180+ Mobile Communication Solved MCQs


Which model of loss system allows the usage of Poisson distribution model for traffic analysis especially by assuming infinite number of users?

A. lost calls cleared (lcc)
B.  lost calls returned (lcr)
C.  lost calls held (lch)
D. none of the above
Answer» A. lost calls cleared (lcc)

Which type of holding time distribution is assumed for the voice conversation on telephone?

A. constant
B. exponential
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» B. exponential

If the queuing systems are connected in tandem configuration, what would be the nature of delay?

A. commutative
B. distributive
C. cumulative
D.  deductive
Answer» A. commutative

In analyzing the traffic performance, how is the number of trunk decided with the provision of the Grade of Service (GoS) especially for larger group?

A. by normal load condition
B. by overload condition
C.  by underload condition
D. none of the above
Answer» B. by overload condition

By which name/s is the Grade of Service (GOS) well-known?

A. call congestion
B. time congestion
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» A. call congestion

How is the relation between Erlang and CCS specified?

A. 1 erlang = 36 ccs
B. 1 erlang = 56 ccs
C. 1 erlang = 76 ccs
D. 1 erlang = 96 ccs
Answer» A. 1 erlang = 36 ccs

The ratio of number of successful calls to the number of call attempts is known as ______

A. call completion rate (ccr)
B. call block rate (cbr)
C. busy hour call rate (bhcr)
D. none of the above
Answer» A. call completion rate (ccr)

Which assumption prooves call arrivals has Poisson's distribution?

A. pure chance traffic
B. statistical equilibrium
C. full availability
D. calls which faces congestion and gets lost
Answer» A. pure chance traffic

The process in which control signal shares the same path as voice and data is called as __________

A. pcm signalling
B. inband signalling
C. outband signalling
D. all of the above
Answer» B. inband signalling

Percentage of occupancy can be defined as the percentage of _____ for which the server seems to be busy.

A. volume
B. speed
C. distance
D.  time
Answer» D.  time

Erlang -B and Erlang-C formulae became foundational results in _________

A. teletraffic engineering 
B. queueing theory
C. both 1 and 2
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both 1 and 2

A message of one signal unit length is called as _________

A. single unit message
B. multi unit message
C. double unit message
D. all of the above
Answer» A. single unit message

________ group of trunk's system is more efficient.

A. small
B. medium
C. large
D. none of the above
Answer» C. large

The system in which call requests are kept waiting due to unavailability of trunks is known as ____________

A. lost calls system
B. queueing system
C. lost systems in tandem
D. none of the above
Answer» B. queueing system

If a group of trunk is offered 1200 calls during the busy hour & 20 calls are lost along with the average call duration of about 7 min, then what would be the total duration of congestion period?

A. 21.6 sec
B.  42.2 sec
C.  57.6 sec
D. 98.2 sec
Answer» C.  57.6 sec

Customer line signalling is used for __________

A. generation of supervision signals and digits
B. conversion of received electrical tone and announcement signals into sound signals
C. conversion of electrical ringing signal into a high level acoustic signal
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

CCS signalling network is based on __________

A. geographical location of signalling points
B. number and size of signalling points
C. offered load and services to be provided
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

During Busy hour, 1000 calls were offered to a group of trunks and 5 calls were lost. The average call duration was 2 minutes. Find Grade of Service (B)

A. 0.025
B. 0.005
C. 0.076
D. 0.056
Answer» B. 0.005

A group of 5 trunks is offering 2 Erlangs of traffic. Find the probability that at least one trunk is free.

A. 0.037
B. 0.275
C. 0.0917
D. 0.963
Answer» D. 0.963

During Busy hour, 1200 calls were offered to a group of trunks and 6 calls were lost. The average call duration was 3 minutes. Find Traffic carried(Ac)

A. 60e
B. 0.3e
C. 59.7e
D. 55.9e
Answer» C. 59.7e

A group of 20 servers carry a traffic of 10 Erlangs. If average duration of calls is 3 minutes, calculate the no. of calls put through by a single server and a group as a whole in 1 hour period.

A. 10 calls by single server and 200 calls by a group
B. 8 calls by single server and 250 calls by a group
C. 100 calls by single server and 200 calls by a group
D. none of the above
Answer» A. 10 calls by single server and 200 calls by a group

Over 20 minutes observation interval, 40 subscribers initiate a call. Total duration of calls is 4800sec. Calculate load offered to network by the subscribers and average subscriber traffic?

A. 2e and 0.5e respectively
B. 3e and 1.5e respectively
C. 4e and 0.1e respectively
D. 1e and 0.2e respectively
Answer» C. 4e and 0.1e respectively

Formats of signal units in CCTTT no. 7 signalling system are ________________

A. message signalling unit
B. link-status signalling unit
C. fill-in unit
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Features of CCITT no. 7 signalling system (SS7) are ________________

A. used in services like telephony, data,images and video.
B. suitable for terrestrial as well as satellite links.
C. internationally accepted standard
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

If a telephone exchange serves 1500 users with the average BHCA of about 9000 and CCR is about 50%, what would be the busy hour calling rate?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4.5
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Major classes of signalling are ___________

A. customer line signalling
B. in channel signalling
C. common channel signalling
D. both 2 and 3
Answer» D. both 2 and 3

On an average, one call arrives every 5 seconds. During a period of 10 seconds, what is the probability that no call arrives?

A. 0.123
B. 0.135
C. 0.595
D. 0.455
Answer» B. 0.135

Standards of CCITT Signalling system are _____

A. ss6
B. ss5
C. ss7
D. both 1 and 3
Answer» D. both 1 and 3

Inter register signalling can be done by _________

A. link by link basis
B. end to end basis
C. line signalling
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In Erlang's analysis of efficient telephone line usage he derived the formulae for two important cases, ________,

A. erlang-b
B. erlang-c
C. erlang-a
D. both 1 and 2
Answer» D. both 1 and 2

What are the types of inter register signalling?

A. en-bloc signalling
B. overlap signalling
C. both 1 and 2
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both 1 and 2

Erlang determined GoS of lost call system of finite number of trunks based on assumptions: 1. Pure chance traffic 2. Statistical equilibrium 3. Full availability 4. calls which face congestion and get lost

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Traffic tables show relationships of ____________

A. offered traffic \a\
B. blocking probability (gos)
C. number of trunks \n\
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A group of 10 servers carry a traffic of 5E. If the average duration of calls is 1.5 minutes, calculate the number of calls put through by a single server and a group as a whole in 1 hr period.

A. 20 calls and 200 calls
B. 10 calls and 200 calls
C. 5 calls and 100 calls
D. none of the above
Answer» A. 20 calls and 200 calls

A group of 5 trunks carry a traffic of 2E. Find 1. GoS 2. Probability that only one trunk is busy.

A. 0.037 and 0.275
B. 0.027 and 0.325
C. 0.047 and 0.475
D. none of the above
Answer» A. 0.037 and 0.275

Over 10 minutes observation interval, 20 subscribers initiate a call. Total duration of calls is 2400sec. Calculate load offered to network by the subscribers and average subscriber traffic?

A. 4e and 0.1e respectively
B. 2e and 0.5e respectively
C. 3e and 1.5e respectively
D. 1e and 0.2e respectively
Answer» A. 4e and 0.1e respectively

Which among the following represents the flawless hand-off with no perceivable interruption of service?

A. Hard hand-off
B. Soft hand-off
C.  Intracell hand-off
D. Intercell hand-off
Answer» B. Soft hand-off

If more number of cells are necessary in the frequency reuse distance, then the segmentation & dualization techniques get ________

A. United
B. Divided
C.  Restricted
D. Filtered
Answer» A. United

Which method of cellular network assists in minimizing the co-channel interference associated with the angle of degree?

A. Cell Splitting
B. Cell Sectoring
C. Cell Segmentation & Dualization
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Cell Sectoring

Which effect is widespread in adjacent-channel interference especially after the reception of a weak signal by a mobile user from the base-station?

A. Near-far effect
B. Doppler\s effect
C. Capture effect
D. Kendall effect
Answer» A. Near-far effect

Which antennas are used at the center of the cells for the system with hexagonal-shaped cells?

A. Omni-directional antennas
B. Sectored directional antennas
C. Both a and b
D.  None of the above
Answer» A. Omni-directional antennas

The most comman dial up service used by a person making home telephone call is_____________

A. Analog Switched Service
B. Analog Leased Service
C. Switched/56 Service
D. Digital Data Service
Answer» A. Analog Switched Service

For Telephone voice Transmission to use a T line, the signal must be __________________ before the multiplexed.

A. Synchronized
B. Modulated
C. Sampled
D. Filterd
Answer» C. Sampled

The propagation model that estimates radio coverage of a transmitter is called ___________

A. Large scale propagation model
B. Small scale propagation model
C. Fading model
D. Okumura model
Answer» A. Large scale propagation model

The mechanism behind electromagnetic wave propagation cannot be attributed to _____

A. Reflection
B. Diffraction
C. Scattering
D. Sectoring
Answer» D. Sectoring

Small scale propagation model is also known as _______

A. Fading model
B. Micro scale propagation model
C. Okumura model
D. Hata model
Answer» A. Fading model

Which of the following techniques do not help in expanding the capacity of cellular system?

A. Sectoring
B. Scattering
C. Splitting
D. Microcell zone concept
Answer» B. Scattering

Which of the following technology distributes the coverage of the cell and extends the cell boundary to hard-to-reach places?

A. Cell splitting
B. Scattering
C. Sectoring
D. Micro cell zone concept
Answer» D. Micro cell zone concept

Cell splitting increases the capacity of a cellular system since it increases the number of times ________ are reused.

A. Cells
B. Channels
C. Transmitters
D. Mobile stations
Answer» B. Channels

Small scale variations of a mobile radio signal are directly related to _______

A. Impulse response of mobile radio channel
B. Impulse response of base station
C. Frequency response of antenna
D. Frequency response of base station
Answer» A. Impulse response of mobile radio channel

Discretization of multipath delay axis of impulse response into equal time delay segments is called __________

A. Excess delay bins
B. Delay bins
C. Discrete bins
D. Digital bins
Answer» A. Excess delay bins

In cellular telephone network, which component controls the switching between public wireline telephone network and the base station of cells for supporting the different calls between landline to mobile, mobile to landline and mobile to mobile calls?

A. Electronic Switching Center (ESC)
B. A Cell Controller
C. Radio Transmitter & Receiver
D. A common communication protocol
Answer» A. Electronic Switching Center (ESC)

In a cellular telephone system, which type of interference results from imperfect design of filters in receivers by allowing nearby frequencies to enter the receiver?

A. Co-channel Interference
B. Adjacent-channel Interference
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Adjacent-channel Interference

If the system is designed with the usage of hexagonal-shaped cells, how are the base-stations located?

A. At the centre of cell
B. At the edge of cell
C. At the corner of the cell
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Station Busy is sometime called

A. Fast Busy
B. Slow Busy
C. Short Busy
D. Long Busy
Answer» B. Slow Busy

Relation between gain and effective aperture is given by ______

A. G=(4πAe)/λ2
B. G=(4π λ2)/ Ae
C. G=4πAe
D. G=Ae/λ2
Answer» A. G=(4πAe)/λ2

Which of the following is not an advantage of micro cell zone technique?

A. Reduced co channel interference
B. Improved signal quality
C. Increase in capacity
D. Increasing number of base stations
Answer» D. Increasing number of base stations

Which of the following is not a channel parameter?

A. Bandwidth
B. Coherence time
C. Rms delay spread
D. Doppler spread
Answer» A. Bandwidth

Flat fading channel is also known as _____

A. Amplitude varying channel
B. Wideband channel
C. Phase varying channel
D. Frequency varying channel
Answer» A. Amplitude varying channel

For fast fading channel, the coherence time of the channel is smaller than _______ of transmitted signal.

A. Doppler spread
B. Bandwidth
C. Symbol period
D. Coherence bandwidth
Answer» C. Symbol period

The time dispersive properties of wideband multipath channel are quantified by ______ and _______

A. Mean excess delay, rms delay spread
B. Doppler spread, rms delay spread
C. Doppler spread, coherence time
D. Mean excess delay, Doppler spread
Answer» A. Mean excess delay, rms delay spread

The received power of a wideband signal fluctuates significantly when a receiver is moved about a local area. State whether True or False.

A. True
B. false
C. Both A and B
D. Cant Say
Answer» B. false

Why is the phase of individual multipath components are not received in RF Pulse system?

A. Due to use of duplexer
B. Due to use of ADC
C. Due to use of flip flops
D. Due to use of envelope detector
Answer» D. Due to use of envelope detector

Anyone who uses atelephone or data modem on the telephone circuit is a part of globle communication network called as__________________ and the pair of wires connecting a subscriber to the closest telephone office is called as ____________________.

A. Personal Mobile Telephone Network,Twisted Pair
B. World Wide Web, Subscriber Line
C. Internet, Drop Line
D. Public Telephone Network, Local Loop
Answer» D. Public Telephone Network, Local Loop

Free space propagation model is to predict ______,Which of the following do not undergo free space propagation?

A. Received signal strength,Wired telephone systems
B. Transmitted power, Satellite communication system
C. Gain of transmitter,Microwave line of sight radio links
D. Gain of receiver, Wireless line of sight radio links
Answer» A. Received signal strength,Wired telephone systems

The free space model predicts that received signal decays as a function of _____

A. Gain of transmitter antenna
B. T-R separation
C. Power of transmitter antenna
D. Effective aperture of the antenna
Answer» B. T-R separation

Which hand-off stage deals with the relinquishment of unnecessary frequency channels by keeping the availability for other mobile users?

A.  Initialization
B. Resource Reservation
C. Call Execution
D. Call Completion
Answer» D. Call Completion

Free space propagation model is to predict ______ and Propagation model that characterize rapid fluctuation is called ________

A. Transmitted power,Hata model
B. Received signal strength, Fading model
C. Gain of transmitter, Large scale propagation model
D. Gain of receiver,Okumura model
Answer» B. Received signal strength, Fading model

Differentiate GSM and DECT.

A. Both B and C
B. GSM -Range is up to 70km. DECT-Range is limited to about 300m.
C. GSM- Global systems for mobile communications DECT- Digital enhanced cordless elecommunications
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Both B and C

______ leads to time dispersion and frequency selective fading. What is characteristic of flat fading?

A. Doppler spread, Mobile radio channel has constant gain
B. Multipath delay spread, Non linear phase response
C. Time dispersive parameters, Linear phase response
D. Frequency delay spread,Bandwidth is greater than the bandwidth of transmitted signal
Answer» B. Multipath delay spread, Non linear phase response

What is the order of typical values of rms delay spread in outdoor mobile radio channels?

A. Microseconds
B. Nanoseconds
C. Seconds
D. Minutes
Answer» A. Microseconds

Power delay profile and magnitude frequency response of a mobile radio channel are related through _______

A. Laplace Transform
B. Fourier Transform
C. S Transform
D. Wavelet Transform
Answer» B. Fourier Transform

_____ and coherence bandwidth are inversely proportional to one another.Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of range of frequencies over which channel is considered _______

A. Rms delay spread, Flat
B. Mean excess delay,Frequency selective
C. Excess delay spread,Time variant
D. Doppler spread, Time dispersive
Answer» A. Rms delay spread, Flat

Verify True or False A.Frequency domain channel sounding technique do not require hard wired synchronization between transmitter and receiver. B.There is no relationship between time domain and frequency domain techniques.

A. Both Statements True
B. Both Statements False
C. Only A true
D. Only B true
Answer» D. Only B true

Which of the following is not an advantage of spread spectrum channel sounding system?

A. Real time
B. Rejection of passband noise
C. Coverage range improvement
D. Less transmitter power required
Answer» A. Real time

Verify True or False A. Impulse response is a narrowband characterization. B.Impulse response does not play any role in characterization of the channel.

A. Both Statements True
B. Both Statements False
C. Only A true
D. Only B true
Answer» B. Both Statements False

Which of the following is the world’s first cellular system to specify digital modulation and network level architecture?

D. IS-54
Answer» A. GSM

Who set the standards of GSM?

B. AT & T
Answer» C. ETSI

Which of the following memory device stores information such as subscriber’s identification number in GSM?

A. Register
B. Flip flop
Answer» C. SIM

Which of the following does not come under subsystem of GSM architecture?

D. Channel
Answer» D. Channel

Which of the following subsystem provides radio transmission between mobile station and MSC?

Answer» A. BSS

____ manages the switching function in GSM.

Answer» B. NSS

______ supports the operation and maintenance of GSM.

Answer» C. OSS

Which modulation technique is used by GSM?

Answer» A. GMSK

Which one is not a TDMA standard of second generation networks?

B. IS-136
Answer» C. AMPS

Which is one of the disadvantages of 2G standards?

A. Short Messaging Service (SMS)
B. Digital modulation
C. Limited capacity
D. Limited Internet Browsing
Answer» D. Limited Internet Browsing

The 2G GSM technology uses a carrier separation of _______

A. 1.25 MHz
B. 200 KHz
C. 30 KHz
D. 300 KHz
Answer» B. 200 KHz

GSM is an example of

A. TDMA cellular systems
B. FDMA cellular systems
C. CDMA cellular systems
D. SDMA cellular systems
Answer» A. TDMA cellular systems

GSM stands for...

A. Group Spécial Mobile
B. Global System for Mobile Communications
C. Great Streaming of Media
D. Global Standard of Mobile Communications
Answer» B. Global System for Mobile Communications

What is the air interface between the Mobile Station (MS) and Base Transceiver Station (BTS) called?

A. Um
B. Abis
C. A
Answer» A. Um

What is the basic service unit of GSM communications?

A. Location Area
B. Cell
C. OLMN Service Area
D. MSC / VLR Service Area
Answer» B. Cell

The first cellular systems were....

A. Analogue
B. Digital
C. Carrier waves
D. Modulating waves
Answer» A. Analogue

The Base Station Subsystem (BSS) comprises of what?

A. The Base System Transcontroller and Base Station Condenser
B. The Base Transceiver Station and Base Station Controller
C. The Base Transcript System and Base System Computer
D. The Transfer Station and Base Station Computer
Answer» B. The Base Transceiver Station and Base Station Controller

The Base Station Controller (BSC) communicates with the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) over what interface?

A. Hertz
B. Tx / Rx
C. Abis
D. Cbit
Answer» C. Abis

A duplex transmission is realized in 2G GSM with the help of ……..

C. a and b
D. None of the above
Answer» A. FDD

FDD stands for ……..

A. Frequency Division Duplex
B. Full Division Duplex
C. Frequency Double Duplex
D. Frequency Duplex Division
Answer» A. Frequency Division Duplex

What is the interface between the BSS and MSC?

A. Um
B. Abis
C. A
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A

SIM stands for....

A. Serial Identity Master
B. Subscriber Interface Marker
C. Subscriber Identity Module
D. System Interface Module
Answer» C. Subscriber Identity Module

 2G standards support

A. Limited internet browsing
B. Short Messaging Service
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both a & b

GSM system is a …………..system.

A. Frequency division
B. Time Division
D. a and b
Answer» D. a and b
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