180+ Political Ideas, Concepts and Ideologies Solved MCQs


The exponent of legal theory ofRights.

A. green
B. locke
C. austin
D. rousseau
Answer» C. austin

Who said, "Rights are those conditions ofsocial life without which no man seek to be himself at his best"?

A. wilde
B. plato
C. locke
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

Who says,"a right is a claim recognized by societyand enforced by the state"?

A. aristotle
B. cicero
C. bosanquet
D. mill
Answer» C. bosanquet

Who said, "A right is a power claimed and recognized as contributory to common good"?

A. laski
B. t.h.green
C. aristotle
D. lord bryce
Answer» B. t.h.green

In pre-political state of human existence, there existed:

A. civil rights
B. political rights
C. natural rights
D. legal rights
Answer» C. natural rights

Who said that 'One's natural rights are one's natural power' ?

A. locke
B. rousseau
C. hobbes
D. laski
Answer» C. hobbes

Who wrotesthe book "the Rights of Man"?

A. edmundburke
B. thomas paine
C. locke
D. green
Answer» B. thomas paine

Rights have no validity without the recognitionof:

A. government
B. state
C. society
D. electorate
Answer» B. state

According to the historical theory of rights, rights are the result of:

A. evolution
B. human efforts
C. nation efforts
D. legislation
Answer» A. evolution

Who regarded, 'life ,liberty and property as inalienablerights of men'?

A. locke
B. aristotle
C. rousseau
D. hobbes
Answer» A. locke

The legal theory of rights points out that rights are created by:

A. state
B. society
C. community
D. nature
Answer» A. state

The theory of social welfare was expoundedby:

A. utilitarians
B. socialist
C. marxists
D. fabians
Answer» A. utilitarians

Who says, "Rights have nomeaning withoutsocial unity"?

A. bentham
B. laski
C. j. s. mill
D. deanpound
Answer» B. laski

Who are the chief exponents ofsocial welfare theory?

A. green
B. hegel
C. benthamand mill
D. locke
Answer» C. benthamand mill

Rousseau supportsthe idealist theory of Rights on the basis of:

A. morality
B. natural law
C. general will
D. socialconsciousness
Answer» C. general will

According to Green, the basis of rightsis:

A. legalsanction
B. legal recognition
C. commonmoral consciousness
D. gift of the state
Answer» C. commonmoral consciousness

Who put forward the economic theory ofrights:

A. locke
B. ricardo
C. karl marx
D. hitler
Answer» C. karl marx

According to Marxists, rights are:

A. privileges of all people
B. privileges of all classes
C. privileges of a particular class safe guarded by law
D. privileges for economically weakersections
Answer» C. privileges of a particular class safe guarded by law

.Right of equality before the law is :

A. political right
B. naturalright
C. civil right
D. legal right
Answer» C. civil right

Right to property is a :

A. political right
B. civil
C. natural
D. moral
Answer» B. civil

The term liberty has been drawn from the Latin word………

A. libel
B. lebour
C. liber
D. labal
Answer» C. liber

Who of the following was an advocate of positive liberty

A. lock
B. t.h. green
C. bentham
D. j.s. mill
Answer» B. t.h. green

The concept of natural liberty is associated with

A. hegal
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. hobbes
Answer» C. rousseau

Which theory deals with natural liberty.

A. divine origin theory
B. forcetheory
C. social contract theory
D. evolutionary theory
Answer» C. social contract theory

Who was the author of the book ‘ On Liberty’ ?

A. green
B. laski
C. j.s. mill
D. marx
Answer» C. j.s. mill

Civil liberty is inherent in the lawsof

A. society
B. state
C. nature
D. organization
Answer» B. state

Which part of Indian constitution guarantees liberty to citizen.

A. d.p.s.p
B. fundamental right
C. preamble
D. vii
Answer» B. fundamental right

Who says “ where there is no law there is no freedom.

A. rousseau
B. green
C. locke
D. laski.
Answer» D. laski.

Term justice has been drawn from the Latin word .

A. just
B. joint
C. jus
D. judge
Answer» C. jus

……………. View that justice and equality are closely connected

A. individualists
B. idealists
C. socialists
D. anarchists
Answer» A. individualists

Constitution is aninstrument of …… justice

A. political
B. social
C. legal.
D. economic
Answer» C. legal.

The modern concept of justice is related to:

A. economic equality
B. political rights
C. social justice
D. laws only
Answer» C. social justice

Who defined justice as the “ interest of the stronger “ ?

A. sophists
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. romans
Answer» A. sophists

Latin word for ‘justice’ is:

A. virtue
B. dikaiosume
C. morality
D. a bond or tie
Answer» D. a bond or tie

Who believed that‘justice wasthe ideal of perfection in human relationship ‘?

A. barker
B. laski
C. aristotle
D. marx
Answer» C. aristotle

Aristotle’s concept of justiceimplies:

A. equality
B. liberty
C. rights
D. duties
Answer» A. equality

Who defines justice as ‘treating equal equally and unequal unequally’?

A. proudhan
B. duguit
C. aristotle
D. saint simon
Answer» C. aristotle

Who was the supporter of numerical concept of justice?

A. aristotle
B. bentham
C. mill
D. marx
Answer» B. bentham

In the early medieval period, justice was an attribute of:

A. state
B. church
C. universal law
D. civilorder
Answer» B. church

Who described civil society as capitalist society ?

A. hegal
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. hobbes
Answer» A. hegal

The statement that “every state is known by the rightsthat it maintains” attributed to :

A. bryce
B. t.h. green
C. bentham
D. j.s. mill
Answer» A. bryce

Who said justice as the mixture of liberty and equality ?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. rousseau
D. hobbes
Answer» A. plato

Who said that “ justice isthe bond which holdssociety together “.

A. green
B. hegel
C. plato
D. rousseau
Answer» C. plato

The notion of sovereignty was first formulated by :

A. plato
B. laski
C. aristotle
D. bodin
Answer» D. bodin

Which among the following is not a features ofsovereignty?

A. absoluteness
B. permanence
C. indivisibility
D. delegation
Answer» D. delegation

Which one of the following is a central attribute of Plato’s notion of justice ?

A. equality
B. liberty
C. harmony
D. fraternity
Answer» C. harmony

Who said‘ politics isthe study of the influence and the influential

A. lasswell
B. laski
C. weber
D. bodin
Answer» A. lasswell

The input-output approach was developed by:

A. dhal
B. davideaston
C. marx
D. lasswell
Answer» B. davideaston

Who developed the concept of Behavioural approach inthe study of political science ?

A. j.s. mill
B. david easton
C. parson
D. karl deutsch
Answer» B. david easton

Who among the following defined “ politicsisthe science of who gets, what ,when and how “?

A. garner
B. bierce
C. hillman
D. lipson
Answer» C. hillman

Structural- functional approach is primarily:

A. an ideologyof development
B. a comparison ofstudy
C. a toolof investigation
D. a study of power
Answer» C. a toolof investigation

Who wasthe doyen of pluralistsfrom amongst the following ?

A. bentham
B. j.s. mill
C. leacock
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

Who among the following thinkers is connected with the concept of ‘ General Will ‘ ?

A. plato
B. rousseau
C. aristotle
D. t. h. green
Answer» B. rousseau

The concept of ‘ power elites ‘ is connectedwith

A. austin
B. pareto
C. mosca
D. wright mills.
Answer» D. wright mills.

Plato fixed the population of an idealstate as:

A. 5000
B. 5040
C. 10.000
D. 7500
Answer» B. 5040

“ Sovereignty isthe supreme will of the state “ are the words of

A. austin
B. laski
C. aristotle
D. willoughby
Answer» D. willoughby

Who was the author of the book. ‘ A Grammar of Politics ‘

A. lock
B. laski
C. aristotle
D. j.s. mill
Answer» B. laski

Who said that “State is a society of societies”?

A. lindsay
B. holland
C. follet
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

The welfare theory believes thatstate is… ?

A. a means
B. an end
C. an organism
D. supreme
Answer» A. a means

Who said “Where there is no law there is no freedom”

A. t.h. green
B. laski
C. maciver
D. locke
Answer» D. locke

Rights are unlimited according to

A. individualists
B. idealists
C. socialists
D. liberalist
Answer» D. liberalist

Who defined liberty as “ the positive and equal opportunity of self- realization “ ?

A. j.s. mill
B. laski
C. parson
D. thomas hobbes
Answer» B. laski

The view that “ all property is theft “ was expressed by

A. j.s. mill
B. adam smith
C. karl marx
D. proudhon
Answer» D. proudhon

The Rule of Law in England means :

A. law is supreme
B. arbitrary power of the state
C. everybody is equal before the law
D. constitutional limitation of authority.
Answer» C. everybody is equal before the law

Who said “The God , who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time “ ?

A. hobbes
B. david easton
C. jefferson
D. karl deutsch
Answer» C. jefferson

Liberty and equality are anti-thetical to each other. This view was held by -

A. lord action
B. t.h green
C. parson
D. barker
Answer» A. lord action

The doctrine of proportionate equalitywas propounded by

A. aristotle
B. rousseau
C. marx
D. rawls
Answer» A. aristotle

‘ The authoritative allocation of values ‘ was the concept given by :

A. almond
B. david easton
C. weber
D. karl deutsch
Answer» B. david easton

Exponent of ‘Input- Output Approach’ in political system theory ?

A. david easton
B. karl deutsch
C. parsons
D. merton
Answer» A. david easton

Who wasthe author of the book “ Aspects of Political Development”?

A. lucian pye
B. rostow
C. parsons
D. almond
Answer» A. lucian pye

Who said ‘” Politicalsocialization isthe process by which political culture are maintained andchanged”.

A. j.s. mill
B. almond &verba
C. allan r ball
D. rush
Answer» B. almond &verba

The Manifest political socialization is otherwise know by …..

A. latent political socialization
B. indirect political socialization
C. direct political socialization
D. political socialization
Answer» C. direct political socialization

Which isthe ideal political culture according to Almond and Verba :

A. parochical political culture
B. subject politicalculture
C. participant political culture
D. positive political culture
Answer» C. participant political culture

According to Almond and Powell political culture involveshow many components of Orientations.?

A. two
B. four
C. one
D. three
Answer» D. three

Structural – functional theory wasfirst applied by ………………..

A. almond
B. tawney
C. shills
D. rawls
Answer» A. almond

The year in which the ‘Universal Declaration of HumanRights’ ?

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1950
D. 1948
Answer» D. 1948

Which one of the following is not associated with Almond’s essential characteristics of political system?

A. universality of politicalsystem
B. universality of political structure
C. universality of political functions
D. input- output approach
Answer» D. input- output approach

Human rights day is celebrating on ………………

A. 26th january
B. 25th december
C. 10th december
D. 20th october
Answer» C. 10th december

The welfare state is first used by …………..

A. marx
B. rawls
C. bishop temple
D. hobbes
Answer» C. bishop temple

The spiritual elements of the state associated with……

A. population
B. government
C. territory
D. sovereignty
Answer» D. sovereignty

Who said , “Political science deals with government only “ ?

A. leacock
B. dhal
C. marx
D. gettle
Answer» A. leacock

Who used the term ‘political system ‘ instead of ‘ Politics’ ?

A. morgenthau
B. easton
C. garner
D. robert . a.dhal
Answer» D. robert . a.dhal

Who stated political science is a‘ descriptive and normative science’

A. marx webber
B. robson
C. paul janet
D. wilson
Answer» A. marx webber

The author of the book ‘ Modern Politics andGovernment’

A. aristotle
B. alan ball
C. van dyke
D. lock
Answer» B. alan ball

Which approach in political science is known as speculative or ethical or metaphysical approach ?

A. philosophical
B. historical
C. institutional
D. behaviour
Answer» A. philosophical

Who said, “ History not only explains institutions but it helps usto make certain deduction for future guidance”.

A. gilchrist
B. robert dhal
C. weber
D. deutsch
Answer» A. gilchrist

Who stated that, “ various institutions constitute the structure of the society it is also called structural approach."

A. easton
B. rawls
C. wasby
D. hobbes
Answer» C. wasby

Which approach to adopt the methods of natural sciences likeobservation,survey andmeasurementinpoliticalscience.

A. structural
B. historical
C. institutional
D. behaviour
Answer» D. behaviour

Who observed .......statement, " Historically speaking , the behavioural approach was a protestmovementwithin political science. ".

A. simon
B. robert dhal
C. almond
D. marx weber
Answer» B. robert dhal

Which one of the following is not a characteristics of Behaviouralism according to Simon ?

A. regularities
B. verification
C. techniques
D. pure arts
Answer» D. pure arts

In political science: "Studies should be relevant and meaningful for urgent social problems”. It is the demands of ……………?

A. individualists
B. idealists
C. post- behaviouralists
D. behaviourlists
Answer» C. post- behaviouralists

Whose statement is that , “to know is to bear the responsibility for acting and to act is to engage in reshaping society”.

A. almond
B. david easton
C. karl marx
D. robert . a. dhal
Answer» B. david easton

“The only basis of the subject of politicsis power and that to an integration of all powers- political, economic and ideological”. Who made this statement ?

A. harold laski
B. allan ball
C. karl marx
D. simon
Answer» C. karl marx

Who among the following thinker combined ‘ naturalrights’ with ‘physiological metaphor’ ?

A. lock
B. spencer
C. t.h. green
D. burke
Answer» A. lock

In connection with the formation of state " Kinshipcreated a common consciousness , common interest and common purpose" It is the statement of ?

A. maciver
B. henry maine
C. weber
D. morgan
Answer» B. henry maine

Who said that the state " arose not asthe creator of law but as the interpreter and enforcer of custom"

A. gettell
B. locke
C. laski
D. maciver
Answer» A. gettell

The right of freedom, the right of life, freedom of speechand expression, property, association, education etc. is the manifestation of liberty?

A. political
B. civil
C. natural
D. moral
Answer» B. civil

The right to vote, right to stand for election, right to hold public office and the right to criticise the government are examples of ?

A. politicalrights
B. civil rights
C. natural rights
D. moral rights
Answer» A. politicalrights

The rule of law is an effective instrument of ……………

A. social liberty
B. communal liberty
C. natural liberty
D. individual liberty.
Answer» D. individual liberty.

Who observed that “the more widespread distribution of power in the state, the more decentralized itscharacter .......".

A. rousseau
B. locke
C. laski
D. plato
Answer» C. laski
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