Q. |
According to a report in the science journal 'Nature Geoscience' twenty four out of thirty-three deltas, in the world are sinking and thus shrinking. The Indian delta in the 'Greater Peril' category is |
A. | Brahmani |
B. | Godavari |
C. | Mahanadi |
D. | Krishna |
Answer» D. Krishna | |
Explanation: The study found that some of the Indian deltas -- Brahman' delta in Orissa, and Godavari and Mahanadi in Andhra Pradesh — are at a greater risk as the rate of sediment Aggradation (raising the level of the delta through sediment deposition) no longer exceeds relative sea-level rise. While there are no Indian deltas in the peril category (where the Aggradation and compaction of the delta sediments overwhelms the rate of sea-level rise), the Krishna delta in Andhra Pradesh falls in the last category of greater peril. In the case of the greater peril category, the deltas have virtually no sediment deposition (Aggradation) and/or have very high accelerated compaction of sediments. Here the relative see-level rise is about 3 mm per year. The maximum relative sea- level rise of 13-150 mm per year is seen in the Chao Phraya delta in Thailand. |
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