190+ Principles of Programming Languages Solved MCQs


Which of the following is not the part of software development phases?

A. software designing
B. software validation
C. software dependent
D. software implementation
Answer» C. software dependent

Which of the following is a functional programming language?

A. c
B. c++
C. ml
D. ada
Answer» C. ml

Which of the following phase of software development is associated with creation of test data ?

A. system analysis
B. design
C. coding
D. system acceptance
Answer» D. system acceptance

_________ is a module based programming language

A. c
B. c++
C. ml
D. ada
Answer» D. ada

Which of the following is an object oriented programming language?

A. c
B. c++
C. ml
D. ada
Answer» B. c++

Which of the following is secondary memory device?

A. keyboard
B. disk
C. alu
D. all of the above
Answer» B. disk

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the SDLC phases.

A. the sdlc is not iterative.
B. the life cycle is always a sequentially ordered sets of phases.
C. it is not possible to completed some activities in one phase in parallel with those of another phase.
D. the life cycle may be thought of as a circular process.
Answer» A. the sdlc is not iterative.

Which step of SDLC performs cost/benefit analysis?

A. feasibility study
B. analysis
C. design
D. none of these
Answer» B. analysis

The detailed study of existing system is referred to as

A. system planning
B. system analysis
C. feasibility study
D. design dfd
Answer» B. system analysis

Prototyping aims at

A. end user understanding and approval
B. program logic
C. planning of dataflow organization
D. none of these
Answer» A. end user understanding and approval

What is a prototype

A. mini-model of existing system
B. mini-model of proposed system
C. working model of existing system
D. none of these
Answer» A. mini-model of existing system

The Logic programming technique is implemented in :

A. declarative programming
B. object oriented programming
C. functional programming
D. generic programming
Answer» A. declarative programming

ALU stands for:

A. array logic unit
B. application logic unit
C. arithmetic logic unit
D. none of these
Answer» C. arithmetic logic unit

The difference between memory and storage is that memory is _________ and storage is _________.

A. temporary,permanent
B. permanent,temporary
C. slow,fast
D. all of above
Answer» A. temporary,permanent

Which programming languages are classified as low level languages?

A. cobol,fortran,pascal
B. prolog 2,expert systems
C. assembly languages
D. knowledge based systems
Answer» C. assembly languages

Which of the following is machine independence program?

A. high level language
B. low level language
C. assembly language
D. machine language
Answer» A. high level language

For specifying the syntax of a language _____________ is used.

A. context free language
B. regular expression
C. finite automata
D. none of these
Answer» A. context free language

Semantic of aprogram means

A. format of a program
B. meaning of a program
C. simply content of a program
D. none of these
Answer» A. format of a program

The graphical representation of syntax is represented by ___________.

A. finite diagram
B. er diagram
C. syntax diagram
D. none of these
Answer» C. syntax diagram

Which one of the following is not the stage of software development?

A. requirement analysis and gathering
B. problem identification
C. software design
D. maintenance
Answer» B. problem identification

The Linker __________________.

A. is similar to interpreter
B. uses source code as its input
C. it is required to create a load module
D. none of these
Answer» C. it is required to create a load module

#include<stdio.h> #define count 10; void main() { printf("%d",count); }

A. 10
B. syntax error
C. 0
D. none of these
Answer» B. syntax error

FORTRAN stands for:

A. free translator
B. formula translator
C. formula translation
D. free translation
Answer» B. formula translator

Which is the longest scope in the following code?
#include <stdio.h>

int x;
int main()
int y;
return 0;

void fun()
int z;

A. x
B. y
C. z
D. both a and b
Answer» A. x

The value of an automatic variable that is declared but not initialized will be

A. 0
B. -1
C. unpredictable
D. none of these
Answer» C. unpredictable

In C, reference is declared using the symbol

A. *
B. &
C. &&
D. !
Answer» B. &

The default parameter passing method used in C++ is ____________.

A. call by reference
B. call by value
C. call by name
D. none of these
Answer» B. call by value

The difference between memory and storage is that memory is __________________ and storage is __________.

A. temporary, permanent
B. permanent,temporary
C. slow,fast
D. all of above
Answer» A. temporary, permanent

What is relationship between reliability and failure?

A. direct relation
B. inverse relation
C. no relation
D. varying relationdepending upon the situation
Answer» B. inverse relation

Language efficiency can be achieved by ___________.

A. maximum speed
B. less memory consumption
C. reusability
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Programming language FOTRAN stands for:

A. free translator
B. formula translator
C. formula translation
D. free translation
Answer» B. formula translator

The full form of BNF is_____________.

A. beginning normal form
B. backus naur form
C. best normal form
D. none of these
Answer» B. backus naur form

Semantic of a program means-

A. format of a program
B. meaning of a program
C. simply content of a program
D. none of these
Answer» B. meaning of a program

What is the output of the following code?
Int main(void)
char name = 'P';
'P' = 10;
return 0;

A. name will contain value 10
B. p will contain 10
C. syntax error
D. none of these
Answer» C. syntax error

Which of the following represents correct syntax for function declaration?

A. int sum(int,int);
B. int sum(int,int){}
C. int sum;
D. both a and c
Answer» A. int sum(int,int);

During execution of a program the compiler demands for block of memory to operating system.This block is called as _____________.

A. code memory
B. data memory
C. runtime storage
D. none of these
Answer» C. runtime storage

What is relationship between reliability and failure?

A. direct relationship
B. inverse relationship
C. no relation
D. varying relation depending upon the situation
Answer» D. varying relation depending upon the situation

#include <stdio.h>
#define count 10;
void main()
printf("%d", count);

A. 10
B. syntax error
C. infinity
D. none of these
Answer» B. syntax error

When variable used in the program is a whole number,then variable is stored as ___________.

A. string data type
B. integer data type
C. negative whole number
D. positive whole number
Answer» B. integer data type

Class is _______.

A. template which associates code and data
B. data abstraction
C. implementation of abstract data type
D. object oriented
Answer» D. object oriented

What will be the output of following code? #include <iostream> using namespace std;

int main()
enum color
blue, orange, green

enum fruit
apple, guava, orange

int i = 0;
for (i = blue; i <= green; i++)
printf("%d", i);
return 0;

A. 0 1 2
B. 1 2 3
C. syntax error
D. none of these
Answer» C. syntax error

What is the output of following code?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int I;
enum test
a = 1, b, c, d, e, f, g, h

for (i = c; i <= g; i++) cout << " " << I;
return 0;

A. syntax error
B. 3 4 5 6 7
C. 1 2 3 4 5
D. none of these
Answer» B. 3 4 5 6 7

Which size should be used when double precision is required?

A. float
B. double
C. long double
D. none of these
Answer» B. double

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a = 22.22;
double b = 22.22;
if (a == b) cout << "Matching";
else cout << "Not Matching";
return 0;

A. matching
B. non matching
C. syntax error
D. none of these
Answer» B. non matching

Explicit type conversion is known as_____.

A. conversion
B. casting
C. separation
D. none of these
Answer» B. casting

What is the role of compiler by templates?

A. probability
B. type-safe
C. code elimination
D. allof these
Answer» B. type-safe

A mathematical model with a collection of operations defined on that model is called__________.

A. data structure
B. abstract data type
C. built in data type
D. none of these
Answer» B. abstract data type

What is strong type system?

A. the type system in which only built-in data types are allowed.
B. the type system in which only user defined data types are allowed.
C. a type system that guarantees not to generate type errors.
D. none of these
Answer» C. a type system that guarantees not to generate type errors.

Identify the built-in data type__________________.

A. struct
B. class
C. int
D. enum
Answer» C. int

What will happen if null pointer is converted to boolean___________.

A. the boolean value is evaluated to true
B. the boolean value is evaluated to false
C. errror is raised
D. none of these
Answer» B. the boolean value is evaluated to false

What will be the output of the following code?

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a = 'a';
cout << a;
return 0;

A. a
B. 0.0
C. 97
D. syntax error
Answer» C. 97

What will be the output of the following code?
int main()
char ch;
ch = 129;
printf("%d\n", ch);
return 0;

A. 129
B. -129
C. -127
D. syntax error
Answer» C. -127

When the type conversion is required?

A. the value to be stored is in the form not supported by data type
B. the value supported is beyond the max limit
C. to reduce the memory in use associated with that value
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

What is the output of the following code?
int main()
double x = 1.2;
int sum = (int) x + 1;
printf("sum=%d", sum);
return 0;

A. 2.2
B. 2
C. 2
D. conversion from double to int is not possible
Answer» B. 2

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 10, b = 20;
a = a++;
b = ++b;
cout << a << b;
return 0;

A. 10 20
B. 11 20
C. 10 21
D. 11 21
Answer» C. 10 21

A strict type system in which one operand type A is allowed to perform operation with another operand with type B.This feature of type system is called _____________.

A. type compatibility
B. type equivalence
C. type conformance
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

What is strong type system?

A. the type system in which only built-in data types are allowed.
B. the type system in which only user defined data types are allowed.
C. the type system that guarantees not to generate type errors.
D. none of these
Answer» C. the type system that guarantees not to generate type errors.

chosse the incorrect statement

A. int a[]=new int[10]
B. int[] a=new int[10]
C. int a[]=int[10] new
D. all of these
Answer» C. int a[]=int[10] new

which of the following is not data type in pascal?

A. real
B. float
C. double
D. struct
Answer» B. float

during implicit conversion is it possible to

A. loss of information
B. sign can be lost
C. occure overlow
D. all of these
Answer» C. occure overlow

For defining interface in java --------- keyword is used?

A. interface
B. interface
C. inter
D. class_interface
Answer» B. interface

which of the not looping statement in c?

A. while
B. until
C. double
D. for
Answer» B. until

following is posted loop?

A. do while
B. for
C. if
D. while
Answer» A. do while

choose the correct?
I)procedure is a kind of routine that return a value?
II)functio is a kind of routine that dose no return any value?

A. only one
B. only two
C. both i&ii
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

exception is throw using the keyword ?

A. thrown
B. throw
C. throws
D. throwing
Answer» B. throw

which keyword is use to check exception?

A. thrown
B. try
C. catch
D. exception
Answer» C. catch

exception handling is for….

A. handling run time error
B. handling syntax error
C. handling logical error
D. all of these
Answer» A. handling run time error

FORTRAN uses______________.

A. static allocation strategy
B. stack allocation strategy
C. heap allocation strategy
D. none of these
Answer» A. static allocation strategy

Execution time languages can be classified are__________.

A. static languages
B. stack-based languages
C. fully dynamic languages
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

call by name parameter passing method is used in___________.

A. c
B. pascal
C. algol
D. none of these
Answer» C. algol

copy restore parameter passing method is used in___________.

A. c
B. pascal
C. ada
D. none of these
Answer» C. ada

Grammars are capable to describe the structure of ........and independent ........models.

A. language and computational
B. language and lexical
C. language and syntactic
D. none of above.
Answer» A. language and computational

The language syntax is characterized by two arrangements of rules: ....... and.........

A. logical and syantax
B. lexical and syntactic
C. lexical and symmetric
D. none of these
Answer» B. lexical and syntactic

The distinctin among ......and......standards is to same degree Subjective.

A. logical and syantax
B. lexical and symmetric
C. lexical and syntactic
D. none of these
Answer» C. lexical and syntactic

........give another method for characterizing structure of Programming language.

A. syntax diagrams.
B. axiomatic and denotational approach.
C. context free grammar
D. all of these.
Answer» A. syntax diagrams.

Representation of Non-terminals is done by.... and....by boxes.

A. circles and terminate
B. line and terminate
C. circle and terminal
D. line and terminal
Answer» C. circle and terminal

The non-terminals symbol is defined with a transition diagram having......................

A. one entry and two exit edge
B. two entry and one exit edge
C. one entry and one exit edge
D. one entry and no exit edge
Answer» C. one entry and one exit edge

.........tell what is processed by giving a numerical question (function) which is the significance of the program.

A. algebraic semantics.
B. denotational semantics.
C. operational semantics.
D. axiomatic semantics.
Answer» B. denotational semantics.

.....semantics are utilized when taking in a programming language and by compiler journalists.

A. algebraic semantics.
B. denotational semantics.
C. operational semantics.
D. axiomatic semantics.
Answer» C. operational semantics.

Translation semantics are used in.......

A. interpreters
B. compilers
C. errors.
D. both a and b
Answer» B. compilers

A program is viewed as a state machine by...........

A. algebraic semantics.
B. denotational semantics.
C. operational semantics.
D. axiomatic semantics.
Answer» D. axiomatic semantics.

In a compiler.....checks every character of the source text.

A. the lexical analyzer.
B. the syntax analyzer.
C. the code generator.
D. the code optimizer.
Answer» A. the lexical analyzer.

..... Syntax can only represent a rule in one line, whereas in.....a terminating character, the semicolon, marks and end of a rule.

A. ebnf, bnf
B. bnf,ebnf
C. all of above
D. none of these
Answer» B. bnf,ebnf

The full form of EBNF....

A. extended backus naur form
B. extended beginning normal form
C. extended best normal form
D. none of above
Answer» A. extended backus naur form

The syntax of language id define by two sets…

A. lexical rules
B. syntactic rules
C. both a & b
D. none of this
Answer» C. both a & b

Syntax of ALGOL 60 was defined with

A. simply stating some rules in english
B. context-free grammar
C. simple language
D. no syntax
Answer» B. context-free grammar

Meta-language is

A. used to described other language
B. simple language
C. instruction set
D. none of this
Answer» A. used to described other language

EBNF is metalanguage

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

Postcondition is

A. predicate p required to hold after execution of statement s
B. predicate q such that execution of s terminates & p holds upon termination
C. either a or b
D. both true
Answer» A. predicate p required to hold after execution of statement s

Predicate Q can be return as

A. q=t and r;t=termination,r=truth of p
B. r=i
C. q=t
D. q=r
Answer» A. q=t and r;t=termination,r=truth of p

Predicate W is called as

A. weakest precondition
B. weakest postcondition
C. both a & b
D. none of this
Answer» A. weakest precondition

Axiomatic semantics specifies each statement of a language in terms of asemis

A. predicate translation
B. predicate transformer
C. predicate q
D. none of this
Answer» B. predicate transformer

Function mem from the set of program identifiers ID to values

A. condition
B. predicate
C. function
D. state
Answer» D. state

I is invariant predicate that satisfies condtion

A. i and b subset of asem (l,i)
B. i and not b subset of p
C. both a and b
D. none of above
Answer» C. both a and b

Which of the following is true about implicit cursor?

A. implicit cursor are used for sql that are not named
B. developers should use implicit cursors with great care
C. implicit cursors are no longer a feature in oracle
D. none of above
Answer» A. implicit cursor are used for sql that are not named

Which of the following is not a feature of a cursor FOR loop

A. record type declaration
B. opening and parsing of sql statement
C. fetches records from cursor
D. requires exit condition to be defined
Answer» B. opening and parsing of sql statement

Which of the following are implicit cursor attributes?

A. %found
B. %too_many_rows
C. %notfound
D. %rowtype
Answer» C. %notfound

In left out,which of the following would be cuase an infinite loop occure in a simple loop?

A. loop
B. end loop
C. if_then
D. exit
Answer» B. end loop

Which of the following statement will produce an error?

A. cursor action_cursor is
B. select name,rate,action
C. into action_record
D. none of the above
Answer» C. into action_record

The command used to open a CURSOR FOR loop is

A. open
B. fetch
C. parse
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above
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