher hill
D. foucault
Answer» B. e.p. thomson

---------wrote the book, The World Turned Upside Down.

A. foucault
B. christopher hiil
C. georges lefebvre
D. derrida
Answer» B. christopher hiil

The book The Peasants of Northern France during the French Revolution published in the year

A. 1924
B. 1925
C. 1926
D. 1930
Answer» A. 1924

The journal named ‘Gender and History’ was published in the year --------

A. 1988
B. 1987
C. 1989
D. 1990
Answer» C. 1989

The book “The Emeregence of South Asian Caste System” was written by who? 32. The journal ‘Gender and History’ was founded in Britain by ------

A. eric hobsbawm
B. e.p. thomson
C. marc bloch
D. leonore davidoff
Answer» A. eric hobsbawm

Who asked the question, "Did Women have a Renaissance?

A. gayatri spivak
B. john kelly
C. sonya.o.rose
D. romila thapar
Answer» B. john kelly

"Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis" is written by whom?

A. joan w. scott
B. john kelly
C. sonya.o.rose
D. judit butler
Answer» A. joan w. scott

Who made the statement ‘gender is a critical means by which power is expressed or legitimised’?

A. leonore davidoff.
B. john kelly
C. joan w. scott
D. sonya rose
Answer» C. joan w. scott

The book what is Gender History? Is written by whom?

A. sonya rose
B. john kelly
C. leonore davidoff
D. joan w. scott
Answer» A. sonya rose

Who among the below is not associated with the history of slavery?

A. john blassingame
B. eugene genovese
C. leslie howard owens
D. foucault
Answer» D. foucault

Who propogated the Marriage Circle Theory?

A. morton klass
B. sumit sarkar
C. bipan chandra
D. k.m. panicker
Answer» A. morton klass

--------- was the major advocate of the idea of holism.

A. jermy bentham
B. max weber
C. durkheim
D. vico
Answer» C. durkheim

Who wrote the book "Methodological Individualisms: Definition and Reduction,"?

A. durkheim
B. may brodbeck
C. karl popper
D. f.a hayek
Answer» B. may brodbeck

Who wrote the book “An Outline of the Theory of Practice”?

A. pierre bourdieu
B. may brodbeck
C. durkheim
D. max weber
Answer» A. pierre bourdieu

Who used the terms “Archaeology of knowledge” and Genealogy of power?

A. e.p. thomson
B. durkheim
C. karl popper
D. foucault
Answer» D. foucault

Theory of Habitus was the contribution of which social scientist?

A. foucault
B. marx
C. weber
D. bourdieu
Answer» D. bourdieu

Who wrote the book Outline of a Theory of Practice?

A. vico,
B. herder
C. hume
D. bourdieu
Answer» D. bourdieu

The book The Cracked Mirror: An Indian Debate on Experience and Theory was written by---------

A. gopal guru and sundar sarukkai
B. aditya mukherjee
C. sumit sarkar
D. bipan chandra
Answer» A. gopal guru and sundar sarukkai

Who among the below was a strong critique of neoliberalism

A. marx
B. herder
C. bourdieu
D. karl popper
Answer» C. bourdieu

The concept of idea of the ideal eternal history was propagated by------

A. socrates
B. vico
C. weber
D. febvre
Answer» B. vico

Who is considered as the product of Scottish enlightenment?

A. herder
B. vico
C. weber
D. david hume
Answer» D. david hume

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