7100+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science)

  1. 1. An Introduction to Political Science
  2. 2. Ancient and Medieval Political Thought
  3. 3. Comparative Politics
  4. 4. Contemporary Issues in International Politics
  5. 5. Development Administration
  6. 6. Environmental Politics and Human Rights
  7. 7. Foundation of Political Science
  8. 8. Foundations of Sociology
  9. 9. General Economics 1
  10. 10. General Economics 2
  11. 11. Human Rights
  12. 12. Human Rights in India
  13. 13. India’s Foreign Policy
  14. 14. Indian Constitution - Institutions and Processes
  15. 15. Indian Government and Politics
  16. 16. International Organization and Administration
  17. 17. International Organizations and World Affairs
  18. 18. International Politics
  19. 19. Introduction to Comparative Politics
  20. 20. Introduction to International Relations
  21. 21. Introduction to Political Theory
  22. 22. Issues and Political Processes in Modern India
  23. 23. Issues in International Politics
  24. 24. Methodology and Perspectives of Social Sciences
  25. 25. Methodology of Research in Political Science
  26. 26. Modern Indian Political Thought
  27. 27. New Social Movements
  28. 28. Political Thought- Indian Traditions
  29. 29. Political Thought- Western Traditions
  30. 30. Public Administration­ Theory and Practice
  31. 31. Research Methodology (RM)
  32. 32. Society, State and Political Process in Kerala
  33. 33. State and Society in Kerala
  34. 34. Theories and Principles of Public Administration

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Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) MCQs PDF download, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science) all topics MCQs, MCQ questions and answers for Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA political science)