
120+ Issues and Political Processes in Modern India Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) .


The term fourth estate denotes

A. legislature
B. executive
C. judiciary
D. media
Answer» D. media

Cripps Mission came to India in:

A. 1928
B. 1940
C. 1942
D. 1945
Answer» C. 1942

Provisional autonomy was introduced in India Under the :

A. act of 1919
B. minto-morley reforms act 1909
C. government of india act 1935
D. none of the above
Answer» C. government of india act 1935

The first All India Women’s Organization was formed in

A. 1918
B. 1917
C. 1916
D. 1919
Answer» B. 1917

. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?

A. a o. hume
B. w c. banerjee
C. dadabhai naoroji
D. motilal nehru
Answer» A. a o. hume

The all parties conference was held at Delhi in February 1928 at the initiative of

A. the britishers
B. the muslim league
C. the swarajist party
D. indian national congress
Answer» D. indian national congress

What does DMK stand for

A. delhi munnetra kazhagam
B. dravida munnetra kazhagam
C. dravida manipur kazhagam
D. dravida megha kerala
Answer» B. dravida munnetra kazhagam

Which of the following is not a regional party of India.

A. aiadmk
B. telugu desam
C. national conference
D. cpi(m)
Answer» D. cpi(m)

During which of the following years the Congress party has faced serious electoral reverses?

A. 1967
B. 1977
C. 1989
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The communist party of India was established in the year

A. 1935
B. 1950
C. 1893
D. 1920
Answer» D. 1920

In which year Communist party was divided into CPI and CPI(M)

A. 1960
B. 1964
C. 1968
D. 1972
Answer» B. 1964

Who among the following believed that communalism came to India with the British?

A. mahatma gandhi
B. gokhale
C. saradar patel
D. tilak
Answer» A. mahatma gandhi

The Third Round Table Conference was held in 1932 at :

A. calcutta
B. simla
C. lahore
D. london
Answer» D. london

------means love of a particular region or state in preference to the country as a whole

A. nationalism
B. regionalism
C. ethinicism
D. none of the above
Answer» B. regionalism

Which of the following are the important socio-economic factors of regional imbalance in India.

A. per capita income
B. regional location of industries
C. population below poverty line
D. all
Answer» D. all

Communalism is opposed to :

A. secularism
B. racial conflict
C. amity between class
D. all of the above
Answer» A. secularism

Which is the following problems most fostered regionalism in India?

A. social
B. economic
C. religious
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. both (a) and (b)

Which of the following caste groups are regarded as the so called ‘twice born’?

A. brahmins
B. kshatriyas
C. vaishayas
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Democratic socialism is a modern version of

A. revisionalism
B. guild socialism
C. fabian socialism
D. syndicalism
Answer» C. fabian socialism

As a political strategy, communalism is opposed to

A. nationalism
B. regionalism
C. localism
D. internationalism
Answer» A. nationalism

The famous work ‘Communalism in Modern India’ is written by

A. runki basu
B. ashutosh varshney
C. bipan chandra
D. none of the
Answer» C. bipan chandra

Jawaharlal Nehru once described communalism as the Indian version of

A. fascism
B. apartheid
C. nazism
D. none of the above
Answer» A. fascism

Who is a leading Champion of the concept of the secular state

A. jawaharal nehru
B. sarvakar
C. jinnah
D. tilak
Answer» A. jawaharal nehru

The Supreme Court of India was set up

A. by the constitution.
B. by a law of parliament
C. by presidential order
D. none of the
Answer» A. by the constitution.

“A caste is a group of structural or potential kinsmen.” Who said?

A. fg bailey
B. m n srinivas
C. jawaharlal nehru
D. none of the above
Answer» A. fg bailey

Caste in India is an endogamous kinship group known as

A. varna
B. religion
C. slave
D. jati
Answer» D. jati

People are usually classified into upper, middle and lower classes on the basis of

A. caste
B. clan
C. class
D. occupation
Answer» C. class

The judges of the Supreme Court hold office till they reach the age of

A. 58years
B. 60years
C. 65years.
D. there is no upper age limit.
Answer» C. 65years.

Who made a statement that, “India is not a one party state, and it is a one dominant party system”.

A. mahatma gandhi
B. morris jones
C. m n roy
D. john rawls
Answer» B. morris jones

Who said ‘ All communalism is harmful? The logic of minority communalism is separatism, and majority communalism culminates in fascism’?

A. bhikhu parekh
B. t n madan
C. bipin chandra
D. ashish nandy
Answer» C. bipin chandra

--------- is considered to be the core of a political party

A. regulations
B. ideology
C. rules
D. customs
Answer» B. ideology

“Secularism is neither a religion nor indifference to religion but equal respect for all religions” who said it

A. indira gandhi
B. guru nanak
C. nehru
D. m n roy
Answer» A. indira gandhi

Which Article- provides for the setting of a National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes

A. art 370
B. art. 338
C. art 332
D. art 335
Answer» B. art. 338

who among the following established Congress government in Madras

A. c raja gopalachari
B. c v ramaswami
C. indira gandhi
D. subhash chandra bose
Answer» A. c raja gopalachari

Which of the following Amendments to the Indian constitution has made the word secular, in the preambles?

A. 43rd
B. 42nd
C. 44th
D. 40th
Answer» B. 42nd

Which one of the following person is known as ‘Iron man of India ’?

A. nehru
B. gandhi
C. bhagat singh
D. sardar patel
Answer» D. sardar patel

The words ‘socialist, secular and integrity’ have been inserted preamble in

A. 1977
B. 1976
C. 1972
D. 1974
Answer» B. 1976

Indian National Congress was established in the year

A. 1886
B. 1881
C. 1885
D. 1180
Answer» C. 1885

Mound Batten in his plan favoured :

A. akhand bharat
B. partition of the country
C. federation of the hindu and muslim provinces
D. none of the above
Answer» B. partition of the country

National conference is an important political party in the state of

A. jammu and kashmir
B. andhra pradesh
C. assam
D. tripura
Answer» A. jammu and kashmir

State emergency is mentioned under……. Article

A. 352
B. 356
C. 360
D. 123
Answer» B. 356

Which constitutional Amendment Act (2002) makes education for children between 6 to 14 years of age a fundamental right?

A. 81st
B. 85th
C. 86th
D. 87th
Answer» C. 86th

------------ among the following can be considered as a link between the government and the people.

A. the judiciary
B. political party
C. bureaucracy
D. democratic
Answer» B. political party

The first general election in India took place in the year

A. 1950
B. 1951
C. 1952
D. 1953
Answer» C. 1952

India is a ------ state

A. theocratic
B. secular
C. anti religious
D. aristocratic
Answer» B. secular

The National Commission for Women came into existence on January 31.

A. 1945
B. 1991
C. 1992
D. 1993
Answer» C. 1992

Which of the following shall not be considered an adequate ground for the issue of a proclamation of national emergency ?

A. war
B. external aggression n
C. armed rebellion
D. internal disturbance
Answer» D. internal disturbance

The Union List consists of

A. 97 subjects
B. 61 subjects
C. 47 subjects
D. 73 subjects
Answer» A. 97 subjects

In a federal system the guardian of the Constitution is

A. the parliament
B. the judiciary
C. the council of ministers
D. the national security advisor
Answer» B. the judiciary

The term casteism was originated from ………language

A. portugese
B. french
C. german
D. italian
Answer» A. portugese

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