
The Political Economy of Development and Planing Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA Economics) .


According to Prof. Dennis Goulets the three core values of development are;

A. life sustenance, self esteem and freedom
B. life sustenance, self esteem and rise in material well being.
C. expansion in per capita output, life sustenance and equality.
D. none of these
Answer» A. life sustenance, self esteem and freedom

Human development index is based on;

A. life expectancy, infant mortality and literacy
B. life expectancy, infant mortality and social enrollment ratio
C. longevity, knowledge and income
D. none of these
Answer» C. longevity, knowledge and income

Economic development , as a concept is more relevant for;

A. developed countries
B. under developed countries
C. asian countries
D. developing countries.
Answer» D. developing countries.

Life substance according to Goulet means;

A. ability to meet basic needs
B. to be a person
C. to be able to choose
D. all the above
Answer» A. ability to meet basic needs

Non – income based index is /are

A. hdi
B. pqli
C. gnp
D. both a and b
Answer» B. pqli

The major factor of economic growth are;

A. capital accumulation
B. population
C. technical progress
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

PQLI was contributed by;

A. muhabul ul huq
B. morris d morris
C. meier g m
D. none of these
Answer» B. morris d morris

Which are the conventional method of development;

A. national income
B. per capita income
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

India's rank in HDI in 2013 is ;

A. 136
B. 127
C. 119
D. 132
Answer» A. 136

Sen explain the concept of development in terms of expansion of :

A. entitlement and capabilities
B. freedom
C. both
D. none of these
Answer» A. entitlement and capabilities

Modern economic growth is has been analyses by:

A. maurice alias
B. leontief
C. stone
D. simon kuznets
Answer» D. simon kuznets

All under developed countries are:

A. not developing at all
B. developing but slowly
C. developing at different rates
D. receding backward
Answer» C. developing at different rates

“Under developed countries are slums of the world economy” is a statement given by:

A. david ricardo
B. g myrdal
C. cairncross
D. arthur lewis
Answer» C. cairncross

Economic development means:

A. growth.
B. development.
C. growth plus change.
D. none of these.
Answer» C. growth plus change.

Nurkse talks about the:

A. relative poverty.
B. vicious circle of poverty.
C. lack of capital formation.
D. none of these.
Answer» B. vicious circle of poverty.

Basically absolute poverty is related with;

A. Developing nations
B. Developed nations
C. Both
D. None
Answer» A. Developing nations

Which is not an index of poverty measure?

A. Head-Count Method
B. Foster Greer-Thornbeck Measure
C. Theil-index
D. Poverty Line
Answer» C. Theil-index

Inequality looks into;

A. Poverty
B. Different levels of access
C. Both
D. None
Answer» B. Different levels of access

The Gini -coefficient varies between;

A. 0 to 1
B. 1to 100
C. +1 to -1
D. None
Answer» A. 0 to 1

The Gini- coefficient is used to measure;

A. Poverty
B. Income
C. Inequality
D. Wealth
Answer» C. Inequality

Which is not an index of inequality?

A. Theil-index
B. Decile dispersion ratio
C. Head-Count Ratio
D. Share of income
Answer» C. Head-Count Ratio

Gender is determined by;

A. Socially
B. Biologically
C. Either (a) or (b)
D. Sex
Answer» A. Socially

The concept of missing women was introduced by;

A. Robinson
B. Das Gupta
C. Emily Oster
D. Amartya Sen
Answer» D. Amartya Sen

Hepatitis B Hypothesis related with missing women was introduced by;

A. Amartya Sen
B. Emily Oster
C. Das Gupta
D. Ming-Jen Lin
Answer» B. Emily Oster

The Club of Rome tookplace in;

A. 1970
B. 1972
C. 1968
D. 1992
Answer» C. 1968

The Limits to Growth was published in;

A. 1992
B. 1968
C. 1972
D. 1970
Answer» C. 1972

Who headed the Limits to Growth report?

A. Donald Meadows
B. Randers
C. Beherns
D. None
Answer» A. Donald Meadows

The Club of Rome is a;

A. Governmental agency
B. Non Governmental Agency
C. Both
D. None
Answer» B. Non Governmental Agency

The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment took place in the year;

A. 1992
B. 1968
C. 1972
D. 1970
Answer» C. 1972

Who was Brundtland?

A. Prime Minister of Norway
B. President of UK
C. President of USA
D. None
Answer» A. Prime Minister of Norway

Brundtland Report was known as;

A. Club of Rome
B. Limits to growth
C. Our Common Future,
D. None
Answer» C. Our Common Future,

Brundtland Report was published in;

A. 1992
B. 1968
C. 1987
D. 1970
Answer» C. 1987

The first Earth Summit was held at:

B. Geneva
C. Rio de Jeneiro
Answer» C. Rio de Jeneiro

World Summit on Sustainable Development held in;

B. Geneva
C. Rio de Jeneiro
D. Johannesburg
Answer» D. Johannesburg

Global warming will increase;

A. Temperature of the earth
B. Disease
C. Melting glaciers
D. All
Answer» D. All

Major greenhouse gases are;

A. Methane,
B. Nitrous Oxide
C. Hydro Fluoro Carbons
D. All
Answer» D. All

Which is good to reduce global warming?

A. Plant a tree
B. Change a Light Bulb
C. Adopt Reduce, Reuse, Recycle policy
D. All
Answer» D. All

The largest (manmade) contributor to the greenhouse effect is;

A. Carbon Dioxide Gas emissions
B. Deforestation
C. Methane
D. None
Answer» A. Carbon Dioxide Gas emissions

The ability of gasses in the atmosphere to absorb heat from the earth's surface is known as;

A. Global warming
B. Green house effect
C. Both
D. None
Answer» B. Green house effect

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