Chapter: Unit 3

Normal distribution is also known as

A. Bernoulli distribution
B. Gaussian distribution
C. Laplacian distribution
D. Cauchy’s distribution
Answer» B. Gaussian distribution

The value of constant ‘e’ appearing in normal distribution is

A. 3.1416
B. 2.1783
C. 2.7183
D. 2.8317
Answer» C. 2.7183

In normal distribution

A. Mean < median < mode
B. Mean = median = mode
C. Mean > median > mode
D. Mean = median > mode
Answer» B. Mean = median = mode

The normal distribution curve is

A. Positively skewed
B. not skewed
C. negatively skewed
D. None of the above
Answer» B. not skewed

The shape of the normal curve is

A. Bell shaped
B. Flat
C. Circular
D. Spiked
Answer» A. Bell shaped

The area under a standard normal curve is

A. 0
C. 1
D. Not defined
Answer» C. 1

The standard normal curve is symmetric about the value

A. 0
C. 1
D. 1.5
Answer» A. 0

For a normal curve, the QD, MD and SD are in the ratio

A. 1:2:3
B. 5:6:7
C. 9:10:11
D. 10:12:15
Answer» D. 10:12:15

Under normal curve, the area enclosed by ‘ mean ± 2σ ’ is

A. 68.26%
B. 95.44%
C. 99.73%
D. 100%
Answer» B. 95.44%
Chapter: Correlation and Regression

If the Pearson correlation co-efficient R is equal to 1, then:

A. there is a positive relationship between the two variables.
B. there is a negative relationship between the two variables.
C. There is a perfect positive relationship between the two variables.
D. there is no relationship between the two variables.
Answer» C. There is a perfect positive relationship between the two variables.

The study of the relationship between one variables and the combined effect of all other variables is called

A. Multiple correlation
B. Total correlation
C. Partial correlation
D. Simple correlation
Answer» A. Multiple correlation

The estimation of correlation between yield of wheat and chemical fertilizers eliminating the effect of pesticides and manures is an example of

A. Simple correlation
B. Partial correlation
C. Total correlation
D. Multiple correlation
Answer» B. Partial correlation

In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is the

A. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable
C. Indeterminate variable
D. Combine variable
Answer» A. Dependent variable

If two variables, x and y, have a very strong linear relationship, then

A. there is evidence that x causes a change in y
B. there is evidence that y causes a change in x
C. there might not be any causal relationship between x and y
D. None of the above
Answer» C. there might not be any causal relationship between x and y

A process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables is called:

A. Correlation
B. Regression
C. Residual
D. Deviation
Answer» B. Regression

When all data points are falling along a straight line it is called:

A. Linear relationship
B. Non-linear relationship
C. Scatter diagram
D. Multiple relationship
Answer» D. Multiple relationship

The value we would predict for the dependent variable when the independent variables are all equal to zero is called:

A. Slope
B. Sum of residual
C. Intercept
D. Origin
Answer» C. Intercept

The predicted rate of change of the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable is called:

A. Slope
B. Intercept
C. Error
D. Constant
Answer» A. Slope

To measure ranked variables the following correlation coefficient is used

A. Pearson’s
B. Spearman’s
C. Fisher’s
D. Marshall-Edgeward
Answer» B. Spearman’s

Which of the following equation is used to describe linear relationship

A. y = a + bx2
B. y = ax2 + b
C. y = ax3 + b
D. y = a + bx
Answer» D. y = a + bx

The geometric mean of the two regression coefficient βyx and βxy is equal to:

A. r
B. r 2
C. 1
D. 2
Answer» A. r

The estimate of β in the regression equation Y=α+βx+e by the method of least square is:

A. Biased
B. Unbiased
C. Consistent
D. Constant
Answer» B. Unbiased

Regression coefficient is independent of

A. Value
B. Scale
C. Both Origin and Scale
D. Origin
Answer» A. Value

If the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other, the correlation coefficient r is:

A. 0
B. 1
C. -1
D. 2
Answer» A. 0

The range of a partial correlation coefficient is:

A. 0 to 1
B. -1 to 0
C. 0 to ∞
D. -1 to 1
Answer» D. -1 to 1

Regression analysis:

A. Measures the demand for goods
B. Measures growth
C. Established the relationship between two variables
D. Estimate the value of variables
Answer» C. Established the relationship between two variables

R2 is the mathematical notation for

A. The coefficient of variation
B. Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation
C. The coefficient of determination
D. The coefficient of Alienation
Answer» C. The coefficient of determination

Let the coefficient of determination computed to be 0.39 in a problem involving one independent variable and one dependent variable. This result means that

A. The correlation coefficient is 0.39 also
B. 39% of the total variation is explained by the independent variable
C. 39% of the total variation is explained by the dependent variable
D. Rank correlation coefficient is 0.61
Answer» B. 39% of the total variation is explained by the independent variable

The relationship between correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination is that

A. Both are unrelated
B. Coefficient of correlation is the square root of the coefficient of determination
C. The coefficient of determination is the square root of the coefficient of correlation
D. The coefficient of determination is the coefficient of correlation squared
Answer» B. Coefficient of correlation is the square root of the coefficient of determination

Which of the following values could not represent a correlation coefficient?

A. r = 0.99
B. r = 0.02
C. r = -0.73
D. r = 1.09
Answer» D. r = 1.09

In the regression equation Y = 21 – 3x, the slope is

A. 21
B. 3
C. -3
D. 18
Answer» C. -3

If covariance of X and Y is 20, the standard deviation of X is 8 and standard deviation of Y is 5 then the value of coefficient of correlation is

A. 1.5
B. 1
C. 0.5
D. 0.25
Answer» C. 0.5

In regression analysis, R is also called the

A. residual
B. coefficient of correlation
C. Coefficient of variation
D. coefficient of determination
Answer» D. coefficient of determination

The coefficient of determination must be

A. between -1 and +1
B. between -1 and 0
C. between 0 and 1
D. Between 1 and 2
Answer» C. between 0 and 1

The correlation coefficient is the of two regression coefficients:

A. Median
B. Arithmetic mean
C. Harmonic mean
D. Geometric mean
Answer» A. Median

The coefficient of correlation for a problem was calculated to be 0.36. The coefficient of determination for this would be

A. 0.72
B. 0.13
C. 0.36
D. 1
Answer» B. 0.13

If X and Y in a regression model are totally unrelated, then

A. The correlation coefficient would be -1
B. The coefficient of determination would be o
C. The coefficient of determination would be 1
D. The coefficient of coefficient would be 1
Answer» D. The coefficient of coefficient would be 1

If the value of correlation coefficient between X and Y is ‘0’ then

A. Positive correlation between X and Y
B. Negative correlation between X and Y
C. Absence of Correlation between X and Y
D. Perfectly positive correlation between X and Y
Answer» C. Absence of Correlation between X and Y

In simple linear regression, the numbers of unknown constants are:

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Answer» A. two

In simple regression equation, the numbers of variables involved are:

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

If the value of any regression coefficient is zero, then two variables are:

A. Correlation
B. Dependent
C. Determinant
D. Independent
Answer» C. Determinant

The straight line graph of the linear equation Y=a+ bX, will slope upward if:

A. b=0
B. b<0
C. b>0
D. b = -1
Answer» C. b>0

The straight line graph of the linear equation Y=a+bX will slope downward if:

A. b > 0
B. b<0
C. b = 0
D. b = 1
Answer» D. b = 1

If Y= 2 - 0.2X, then the value of Y intercept is equal to:

A. -0.2
B. 2
C. 0.2X
D. 1.08
Answer» B. 2

The dependent variable in a regression is also called:

A. Regressor
B. Constant variable
C. Continuous variable
D. Regressand
Answer» D. Regressand

The independent variable in a regression is also called:

A. Regressor
B. Regressand
C. Predictand
D. Determinat
Answer» A. Regressor

In the regression equation Y=a+bX, the Y is called:

A. Independent variable
B. Dependent variable
C. Continuous variable
D. Constant variable
Answer» B. Dependent variable

If the points on the scatter diagram show no tendency either to increase together or decrease together the value of r will be close to:

A. -1
B. +1
C. 0
D. 2
Answer» C. 0

In the straight line graph of the linear equation Y=a+bX, the slope is horizontal if:

A. b=-1
B. b≠0
C. b=1
D. b =0
Answer» D. b =0
Chapter: Time series and Index Number

Fisher's index number is the

A. Arithmetic mean of Paasche's index number and Laspeyres' index number
B. Harmonic mean of Paasche's index number and Laspeyres' index number
C. Average mean of Paasche’s index number and Laspeyres’ index number
D. Geometric mean of Paasche's index number and Laspeyres' index number
Answer» D. Geometric mean of Paasche's index number and Laspeyres' index number

Which of the following is not a measurement of trend?

A. Graphic method
B. Method of moving averages
C. Method of composite straight lines
D. Method of semi-averages
Answer» C. Method of composite straight lines

Which of the following is not a component of time series?

A. Regular variations
B. Seasonal variations
C. Irregular variations
D. Cyclical variations
Answer» A. Regular variations

Which of the following is an ideal index number?

A. Paasche's index number
B. Fisher's index number
C. Laspeyres' index number
D. Marshall-Edgeworth index number
Answer» B. Fisher's index number

Laspeyres' index number may be said to give

A. Upper limit to the price change
B. Lower limit to the price change
C. Demand limit to the price change
D. Supply limit to the price change
Answer» A. Upper limit to the price change

In the measurement of trend, semi-average method is desired to be applied only when the trend is

A. Convex and semi-convex
B. Non-linear
C. Quadratic and concave
D. Linear or approximately linear
Answer» D. Linear or approximately linear

Laspeyres' index formula uses the weight of the

A. Previous year
B. Current year
C. Base year
D. Next year
Answer» C. Base year

P0 indicates

A. Price of the current year
B. Price of the base year
C. Price of the last year
D. Price of previous year
Answer» B. Price of the base year

Base period for an index number should be a

A. Normal period
B. Year only
C. Period at distant past
D. Next year
Answer» A. Normal period

Index numbers are expressed in:

A. Ratios
B. Squares
C. Percentages
D. Margin
Answer» C. Percentages

Index for base period is always taken as:

A. One
B. 100
C. Zero
D. 1000
Answer» B. 100

When index number is calculated for several variables, it is called:

A. Composite index
B. Whole sale price index
C. Simple index
D. Price index
Answer» A. Composite index

Purchasing power of money can be assessed through:

A. Simple index
B. Fisher’s index
C. Composite index
D. Consumer price index
Answer» D. Consumer price index

The most appropriate average in averaging the price relatives is:

A. Harmonic mean
B. Arithmetic mean
C. Geometric mean
D. Median
Answer» C. Geometric mean

What type of index number can help the government to formulate its price policies and to take appropriate economic measures to control prices?

A. Wholesale Price Index
B. Consumer's Price Index
C. Volume Index Number
D. Composite index
Answer» B. Consumer's Price Index

Fisher's ideal index number is the geometric mean of the:

A. Laspeyre's and Marshall Edgeworth indices
B. Laspeyre's and Paasche's indices
C. Paasche's and Marshal Edgeworth indices
D. Square root of Laspeyre’s
Answer» B. Laspeyre's and Paasche's indices

An orderly set of data arranged in accordance with their time of occurrence is called:

A. Arithmetic series
B. Geometric series
C. Time series
D. Random series
Answer» C. Time series

The graph of time series is called:

A. Polygon
B. Frequency curve
C. Ogive
D. Histogram
Answer» D. Histogram

The secular trend is measured by the method of semi-averages when:

A. Time series based on yearly values
B. Trend is linear
C. Time series consists of even number of values
D. Trend is non-linear
Answer» B. Trend is linear

Increase in the number of patients in the hospital due to heat stroke is:

A. Secular trend
B. Irregular variation
C. Seasonal variation
D. Regular variation
Answer» C. Seasonal variation

The method of moving average is used to find the:

A. Secular trend
B. Seasonal variation
C. Cyclical variation
D. Irregular variation
Answer» A. Secular trend

Moving average method is used for measurement of trend when:

A. Trend is linear
B. Trend is non linear
C. Trend is curvilinear
D. Trend is irregular
Answer» A. Trend is linear

The long term trend of a time series graph appears to be:

A. Straight-line
B. Upward
C. Parabolic curve or third degree curve
D. Downward
Answer» C. Parabolic curve or third degree curve

Which of the following is an example of seasonal variations?

A. Death rate decreased due to advance in science
B. Birth rate increased due to invention of new medicine
C. Sudden increase in death rates caused by wars
D. The sale of air condition increases during summer
Answer» D. The sale of air condition increases during summer

The best fitting trend is one in which the sum of squares of residuals is:

A. Negative
B. Least
C. Zero
D. high
Answer» B. Least

The rise and fall of a time series over periods longer than one year is called:

A. Seasonal variation
B. Irregular variation
C. Cyclical variation
D. Moving average
Answer» C. Cyclical variation

The difference between the actual value of the time series and the forecasted value is called:

A. Residual
B. Sum of variation
C. Sum of squares of residual
D. Total of square variation
Answer» A. Residual

The second degree parabola is fitted to the time series when the variations are:

A. Linear
B. Nonlinear
C. Random
D. Semi-linear
Answer» A. Linear

The production of goods is decreasing, this stage is called:

A. Recovery
B. Boom
C. Prosperity
D. Recession
Answer» D. Recession

A business cycle has:

A. Two stages
B. Three stages
C. Four stages
Answer» C. Four stages

The four components of a time series are not necessarily

A. Mutually dependent
B. Mutually independent
C. Equilibrium
D. Not equilibrium
Answer» B. Mutually independent

If the period of moving average is equal to the period of the cycle, the smoothing is perfect and we have

A. A straight line trend
B. A reverse trend
C. A circle line trend
D. A curvature line trend
Answer» A. A straight line trend

A price relative is

A. An imaginary number
B. A complex number
C. A pure number
D. None of these
Answer» C. A pure number

The product of the index number by another index number based on the same data with price and quantity interchanged should be equal to the ratio of aggregate value in the current to the aggregate value in the base year is

A. Time reversal test
B. Circular test
C. Factor Reversal Test
D. Test of proportionality
Answer» C. Factor Reversal Test

Index numbers are useful only when data can be expressed in

A. Qualitative terms
B. Quantitative terms
C. Percentage
D. Descending order
Answer» B. Quantitative terms

Most of the time series relating to economic and business phenomena conform to the

A. Additive model
B. Mixed model
C. Percentage model
D. Multiplicative model
Answer» D. Multiplicative model

In a multiplicative model the seasonal effects are expressed as

A. Percentage or Ratio
B. Percentage or Square root
C. Square root or Ratio
D. Ratio or Variation
Answer» A. Percentage or Ratio

Which show the changes in the general price level of the country?

A. Retail price index numbers
B. Wholesale price index numbers
C. Agricultural price index
D. Industrial price index
Answer» B. Wholesale price index numbers

The cost of living index number is essentially a

A. Simple index number
B. Weighted index number
C. Cross index number
D. Retail price index number
Answer» D. Retail price index number

Time Reversal Test was developed by

A. J.M Keynes
B. Laspeyre
C. Irving Fisher
D. Paasche
Answer» C. Irving Fisher
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