
Whose army did Alexander, the Greek ruler confront on the banks of the river Jhelum?

A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Ambi
C. Dhanananda
D. Porus
Answer» D. Porus
Explanation: The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought by Alexander the Great in 326 BC against King Porus of the Paurava kingdom on the banks of the river Hydaspes (Jhelum) in the Punjab near Bhera. The battle resulted in a complete Macedonian victory and the annexation of thePunjab.dragupta gave away his throne to his son, Bindusara, and spent his life as an ascetic. He accepted Jainism and spent his last days at Sravanabelagola in Karnataka along with Bhadrabahu He gave up his life by the strict Jain ritual of sallakhena.
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