
The origins of Indian music could be traced to -

A. Rigvedic Samhita
B. Yajurvedic Samhita
C. Samavedic Samhita
D. Atharvavedic Samhita
Answer» C. Samavedic Samhita
Explanation: The Sama Veda is the third of the four Vedas, the ancient core Hindu scriptures, along with the Rig Veda Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda which consists of a collection (samhita) of hymns, portions of hymns, and detached verses, all but 75 taken from the Sakala Sakha of the Rigveda, to be sung, using specifically indicated melodies called Samagana, by Udgatar priests at sacrifices. The origins of Indian music are traced from this Veda. Samaveda's Upaveda (technical manual) is Gandharva-veda that deals not only with the topics of music but also of dance and theatre.
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