Chapter: Fundamentals of Indian Constitution

The Supreme Commander of India's Defence Forces is

A. Chief of Staff of the Indian Army
B. President of India
C. Prime Minister of India
D. Defence Minister
Answer» B. President of India

The States Reorganisation Act of 1956 reduced the number of States in the country from 27 to

A. 14
B. 15
C. 18
D. 19
Answer» A. 14

A Constitutional Emergency declared by the President has to be approved by Union Parliament within

A. 1 month
B. 2 months
C. 6 months
D. 1 year
Answer» B. 2 months

The Indian Constitution provides for

A. Single Citizenship
B. Dual Citizenship
C. Both of them
D. Neither
Answer» A. Single Citizenship

The letter of resignation of the President should be addressed to the

A. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
B. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
C. Vice President
D. Prime Minister
Answer» C. Vice President

The name of any Indian State can be altered by

A. The Governor of the State
B. the State Legislature concerned
C. Union Parliament
D. the President of India
Answer» C. Union Parliament

Which of the following qualifications is not essential for election as President of India?

A. A citizen of India
B. Not less than 35 years of age
C. Qualified for election as member of the Lok Sabha
D. A member of the Lok Sabha
Answer» D. A member of the Lok Sabha

Which among the following is not a Fundamental Right?

A. Right of strike
B. Right to equality
C. Right to freedom of religion
D. Right to constitutional remedies
Answer» A. Right of strike

Which one of the following courts is responsible for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights?

A. High Courts
B. Supreme Court of India
C. District and Sessions Court
D. All categories of courts
Answer» B. Supreme Court of India

The Indian Constitution came into force on

A. January 26, 1950
B. January 26, 1949
C. November 26, 1949
D. January 1, 1950
Answer» A. January 26, 1950

The Constitution of India is

A. rigid
B. very/rigid
C. flexible
D. partly rigid and partly flexible
Answer» D. partly rigid and partly flexible

The Constitution of India was adopted on

A. November 26, 1949
B. August 16, 1949
C. August 14, 1948
D. January 25, 1950
Answer» A. November 26, 1949

In which year was the first Constitution Amendment Act passed?

A. 1951
B. 1952
C. 1953
D. 1950
Answer» A. 1951

The President of India is the

A. Head of State
B. Head of the Government
C. Head of State as well as Government
D. Uncrowned Monarch of the Republic
Answer» A. Head of State

Who was the third President of the Indian Republic?

A. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
B. Dr Zakir Husain
C. VV Giri
D. Fakruddin Ali Ahmed
Answer» B. Dr Zakir Husain

Who among the following held office as President of India, for two consecutive terms?

A. Dr S Radhakrishanan
B. Dr Rajendra Prasad
C. VV Giri
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer» B. Dr Rajendra Prasad

The Constitution makes India a secular State. This means

A. India shall be a theocratic State
B. India shall be a State without religion
C. The State is completely detached from religious affiliations
D. None of these
Answer» C. The State is completely detached from religious affiliations

The oath of office to the President is administered by the

A. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
B. Prime Minister
C. Vice-President
D. Chief Justice of India
Answer» D. Chief Justice of India

Who acted as the Prime Minister of India immediately on the death of Jawaharlal Nehru?

A. TT Krishnamachari
B. Lal Bahadur Shastri
C. Mrs Indira Gandhi
D. Gulzari Lal Nanda
Answer» D. Gulzari Lal Nanda

When were the first General Elections held in the country?

A. 1950-51
B. 1949-50
C. 1951-52
D. 1952-53
Answer» C. 1951-52

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by the

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Parliament
D. Vice-President
Answer» B. President

Which is the only Indian State which has the unique distinction of having its own Constitution?

A. Goa
B. Sikkim
C. Jammu and Kashmir
D. Nagaland
Answer» C. Jammu and Kashmir

The Head of the State of Jammu and Kashmir was redesignated Governor in 1965. Earlier, he was known as

A. Maharaja
B. Prime Minister
C. Sadar-i-Riyasat
D. Rajpramukh
Answer» C. Sadar-i-Riyasat

The final authority to make a Procla-mation of Emergency rests with the

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Union Parliament
D. Union Council of Ministers
Answer» B. President

Judges of High Courts are appointed by

A. the Chief Justices of the respective High Courts
B. Governor
C. the President
D. the Chief Minister
Answer» C. the President

When the office of the President and Vice-President fall vacant simultaneously who acts as President?

A. Prime Minister
B. Chief Justice of India
C. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D. Chief of Army Staff
Answer» B. Chief Justice of India

The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed from his office by the/a

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Vote of no-confidence passed by both the Houses of Parliament
D. Vote of no-confidence passed by the Lok Sabha
Answer» D. Vote of no-confidence passed by the Lok Sabha

In which one of the following States, it is constitutionally obligatory for the State to have a separate minister for tribal welfare?

A. Jharkhand
B. Odisha
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. All of them
Answer» D. All of them

Panchayati Raj was introduced in the country in

A. 1957
B. 1952
C. 1951
D. 1959
Answer» D. 1959

Panchayati Raj was first introduced in

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Bihar
C. Rajasthan
D. Gujarat
Answer» C. Rajasthan

The Committee, on whose recommendations Panchayatl Raj was introduced in the country was headed by

A. Balwant Rai Mehta
B. Jivraj Mehta
C. Jagjivan Ram
D. Shriman Narayan
Answer» A. Balwant Rai Mehta

When was National Emergency declared for the first time in India?

A. October 1962
B. February 1962
C. December 1962
D. January 1963
Answer» A. October 1962

Members of the Lok Sabha are elected for a term of five years, but the term can be extended by year(s) by Parliament in a National Emergency.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» A. One

For how many years does the Vice-President hold office?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» C. 5

Which Indian State remained an Associate State for a short period before it was recognised as a full-fledged State of the Union?

A. Goa
B. Sikkim
C. Nagaland
D. Kerala
Answer» B. Sikkim

The term of office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is

A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years
Answer» C. 6 years

At present (2009), only six States have Legislative Councils. Find the odd one out?

A. Bihar
B. Jammu and Kashmir
C. Kerala
D. Karnataka
Answer» C. Kerala

Which among the following States returns the maximum number or representatives to the Lok Sabha?

A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Maharashtra
C. Bihar
D. Uttar Pradesh
Answer» D. Uttar Pradesh

The concept of Welfare State finds elaboration in the

A. Preamble
B. Fundamental Rights
C. Fundamental Duties
D. Directive Principles of State Policy
Answer» D. Directive Principles of State Policy

The Sarkaria Commission was set up to examine

A. Centre-State relations
B. Inter-State relations
C. The working of Public Sector Undertakings
D. The dispute relating to sharing of Cauvery waters
Answer» A. Centre-State relations

The lengthiest amendment (dubbed as a 'mini-Constitution' by some political pundits) to the Constitution tUl date is the

A. 24th Amendment
B. 42nd Amendment
C. 44th Amendment
D. 59th Amendment
Answer» B. 42nd Amendment

The first Speaker of the Lok Sabha was

A. GS Dhillon
B. MA Ayyangar
C. GV Mavlankar
D. Hukum Singh
Answer» C. GV Mavlankar

Which among the following is now a full-fledged State?

A. Pondicherry
B. Chandigarh
C. Sikkim
D. Lakshadweep
Answer» C. Sikkim

It is the responsibility of the _____ to decide the disputes arising between two States or between the Centre and a State.

A. Supreme Court
B. President
C. Parliament
D. Prime Minister
Answer» A. Supreme Court

Which of the following is/are a political sovereign in democratic country?

A. Ruling Party
B. Opposition Party
C. Parliament
D. People
Answer» D. People

The Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission is appointed by the

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Parliament
D. Home Minister
Answer» B. President

The Constitution of India provides that the three constituents of the Indian Parliament are the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha and the

A. Prime Minister
B. Vice-President
C. President
D. Council of Ministers
Answer» C. President

The Chief Justice or other Judges of the Supreme Court, after retirement or removal, are not permitted to plead or act in any court

A. other than the Supreme Court
B. or before any authority within the territory of India
C. inside or outside India
D. other than the State High Courts
Answer» B. or before any authority within the territory of India

The President of India appoints the Chief Election Commissioner, but he cannot be removed from office except by a special procedure laid down in the Constitution. This procedure is the same as the one prescribed for the removal of the

A. Vice-President
B. Judges of the Supreme Court
C. Members of the State Public Service Commissions
D. Members and Chairman of the UPSC
Answer» B. Judges of the Supreme Court

The main purpose behind the inclusion of the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is to

A. establish a welfare state
B. establish a secular state
C. check the arbitrary actions of the Government
D. provide the best opportunities for development of the citizen
Answer» A. establish a welfare state

State Governors are

A. instruments of control of the Centre over the States
B. nominees of the Chief Ministers
C. elected by the State Legislatures
D. elected by Union Parliament
Answer» A. instruments of control of the Centre over the States

A person, who is not a Member of Parliament, if appointed a minister, shall become a Member of either House of Parliament within

A. 6 months
B. 2 months
C. 9 months
D. 1 year
Answer» A. 6 months

Ordinances issued by a State Governor are subject to the approval of the

A. President of India
B. Chief Minister of the State
C. Union Parliament
D. State Legislature concerned
Answer» D. State Legislature concerned

The Prime Minister of India who did not face the Union Parliament was

A. Morarji Desai
B. Lal Bahadur Shastri
C. Charan Singh
D. Rajiv Gandhi
Answer» C. Charan Singh

The competent authority to amend the Fundamental Rights is the

A. Union Parliament
B. President of India
C. Lok Sabha
D. Supreme Court of India
Answer» A. Union Parliament

Does the President of India enjoy veto power?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Only in respect of Money Bills
D. The Constitution is silent on this point
Answer» A. Yes

The office of the Prime Minister of India has a _____ basis.

A. constitutional
B. statutory
C. conventional
D. historical
Answer» A. constitutional

The real executive powers under Parliamentary Government rests with the

A. Prime Minister
B. Head of the State
C. Parliament
D. Council of Ministers
Answer» D. Council of Ministers

The theory of "basic structure" of the Constitution was propounded by the Supreme Court in the

A. Golaknath Case
B. Kesavananda Bharati Case
C. AK Gopalan Case
D. Minerva Mills Case
Answer» B. Kesavananda Bharati Case

Which of the following is not a duty of the Election Commission?

A. To give recognition to political parties
B. To lay down general rules and guidelines for elections
C. To determine constituencies and to prepare the electoral rolls
D. To provide adequate campaign funds for the candidates
Answer» D. To provide adequate campaign funds for the candidates

Universal Adult Franchise implies a right to vote to all

A. residents of the State
B. adult residents of the State
C. adult citizens of the State
D. adult male citizens of the State
Answer» C. adult citizens of the State

Which is the official language of the State of Jammu and Kashmir?

A. Kashmiri
B. Urdu
C. Hindi
D. English
Answer» B. Urdu

The framers or the Constitution decided to live importance to Panchayati Raj and directed the State to take steps to organize village panchayats as units or self-government under Article

A. 39
B. 40
C. 38
D. 41
Answer» B. 40

The Prime Minister is generally a

A. Member of the Lok Sabha
B. Member of the Rajya Sabha
C. Member of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha as well
D. Nominated Member of Parliament
Answer» A. Member of the Lok Sabha

The Supreme Court functions from New Delhi, but it can sit elsewhere

A. if a majority of the Judges of the Court so decide
B. with the approval of the President
C. with the approval of the Parliament
D. at the specific request of a State High Court
Answer» B. with the approval of the President

When the Governor or a State dies in office, who takes over as acting Governor?

A. Chief Minister of the State
B. Chief Justice of the State High Court
C. Anyone designated by the President
D. Governor of a neighbouring State
Answer» B. Chief Justice of the State High Court

The Preamble to the Constitution defines the four objectives or the Indian Republic. Find the odd one out.

A. Equality
B. Fraternity
C. Harmony
D. Liberty
Answer» C. Harmony

The Representation of the Peoples Act was passed by Parliament in

A. 1950
B. 1952
C. 1953
D. 1951
Answer» D. 1951

Which one or the following States does not have a Legislative Council so far even though the Constitution provides for it?

A. Bihar
B. Karnataka
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Maharashtra
Answer» C. Madhya Pradesh

In the case or a dispute in the Presidential election, the issue is referred to the

A. Chief Election Commissioner
B. Parliament
C. Supreme Court
D. Prime Minister
Answer» C. Supreme Court

The President of Indian enjoys the same Constitutional authority as the

A. British Monarch
B. President of the USA
C. President of Myanmar
D. British Prime Minister
Answer» A. British Monarch

What are the powers or the Rajya Sabha regarding Money Bills? The House

A. can amend them
B. can reject them
C. can withhold them for 14 days to make recommendations
D. has no power over Money Bills
Answer» C. can withhold them for 14 days to make recommendations

If the President dies or resigns or is otherwise incapacitated and as a result, the Presidential office becomes vacant, the Vice- President will act as President only for a maximum period of

A. three months
B. six months
C. nine months
D. one year
Answer» B. six months

Whenever the Lok Sabha is dissolved, the does not vacate his office until immediately before the first meeting of the House after the dissolution.

A. Prime Minister
B. Speaker
C. Finance Minister
D. Defence Minister
Answer» B. Speaker

Who among the following had the longest tenure as President or India?

A. VV Giri
B. Dr Rajendra Prasad
C. FA Ahmed
D. N Sanjeeva Reddy
Answer» B. Dr Rajendra Prasad

Who among the following had the shortest tenure as Prime Minister of India?

A. Morarji Desai
B. Lal Bahadur Shastri
C. Charan Singh
D. Rajiv Gandhi
Answer» C. Charan Singh

A Constitution can be developed through

A. amendments
B. customs and usages
C. Judicial interpretations
D. All the three
Answer» D. All the three

The Indian Army General who had earned the sobriquet 'Sparrow' was

A. KM Cariappa
B. Sam J Manekshaw
C. Rajinder Singh
D. KS Thimmayya
Answer» C. Rajinder Singh

The question of disqualification of a member of a State Legislature shall be decided by the Governor after consultation with the

A. Chief Minister
B. Election Commission
C. Supreme Court
D. Public Service Commission
Answer» B. Election Commission

Before 1956, the present Kerala State was known as

A. Travancore
B. Cochin
C. Travancore-Cochin
D. Malabar
Answer» C. Travancore-Cochin

The first linguistic State, born in 1953, was

A. Andhra
B. Saurashtra
C. Gujarat
D. Maharashtra
Answer» A. Andhra

The Speaker of the Lok Sabha will address his letter of resignation to the

A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Deputy Speaker
D. Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
Answer» C. Deputy Speaker

Article 1 of the Indian Constitution states: India, that is Bharat, shall be a

A. Dominion
B. Federation
C. Conglomeration
D. Union of States
Answer» D. Union of States

The State shall take steps to separate the judiciary from the executive, in terms of Article

A. 48
B. 49
C. 50
D. 51
Answer» C. 50

The Special Officer for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be appointed by the

A. Prime Minister
B. Home Minister
C. Law Minister
D. President
Answer» D. President

Grants-in-aid are provided to such States as are in need of assistance, by the

A. Union Parliament
B. President
C. Finance Commission
D. Planning Commission
Answer» A. Union Parliament

In the event of receiving the resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall forthwith communicate the fact to the

A. Prime Minister of India
B. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
C. Chief of the Army Staff
D. Chief Justice of India
Answer» B. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

How many Parliamentary Constituencies are there in the Union Territory of Puducherry?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» A. One

Which one of the following schedules of the constitution of India contains provisions regarding Anti Defection Act?

A. Second Schedule
B. Fifth Schedule
C. Eighth Schedule
D. Tenth Schedule
Answer» D. Tenth Schedule

The inclusion of Fundamental Duties in the Constitution was welcomed by

A. the Union Cabinet only
B. the ruling party only
C. the opposition parties only
D. both the Houses of Parliament unanimously
Answer» D. both the Houses of Parliament unanimously

The President nominates persons to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in that order

A. 4 and 10
B. 2 and 14
C. 2 and 10
D. 2 and 12
Answer» D. 2 and 12

The Indian National Congress lost power at the Centre in the general elections held in

A. 1967
B. 1971
C. 1977
D. 1980
Answer» C. 1977

Does the Constitution provide for a Deputy Prime Minister?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, during an Emergency
D. Yes, during a Financial Emergency
Answer» B. No

Does the Indian Constitution envisage double citizenship?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, in exceptional cases with Parliament's consent
D. Yes, in the case of all foreigners
Answer» B. No

The fundamental rights of Indian citizens can be suspended by the

A. Supreme Court of India
B. Union Parliament
C. President of India
D. President, in consultation with the Attorney General for India
Answer» C. President of India

The main factor which has inhibited the Government in the implementation of Directive Principles or State policy has been

A. fear of agitations and protests
B. fear of strictures from the judiciary
C. fear of opposition
D. resources crunch
Answer» D. resources crunch

The first Governor-General of free India was

A. Lord Mountbatten
B. C Rajagopalaehari
C. Dr Rajendra Prasad
D. Lord Wavell
Answer» A. Lord Mountbatten

Before assuming office as the President of the Republic, Dr Rajendra Prasad was the

A. President of the Constituent Assembly of India
B. Vice-President of India
C. Interim Prime Minister
D. Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly
Answer» A. President of the Constituent Assembly of India

India was not a State before15th August 1947, because it had no

A. Sovereignty
B. Constitution
C. Elected Government
D. Parliament
Answer» A. Sovereignty

The Constitution of India provides for a federal system with

A. a weak centre
B. an omnipotent centre
C. a strong centre
D. a centre which enjoys co-equal powers with the states
Answer» C. a strong centre
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