Chapter: Fundamentals of World Geography

'The Land of the Morning Calm' is

A. Japan
B. Malaysia
C. Indonesia
D. Korea
Answer» D. Korea

Dogger Bank, Rockfall Bank, Wales Bank and Sand Bank are located in

A. North West Atlantic
B. North East Pacific
C. North East Atlantic
D. North West Pacific
Answer» C. North East Atlantic

Mid-latitude or temperate forests include the trees of

A. Rosewood, Mahogany, Rubber
B. Teak, Sal, Bamboo
C. Pine, Fir, Spruce
D. Olive, Mapple, Walnut
Answer» D. Olive, Mapple, Walnut

White coal refers to

A. Hydroelectricity
B. Petroleum
C. Uranium
D. Coal
Answer» A. Hydroelectricity

Ladang refers to

A. Shifting cultivation
B. Plantation agriculture
C. Subsistence type of agriculture
D. Dry farming
Answer» A. Shifting cultivation

The countries with the lowest and worst economic conditions in the world referred to as the 'Pole of hunger' are

A. European Countries
B. Middle East Countries
C. Mid-West Countries
D. South East Asian Countries
Answer» A. European Countries

The countries which are called the 'Rice Bowl' of Asia are

A. China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India
B. Myanmar, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam
C. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia
D. Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India
Answer» B. Myanmar, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam

The metallic minerals are

A. asbestos, mica, graphite
B. iron ore, copper, lead
C. coal, oil, natural gas
D. salt, potash, sulphur
Answer» B. iron ore, copper, lead

Power minerals are

A. manganese, platinum, tungsten
B. mica, potash, sulphur
C. coal, oil, natural gas
D. lead, zinc, bauxite
Answer» C. coal, oil, natural gas

Iron ore mining in the former Soviet Union are in

A. Kiruna
B. Mesabi and Gegobic
C. Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin
D. Lorraine field
Answer» C. Krivoi Rog and Kerch basin

Mackeral, tuna, herrings, and anchovies belong to _____ type of fish.

A. Pelagic
B. Demersal
C. Anadromous
D. Fresh water
Answer» A. Pelagic

Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are

A. major species of Tropical Forests
B. cattle breeds
C. fish varieties
D. Pacific Islands
Answer» C. fish varieties

Danube, Dneiper, Don, Volga and Ural rivers are flowing In

A. North America
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. Australia
Answer» B. Europe

Cuban economy is based on

A. fishing
B. sugarcane cultivation
C. iron ore mining
D. dairying
Answer» B. sugarcane cultivation

Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are

A. food crops
B. fodder crops
C. fibre crops
D. plantation crops
Answer» C. fibre crops

Muscovite, Phlogopite and Biotite are

A. Iron ore varieties
B. Mica varieties
C. Coal varieties
D. Manganese varieties
Answer» B. Mica varieties

The tropical rain forests in the Amazon basin is known as

A. Savanna
B. Prairies
C. Selvas
D. Pampas
Answer» C. Selvas

Botswana was formerly known as

A. Bachuanaland
B. Bahamas
C. Barbados
D. Cameroon
Answer» A. Bachuanaland

Which of the following is the smallest in terms of area?

A. Vatican City
B. Monaco
C. Nauru
D. San Marino
Answer» A. Vatican City

Shifting agriculture is most commonly practised in

A. forests
B. deserts
C. plain areas
D. grass lands
Answer» A. forests

Consider the following statements about the 'Roaring Forties': 1. They blow uninterrupted in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres 2. They blow with great strength and constancy 3. Their direction is generally from North-West to East in the Southern Hemisphere 4. Overcast skies, rain and raw weather are generally associated with them Which of these statements are correct?

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2 and 4
Answer» B. 2, 3 and 4

The correct sequence of different layers of the atmosphere from the surface of the Earth upwards is:

A. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere
C. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
D. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
Answer» C. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere

_____ canal lies on one of the world's largest of trade routes connecting Europe and Far East.

A. The Panama
B. The Suez
C. The Kiel
D. The Goth
Answer» B. The Suez

The Earth's population has _____ since the turn of the century.

A. stayed the same
B. doubled
C. trebled
D. multiplied ten times
Answer» C. trebled

In which country will you find the river Po?

A. China
B. Italy
C. Sri Lanka
D. Zambia
Answer» B. Italy

Uranus takes _____ years to orbit the Sun.

A. 48
B. 84
C. 50
D. 60
Answer» B. 84

_____ grasses are known as elephant grasses.

A. Prairie
B. Steppe
C. Savannah
D. Llanos
Answer» C. Savannah

The 'land of eternal spring' are certain parts of

A. Tundra region
B. Highland region
C. Mediterranean region
D. Hot Wet Equatorial region
Answer» D. Hot Wet Equatorial region

Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz are

A. farming organization on agriculture
B. fertile alluvial lands
C. high yielding variety seeds
D. breeds of cattle
Answer» A. farming organization on agriculture

Agriculture Involving both crops and livestock is known as

A. dairy farming
B. mixed farming
C. dry farming
D. truck farming
Answer» B. mixed farming

Cyclones are called as hurricanes in

A. Bangladesh
B. China
C. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
D. Japan
Answer» C. Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

Which among the following forms of precipitation is different from the rest?

A. dew
B. fog
C. mist
D. hail
Answer» D. hail

The Savannas or Orinoco Basin are termed as

A. pampas
B. steppes
C. prairies
D. llanos
Answer» D. llanos

Which, among the following countries, lies at the junction of three continents (Asia, Africa ad Europe)?

A. Turkey
B. Cyprus
C. Syria
D. Yemen
Answer» B. Cyprus

Trincomalee is a port situated on the

A. east coast, Tamil Nadu
B. east coast of Sri Lanka
C. east coast, Andhra Pradesh
D. west coast of Sri Lanka
Answer» B. east coast of Sri Lanka

Borobudur in Java is famous for

A. Lord Buddha's tooth preserved for posterity
B. A Buddhist Temple
C. Its natural museum
D. Fisheries Research Station
Answer» B. A Buddhist Temple

Shwedagon pagoda is located in

A. Mahabalipuram
B. Rangoon
C. Mandalay
D. Jakarta
Answer» B. Rangoon

Which of the following countries has got its map on its flag?

A. Congo
B. Cyprus
C. Jordan
D. Libya
Answer» B. Cyprus

The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of ____ degrees from the perpendicular to its orbital plane.

A. 17.5°
B. 23.5°
C. 36°
D. 45°
Answer» B. 23.5°

The first oil well in the world was drilled at

A. Assam
B. Japan
C. Pensylvania
D. Former USSR
Answer» C. Pensylvania

The most valuable cash crop of Brazil is

A. Tea
B. Coffee
C. Cardamom
D. Spices
Answer» B. Coffee

Pearl Harbour, (the target of Japanese attack on the American fleet) is in

A. Japan
B. Philippines
C. Hawaiian Islands
D. Singapore
Answer» C. Hawaiian Islands

'Abadan' is well known as

A. a major Air Force base in Iraq
B. the main oil terminal in Iran
C. a pilgrim centre for Muslims and Christians as well
D. an archaeological site throwing new light on the civilisation that flourished in Arabia before the advent of Aryans into India
Answer» B. the main oil terminal in Iran

'Roaring Forties' are

A. waterfalls in Canada
B. cyclonic winds
C. the turbulent years in world History from 1940 to 1944
D. westerly winds blowing through out the year over the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere between 40· and 60º South
Answer» D. westerly winds blowing through out the year over the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere between 40· and 60º South

Tokyo, the capital of Japan is situated in the island of

A. Hokkaido
B. Honshu
C. Shikoku
D. Kyushu
Answer» B. Honshu

"Haneda" is the name of the international airport in

A. Hong Kong
B. Dacca
C. Tokyo
D. Singapore
Answer» C. Tokyo

The river Mahaweli flows through

A. India
B. Bangladesh
C. Sri Lanka
D. Pakistan
Answer» C. Sri Lanka

Which, among the following countries, occupies the largest chunk of the Sunderban's Delta?

A. Bangladesh
B. Myanmar
C. India
D. Thailand
Answer» A. Bangladesh

Japan's total land is about _____ that of India.

A. one-sixth
B. one-fifth
C. one-ninth
D. one-tenth
Answer» C. one-ninth

Which among the following statements about the earth is not true?

A. The Earth makes one complete revolution round the Sun every 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds
B. The Earth makes one complete revolution on its axis in 48 hours
C. The Earth revolves in its orbit round the Sun at a speed of 66,000 miles per hour
D. The Earth rotates on its axis at an equatorial speed of more than 1000 miles per hour
Answer» B. The Earth makes one complete revolution on its axis in 48 hours

Mount Kilimanjaro is in

A. Alaska
B. Argentina
C. Chile
D. Tanzania
Answer» D. Tanzania

Mount Kailas is in

A. Nepal
B. Tibet
C. Sikkim
D. Bhutan
Answer» B. Tibet

Venus has atmosphere made up of

A. Ammonia
B. Carbon-di-Oxide
C. Helium
D. Hydrogen
Answer» B. Carbon-di-Oxide

The dwarf camels, known as Alpacas, Vicunas and Llamas are found in

A. Tibet
B. Afghanistan
C. Myanmar
D. Cyprus
Answer» A. Tibet

The difference between the diameter of the Earth at the poles and at equator is

A. 27 miles
B. 36 miles
C. 48 miles
D. 57 miles
Answer» A. 27 miles

Madagascar is the only home of many species of

A. giraffe
B. hippopotamus
C. lemur
D. orangutan
Answer» C. lemur

A heavenly body which takes nearly the same time to complete one rotation and one revolution is

A. an asteroid
B. a comet
C. Moon
D. Mars
Answer» C. Moon

"Limnology" refers to the study of

A. Limestone
B. Lignite of brown coal
C. Lakes and ponds
D. Laterites
Answer» C. Lakes and ponds

A geographical mile is a measure of length equal to one sixtieth of a degree or one minute (1') of latitude. It varies with latitudes, but is approximately equals

A. 7200 feet
B. 6080 feet
C. 4500 feet
D. 6000 feet
Answer» B. 6080 feet

Which of the following planets

A. Mars
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Venus
Answer» D. Venus

International date line is a/an

A. straight line
B. curved line
C. zigzag line
D. elliptical line
Answer» C. zigzag line

Horizontal transfer of heat is known as

A. advection
B. convection
C. conduction
D. elliptical line
Answer» A. advection

Which of the following is a hardwood tree?

A. shisham
B. pine
C. spruce
D. deodar
Answer» A. shisham

The wettest place in the world is Cherrapunji (Assam). The Hottest place is

A. Azizia (Libya)
B. Ramagundam (India)
C. Stwart Island (New Zealand)
D. Kandy (Sri Lanka)
Answer» A. Azizia (Libya)

The term 'transhumance' means

A. the practice of moving to a new clearing in the forest every few years
B. the seasonal movement of people along with their cattle in the mountains
C. moving over to another neighbouring country
D. moving from place to place in search of work
Answer» B. the seasonal movement of people along with their cattle in the mountains

Tropical deserts are rich in _____ resources.

A. mineral
B. agricultural
C. soil
D. animal
Answer» A. mineral

A narrow strip of land connecting two large land masses is known as

A. Strait
B. Isthmus
C. Headland
D. Bay
Answer» B. Isthmus

The gigantic tidal waves produced by earthquakes are called

A. breakers
B. tsunamis
C. currents
D. drift
Answer» B. tsunamis

Lakes formed due to marine deposits are

A. crater lakes
B. cirque lakes
C. ox-bow lakes
D. lagoons
Answer» D. lagoons

Lava solidifies to form _____.

A. Pumice
B. Basalt
C. Marble
D. Sandstone
Answer» B. Basalt

Rice in Myanmar is cultivated along the deltas of ______ river.

A. Salween
B. Menam
C. Mekong
D. Irrawaddy
Answer» D. Irrawaddy

The world's largest port is _____.

A. Mumbai
B. Sydney
C. New York/New Jersey
D. Singapore
Answer» C. New York/New Jersey

Podsol is a type of soil which is characteristic of a region under the cover of ____forest.

A. deciduous
B. coniferous
C. evergreen
D. alpine
Answer» B. coniferous

A strait is

A. a narrow stretch of sea connecting two extensive areas of sea
B. a narrow strip of land joining two large land-masses
C. a wide indentation into the land formed by a sea or a lake
D. a narrow headland
Answer» A. a narrow stretch of sea connecting two extensive areas of sea

The world's largest delta system is the____.

A. The Nile, Egypt
B. Ganges-Brahmaputra, India/Bangladesh
C. The Mississippi, USA
D. The Amazon, Brazil
Answer» B. Ganges-Brahmaputra, India/Bangladesh

The waterfall with the greatest meterage in the fall is

A. The Jog Falls, India
B. The Victoria Falls, Africa
C. The Niagara Falls, North America
D. The Salto Angel Falls, South America
Answer» D. The Salto Angel Falls, South America

World Environmental day is celebrated on ______ every year.

A. May 1
B. June 5
C. October 24
D. December 25
Answer» B. June 5

World's largest solar power plant is located in _____

A. Kalahari Desert, Africa
B. Sahara Desert, Libya
C. Thar Desert India
D. Mojava Desert USA
Answer» D. Mojava Desert USA

The continent through which the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn pass, is

A. Asia
B. South America
C. Africa
D. Australia
Answer» C. Africa

In the transformation of vegetative matter to coal the first product is.

A. peat
B. lignite
C. bituminous coal
D. anthracite
Answer» A. peat

The shipping canal that connects the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is called the______.

A. Panama Canal
B. Suez Canal
C. Kiel Canal
D. Buckingham Canal
Answer» C. Kiel Canal

The most typical Australian tree which sheds its bark instead of leaves is

A. eucalyptus
B. teak
C. birch
D. oak
Answer» A. eucalyptus

Temperate grasslands in South America are found on the _____ part of the continent.

A. northern
B. southern
C. north-western
D. south-eastern
Answer» D. south-eastern

A stony desert is termed as _____ and sandy desert as_____.

A. reg, erg
B. reg, loess
C. erg, loess
D. erg, reg
Answer» A. reg, erg

The strait that separates Tasmania from the mainland of Australia is

A. Cook Strait
B. Bass Strait
C. Torres Strait
D. Palk Strait
Answer» B. Bass Strait

Moraine is

A. a tribe inhabiting the equatorial region
B. the debris of fragments of rock material brought down with the movement of a glacier
C. a salt water lake in Arabia
D. a nocturnal animal found in Amazon forests
Answer» B. the debris of fragments of rock material brought down with the movement of a glacier

River Rhine of Europe drains into

A. North Sea
B. Black Sea
C. Caspian Sea
D. Adriatic Sea
Answer» A. North Sea

Hydro-electric power provides more than 90% of the total power consumed in

A. Norway
B. Sweden
C. India
Answer» A. Norway

Name the mountain that separates France and Spain.

A. Alps
B. Pyrenees
C. Jura
D. Vosges
Answer» B. Pyrenees

Kalgoorlie in Australia is famous for its rich deposits of

A. Coal
B. Gold
C. Mercury
D. Iron
Answer» B. Gold

Milan, Turin and Genoa industrial triangle is in

B. France
C. Former USSR
D. Italy
Answer» D. Italy

The South African River draining into Atlantic Ocean is

A. Orange
B. Zambezi
C. Limpopo
D. Nile
Answer» A. Orange

Plantation agriculture is a specialised form of agricultural practice carried out in

A. temperate region
B. tropics and subtropics
C. urbanised region
D. coastal region
Answer» B. tropics and subtropics

The Continents of Africa and Europe, at their close at point are separated from each other by the strait of

A. Messina
B. Bonifacio
C. Gibraltar
D. Otranto
Answer» C. Gibraltar

Fjords abound the coast of

A. Sweden
B. France
C. Norway
D. Germany
Answer» C. Norway

Coastline formed by a drowned river mouth is a

A. Fjord
B. Dalmatian
C. Ria
D. Haff
Answer» C. Ria

Extensive mechanized wheat cultivation is carried out in

A. Tropical Savannas
B. Temperate grasslands
C. Equatorial regions
D. Mediterranean lands
Answer» B. Temperate grasslands

'The Scented Isle' in the Mediterranean Sea is

A. Sardinia
B. Corsica
C. Sicily
D. Crete
Answer» B. Corsica

East African Valleys stretching from East Africa through Red Sea to Syria is an example of

A. river valley
B. rift valley system
C. glaciated valley
D. a canyon
Answer» B. rift valley system

Canals serve as passage of communication in the city of ___in Italy.

A. Rome
B. Venice
C. Turin
D. Genoa
Answer» B. Venice
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