
80+ Indian Epistemology Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Arts in Philosophy (MA Philosophy) .


Philosophical knowledge does not aim to satisfying our theoretical interest, but also to

A. realizing god
B. realizing perfect good in life
C. realizing the highest truth in life.
D. none of these
Answer» C. realizing the highest truth in life.

The Jaina theory of epistemology is known as _________Vada.

A. syad
B. anekanta
C. khyati
D. nairatmya
Answer» A. syad

According to Mimamsa, ________ is the most important Pramana.

A. pratyaksa
B. upamana
C. anumana
D. sabda
Answer» D. sabda

The only pramana accepted by the Carvakas is _________.

A. testimony
B. inference
C. comparison
D. perception
Answer» D. perception

Anupalabdi as a valid source of knowledge is accepted by __________.

A. kumarila
B. prabhakara
C. gotama
D. kanada
Answer» A. kumarila

Mimamsa literally means………

A. revered thought
B. knowledge
C. argumentation
D. reasoning
Answer» A. revered thought

According to Jainism, _________ is considered as the unlimited and absolute knowledge.

A. manahparyaya
B. kevelajnana
C. aparoksajnana
D. avadhi-jnana
Answer» B. kevelajnana

Nyaya theory of error is known as _________.

A. viparita-khyati
B. anyata- khyati
C. akhyati
D. anirvacaniya-khyati
Answer» B. anyata- khyati

The Nyaya recognizes only _________ members of a syllogism.

A. five
B. four
C. three
D. six
Answer» A. five

Nyaya accepts ________number of pramanas or the valid source of knowledge.

A. three
B. six
C. five
D. four
Answer» D. four

The knowledge based on the reliable statement of scripture is known as __________.

A. perception
B. inference
C. testimony
D. coparison
Answer» C. testimony

_________ means non-cognition.

A. anumana
B. pratyaksha
C. anupalabdhi
D. all these
Answer» C. anupalabdhi

Arthapatti refers to ________.

A. perception
B. inference
C. testimony
D. presumption
Answer» D. presumption

Nyaya maintains the theory of ____________.

A. paratahpramanyavada
B. svatahpramanyavada
C. intrinsic validity of knowledge
D. none of the above
Answer» A. paratahpramanyavada

The Nyaya category of Hetvbhasa refers to __________.

A. instances
B. fallacious reasons
C. purpose
D. none of these
Answer» B. fallacious reasons

The epistemological doctrine of the…………… school is that perception (pratyaksa) is the only means of valid knowledge.

A. carvaka
B. budhism
C. jainism
D. nyaya
Answer» A. carvaka

The validity even of inference is rejected by…….

A. chärväka
B. budhism
C. jainism
D. nyaya
Answer» A. chärväka

Vyapti is the nerve of all inference. But the ………….. School challenges this universal and invariable relationship of concomitance.

A. carvaka
B. budhism
C. jainism
D. nyaya
Answer» A. carvaka

The Jainas classify knowledge into……………. and ……………

A. internal and external
B. mediate and immediate
C. mathi and shrutha
D. none of the
Answer» B. mediate and immediate

In Jainism mediate knowledge again divided into

A. mathi and shrutha
B. manahparyäya and kevala
C. avadhi and manahparyäya
D. none of the above
Answer» A. mathi and shrutha

In jainism, immediate knowledge is divided into

A. avadhi, manahparyäya and kevala
B. mathi and shrutha
C. manahparyaya and kevala
D. none of the above
Answer» A. avadhi, manahparyäya and kevala

Shruta means knowledge derived from……………

A. authority
B. perception
C. inference
D. none of the above
Answer» A. authority

Avadhi-jnäna, Manah- paryaya-jnäna and Kevala-jnana, are the three kinds of immediate knowledge which may be called as…………..

A. extra-ordinary perception
B. sensory perceptions
C. immidiate perception
D. none of the above
Answer» A. extra-ordinary perception

Jainism explains…….. Kinds of wrong knowledge

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. none of the above
Answer» B. three

………….means a standpoint of thought from which we make a statement about a thing.

A. naya
B. shruta
C. kevala
D. none of the above
Answer» A. naya

Partial knowledge of one of the innumerable aspects of a thing is called.

A. naya
B. shruta
C. kevala
D. none of the above
Answer» A. naya

Judgment based on the partial knowledge is also known as.

A. naya
B. shruta
C. kevala
D. none of the above
Answer» A. naya

There are …………. kinds of Nayas.

A. five
B. seven
C. eight
D. three
Answer» B. seven

Among the Nayavada, first four are called……………..

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayabhasa
D. evambhutanaya
Answer» A. artha-naya

Among the seven nayas the last three are called…………….

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayabhasa
D. evambhutanaya
Answer» B. shabda-naya

…………. Nayas are relate to words.

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayabhasa
D. evambhutanaya
Answer» B. shabda-naya

………… nayas are relate to objects or meanings.

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. evambhuta
D. none of the above
Answer» A. artha-naya

When taken as absolute, a ‘naya’ becomes a……………

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayabhasa
D. none of the above
Answer» C. nayabhasa

The standpoint we look at a thing as having both universal and particular qualities and we do not distinguish between them is known as………………..

A. artha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. sangrhanaya
D. naigama-naya
Answer» D. naigama-naya

The standpoint in which we emphasize the universal qualities and ignore the particulars where they are manifested is known as

A. sangraha-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayäbhäsa
D. naigama-naya
Answer» A. sangraha-naya

The standpoint in which the real is identified with the momentary is…………..

A. vyavahära-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. nayäbhäsa
D. rjusütra-naya
Answer» D. rjusütra-naya

According to ……………. naya, a name should be applied to an object only when its meaning is fulfilled.

A. vyavahära-naya
B. shabda-naya
C. samabhiruda-naya
D. evambhuta-naya
Answer» D. evambhuta-naya

In ‘Rjusütra-naya the real is identified with the…………….

A. consistency
B. momentary
C. absolute
D. none of these
Answer» B. momentary

…………is the theory of Relativity of knowledge.

A. nayabhasa
B. anekanta
C. syadvada
D. nayavada
Answer» C. syadvada

According to Jainism we can know an object in three ways such as ………, naya and pramana.

A. vyavrty
B. durniti
C. nayabhasa
D. hetvabhasa
Answer» B. durniti

According to Jainism mistaking a partial truth for the whole and the absolute truth is called …………

A. abhava
B. error
C. ‘durniti’
D. syad
Answer» C. ‘durniti’

According to Jainism, Syät is said to be the symbol of…………..

A. validity
B. argument
C. logic
D. truth
Answer» D. truth

Who is the author of Padarthadharmasahgraha?

A. vallabha
B. parswanatha
C. prasasthapada
D. gangesa
Answer» C. prasasthapada

………..system is predominantly intellectual, analytic, logical and epistemological.

A. jainism
B. nyaya
C. advaita
D. sankhya
Answer» B. nyaya

Nyaya system accepts …………. types of valid means of knowledge.

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Answer» D. four

Vaishesika recognizes only two Pramänas, namely, perception and……….

A. comparison
B. inference
C. verbal testimony
D. implication
Answer» B. inference

Nyaya tradtion defines………… as the right apprehension of an object

A. valid knowledge
B. invalid knowledge
C. cognition
D. none of these
Answer» A. valid knowledge

According to Nyaya……….is not valid because it is not presentative cognition

A. sruti
B. smriti
C. anubhava
D. prama
Answer» B. smriti

Nyaya system says that, Perception is ‘unassociated with a name’ which means…………

A. determinate
B. ordinary
C. indeterminate
D. extra-ordinary
Answer» C. indeterminate

According to Naiyayikas, the perception which is ‘well-defined’ is known as………..

A. determinate
B. indeterminate
C. ordinary
D. extra-ordinary.
Answer» A. determinate

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