80+ Problems, Perspectives and Debates in Early Indian History Solved MCQs


Gadudhama Buddha was born in 563 B. C in which Kshatriya family

A. shakya kshatriya family
B. kuru kshatriya family
C. yadhuvanakshi kshatriya family
D. chandravansi kshatriya family
Answer» A. shakya kshatriya family

Romila Taper is a …........ historian

A. indian
B. american
C. french
D. british
Answer» A. indian

Kushana belongs to the tribe of….………..

A. yuchi
B. jnatrika
C. ikswaku
D. terai
Answer» A. yuchi

Who established Kushana dynasty?

A. vamvakidis
B. vasudeva
C. kanishka
D. kujula kadphies
Answer» D. kujula kadphies

Who issued the first gold coins in India?

A. kujula kadphises
B. huvishka
C. vima kadphises
D. kanishka
Answer» C. vima kadphises

The place were Bhudha was enlightened

A. kundagrammam
B. deer park
C. gaya
D. none
Answer» C. gaya

What was the title of Kanishka?

A. pridassi
B. devaoutra
C. devana priya
D. simhaghata
Answer» B. devaoutra

Where was public bath and granaries found in Harappa during excavations?

A. mohenjodaro
B. rangpur
C. kalibangan
D. ropar
Answer» A. mohenjodaro

.The earliest of the Vedas

A. rig
B. yajur
C. sama
D. atharva
Answer» A. rig

The Tripitakas are written in the language of

A. sanskrit
B. prakrit
C. pali
D. hindi
Answer» C. pali

The Mahabharata war was fought on the plains of …......

A. meerut
B. afghanistan
C. kurushetra
D. lothal
Answer» C. kurushetra

The word derived from the word

A. ved
B. dev
C. vadam
D. vid
Answer» D. vid

The Ramayana was composed by the great saint

A. brahma
B. vasisht
C. bana
D. valmiki
Answer» D. valmiki

The 23rd Thrithankara was

A. parswanath
B. mahavira
C. siiddhartha
D. rishaba
Answer» A. parswanath

What does the term used to denote the term used to denote the wooden plough by Rigvedic Aryans

A. ayas
B. kulal
C. langal
D. yava
Answer» C. langal

Who Coined the term hydraulic Society

A. prof maxmuller
B. karl august wittfogel
C. james mill
D. karl marx
Answer» B. karl august wittfogel

Who among the following Scholar declared that 'Sapt Sadidhava” region was the home land of Aryans

A. dr a c das
B. prof maxmuller
C. prof penka
D. dr k k sharma
Answer» A. dr a c das

Mahabharata contains how many slokas ?

A. 50000
B. more than one lack
C. 8800
D. 24000
Answer» A. 50000

Geneology, mythology, and historical narratives are the three main constituence of …................ tradition

A. ithihasa purana
B. aranyakas
C. vedas
D. samhitas
Answer» D. samhitas

How many Puranas are there in India

A. 12
B. 18
C. 15
D. 10
Answer» A. 12

In which purana contains the information about

A. seventh century
B. eighth century
C. tenth century
D. nineth century
Answer» B. eighth century

Who was the founder of Vedic Culture

A. dravida
B. arya
C. harappan
D. none of these
Answer» B. arya

Who is the most important God in Rigveda?

A. agni
B. indra
C. varuna
D. vishnu
Answer» B. indra

During whose time period was the Iron pillar in Delhi erected?

A. chandragupta l
B. chandragupta ll
C. kumara gupta i
D. samudragupta
Answer» B. chandragupta ll

Who wrote the book ‘Return of the Aryans’?

A. bhagawan s gidwani
B. l d kalla
C. avinash chandra d.
D. s trivedi
Answer» C. avinash chandra d.

The Rigvedic Aryans governed by a

A. tribal republic
B. form of democracy
C. monarchical government
D. rule by elders.
Answer» A. tribal republic

In the early Vedic period Varna System was based on

A. education
B. birth
C. occupation
D. talents
Answer» D. talents

Dasarajana was :

A. ten incarnations of vishnu.
B. a sacrifice to be performed by the king
C. battle of ten kings
D. none of these
Answer» C. battle of ten kings

Which of the following raw material was not used by the Indus Valley Civilization?

A. lime stone
B. red stone
C. bronze
D. clay
Answer» C. bronze

The Capital of the Mauryan Kingdom was located at?

A. patali putra
B. vaishali
C. lumbini
D. gaya
Answer» A. patali putra

The specimens of Mauryan art are represented by their?

A. stupas
B. pillars
C. chaityas
D. clay
Answer» A. stupas

Which of the following technique used for making bronze status during Harappan civilization?

A. lost wax casting
B. stone carving
C. wood carving
D. ivory carving
Answer» A. lost wax casting

Chandra Gupta Maurya was …. …………………

A. benevolent despotism
B. autocrat
C. democratic
D. a pious ruler
Answer» B. autocrat

Most of the Asokan Edicts are in ………….. language?

A. pali
B. sanskrit
C. karoshti
D. brahmi
Answer» A. pali

Which Pre-State society in ancient India is considered as lineage society?

A. rigvedic
B. capitalistic
C. socialistic
D. utopian
Answer» B. capitalistic

The Director -General of Archaeological department of India at the beginning of excavations at Harappan was

A. sir john marshal
B. mortimer wheeler
C. dayaramshani
D. r d banerji
Answer» B. mortimer wheeler

Dayaram Sahini, M S Vats and Mortimer wheeler excavated the city?

A. harappa
B. madras
C. bombay
D. bengal
Answer» A. harappa

In this Migration to the east and south east to the……………. Conflict with the Dasus or Dasyus

A. aryans
B. dravidians
C. sudras
D. vaisyas
Answer» A. aryans

Janapada derived from

A. gana
B. kula
C. janaka
D. jans
Answer» C. janaka

When did Mahajanapadas were flourishing in north India?

A. buddha period
B. gupta period
C. vedic period
D. maurya period
Answer» A. buddha period

Digambara and Svedambara are sections in the

A. hinduism
B. buddhism
C. jainism
D. zorashtranism
Answer» C. jainism

The eight fold path of………….. is also called the middle path

A. bali bahu
B. mahavira
C. sankaracgarya
D. buddha
Answer» D. buddha

Who is the author of from lineage to State?

A. romila thaper
B. sastrinilakanda
C. jha
D. n kosambi d d
Answer» A. romila thaper

The learned women Apala, Ghosala, Lopamutra, Viswapara etc. are mentioned in

A. rig veda
B. mahabharata
C. ramayana
D. jatakas
Answer» D. jatakas

……………culture was essentially an Urban Culture.

A. harappan
B. vedic
C. sangam
D. jaina
Answer» A. harappan

Harappan seals have been discovered in?

A. america
B. mesopotamia
C. japan
D. china
Answer» A. america

The…………. Culture was essentially in urban culture

A. vedic
B. harappan
C. buddhist
D. jaina
Answer» A. vedic

Black and Red ware (BRW) have been found bat

A. aranji khera
B. alangiripas
C. hasthinapuri
D. lothal
Answer» B. alangiripas

K P Jayaswal wrote book entitled …………………

A. indian antiquities
B. hindu polity
C. carnatic wars
D. india today
Answer» B. hindu polity

The port city of the Harappan Culture ?

A. kalibangan
B. lothal
C. banwali.
D. rupar
Answer» B. lothal

The city of Harappa had existed on the banks of the river?

A. ravi
B. narmada
C. brahmaputra
D. ganga
Answer» A. ravi

Kalibangan site was excavated by…. …………….

A. b k thaper
B. mortimer wheeler
C. dayaram sahini
D. s r rao
Answer» A. b k thaper

The term used for the tribal unit or clan?

A. vis
B. jana
C. gana
D. kula
Answer» A. vis

The male god with three faces in yogic pose surrended by four animals depicted on the Harappan seals is defined as ?

A. pasupati
B. rudra
C. indra
D. brahma
Answer» A. pasupati

The local name of Mohenjodaro is?

A. mound of living
B. mound of swev
C. mound of dead
D. mound of dead
Answer» A. mound of living

The people of Indus Valley Civilization were almost

A. nigroid
B. proto-austroloid
C. mediterranean
D. nordic
Answer» C. mediterranean

Which metal was unknown to Indus Valley Civilization?

A. gold
B. silver
C. copper
D. lron
Answer» C. copper

Which of the following artefact of the Harappan civilization was mainly used for commercial purposes?

A. bronze
B. stone sculpture
C. seal
D. terracotta sculpture.
Answer» C. seal

Indus valley civilization was discovered in

A. 1911
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1941
Answer» B. 1921

Who is the author of the Book “Asoka and decline of the Mauryas?

A. d n jha
B. romila thaper
C. r. s sharma
D. a l. basha
Answer» B. romila thaper

D D Kosambi (1907-66) is a pioneer of

A. nationalist historiography
B. marxist historiography
C. subaltern historiography
D. imperialist historiography
Answer» B. marxist historiography

Which one of the following inscriptions makes a reference to Chandragupta Maurya?

A. kandahar inscription of asokan
B. brahnafiri inscription of asoka
C. jungagadh inscription of rudradaman
D. maski inscription of asokan
Answer» B. brahnafiri inscription of asoka

Which of the following does not belong ti Jainism

A. anekhantava
B. ganadhara
C. patimokkha
D. syadvada
Answer» C. patimokkha

Which Gupta inscription records the gift of a village in favour of a Vishnu temple?

A. allahabad pillar inscription of samudragupta ii
B. udayairi cave inscription of kumaragupta
C. bilsad pillar inscription of kumaragupta
D. bhitari inscription of skanda gupta
Answer» C. bilsad pillar inscription of kumaragupta

Who convened the 4th Buddhist Council?

A. kanishka
B. asoka
C. vasubandu
D. kalashoka
Answer» D. kalashoka

Who founded the ‘Asiatic Society “?

A. sir william jones
B. maxmuller
C. arther marwick
D. lord curzon
Answer» A. sir william jones

Who wrote the book ‘select inscriptions bearing on Indian History Civilization “?

A. d. c sircar
B. r g bhandarkar
C. r c majumdar
D. d d kosambi
Answer» A. d. c sircar

The Upanishads are a series of books deviated to

A. yoga
B. social law
C. religious rituals
D. philosophy
Answer» A. yoga

Which of the following Veda deals with magic spells and witchcraft?

A. rigveda
B. samaveda
C. yajurveda
D. athravaveda
Answer» D. athravaveda

The famous poet Kalidasa lived in the court of………..

A. chandragupta
B. chandragupta gupta ii
C. samudra gupta
D. kumaragupta
Answer» D. kumaragupta

The first one among the following to deal with music was

A. rigveda
B. yajurveda
C. samaveda
D. atharva veda
Answer» C. samaveda

The family of the Rigvedic Aryans was

A. patrilineal
B. patriarchal
C. matriarchichal
D. matrilineal
Answer» C. matriarchichal

The word Veda has been derived from the root word ‘Vid’ which means?

A. divinity
B. sacredness
C. doctrine
D. knowledge
Answer» D. knowledge

The first grammarian of the Sanskrit language was

A. kalhana
B. maitreyi
C. kalidasa
D. panini
Answer» D. panini

Who was the writer of the book “Hind Swaraj”3

A. rabindranath tagore
B. b r ambedkar
C. mahatma gandhi
D. jawaharlal nehru
Answer» C. mahatma gandhi

There were similarities between the seals found at Mohenjodaro and

A. egypt
B. china
C. sumeria
D. afghanistan
Answer» C. sumeria

The organic relationship between the ancient culture of the Indus valley and Hinduism of today is proved by the worship of……….

A. pasupati indra and the mother goddess
B. stones, trees and aanimals
C. vishnu and lakshmi
D. siva and sakti
Answer» C. vishnu and lakshmi

Mohenjodaro is situated in

A. montgomery district
B. lakarna district
C. chandigarh area
D. gujarat
Answer» A. montgomery district

Name of the oldest civilization?

A. egypt
B. chinese
C. mesopotamia
D. arabian
Answer» C. mesopotamia

How many layers of Mohenjodaro were found?

A. 5
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
Answer» C. 8

The Script of the Indus Valley Civilization was

A. dravidian
B. persian
C. sanskrit
D. undeciphered
Answer» A. dravidian

Who wrote Ramayana?

A. valmiki
B. vyasa
C. kalidasa
D. panni
Answer» A. valmiki
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